Independent Councillors

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Independent Councillors

Post by Quantum »

Why should I become a councillor?

Which qualities best describe the attributes of an Independent Cllr is it the ability to mix well with people from all walks of life encouraging people to make improvements in their local community:

Wanting to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of the local community
Being concerned about the area in which they live and wanting to ensure that their local community gets the services needed
Wanting to represent the views of local people and ensure that local community interests are taken into account
Wanting to pursue their political beliefs and contribute business or professional skills
Concerns about one particular issue, for example care for older people, the lack of facilities in an area, or traffic congestion.
For some, it is an extension of what they are already doing. It might be that you are active in a political party, trade union, a charity, voluntary group or school governing body, and you see becoming a councillor as a next step.

Why did Joan Mctigue ever get involved if all she appears to do is hinder the process of creating a better future for Middlesbrough?
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Re: Independent Councillors

Post by Bowen2010 »

That is exacty what Independents do, they deal with all issues brought to them by residents and deal with them as they see fit. What they don't have to do is consult the Labour manifesto to see if what the residnet wants or needs fits into that manifesto. If you ask any Labour councillor who comes first resident or party, the answer is always party. As you say, it's not what a cllr or party wants - it's about what the resident wants. If you think that Indepedents focus on one issue perhaps you can tell me what that issue is?
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Re: Independent Councillors

Post by Magpie1 »

Bowen You hit the nail on the head there. It is something that councillors from a political party cannot guarantee because residents acually come last and their party preferences first. Result catastrophy.
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Re: Independent Councillors

Post by Inseriousity »

I said some, not all.
The ones who only appear (it may be media misrepresentation tbh and not really the fault of the party/independent) to campaign against one issue.
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Re: Independent Councillors

Post by AHSOT1 »

Hi Magpie1,

Maybe if they stopped scrapping amongst themselves, and concentrate on the ball, might well be more effective.

Start telling folks what you are going to do for them, I'm sure it will get folks attention. Not long to go, and as long as Labour can keep the bickering going, the less chance of getting the right messages out.

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