Ray Mallon states there’s a concentrated effort to challenge democracy in Middlesbrough "and replace it with something much more sinister" aka Ray Mallon's stooges Barry Coppinger Police Commissioner & Andy McDonald MP.
Middlesbrough councillors given protection after attacks: Protection rackets are extortion schemes whereby a group or individual coerces a victim usually a business or a property owner to hand over assets at excessively devalued amounts. In Middlesbrough those who are supposedly in office to provide protection services against violence or property damage appear to be the main culprits of these rackets.
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Middlesbrough Protection Rackets Announcement Middlesbrough councillors given protection after attacks: Protection rackets are extortion schemes whereby a group or individual coerces a victim usually a business or a property owner to hand over assets at excessively devalued amounts. In Middlesbrough those who are supposedly in office to provide protection services against violence or property damage appear to be the main culprits of these rackets.