Middlesbrough MP Stuart Bell

We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Smoggies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven?—Is he in hell? He's not in Middlesbrough, That demmed, elusive Pimpernel.
Due to unforeseen circumstances ALL contact to “The Scarlet Pimpernel” is suspended. In future constituents will need to apply direct to the “Middlesbrough Town Hall Prospective MP Barn Dancing Extravaganza” Ladies & Gentlemen please take your places for the next dance led by Ray Mallon – Musical Chairs. All participants left without a chair or good enough spin story of why they should be elected MP for Middlesbrough will be removed from the floor. Let the dancing on the ice of spin begin…
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Middlesbrough MP Stuart Bell

Post by BoroBot »

Sir Stuart Bell MP:


'It's too dangerous to meet my constituents': Labour MP Stuart Bell tries to justify not holding a surgery for 14 YEARS

• Stuart Bell insists he is willing to meet constituents 'by appointment'
• He pays his wife £35,000 a year to manage his 'office' out of a total staff bill of £83,000
By Colin Fernandez
Last updated at 1:44 AM on 9th September 2011
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z1XQP806YY
The USA has over 320 Million people...and it needs about 600 politicians to Run the Country..!!! So.! i ask.? have We a Problem.. in the UK...Huston.?
- Doris Grimshaw, Newbury., 9/9/2011 4:53
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This person is one of the reasons why I'll never vote Labour. Besides, there are far too many MPs in Westminster and most are not suitable to be in their jobs, like this character. Who on earth votes for him?
- LHT, Scotland, 9/9/2011 4:35
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Folks...he was only following the rules....( ! ) - Beverley Allan, Huddersfield--------Ah yes, the rules. It seems that the rules are an ass if public expence for doing nothing's anything to go by. But then, that's NuLieba through and through, isn't it Allan?
- Pete, UKIP you're our last hope of sanity in this country., 9/9/2011 3:51
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How many others are there. ?I can think of one who has never asked a question in the house,he comes from the West Riding.
- league13, Auckland ,NZ., 9/9/2011 3:37
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How on earth can this man, Sir Stuart Bell, consider himself fully able to represent his constituents and be their 'voice' in Parliament, if he never holds a surgery or gets to listen to the real concerns of those he has been elected to represent? It's a ridiculous situation. What's the point of electing an MP who is so literally out of touch with the issues his constituents might want to discuss as a matter of concern or urgency. Holding a regular surgery is part of his job, and even if it's now by appointment only, then he should at the very least make sure that he responds promptly and with courtesy to enquiries. I think that he, (along with many other MP's) seem to forget that they are the elected servants of the people who have voted for them and NOT some kind of elite law unto themselves. Their job is to be our various / collective voices in the 'Commons', so that we can get on with our jobs that are equally important to society. If he can't do his job, he should resign.
- Kate, Manchester, 9/9/2011 3:21
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Labour leader Ed Miliband said it was 'totally unacceptable' for the party's MPs to fail to respond to constituents' calls, and sources said the MP could face disciplinary proceedings..........Here we go ranting & raving like someone who is concerned. I hope that those in his constituency will read this report and do something about it. Did his wife pay any tax on her salary? Members of the public probably attacked him due to frustration of being lazy.
- ben, london uk, 9/9/2011 3:15
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I'm alright Jack.
- Boston R, Milton, MA. USA, 9/9/2011 3:06
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How many of our service men & women, sent to Afghanistan by politicians like this, can pay their partners over £30,000 per year?
- Oscar, Formby Merseyside, 9/9/2011 2:35
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No problem, countries in the former USSR have MP's that have even been to their parliment. People become MP's for their own good not their countries. After 9/11, I began to see reality, I will and have never voted since. Zeitgeist has the answers.
- Bill, Hampshire England, 9/9/2011 2:34
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- frankie, Arc marche Region (formally known as the UK) EU, 9/9/2011 2:27
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Stuart, you really are swinging the lead. No you are. Digest these words.Think to yourself......I really am.swinging.the lead,or as people think... taking the p...
