EU: In Out

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EU: In Out

Post by BoroBot »

EU: In Out Shake It All About...
This ancient potato is re-aired every time Cameron finds himself facing unpleasant questions that he cannot even appear honest in responding to.
Typically these Political Hot Potato's concern the EU and Britain’s highly undemocratic presence amongst its "Membership".
So too is the reappearance of the Abortion Time-Table Question - another subject known to have the desired effect of diverting the attention of the British Electorate from the lies and crude dishonesty of our "government". ... tichup.pdf

The small document ( in pdf format ) all too accurately describes the methods this unscrupulous shower in Westminster and Whitehall, have now commenced to distract and divert the attention of the Electorate from the one underlining and all-consuming question - Britains' remaining IN or moving OUT of the clutches of the EU Commission.
WE WILL NOT BE FOOLED AGAIN - so be warned Cameron !!!
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Re: EU: In Out

Post by BoroBot »

An election vote on our EU future, hints Hague
Voters could be given an opportunity to back or reject plans to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with Europe at the next general election, rather than in a separate referendum, William Hague says.
The Foreign Secretary indicates that a so-called “in-out referendum” is likely to be rejected by the Government in favour of an election manifesto pledge to return powers to Britain.
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Mr Hague says that consent for a “fresh settlement” with the EU is likely to be in a “general election or referendum”.
There had been growing speculation that the Prime Minister was preparing to order a referendum after he said that “consent” from the public on Britain’s membership of the EU would be necessary.
However, Mr Hague makes clear that this “consent” could be in the form of voters backing the Conservatives at the next general election.
The referendum issue is expected to be one of the key themes of the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, which begins tomorrow.

• Hague: 'Capping immigration and welfare is not extreme'
05 Oct 2012 ... treme.html

• David Cameron interview in full
18 Jul 2012 ... urope.html

• Cameron says Britain should not leave EU
19 Jul 2012 ... ve-EU.html

In the next few weeks, the Government will set out detailed plans for a major Whitehall exercise to analyse which powers are determined by Brussels and which are set in this country.
The findings will be published in a document during 2014, paving the way for the Conservatives to set out their plans for repatriating powers for the election in 2015.
“There’s likely to come the time that a fresh settlement will require fresh consent either in a general election or a referendum,” the Foreign Secretary says.
Mr Hague adds that the “balance of competency” review would be used to inform the public about the future shape of the country’s relationship with Europe.
Asked whether the next general election would effectively serve as a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, Mr Hague replied: “On that you’ll obviously have to wait for our manifesto for the next election … The Prime Minister has said that he will speak, that he will make a speech on that in the coming months.
"So I think there will be more answers to that at that time.”
However, Mr Hague says he and the Prime Minister support Britain’s membership of the EU, and that the plans were about returning social, business and employment lawmaking to Britain rather than pulling out.
“I haven’t seen anything as Foreign Secretary that shows we should be leaving the European Union,” he says. “I see many difficulties, I deal with hundreds of them every day but I support being in the single market …I remain a supporter of our membership of the EU.”
The Conservatives begin gathering in Birmingham today for the annual party conference with Mr Cameron under growing pressure from the Right wing of his party. On Friday Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, called on the Prime Minister to deliver more “veto moments”. Liam Fox and David Davis, senior figures in the party, also demanded a more Right-wing agenda to appeal to core supporters.
However, Mr Hague warns against a move to the Right. “I stand very firmly on the ground which Ed Miliband says he is now fighting for … which the Conservative Party successfully occupied again under David Cameron’s leadership,” he says.
Yesterday 11:44 PM
I hope my fellow voters see through this latest sleight of hand--promising an EU vote on next election day? So this is their latest ploy not to have to act on the EU in/out?
It's rather brilliant actually. Rather than offering an EU in/out asap, which would then make them face the results in the Big Election and have a plan in the manifesto for acting on the results of the referendum....
.....they are saying....elect us again whilst voting on the EU referendum on the same day with all our promises that we will act on the result.
OH really? Who would believe them? This lot have u-turned until they are vertigo impaired.
If they got an "out" result in the general election, then they'd just say "well we'll act on it.......errrrrrrrrrrrr.....soon..........and we're working on the details."
In/Out Now. Then the main parties are forced to deal with that result in their manifestos and it will be a central facet of the next election. And any party that is elected promising to follow the results of a referendum held prior to the election would be in the hot seat.
It's rather sad that they always think we are so dumb we will fall for their latest avoidance confidence trick. Gah. ... qus_thread
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