Mbro Worst Town: free speech award

Middlesbrough Worst Town Award Ray "I have a vision" Mallon & cronies at work blighting Middlesbrough by demolishing sound & solid homes. Despite growing "waiting for Middlesbrough housing lists"
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Mbro Worst Town: free speech award

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Mbro Worst Town: free speech award
Key questions answered by Middlesbrough by-election candidates
http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32321416/
all candidates except one
Hustings to be held ahead of Middlesbrough by-election
The hustings, organised by Friends of the Earth, will give voters chance to quiz by-election candidates on issues that matter to them.
Co-ordinator Rob Tucker said:

“This is democracy at work, voters should be able to speak, meet and question the candidates.”

http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/c ... _election/
BNP ejected from Middlesbrough election candidates debate
PROSPECTIVE Middlesbrough MPs have been sharing their vision for the town.
During a difficult start to a hustings event at St Barnabas Church in Linthorpe, two members of the British National Party were ejected.
Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32314371/
Key questions answered by Middlesbrough by-election candidates
http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32321416/
all candidates except one
Hustings to be held ahead of Middlesbrough by-election
The hustings, organised by Friends of the Earth, will give voters chance to quiz by-election candidates on issues that matter to them.
Co-ordinator Rob Tucker said:
“This is democracy at work, voters should be able to speak, meet and question the candidates.”
http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/c ... _election/
BNP ejected from Middlesbrough election candidates debate
PROSPECTIVE Middlesbrough MPs have been sharing their vision for the town.
During a difficult start to a hustings event at St Barnabas Church in Linthorpe, two members of the British National Party were ejected.
Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32314371/
11:41 AM on 27/11/2012
Surely in a democratic society we should allow all parties to voice their opinions, even if we don't always agree with them?

12:00 PM on 27/11/2012
That democracy thing is so inconvenient isn't it? Whilst the BNP are abhorrent, they are legal. You either agree with free speech or you don't. You cannot just agree as long as you agree with what they say....
Besides the best way to counter bigots of any type is to force them into the open, make them discuss their bigotry and reveal them for what they are. This just makes democratic martyrs of them and reinforces their victimhood status.
Personally cannot stand the BNP. But how hard would FoE yell if someone said they could not speak at a hustings?

12:15 PM on 27/11/2012
I agree with Scott. Hussain and Heselhurst kept ranting on about the money that wars cost us what would they like us to do just roll over and let everyone walk over us. If that had happened at the beginning of the second world war we would all be speaking German and making Nazi salutes. The Labour rabble were there as usual being their usual loud and very rude selves especially when the Conservativeand the Lib Dem candidates spoke. I am sure that Andy McDonald was very embarrassed by them. Heslehurst and Hussain also went on and on about being brought up on a council estate. Neither had spent much time on council estates in Middlesbrough. We all know without a shadow of doubt that Andy McDonald has been very active in all of the council estates and several times. Whoever we get as our next MP will without shadow of doubt do a far superior job then our last invisible one.

Name withheld
12:18 PM on 27/11/2012
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12:31 PM on 27/11/2012
I wonder if those championing free speech for all would extend that to people burning poppies in public or abusing our armed forces? Or are there some things that are unacceptable? I certainly think the views of the BNP are unacceptable, I have no problem whatsoever with them being denied a public platform to air their hate-filled views.

12:42 PM on 27/11/2012
You bring yourself down to their level not allowing all to be present at a meeting.Not every one agrees to all parties statements we have lads even now dieing for democracy.Let the ballot box decide .

12:43 PM on 27/11/2012
The BNP should not be given a platform to air their abhorrent views as there are far too many brain dead people who live in this region who would be easily coerced into voting for them. Sorry if you don't like it but it is true, also if you support BNP then you are a racist.

12:55 PM on 27/11/2012

ScunnieTees - you could use the same logic to those who support the Labour party in this area. They blindly vote in people who have done nothing for this town despite decades of being in power - both MP & councillors.
If you live in a democracy which embraces free speech you cannot have a proper hustings if you exclude parties that you don't agree with. I'm reaching the point where I don't agree with any of them so I guess my meetings would be very quiet and peaceful run by your rules.