- Zoran Milovanovic, Oldham, England, 9/9/2011 2:21
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A total and utter waste of space yet for all the moaning whinging and whining the stupid people of Middlesbrough still keep voting this clown into office. SUCKERS ALL. He is also a prime example of the fact that these career politicians long ago gave up any pretence they had of being in office to serve the people that elected them. They are there simply to stuff their pockets with as much cash as possible and secure a gold plated pension when it all comes to and end AND YOU ALL LET THEM !
- Duncan Walker, Samui, Thailand, 9/9/2011 1:52
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He used to support Gordon F Brown, who doesn't do much to support those that voted for him either...
- Scallywag, Deepest Rural France, 9/9/2011 1:50
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Yes he has to answer,and not just to the consituents,but to the Crown Prosecution Service.There is a very strong case here.He has been looting for 14 years or more,and he was knighted,what did they do to Lester Piggot for tax evasion,they should take his knighthood off him,as no doubt he would use it to be elevated to the House of Lords and get 300 just for a visit,which I believe he would dearly love.Something else for nothing.
- Norman Miles, Tongchen China, 9/9/2011 1:50
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"You Sir are making excuses for laziness and a ''couldn't -care-less'' attitude You should be instantly replaced.- Lyn, , Wick, Scotland, 09/9/2011 00:44" Really? And how do you propose that should be accomplished? His constituents voted him as their MP for 13 years, they must be satisfied with him.
- General Monck, Portsmouth, 9/9/2011 1:39
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And yet he still paid his wife almost half a million for what.They were stealing
- Norman Miles, Tongchen China, 9/9/2011 1:37
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nothing new there, I wrote to my localMp when i lived in the UK,about various and never got a reply back, they are not for for the people they represent they are they for themselves. but at the next election don't vote him back in
- ex pat in heaven , New Zealand, 9/9/2011 1:14
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A Whimp AND a barefaced liar
- Anne, North Yorkshire, 9/9/2011 0:54
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People get the politicians - and the government - they deserve! If people are stupid enough to keep voting Tory, Labour or LibDem then they have NO right to complain about the state of Britain or the quality of their MP. ALL MPs are garbage.
- Timon, London, 9/9/2011 0:44
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You Sir are making excuses for laziness and a ''couldn't -care-less'' attitude You should be instantly replaced.
- Lyn, , Wick, Scotland, 9/9/2011 0:44
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Presumably the local electorate vote Labour not for Bell but to ensure that the country is not governed by tories or any other combination of governments .
- David Wainwright, Hungerford UK, 9/9/2011 0:44
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And his wife gets £35,000 as his office manager. No office, seeing few candidates and only spoken in 12 debates in parliament - what has she to manage - on taxpayers money. Don't get me started on him being paid too!!
- CJ, Bolton, 9/9/2011 0:40
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"The world is more dangerous for politicians". Gee i wonder why? Would it be due to them not doing a thing to help their voters, they hardly do any work in parliament over the year, they fiddle their books to have their wife's "run" an office that is basically closed to the public, they fix their expenses and are generally useless all the while their voting public are being run into the ground. Yep, i think that might be why.
- Tim, Sydney, Ex UK, 9/9/2011 0:35
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I'm from Middlesbrough and can honestly say i didn't vote for him last time around. Why people keep putting him back in I will never understand! Stop voting for him and then come back and whinge!
- L., north east, 9/9/2011 0:10
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The voters in Middlesbrough are like Lemmings. They simply vote for the party and not Stuart Bell. The Labour party back his selection even though he has done nothing for the town since he was selected all those years ago. He should pay back every penny that he has been paid, and claimed, since he was first elected many years ago.
- Lancelot Barron, Middlesbrough, 8/9/2011 23:52
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If he can't make himself available to constituents, he shouldn't be an MP.
- Marie, London, 8/9/2011 23:46
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This M.P. is a joke. He is not doing his job if you ask me. If my M.P. did not hold a surgery, I would feel a great deal of disservice from him and I would be disgusted. If my M.P. and 648 others can hold a surgery to answer their constituents questions, then why can't this one ? The Moral of the story, don't vote him in next time !
