Longridge Wood Middlesbrough

The Truth Updated June 2019

The above 1861 map shows Bonny Grove Farm and "Long Ridge" contour line following Marton West Beck going North then turning East. It also shows the Right of Way going through the farm yard Northerly towards the East West section of the Long Ridge.

Readers might be surprised Marton West Beck along with several other tributaries of the River Tees were still tidal in the 1800's.

Around the 1940-50's significant amounts of sand and gravel was quarried North of Bonny Grove Farm along the Road or Cart way near to Tollesby House and Salter Gill Farm Saltersgill Avenue in the vicinity of the present day (if they have not been demolished) St Mary's College Trinity Catholic College and surrounding recreation ground. The quarry was used during the building of Council housing at Saltersgill Easterside and across Middlesbrough.

Above are extracts of the 1861 map and a more up to date map.

Bonny Grove Farm Right of Way was historically more than a pathway, it was part of a greater Road or Cart way, which ran from Stokesley via Tanton Rye-hill Tollesby Newham Bridge Linthorpe Ayresome to Newport.

Did MBC disclose the historical significance of this Road or Cart way and the following details to the Village Green Public Inquiry QC.

"Romano British artefacts found within the area of Longridge."

Bonny Grove Farm and Dixon's Bank: two Romano-British settlement sites in Cleveland. Reports on geophysical surveys and excavations undertaken in advance of housing development on two sites in Middlesbrough in 1992 and 1993.
Two phases of RB occupation (one with a large sub-circular enclosure) and medieval ridge-&-furrow were identified, and geomagnetic survey provided extensive evidence for an RB field system and a possible sub-rectangular enclosure. The "Geophysical survey a Bonny Grove Farm" is reported on by M J Noel (49-50).
Native and Romano-British pottery is described by B E Vyner.
"The quern's" are discussed by D H Heslop.
"Environmental samples from Bonny Grove Farm", by J P Huntley, indicate that the site was used for production and processing of hulled barley and spelt wheat.

The MBC policy of all's well that ends well, the trees and protesters have gone, new housing rises from the disputed ground, the "good governance" of misleading the people of Middlesbrough and government appointed QC, might be coming back to bite MBC squarely on the arse

Readers will be wondering why does all this matter now, the trees have gone the protester's have gone the housing is being built, so why worry.

News Flash

The public expect honesty from their Local Authority, so why does honesty appear to be lacking when Middlesbrough Council talk about Longridge Wood and Site 44. One of many examples can be viewed at the following link.

Politics Show

Ray Mallon

Updated June 2019. Remains convinced Longridge Wood is Site 44 how do we know this, because Ray Mallon says so on the Politics Show and Ray would never tell lies to the public or would he, watch the video at the above link, view one of many MBC documents shown here, then you decide.

Ray Mallon I did it my way, Demolition Destruction Despair. Welcome to Boro.

Middlesbrough Council state Site 44 (aka according to Mallon and Budd The Long Ridge - The Pylon Field) and the infamous Site 44 are one and the same. but not until quite sometime after Ray Mallon came into power did Longridge Wood and Site 44 morph into one and the same place.
Strange but true.
This is despite the fact Middlesbrough Council original documents (the original pre Mallon) clearly show Longridge Wood and Site 44 had no connection at all. What went wrong is Middlesbrough Council prior to Mallon and Middlesbrough Council post Mallon two separate entities, is Middlesbrough Town Hall part of a parallel universe.
Do we need to rename MBC Middlesbrough Council, MBC MK1 and MBC MK11.

Middlesbrough Site 44

Updated June 2019. Readers will be wondering which Middlesbrough Council does Ray Mallon belong to MK1 or MK11.
Until there is substantial evidence to prove other wise, it must be assumed Mallon and his supporters belong to MBC MK11.
MBC MK11 firmly located in gaga land Mallon's parallel universe of smoke mirrors lies and spin.
Shown below is a MBC MK1 document highlighting the true location of Site 44. Muirfield Park aka Broadstone - Keldstone Park off Turnberry Way.
Ray Mallon didn't lose it he just misplaced it.
And Longridge wood (aka The Long Ridge - The Pylon Field) is still where it always was. Silly Mr Mallon getting lost and confused because he does not live in Middlesbrough, all he had to do was ask.

Pylon field aka Longridge wood not Site 44 Muirfield Park

Below the Pylon field aka Longridge wood located North of Site 44.

Silly Billy, Ray Mallon and Co.

Not seeing the Informal Parkland, Should have gone to Specsavers.

Pylon field aka Longridge wood not Site 44 Muirfield Park

Ray Mallon was only around 21 years old when the pylon field aka Longridge wood and site 44 Muirfield Park were in the planning stage, Ray was still playing with his balls and had water in his ears at that time, bless him no wonder he is so confused.

So in an attempt to educate Ray about Site 44 and the pylon field aka Longridge wood below are copies of Middlesbrough Council (HAVE YOU HEARD OF THEM RAY well he does get so confused) Planning documents showing the pylon field aka Longridge wood clearly marked as Informal Parkland with Play area.