Name withheld
1:31 PM on 27/11/2012
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2:00 PM on 27/11/2012
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2:07 PM on 27/11/2012
The BNP are a racist party and FoE are correct not to give them a platform, though ironicaly the BNP have used the fact they were denied one to gain more publicity. I was at the huistings last night in Middlesbrough and the BNP came with the intention of disrupting the meeting not participating in it. They harrased every one who challenged them with a video camera right in their faces and they had people in the audience who shouted abuse to disrupt the meeting and they had to be ejected too. That is the BNP's respect for democracy!

2:34 PM on 27/11/2012
Slightly embarrassing when Andy M answered a q on how he would bring employment to the town. He said he would get big corporations such as hitachi and others together and hopefully create 20 apprenticeships . Wow ee , that will make a big difference! Just because you are passionate about your town doesn't mean your the best person for the job. Mallon said he was passionate for Middlesbrough but what has he actually achieved ..sweet - a

2:58 PM on 27/11/2012
Discrimination at its worst and it happens in Middlesbrough, where the people and the media DO NOT believe in Freedom of expression for others … more evil lurking go on at the Hustings than at the Freemasons of Wales it seems !
Its worth noting the leftie rent-a-mob have been busy on this site, thumbing down those who oppose their thinking !
Kind of says it really about the candidates.

3:25 PM on 27/11/2012
The BNP had every right to take part in this debate. Nick Griffin fought like mad to be allowed to go on QT and when he did he showed himself and his party to be nothing but racist bigots, exactly the same would have happened here. I respect their right to have their say but this doesn't mean I have to respect what they say.

3:51 PM on 27/11/2012
This vile and disgusting organisation were rightly excluded from this meeting. They have no right to free speech. Their policies include inciting racial and religious hatred, which are criminal offences. Any person who publicly expresses such views is breaking the law. Simple.

4:12 PM on 27/11/2012
By no means a BNP 'fan' but do the people not see that by denying them a platform, the BNP get one up on everyone else.
Regardless of their views, or policies, everyone should be allowed freedom of speech, or not as the case may be!
And Politicians wonder why nobody turns up to vote!!

4:26 PM on 27/11/2012
this is typical of the people who say we live in a Democracy. we do not because the 3 main party's do not like anyone opposing the garbage deciet, and lies they have been spreading for decades. this country is in a sorry state as these 3 main party's have forced issues on british citizens that they did not vote for. UKIP are the only party who are upfront to the public

4:44 PM on 27/11/2012
well if thats not discriminating i dont know what is

5:13 PM on 27/11/2012
This meeting was organised by Friends of the Earth, they have every right to invite who they want.
If the BNP wish they can organise their own meeting and just invite themselves.
A small backroom in a pub will accommodate them all, though I would recommend it be fumigated afterward.

5:27 PM on 27/11/2012
Typical just like a pack of kids, you arnt coming to my party, all of them egotistical, no one but no one can bring jobs to this town when it is run by fools, who will come here there is no place for large factories, no, but wait, call centre jobs, nope the last lot bit the bullett, now to freedom of speech and thought THAT we lost with the last labour government and added to by the limp wristed crowd in government now, it is a shame that the BNP wasnt invited they might have given something for the others to think about, shame on them all.

5:30 PM on 27/11/2012
oi gazette were are my comments, oh forgot you lot are bias to the left, disappointed in you

5:31 PM on 27/11/2012
The media aren't allowed to mention one candidate without mentioning the rest so why should the Friends of the Earth be allowed to hold a 'hustings' without inviting all parties?

5:33 PM on 27/11/2012
Why not ban the socialists for spreading cklass hatred?

5:35 PM on 27/11/2012
From the article it would appear that UKIP were excluded as well.
This ties in with recent events in labour controlled Rotherham where two respectable members of that organisation had their foster children taken away from them.
Both of these parties are legal organisations and both have been allowed to put candidates in this election.
As this was a public meeting in which all other candidates were invited to speak I would be interested to know whether the organisers have infringed electoral law.
I have had a look at the BNP's manifesto after somebody in the comments section suggested that we see what they stand for.
I notice that they believe in the nationalisation of various industries that used to be publically owned. They also support the NHS.
It seems to me that they are actually more left wing than the labour party in these respects.
As for 'racism' I think we should not confuse issues.
Racists belive that the human race is divided into a variety of races. This is usually followed by the assertion that certain races are superior to others.
An example of this was a recent court action against a Leeds 'asian' radio station which broadcast views in a programme that all non moslems are 'destined for hellfire' and that any moslem who marries a non moslem will also got to hell as will any children. There were other rants as well that were deemed offensive by the courts.
I wonder what the Church of England's views are regarding the selective use of their premises in facilitating political propaganda for certain parties?