- Arron, Swansea, UK, 8/9/2011 23:46
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"I think the people of Hartlepool who voted in a monkey as Mayor, got far better value for money. - Graham, Hong Kong, 8/9/2011 15:31 What are you talking about? I think you have your historical facts mixed up there. - Manc, Manchester, 8/9/2011 18:24" ----------------------- He's talking about Mayor Stuart Drummond. He used a monkey-suit during his campaign in 2002, with the slogan "free bananas for schoolchildren". Needless to say, he didn't honor his promise.
- Zoe, London, 8/9/2011 23:37
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Tell him to go sling his Hook...he's had his day taking public free money....time to get rid of him...he's no good...the wife is over-payed for the job no doubt on tax payers money....total legalised financial deception of the public purse!
- John Dillenger, Texas U.S.A., 8/9/2011 23:35
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It is most concerning that an MP feels too vulnerable to meet the public freely. - Dave B, Stamford, 08/9/2011 22:15 __________________________________ Yes......... What CAN he have done to upset them so badly...................? And how the hell does he keep getting re-elected if he's SO unpopular - multiple "postal votes" perhaps.........?
- (Old) Robert, Worcester UK, 8/9/2011 23:35
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We need a recall law; I am quite sure that if the people of Middlesbrough had this fellow's behaviour explained to them (because, let's face it most of us don't have call to see our MP from one Parliament to the next), then they would vote to have the errant MP recalled and replaced. Then again, they might be happy that he draws £75 grand a year and his Mrs pulls another £35K off of the rest of us? Typical Labour. Everyone is happy for the free lunch provided someone else pays for the extravagence and let's hush it all up! Do Labour really do anything for ordinary people? No, they don't - but they all know how to maximize their expenses by whichever means (legal or not). What was it about the expenses scandal? The only MPs who have been prosecuted are LABOUR MPs. Yep, the Tories have moats and duck ponds and want the rest of us to pay for it - but that is what the Tories do. They don't stand there sobbing saying "I'll look after you; I'll take care of you." Do they?
- Paul from Barking, Dagenham & Redbridge - England, 8/9/2011 23:32
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This only goes to prove that some areas of the country would vote a chimpanzee into parliament if it was running under a Labour banner. Look at the Eccles MP, Hazel Blears, who was caught with her snout in the trough and they still voted her back in. Absolutely incredible
- Keith Jones, Wigan, UK, 8/9/2011 23:26
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It is most concerning that an MP feels too vulnerable to meet the public freely. - Dave B, Stamford, 08/9/2011 22:15 >>>>> Yes, answering his phone (or getting the wife we pay £35k per year to do so, to do her job) must be terribly threatening, poor chap. Please. Our local MP's office is staffed by dedicated and efficient people who knock their socks off for their constituents - he doesn't even have a local office!
- Anon, London, 8/9/2011 23:25
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putting details fo the MP aside, I would like to know why he was voted in again and again over those 14 years, the people of Middlesbrough only have themselves to blame. Personally I believe the best way out of this mess, is not to vote for the 3 main partys.
- Ian, near Peterborough, 8/9/2011 23:19
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i understood that it was no longer tolerated for an mp to employ family members since the snout in troughs problem. maybe not if this is so, 35k a year, 700 a week? oink oink oink.
- steve, newton abbot, 8/9/2011 23:19
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I don't suppose he is too frightened to pick up his pay cheque? It's another form of stealing....... taking the cash but not doing the job!
- Old Sailor, down by the sea and ships, 8/9/2011 23:19
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What dumbos keep voting this man in!!!!
- Stuart, Swansea, 8/9/2011 23:15
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If the story is correct it's over half a million for Mrs Bell since 1997 maybe more. Where will all this false accounting/ stealing end. Bring back Guy Fawkes and hope he does a better job this time. They are all worse than benefit thieves because they are all highly educated and should know right from wrong? Pay it back or go to jail. Or preferably both. Hang on I expect one of his legal mates would argue he's not well enough to stand trial !!!
- harley1450, Bergerac Dordogne, 8/9/2011 23:09
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Come on THE 'BORO you deserve better than that, KICK THE SELF SERVING SIR INTO TOUCH!!
