Bob Brady:- Watch

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Bob Brady:- Watch

Post by BoroBot »

didn't he do well :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
Councillor Bob Brady
Deputy Mayor
Member for Beckfield Ward
a) Ward Councillor for Beckfield Ward
b) Deputy Mayor with following duties:-
 Chair meetings of the Informal Executive.
 Lead on the management of Council business.
 Co-ordination and promotion of liaison between the Mayor, Executive and non-Executive Members.
 Lead on corporate issues in connection with the Council’s performance especially in relation to the Corporate Performance Plan and the integrated Budget and Performance Clinics.
 Promotion and development of Member accountability especially in relation to Members performance both in terms of the general framework and the one specific to Executive Members.
 Ensuring that there is effective liaison and co-ordination between the Executive and Scrutiny.
 Promotion and development of non-Executive Member involvement in Council policy at the initial stages of policy formulation.
 To undertake such duties as may be directed by the Mayor.
c) Ward Surgeries.
d) Monthly walkabouts.
e) Briefings with Community Development Officers.
f) Member of Community Centre Management Committee.
g) Dealing with Complaints/Problems of Constituents.
 In total I dealt with 40 queries on behalf of constituents ranging from housing applications, housing benefit, parking problems, refuse collection, street cleansing and anti-social behaviour.
h) Meetings with various officers from all service areas re: planning, housing, service provision, general estate and ward matters.
i) Attendance at Community Councils.
1) Will review and improve the Performance Framework for Executive Board Members.
2) Will review and report to Council the future role of civics in relation to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Council as well as the Executive Board.
3) Will endeavour to recruit and train sufficient residents of Netherfields to come together and form an association for the betterment of the welfare of the estate.
4) To establish Erimus Housing Group as a trading company, seek registration with the Housing Corporation and carry out all the promises made in the Tenants Offer for Voluntary Transfer.
1. To assist the Mayor in all his duties by managing the Council’s business by way of regular accountability surgeries with all Executive Members (portfolio holders), Chairs of Planning and Licensing, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Board, Chief Executive Officer and all Executive Directors through the combined Performance and Budget Clinics.
Accountability sessions were held with all Executive Board Members on a regular basis as well as other senior postholders.
The recent Audit Commission report on Mayoral arrangements in Middlesbrough recorded.
“The Deputy Mayor’s role has become more internally focussed with responsibility for a wide range of areas.”
“The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Mayor are clearly defined. This assists the Mayor maintain a strategic overview of Council business and gives him more time to focus on wider political, social and economic issues beyond the confines of the Council”.
“The Mayor’s……. Success is strongly linked to the calibre of the individual elected Members”.
Integrated Clinics have been held and in the process of review in light of experience.
2. To enable all residents in Beckfield Ward who so choose, to have sufficient information and knowledge to participate in debates of affairs which affect their everyday lives.
I have reported on a regular basis to Priestfields Residents Association (PETRA) since its inauguration and was instrumental in securing the co-operation of the Council in negotiating the demolition of Priestfields maisonettes.
I have reported to the Community Council on Council business throughout the year including issues on planning, streetscene services, planned maintenance, A.S.B.Os, anti-social behaviour discussions with Arriva Bus Company, under age drinking, attempts to improve Vaughan Shopping Centre and the future of Netherfields House.
I have led on discussions and consultation on the review of the constitution of Community Councils and the re-organisation of the Cluster Groups to enable them to influence service delivery from Streetscene, Cleveland Police, P.C.T. and Connexions. Arrangements were finally put in place by March 2003.
Four Ward Surgeries per month have been held throughout the year in various venues.
3. To represent the Town of Middlesbrough and the Council in order that they may play a leading and major role in regional and sub regional affairs, in such groups and organisations that may have a bearing on local and national decisions which affect the town and its citizens.
Over the year I have attended several meetings in Newcastle of the Regional Assembly as the representative of Middlesbrough Council. The Assembly has played a major role in putting together a complete series of policies and projects in readiness for whatever form of devolution the Government decides for the region. I regularly attend meetings, seminars and scrutiny panels of the Association of North East Councils and have seat on its Executive Committee.
As it became more obvious that huge capital investment was required for Teesside International Airport I sat on the Committee that interviewed and selected our preferred developer.
1) Have attended 75% of Ward Surgeries held.
2) Have attended to numerous queries, telephone calls, and referred 40 cases through the Council’s One Stop Shop.
