Cleveland Police Authority Member Barry Coppinger

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Cleveland Police Authority Member Barry Coppinger

Post by BoroBot »

Bizzy B = another company requiring serious investigation for criminal activities

Recall Middlesbrough Cll / Redcar and Cleveland County Council advisor / Cleveland Police Authority Member Barry Coppinger involvement with Python Properties who sat amongst other local businesses on the Middlesbrough Council “New Vision For Older Housing” Advisory Board – then sold off a portfolio of at least 10 houses in the Middlesbrough Gresham / Middlehaven Demolition Zones –
just prior to the details of which Streets / Houses to be DEMOLISHED on the Middlesbrough Council "New Vision For Older Housing"
was made public –
Hows About That Then?
Serious Abuse of Power Full Investigation Needed
Challenge lined up over Billingham House demolition
by Lindsey Sampson, Evening Gazette
Nov 22 2011
A LAST-DITCH bid to halt the demolition of eyesore Billingham House will not be heard in court until the New Year.
A date of January 20 has been set for the appeal, launched by the building’s owners, Bizzy B Management.
Preparatory work for the demolition of the derelict former ICI headquarters on Belasis Avenue began in September after a judicial review the previous month at the High Court not only ruled that Stockton Council was legally entitled to proceed with its plans to clear the site, but also awarded all costs to the council.
It was thought the legal ruling had brought an end to a long-running saga over the future of the building, which fell into disrepair after being left empty for more than six years.
But London-based Bizzy B then made fresh attempts to have the court decision overturned - a move blasted by the council.
In a recent hearing, the Rt Hon Lord Justice Carnwath refused permission to appeal on the grounds that the High Court judge’s conclusions were both carefully reasoned and not open to realistic challenge.
However, Bizzy B have now applied for a hearing to reconsider their application for permission to appeal, and this is not listed until January 20.
Councillor Mike Smith, Stockton Council’s Cabinet member for regeneration and transport and a Billingham ward councillor, said: “Bizzy B continue to challenge the legal rulings of some of the country’s highest courts, despite having so far failed to convince these of their case.
“The result is that local people will continue to have to live with this derelict and unsightly ruin for a while longer.
“Bizzy B have had every opportunity to achieve a positive outcome for this site and now local residents, community organisations and councillors have had more than enough. We all want to see this blot on the landscape removed once and for all - and as quickly as possible.
“The council will continue to fight on behalf of the local community to challenge this latest application and end this saga. We have already completed substantial pre-demolition works on the site. Now, with the contractor ready to start work, we face another delay until January when the next hearing is due.”
Bizzy B wants to revamp the site and convert it into offices. Teesside developer, Python Properties, earlier signed an agreement with Bizzy B to invest £5m in the building to bring it back into use, saying it could create 1,000 jobs for the area.
An agent for Bizzy B today said his client’s legal rights as a property owner had been eroded.
He said: “We would be able to regenerate the area, bring 1,000 jobs. What is the council offering to provide for the site? Nothing.”
12:09 PM on November 22, 2011
If they can provide jobs give them untill 20 January to do it. If they dont bulldoze it. I feel Bizzy B should fund all the costs including the thousands of pounds that it has cost to put out fires and make it safe. The council are charging residents for an eyesore.

12:12 PM on November 22, 2011
Firstly I must point out that the "investment" of £5million from Python is total rubbish.
they had an agreement to invest £1million to secure the building and develop it floor by floor, depending on the take up of businesses. the projected the full cost to be £3 million!.
second, Python do not have the £3 million to invest. they had a letter from there bank advising they had an agreement in prinicple, so nothing guarenteed. indeed this letter is now over 12 months old!
third. this 1,000 jobs they aim to create is a joke. Python will not be employing anyone to work in the offices... they will be an owner renting out floor space to businesses.
fourth, they have no firm interest from businesses wanting office space, indeed the only big client interested, has just moved to Wynyard.
fifth, the building will be developed floor by floor with no time restrictions. so it could be derelict for many years to come before they even start/finish.
This company (Bussy B) have had over 15 years to develop this site and have done nothing. please don't fall for there lies anymore.

12:51 PM on November 22, 2011
Sick of hearing about this saga!
i dont want to hear anymore about this building until they take their first swing at it!

6:11 PM on November 22, 2011
'Bizzy B'? 'Python Properties'? .... is this a Disney film? (starring Lemony Lizard from the other article) ;)

6:58 PM on November 22, 2011
What will Bizzy B do if they lose this appeal, will they take it to the European Court of Human Rights?. I think they will drag it out as long as possible again and we will still be looking at it in twelve months time. As someone said, neither company has any money, so why are they still stringing the council along by making these appeals?. Fred Dibnah would have loved this demolition job.

7:38 PM on November 22, 2011
Fast forward 10 years and the building in question will be the Community in a Cube.
Back to the present. Why hasn't the council applied for security for costs?
I can only think of one reason. Are they prevented from doing so since the council's legal costs are paid for out of public funds?
And presumably it is deemed that Bizzy Bee have a legal right to defend their perceived rights.
Vexatious litigation as far as I am concerned - Busy Bee should be made to pay all the costs.
But no. You and me will pay.

8:26 PM on November 22, 2011
Now theres a surprise. If permission had been given why the did SBC not get the contractor started straight away instead of setting up a site including all the prelim costs to be paid for by someone other than the contractor and have the site sat there doing nothing.
I reckon prelim costs are in the region of around £300 per week and the site has been sat there for at least 10 weeks that i know of so the costs yet again are mounting without a shovel being lifted This whole sorry saga would never had occured if it had been on Church Road Stockton it would have been ripped down faster than Bizzy b will go into administration when they get the final bill
And while on the subject who are python trying to kid with a 1000 jobs!! You got more chance of Tony Blair being Prime Minister again (Well anything is possible)
I tell you what get the building down level and set it out as allotments for the people of Bilingham and they can make good use of the land.
SBC go on get out of youre new library come customer care centre and get you backsides down to billingham and get the job started. This whole saga is making you look like complete and utter fools with the spine of a jelly fish
A 1000 jobs and 5m development by Python my backside!!!
Have you seen there offices in the Boro!!!!!
Go back to you student accomodation round the back streets of Boro and stay out of Billingham with youre fantasies
PS the day Masterton start crunching the top floor i will show my backside on St Johns roundabout!!!!!
see you there

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