- Chrissy, Derbyshire, 8/9/2011 23:04
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Says more about the intelligence or lack of it of the Middlesbrough voter.
- Andrew Niblock, Carrickfergus, 8/9/2011 23:00
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- William, Gdansk Poland, 8/9/2011 22:54
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well it's the people who are complaining that voted for this thief and waste of space - so they should shut up
- ymmot, england, 8/9/2011 22:51
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Time for a revolution.
- Michael A.Sorfleet., Bury, Lancashire., 8/9/2011 22:46
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Is there any evidence for these attacks on the person of Sir Stuart Bell? As he was heavily involved in representing MP's in the expenses scandal, he probably has good reason to be scared. Clearly, he feels safer in in his nice home receiving his MP's salary and paying his wife £35k p.a. of tax-payers money to manage him.
- Brianofthecam, Cambridge UK, 8/9/2011 22:45
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It's about time the Labour Party weeded out the dead wood and opened the selection process to younger and vibrant candidates with Socialist commitments. My advice to Milliband is: 'Dump him and his scrounging wife.
- Tom, Liverpool, 8/9/2011 22:30
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Didn't this man win an election last year?
- Rory Clunkington-Hulme, Ditchwater, 8/9/2011 22:29
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If they vote for any canidate Labour puts before them, then the voters of Middlesbrough who kept voting for him are the IDIOTS!
- Dave, Leeds, 8/9/2011 22:25
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The Labour Party has two options: get rid of the bum or lose credibility.
- Winnie, Millwall, 8/9/2011 22:25
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It is most concerning that an MP feels too vulnerable to meet the public freely.
- Dave B, Stamford, 8/9/2011 22:15
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And another thief on the gravy train!!!
- cruster, london, 8/9/2011 22:10
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Can't condone what this waster has done, or should that be not done, but does anyone know, does Cameron and the rest of the cabinet hold surgeries in their constituencies?
- Brian, Dorset, 8/9/2011 22:01
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Its difficult to comprehend exactly how much damage Labour did to this country in 13 years. And people like this MP are a reminder as to why politicians offer us less value than dog mess.
- Nick, Milton Keynes, 8/9/2011 21:58
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£35,000 to "manage" one person who is scared to go out? It's a carer's allowance she should be getting, not a bliddy salary!
- Lottie, Bristol, 8/9/2011 21:55
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I still reckon he should get 20 yeares for the theft of over one million pounds from the tax payer.
- arturo, Loughborough, 8/9/2011 21:49
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The people of Middlesbrough would vote in a Chimpanzee just as long as he was wearing the red rosette of Labour. It angers me how an MP can treat the local electorate with such contempt & because the town is a Labour stronghold he knew his seat is as safe as houses so why should he bother? I'm a Tory but where I live we have a Labour MP in a Labour stronghold & he's the exact opposite of this clown. He's conscientious, always has an open door & a regular open surgery & when ever I've asked him a question he gives me a prompt an honest answer I don't always agree but at least he's answerable to the people he serves. He even personally delivered a letter of thanks for supporting his crusade against fox hunting how many MP's would do that?! Take a leaf out of his book & serve the people who voted you & stop taking people for mugs Stuart!
- Andy McLaren, Gateshead, England, 8/9/2011 21:46
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Another one milking the system. If he doesn't see anybody, WHAT THE HELL ! does his wife do for £35,000k a year.
- GT, E. Yorkshire, 8/9/2011 21:46
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when i logged on to this comments were at 666. good number for a lying, grabbing devil.
- estebe, bristol, 8/9/2011 21:36
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I don't suppose he has done a "Tony" and just bought a new shredder and mysteriously shredded all the reciepts/invoices/expense claims for his "office". I suggest this mans finances are looked at with forensic detail as now he will be running for cover. £35,000 for his wife a his office manager, must be a rather well equipped and large Kitchen, sorry office.
