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Post by BoroBot »

the fun begins
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:02 pm
The goings on in some boroughs defies belief, but what goes on in our BoroUGH, beats them into a cocked hat.
The following is as provided to me, and with permission to pass on.
I have copied and pasted an email that has been sent to me. I have removed the name and underlined in bold interesting response ! Do whatever you want to do with it!
This E mail is absolutely genuine and the Jane Shaw, Compliance Officer for the Labour Party at Labour Central,Newcastle NE1 6PA
letter is authentic.
Thank you for your email. I apologise for my delay in replying, but I have been away on leave.
In your email you confirm that you knew that you had nominated a candidate that was not a Labour candidate and as such that you had breached Labour Party Rules. In the circumstances your auto-exclusion from the Labour Party, of which you were informed by letter dated 20 June 2011, stands.
With regard to the other issues mentioned in your email, the Party takes such matters seriously, but in this instance it is believed that they are symptoms of wider problems being experienced by the Party in Middlesbrough. These problems are currently being addressed through a variety of actions and measures being undertaken by the Labour Party to ensure that the situation is resolved as productively as possible.
Yours sincerely
Jane Shaw
Compliance Officer
The Labour Party
Labour Central, Kings Manor
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6PA"

Thank you for your letter dated 1 June 2011 informing me that I will be removed from the Labour party as I nominated an Independent candidate who stood at the Local Election in Middlesbrough May 2011.
I can confirm that you are correct that I did nominate an Independent Candidate to stand in the Clairiville Ward and I believe I have just cause in doing so.
One Labour councillor in my ward, Charlie Rooney, also leader of the Middlesbrough Labour group, you will be aware stood as the Labour Mayoral candidate in 2007. However he was a paper candidate and did not campaign as Middlesbrough Labour councillors were supporting the Independent candidate Ray Mallon.
Middlesbrough is a Labour strong hold yet we have an Independent Mayor with the majority of Labour councillors supporting him, campaigning for him and celebrating Ray Mallon defeating the Labour candidate.
In this years Mayoral Election, MJ Carr was the Labour candidate and I supported his campaign to become the Labour mayor of Middlesbrough.
However Middlesbrough Labour councillors again actively campaigned against the Labour Mayoral candidate leaking letters to the press to deliberately discredit him.
Ray Mallon was involved in a sex slur storm shortly before the election yet Labour councillors including the Labour leader stood shoulder to shoulder with Mallon supporting him. Not one of them come out against him for political gain
What is happening politically in Middlesbrough is an absolute disgrace
It appears that the North regional office is turning a blind eye to this disgraceful activity and is therefore condoning such conduct yet you are clearly scrutinising Independent candidates nomination papers.
The majority of the Middlesbrough Labour councillors are clearly also breaking Labour Party rules and I hereby formally request details as to what action is being taken against them or alternatively please explain the reasons as to why they are allowed to support an Independent Mayor.
Labour could easily have won the mayoral election this year if labour members had supported their own candidate rather than have their strings pulled by the puppet master Ray Mallon.
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,"

Note I have delibeartely avoided the use of alleged, or opinion and etc.
Other Boroughs are all nursery standard compared to what is going on in the Borough of Middlesbrough.
Labour councillors supporting Independents against Labour candidates for mayor and etc much more etc etc
Our council (Labour) is closing the Capatain Cooks Birth Place Museum, to save money.
Whils retaining a modern art gallery MIMA, which has a fraction of the visiting number of our museum.
They are sending begging letters to Australia and New Zealand, for cash to keep it open.
MIMA costs the ratepayers approx' £1.5 million PA, numbers using MIMA equates to a subsidy (from the rates) of around £14 + per visitor
This is a council that has squandered over £58 million and turned huge tracts of the town into what resembles Beruit in its worst days.
A mayor who admitted 14 charges in the Lancet enquiry, who went on to run for mayor in 2002 as an independent, supported by Labour councillors agianst their own Labour Candidate, and celebrated afterwards, the victory at the Local Labour Party Chairman's home, Andy McDonald.
Labour councillors have continued to support and independent, against Labour candidates since, against all the rules in the Labour Party Rule Book, which clearly states that those who do such a thing will be expelled.
Complaints have resulted in no action by Labour, but individuals have been dismissed the party, for lesser offences.
Rotten Boroughs, makes Black Adders Rotten Boroughs almost appear as normal.
1. Why has the Labour party taken action against one, and not against others?
2. In 2002 Labour supported Mallon against a Labour candidate for Mayor and celebrated later at the home of Andy McDonald!
3. June the 20th, and to date no visible signs of action being taken to AUTO- dismiss those in supporting Mallon has been applied, WHY?
4. The action against Mr X was swiftly carried out after the May election, Why?
5. What does productively mean in the letter?
More questions and follow ups to come.
Labours Classic operating of double standards.

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