ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Atos – DWP the Lourdes Cure – for all your ailments no matter how severe. Get the CURE attend one of the Atos miracle centres today without delay. Snake oil and spin a speciality. Taken with large dose of sugar to help the medicine go down.
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ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Post by BoroBot »

ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps have started in the UK
Liverpool Care pathway concerns must be challenged, says minister
Failings in the operation of a controversial death "pathway” for terminally ill patients must be challenged, the care minister insisted.
Norman Lamb said he was “absolutely determined” to prevent a repeat of cases in which families of people given intensive end of life care claimed they were not consulted or even informed when treatment was withdrawn from their loved-ones.
He was speaking after research for The Daily Telegraph disclosed that hospital trusts have been paid millions of pounds in recent years for hitting targets associated with use of the Liverpool care Pathway.
In some cases trusts have set goals explicitly requiring them to ensure that a set number of dying patients are placed on the pathway. ... ister.html
Yesterday 08:20 PM
It would be kinder to shoot people in the head than to subject them to what NHS newspeak calls a 'care pathway'.
If and when I am diagnosed with a terminal illness, I fully intend to end my own life, my own way, rather than put myself in the hands of the NHS. Personally I'm leaning towards carbon monoxide; seems quite a peaceful way to go and certainly better than being dehydrated to death by my local death camp, sorry, 'hospital'. ... ister.html
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Re: ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Post by BoroBot »

ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps have started in the UK

In some cases trusts have set goals explicitly requiring them
to ensure that a set number of patients are placed on the pathway.
GP Surgeries have been given money to place a percentage of patients on the "pathway"

ATOS ~ DWP ON THE PATHWAY TO DEATH - Arbet Macht Frei ... =128&t=676
ATOS DWP 'care pathway' the green mile ... =128&t=686

are YOU next :?: :?: :shock:
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Re: ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Post by BoroBot »

The real drain on the UK benefits system :arrow:
'This is outrageous abuse of hospitality':
Judge's anger as he jails family of Ugandan fraudsters who stole £4million in benefits to buy luxury homes and restaurants in Africa

Ruth Nabuguzi got leave to remain by using IDs of fake children and even stole her own two children's identities
Ringleader of 'family firm' claimed more than £2million in HIV and AIDS drugs
Drugs were then sent back to the Uganda and sold for profits
Members of nine strong gang were jailed for a total of 19 years today
Scale of fraud so wide that it is feared leader's identity may never be known

By Christian Gysin PUBLISHED: 18:25, 1 November 2012
Read more: ... z2B2anH1n7
"She claimed more than £2 million worth of AIDS and HIV drugs" - eeuuugh - makes me so angry! Patients are turned away fro life-saving cancer treatment because the NHS is so strapped for cash - because of scum like her! SO ANGRY!!!
- Miss Kitty, London, 1/11/2012 19:13
Read more: ... z2B2bskI00
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Re: ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Post by BoroBot »

ATOS ~ DWP The March of the Death Camps

please add UK Health Care to the list ~ ... lchart.htm

Grandmother told doctors to remove 'do not resuscitate' order from her medical file... then died days later unaware a SECOND one had been issued

Janet Tracey, 63, fractured her neck in a car crash two weeks after she was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer
Doctors at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge issued a DNR notice
They cancelled order when Mrs Tracey objected
She expressed fears to her family that staff 'wanted to get rid of her'
Three days later, a second DNR order was placed on her medical notes

Mrs Tracey then died - her family deny doctors' claims they gave consent

By Louise Eccles PUBLISHED: 20:19, 5 November 2012
Read more: ... z2BQXtaPvj
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Re: ATOS ~ DWP: Death Camps

Post by BoroBot »

"Population Control" is upon us.
How can "euthanasia" be denied to those who personally beg for it
but the medical profession have the right to put the "unaware" or "unwilling" to death?...

- Someone, Somewhere, 5/11/2012 21:48

Read more: ... z2BQZjuGJ1
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