- Mark, Manchester UK, not EU, 8/9/2011 21:29
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I'm sick and tired of all this nonsense of my family traditionally voted Labour so I'll vote Labour! Same with traditional Tories or Lib Dems. When are people going to use their own brain? - scott, billingham, 08/9/2011 21:04->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seriously,they're too docile-as they were intended to be.
- Greg, W.Yorkshire, 8/9/2011 21:28
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Something tells me that this is his last term in office. Unless of course he is made a lord which would be a tailored made job for him.
- Dab, Cambs, England., 8/9/2011 21:20
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Obviously not up to do the job, Milliband should immediately sack him , or get him removed from office, and put a candidate up that is not afraid to meet the public, though from this revelation I doubt whether Labour would hold the seat in a by-election.
- minnie, midlands, 8/9/2011 21:19
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It is not too dangerous to have surgeries. Just an excuse to cover his expense claims.
- Cynic, London, 8/9/2011 21:18
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Phil Carey, chief executive of the Kensington Friendly Collecting Society wrote to Sir Stuart after he requested support in seeking changes to some Government legislation. Mr Carey said he wrote to Sir Stuart once last November, emailed him twice, and phoned his office and left messages. “I got no response at all - nothing,” said Phil. I haven’t even been given the courtesy of an acknowledgement saying he has received my letter and is looking into it.” . . So readers, there is no 'office' after all, despite someone being paid £35k to 'run it' . . .
- paul, bristol, bristol, 8/9/2011 21:13
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How does the song go "The working class can kiss my ass"
- Rog, leeds, 8/9/2011 21:06
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Why does his constituents keep voting him in?
- Gerald, Burnley, Lancashire, 8/9/2011 21:04
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I'm sick and tired of all this nonsense of my family traditionally voted Labour so I'll vote Labour! Same with traditional Tories or Lib Dems. When are people going to use their own brain?
- scott, billingham, 8/9/2011 21:04
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He does not pay his wife a penny, we the TAXPAYER pay his wife £35.000 a year. I honestly believe the time will soon be up for thieving MP's. It cannot come a moment too soon either.
- Tom, Huddersfield, 8/9/2011 21:01
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typical retort of a lying politician who can still take the money but not live up to his promises.
- estebe, bristol, 8/9/2011 20:59
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It is also too dangerous for me to get out of the bed in the morning and go to work - but I pluck up the courage and go for it - well done me. If I didn't - there would be no money in my bank account at the end of each month and no pension either. Perhaps if he had to actually work and participate in what he was elected to do then he might get brave and venture out himself. No matter - he will still get paid and there will be a rather nice pension waiting for him at the end of his term of office - which should be now with a large deduction for all his 'no shows'
- Jenny Wren, Cumbria, 8/9/2011 20:58
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Lets see the rest of his expenses claims. The electorate in Middlesborough must be extremely stupid to reelect him.
- aspidistra, Kent, 8/9/2011 20:57
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Lets see the rest of his expenses claims. The electorate in Middlesborough must be extremely stupid to reelect him.
- aspidistra, Kent, 8/9/2011 20:57
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' . . . The people of Middlesbrough do not vote him into power . . ' - dave, middlesbrough, england, 8/9/2011 18:20. - Well Dave, maybe the local press can run a campaign against their bone idle irresponsible MP, or is the local press 'courted assiduously' by the labour party, too?
- paul, bristol, bristol, 8/9/2011 20:51
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If he's scared of his constituents then he's in the wrong job!!!
- scott, uk, 8/9/2011 20:48
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This gobby MP is full of s***.
- alan, warks. UK, 8/9/2011 20:37
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If ever there was a demonstration as to why the general public don't need 650 of these vacuous windbags this must be it!
- Steve, Gibraltar, 8/9/2011 20:36
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If it's too dangerous for him to meet the public, then the public should vote for one who is prepared to meet them!
- Jack Grrrussell, near london, 8/9/2011 20:29
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This is a perfect opportunity for Milliband to show some mettle, he should sack this thief immediately and make him pay all the money back that his wife has had. But do you know what, nothing will be done about it, Stewart will make some piddling excuse up, like he already has about being threatened by one of his constituents, I'd like to know why he was threatened as anybody could be excused for threatening him, probably this guy had been trying to see Stewart for a few years. No, this will be swept under the carpet with rest of those that got away with thousand of pounds of taxpayer's money, but as I said in an earlier post, this is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back for the taxpayer, just wait.