6:00 PM on 27/11/2012
The Church of England's views should only ever be to glorify God's work and name - and silencing many voices and concerns is not the best way to answer 'What Would Jesus Do?'
I think perhaps he would have turned over those tables where corruption hides behind within banks, Westminster and the media. These are the thieves from all 3 main parties, covered in innocents blood, making laws for us to obey.
hope that answers your question my friend.

6:25 PM on 27/11/2012
So many comments that are effectively "I support free speech but..."
you either do or you don't. There is no equivocation. So long as you do not incite a crime then you should be allowed to speak your mind. That I find you abhorrent and distasteful is irrelevant.
The same for anyone saying "I have no problem whatsoever with them being denied a public platform to air their hate-filled views." because what you find hate filled is subjective. What you actually mean is anyone whose views I hate should be denied a platform.
Democracy needs freedom of speech. There is no half measure.

7:01 PM on 27/11/2012
can the BNP do something about all this foreign rain thats flooding the streets of Middlesbrough?

7:15 PM on 27/11/2012
i joined the 70 or so percent who wont bother to vote today,and tore up my ballot paper,the politics of this country are corrupt at all levels in this country,why bother,and just to start you all off i gave myself a thumbs down,good luck with your new leader.

11:18 PM on 27/11/2012
Who does Hussain think he is kidding! His background doesn't stand scrutiny, he. Was thrown out of the Labour Party for failing to disclose he was banned from being a company director, over £300K lost & failure to keep proper accounts! That's all this town needs. His brochure is clearly a poor attempt to gain favour from one section of the community. If he can't get in in Bradford he has a cheek attempting to get on here. As for the BNP frankly they certainly aren't my cup of tea but we live in a democracy hence it's reasonable to assume they should be able to voice their opinions within reason.

11:56 PM on 27/11/2012
Freedom of speech just watch what you say. I will vote for anyone who can break the cycle of social dependency, reduce taxes to reasonable levels and start treating repeat criminals to 20 years hard labour. If the BNP gave evidence they could do that then I would vote for them. If Noddy and Big Ears party gave evidence they could do that then I could vote fir them. Labour, conservatives, libs et al have proven they have no fresh ideas and that is why people look elsewhere, to the loony left and right of political norms. Most people dont vote because there are no real alternatives. That is the true face of our democracy - bland and uninspired as we slip into self induced perpetual decline.

12:30 AM on 28/11/2012
There is no such thing as free speech in Middlesbrough.
We have a Mayor that will not take advice or take notice of the public, we have Labour run authorities who run roughshod over the public, we have politicians who would rather score political points over each other than do something positive for the people of the town. Its always somebody elses fault and never the ones making the decision.
We will have an MP imposed upon us because of the traditional voters in this area will vote Labour.He will be in post until he drops down dead, his wife has become Lady Mc Donald and they have become millionaires.

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Re: Mbro Worst Town: free speech award

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

8:21 PM on 28/11/2012
Dont the BNP also have a candidate standing in this election or are the Gazette trying to rig the vote by emitting Peter Foremen from this list??
Whether you support the BNP or not, its morally wrong for a local newspaper to behave in this manner when the whole town has a right to evaluate fairly their choice of candidate by reading what ALL these people have to offer us in the way of election promises.

9:21 PM on 28/11/2012
Confucius - You are right the BNP is missing and I hadn't noticed. I'm not a supporter of that party but if they have a candidate then they should have the same chance to put their point as all the others.

Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... 2321416/2/
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Re: Mbro Worst Town: free speech award

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Police escort BNP candidate from Middlesbrough by-election hustings
10:07pm Monday 26th November 2012 in News By Joanna Morris
THE BNP candidate for Middlesbrough’s upcoming by-election was this evening removed from a hustings event by police.
Event organisers Friends of the Earth had excluded Peter Foreman on the basis of his party’s politics.
Chair of the meeting, Simon Bowens, said: “The BNP were not invited because of Friends of the Earth’s strict policy of not engaging with them because of their views on race and immigration, which are contrary to ours.”

http://www.darlingtonandstocktontimes.c ... witterfeed
Cllr.Tracy Harvey ‏@tracy_harvey
Police escort BNP candidate from Middlesbrough by-election hustings (From Darlington and Stockton Times) http://www.darlingtonandstocktontimes.c ... witterfeed …Expand
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