(N.B. Health issues meant I was absent from duty from September to February).
3) Attended regular meetings of P.E.T.R.A. and presented reports on Council business including large scale Voluntary Transfer, Streetscene and other housing matters.
4) Successfully negotiated with the Housing Department the demolition of the Priestfields maisonettes and reclamation of the sites.
5) Assisted in negotiations for the £20m development and modernisation of Teesside International Airport.
6) Chaired the Shadow Board of Erimus Housing and had oversight of the creation of the new company.
In this regard Erimus Housing came into being as a registered company earlier this year and will be registered with the Housing Corporation in November as a Registered Social landlord as a result of the Council transferring its housing stock.
Erimus will be governed by the Corporation in exactly the same way and by the same rules as the Government controlled the Council’s housing activities in the past.
It is a “not for profit” company and has a board of 15 directors and I chair that board.
The board meets on a monthly basis with 5 working groups reporting to it on issues including management, regeneration, human resources, communications and audit and scrutiny. It has budget of half a billion pounds over the next 30 years, will own 13,000 dwellings, we will commence a £100m year programme of repair and maintenance, modernisation and regeneration as our first priority and eventually we will take our place as an important player in the total regeneration of the town.
At the last meeting of the board it was agreed to seek charitable status for the express purpose of saving on VAT and corporation tax which will net the company about £32m over the next ten years which will be spent on improving and modernising our properties and regenerating out estates.
We now have almost a full complement of senior officers and officials with the appointment of a Director or Regeneration imminent.
The Board, as well as holding business meetings, has undertaken a rigorous training programme spread over 2 years on topics ranging from housing management, financial control, employment law and rules and regulations governing registered social landlords and registered companies.
7) Led the team which created a new structure for Executive Board members accountability sessions; weekly meetings with the Mayor and monthly policy discussions with the Chief Executive Officer.
Member of North East Employers Association
Member of the Executive Committee of above
Member of the Regional Assembly
Member of the Association of North East Councils
Member of the Executive Committee of the above
Member of the Regional Housing Board (Government appointment)
Member of Ormesby School Governing Body
Member of the Management Committee of Netherfields Community
Member of the Youth Offending Team Board
Member of the Cleveland Fire Authority
Member of the Tees Valley Partnership
Member of the CPA Peer Challenge Group
Member of the Airport Consultative Committee
Member of the Town Centre Company
Member of the Teesside Pension Fund
Chair of the Board of the Erimus Housing Company
Director and Trustee of ROOM @ RTPI
Trustee of the Unity City Academy
Chair of Human Resources UCA
Chair, Chief Executive Officer Review Board
Chair, Chief Officers Appointment Panel
Chair, Civics Review Group
Chair, Combined Performance and Budget Clinics
Chair, Informal Executive Board
Chair, Service Briefing Board
Chair, Works Council
Chair, Pre-Agenda Group
Member of:
L.G.A. Urban Commission
L.G.A. Social Affairs and Health Committee
Police Joint Committee
Service Middlesbrough Partnership Board
Stainscacre Hall Steering Group
N.E. Objective 2
1. Have attended all meetings of the Council (health permitting) and delivered a report to the Council on my duties and activities as Deputy Mayor.
2. I have answered questions asked of me by both Councillors and Members of the public.
3. Have held eight sessions of supervision with every member of the Executive Board and produced reports throughout the offices of the Chief Executive Officer.
4. Have presided over the creation of the Department of Childrens’ Families and Learning from the former Education and Lifelong Learning and Social Services Departments.
5. Attended 14 meetings of the Executive Board and chaired 3 in the absence of the Mayor.
6. Have chaired weekly informal meetings with the Executive Board and the Mayor.
7. Attended regular meetings of the Press Strategy Group.
8. Have chaired Executive Board briefings before every Board meeting.
9. Have attended 16 meetings of the Erimus Housing Company, as well as 30 meetings of 5 working parties and 10 training sessions plus a residential weekend.
10. Held numerous meeting/briefings with consultants, shortlisted and appointed all senior management team, conducted negotiations with funders, held meetings with Housing Corporation officials and attended training sessions, seminars and conferences.
11. I have weekly briefings with the Chief Executive Officer and the Assistant Chief Executive Officer as well as all other officials.
12. I have chaired the working party which set up the structure for the Members general performance framework.
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Re: Bob Brady:- Watch

Post by BoroBot »

who need RoboCop when you have a BradyBob a Job :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Last bumped by BoroBot on Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:19 pm.
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