- Fiona123, East Yorkshire, 8/9/2011 20:29
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UKs biggest problem is Wetminster. The electorate have been dumbed down so much they cant see the ride they have been taken for by all parties. Ministers even prefer dumbed down constituancy MPs hence the ones reffered to in this article. Their main purpose is for lobby fodder, The dimmer they are the better they are, but galling for the thinking voter as they are seen to be allowed to get away with every trick in the book.
- B.Anderson , Apathy Island DisUK/EUSSR, 8/9/2011 20:23
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My M.P. (who I did not vote for this time) is one of the best constituency M.P.'s in the Country.Dennis Skinner holds regular surgeries and is praised by anyone who has any dealings with him for his common sense and his attitude to hard work! He also phones constituents personally to help with problems..and a regular in the house of commons. A Labour M.P. who remembers he is just that!!!!
- C. Robertson, South Normanton, 8/9/2011 20:19
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Not so lazy when it came to claiming expenses though. He also launched a strong defence in the media spotlight for other fraudsters, who are either serving or have served (not long enough) prison sentences. I hope his constitents reward him with what he deserves when it comes to re-election. YOU HAVE THE POWER MIDDLESBROUGH!
- Dee Davey, Essex, 8/9/2011 20:15
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.... and yet he was voted in. If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot Labour sheep who voted in this invisible parasite and ruined it for the rest. His wife is as much a disgrace as he and if she isn't legitimately earning that £35k, she is in effect stealing it.
- The UK giveth and the EU taketh away., Wales, 8/9/2011 20:13
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Strange how he found time to be SHOP STEWARD to M.P.'s during the expenses scandal....but no time for Middlesbrough...he and the like have become THE RULING CLASSES...and us who pay his wages the serfs....
- mitch, Billingham, 8/9/2011 19:56
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No office but pays wife £35,000 a year to manage it? Something wrong somewhere!
- Margaret, Walsall UK, 8/9/2011 19:54
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"Whatever you say about MP's, one thing is clear, they are not to be trusted where money is concerned." John Edwards, Bournemouth, 17:06 //////////////////////// You are absolutely right. Sadly for Britain. And it's across the political board. Most MPs, in varying degrees, have Number One as their priority. Everything else is to be fitted around (Stuart Bell doesn't even bother to fit around anything). A tight clique who scratch each others' backs, make their own rules, have a huge kitty of taxpayers' money to play around with for their salaries, pensions and expenses and God knows what else that we don't know about.
- Lou, England, 8/9/2011 19:40
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My Labour MP, Stella Creasey, does not hold surgeries.I have a problem that I would like to discuss with her, so I checked her website. It is full of propaganda about the wonderful things she does in the constituency, but they don't include surgeries. It would be interesting if the DM could investigate how many MPs do not hold surgeries, and name them.
- Trevor, London, England, 8/9/2011 19:28
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If the Millyboy had the testicles he would sack him now, but he won't. Disgraceful.
- taff, wales, 8/9/2011 19:12
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Mike... cardiff... .....''Sir Stuart is an accomplished lawyer and an internationally renowned author and commentator.'' .... when does he find the tiome to be an M.P. ???.. In ''safe'' seats both the major parties could put up a corpse and the looney voters would still vote them in.. democracy ?? too many imbecile voters to make it ever work..
- C.GEE, STAFFORD, 8/9/2011 19:07
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Looks like this individual is treating the people of middlesbrough like his little peasants,but i will bet you a pound to a penny the peasants will be queing up outside the polling office to vote him back in at the next election
- terry, liverpool, 8/9/2011 19:06
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Take his honours away and make him pay back all the money he has conned out of the public purse.