Pylon field aka Longridge wood not Site 44 Muirfield Park

MBC Plan A and B above are no different to MBC Plan A and B shown below
Longridge wood is still shown as informal parkland
How could this confuse Ray Mallon and Co.

Pylon field aka Longridge wood not Site 44 Muirfield Park

Even the proposed land use is little changed

Pylon field aka Longridge wood not Site 44 Muirfield Park

A more up to date view by jingo Longridge wood aka The Pylon Field
Still green like it was all those years ago when MBC MK1 Housing Services handed it over to MBC MK1 Parks and Leisure, documents coming soon.

Site 44 Muirfield Park

The Specsavers challenge Above and below LONGRIDGE and SITE 44.

Site 44 Muirfield Park

  • The children of the damned.
  • Future generations of Middlesbrough parents.
  • Might threaten their children a visit from the bogeymen and women.
  • Ray Mallon and friends but there again Mallon is liable to get lost.

Readers what do you think.

  1. Is Ray Mallon delusional or just a pathological liar.
  2. What does that say about those who support Mallon.
  3. Should they be sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  4. Will the next election results for those involved be read out on E Wing.
  5. What would Rumpole of the Bailey make of it.
  6. What would Vivian Chapman QC in hindsight rule.

Vivian Chapman QC. first class ~ Quag Coxcomb

Vivian Chapman QC
How MBC treated him like a...
Quag Coxcomb. aka... Dandy in the Mire
MBC made certain he would loose the plot of Site 44.
1947-2017 RIP

Go tell the QC

Who Grew What When?

Updated June 2019. Should have went to Specsavers

Here's the rub

Or how the MBC plot Site 44 ~ to be or not to be ~ starts to come apart

Site 44 moved around many times over the years
Thirty years or more ago Site 44 started off life as Muirfield Park
In 2005 Site 44 decided to move again this time to Longridge wood
See [16] below
It is uncertain how Site 44 moved some suggest it was a miracle others believe it was more jiggery pokery from Middlesbrough Town Hall

Nevertheless Site 44 hopped on over to the Pylon field

Below is an extract from the Public Inquiry

In 2005, the Council published a development brief for Site 44 . Para. 3.1 describes Site 44 as comprising 3.1 ha of land currently used as informal open space.

The plot continues to fall apart
MBC Star witness Raymond Wilson gave the following information...


The agricultural history of Site 44 was told to the inquiry by Mr Raymond Wilson. After testing his evidence by cross-examination, Mrs Hobson rightly accepted that he was an honest and truthful witness and I accept his evidence. In her closing statement, Mrs Hobson sought to cast doubt on Mr Wilson's evidence, but I can see no good reason for doing so.

Mr Wilson's family have been tenant farmers in the Middlesbrough area since the 1930s. In 1951, the statutory predecessor to the Council granted an agricultural Lease of Hall Farm, Nunthorpe to Mr Wilson's father and grandfather. The benefit of the 1951 Lease was assigned to Mr Wilson and his father in 1972.

In 1987, the Council granted Mr Wilson and his father a licence to farm 93 acres of Bonnygrove Farm and from 1989, the Council granted Mr Wilson and his father an agricultural tenancy of Bonnygrove Farm (by way of addition to the 1951 Lease), subject to determination if required for development purposes. Bonnygrove Farm comprised roughly the western half of Neighbourhood E and included Site 44, which then approximated to a field known as Pylon Field. It was so named after the electricity pylon then situated in the field.

By a combination of (a) farm diary entries, (b) IACS returns and (c) notes taken by Mr Wilson's wife, Mr Wilson was able to establish the use of the Pylon Field from 1987 onwards:

  • 1987-88: oil seed rape
  • 1988-89: wheat
  • 1989-90: wheat
  • 1990-91: winter barley
  • 1991-92: oil seed rape.
  • 1992-93: wheat
  • 1993-94: wheat except for 0.16 ha required for development

After the 1993-94 season the Pylon Field was surrendered to the Council.

A typical season's farming of the Pylon Field between 1987 and 1994 involved:

  • ploughing in August/September
  • drilling or seeding in September
  • fertilising in September, March and April
  • spraying in March and April (April and June for wheat)
  • harvesting between July and September (depending on the crop)

Bollocks dropped again

IACS returns for Site 44

Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:20 AM
Subject: RFI 1311 & 1337 - Bonny Grove Farm Middlesbrough
Dear Sir/Madam
REF RFI 1337
I refer to your request for information of 25 August 2010 about Bonny Grove Farm. Your request has been dealt with under the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, it has been established that the information you requested can not be found.
The Rural Payments Agency do not hold any records relating to Bonny Grove Farm, including IACS returns.
For more information about IACS please follow the link below:

Explanation of IACS

If you have any queries about this letter please contact the ATI Unit.
Yours sincerely
Misha Jameir- Masters
ATI Unit

Who is telling the truth?

Remember what Wilson stated about IACS returns

Wilson IACS returns

What does the Tax man say ~ What does the VAT man say

Is it pay back time?

More details and documents coming soon.