- cherry, bristol, 8/9/2011 19:02
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Knighted in 2004 - Blair's Labour Government 'Thank you' for services to Parliament,,,,!!! Services to Parliament,,,,??? No 'Open Constituency Surgeries' for 14 – Fourteen - Years,,,,!!! £35,000 - Thirty Five Thousand Pounds - a Year he pays his wife for 'Running his Office',,,,!!! Total of almost £83,000 - Eighty Three thousand to 'Run His Office',,,,!!! "Responding to the report, a Labour spokesman said: "Ed Miliband and the Labour Party expect the highest standards from Labour representatives.",,,,???,,,,!!! Well, Union Stooge, Red Ed', you have now got even more major difficulties on your hands,,,,!!! In addition to the above individual, you really need to look deeper into your choice of Front Bench Opposition MPs,,,,,,,,,,don't you,,,,!!! What a sad, pathetic, sorry bunch Labour have proved, and continue to prove to be,,,,!!!
- Paul Marsh, Saint Paul, France, 8/9/2011 18:59
Click to rate Rating 47
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I like the date when he stopped bothering, when his lot got in to power. Right he thought, my feet are under the table, labours increasing my pay and perks, I don't have to pretend to care for the working class anymore, they can p*ss off.
- Simon, London, 8/9/2011 18:58
Click to rate Rating 62
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Another MP fleecing us! They are taking us all for idiots. He should be forced to stand down. He is not fit to serve.
- Cliff, Southampton UK, 8/9/2011 18:58
Click to rate Rating 35
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"Available by appointment" I haven't read of anyone coming forward to say they had ever made said appointment, and where would that actually be at? Middlesborough or Westminster? If my Geordie memory serves me correct the journey between "The Boro" and London would a while on the old Northern/National bus services. I remember the Andy Cunningham affair, enough said
- Ann , Sunny Coast Australia, 8/9/2011 18:57
Click to rate Rating 16
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Yet another freeloading 'waste of space'. The big question is why do the brainless people of Middleborough keep voting for him. Oh, I forgot he is a Labour Party MP and everyone knows that a hampster would be elected in Middlesborough if it was wearing a red rosette. Pathetic.
- steve smith, jalon, spain, 8/9/2011 18:53
Click to rate Rating 37
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- Someonesomewhere, London, 8/9/2011 18:50
Click to rate Rating 38
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Who cares? The public are just jealous because they're not MPs. Sir Stuart is an accomplished lawyer and an internationally renowned author and commentator. Unless you're as rich and successful, you can shut up and stop your whinging because you have no right. Sir Stewart has worked hard to get where he is, and so has his lovely wife. Typical moaning Tories, bitter with envy and hate. - Alistair , Menai, Wales, 8/9/2011 13:23+++++++++++++++++++++++++I'm not tory or liebour but i do have every right to whine about this parasite. His personal achievements are of no concern to me. He may well have "worked hard to get where he is" but if he isn't fit for purpose then he and his sponging wife should get the boot. If your self-worth is so low that you don't feel you can criticise the rich (parasites) then that's up to you.
- Mike, Cardiff, 8/9/2011 18:33
Click to rate Rating 34
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People like this make the Honours System look ridiculous. There are many more apart from him.
- Scott, Bangkok, 8/9/2011 18:23
Click to rate Rating 55
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The people of Middlesbrough do not vote him into power. There is a certain community within the town that is courted assiduously by the labour party. He is elected by that community. Other votes come from half empty council estates that have been earmarked for demolition. How does that happen? You'll have to work that one out for yourselves. Quite easy really.
- dave, middlesbrough, england, 8/9/2011 18:20
Click to rate Rating 55
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- brian tomlinson, newcastle/uk, 8/9/2011 18:18
Click to rate Rating 56
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He is supposed to be available to his constituents day and night if he's there to serve the people, as far as I can see he's just there to take the money, and making it hard for his constituents to reach him! what about the elderly who live in the area he works for, do they have to go through phone call after phone call to contact this lazy money grabbing oik? as for his wife being his secretary, well more money off to bad eh! sack him and get someone in who is happy to be there for the people, and for the love of the job! This is just absolutely unbelievable!
- Margaret O'Neill, Alexandria, West Dunbartonshire, 8/9/2011 18:17
Click to rate Rating 35

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