Middlesbrough:- the field of dreams

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Middlesbrough:- the field of dreams

Post by BoroBot »

1. To provide Council with an update on special urgent and urgent key decisions for the quarter August – November 2004.
2. As soon as it is known that a key decision will be taken it must, amongst other things, be entered into the Forward Work Programme. A special urgent key decision arises when a decision has to be taken within 5 working days and it has not been previously added to the Forward Work Programme. In order for the decision to be taken, approval must be sought from the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board. If approval is given, public notices are placed at the Town Hall, the Contact Centre and Central Library receptions. The decision taker must sign a form recording the decision and a record of that decision is then e-mailed to all Councillors and forms a public record of that decision. The information is also available on the Commis system or via the Executive Office. Special urgent key decisions are exempt from the Scrutiny call-in procedure.
3. An urgent key decision is where the required statutory notice of the decision can be given and it has been entered into the Forward Work Programme, but due to urgent deadlines the Scrutiny call-in procedure does not apply. A key decision is defined urgent where any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the interests of the Council or the public. In order for the decision to be taken, approval must be sought from the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board. The decision taker must also sign a form recording the decision. The decision is then e-mailed to all Councillors, and it becomes a public record. The information is also available on the Commis system or via the Executive Office.
4. There were no special urgent decisions taken during this period.
5. Clairville Stadium
Executive Meeting 3rd August 2004
The report provided an update on the position at Clairville Stadium and sought approval for a commitment to refurbishment.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive to take the following urgent decisions:
i. That the submitted report and service response to the Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel’s Final Report on Clairville Stadium, be approved and the Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel’s Final Report on Clairville Stadium, be noted.
ii. That the Community Athletics Refurbishment Programme (CARP) award of £160k (against £179,367 applied for) to improve the outdoor athletics facilities and enhance security through improvements to perimeter fencing, be approved. Work to be completed by autumn 2005/2006.
iii. That officers be authorised to progress with and accept if successful, the application to the Community Club Cycling Development Fund (CCCDF) for £220k to improve the cycle track and undertake internal building works.
iv. That £100k CARP match funding from the Capital Programme 2004/05 be reallocated to begin the process of refurbishing the changing facilities in the current year.
v. That £120k be committed from the Council’s Capital Programme 2005/06 to match fund the CARP award (£100k) and to complete the refurbishment of the changing facilities (£20k).
The decisions were considered urgent as the external funding bodies were awaiting a decision.
6. Education Schools Asset Management (Planned Capital Maintenance) Allocation – Individual Executive Decision 5th August 2004 – Executive Member for Education
The report advised on the funding allocation for Education Schools Asset Management Planned Capital maintenance and sought approval of the schedule of work for 2004/05.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive Member of Education to take the following urgent decision:
That the schedule of works identified in appendix one, of the submitted report, be approved.
The decision was considered urgent as some of the expenditure was planned for the summer 2004 holiday period when the schools were closed i.e. roof repair, window replacements.
7. Housing Stock Transfer – Final Approval to Transfer
Executive Meeting 31st August 2004
The report identified the process undertaken to achieve Stock Transfer and the main contractual elements included within the formal transfer agreement relating to the Large Scale Voluntary Transfer of the Councils Housing Stock to Erimus Housing.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive to take the following urgent recommendations:
That Council approve
i. That the execution (whether by application of the Council’s seal (to deeds) or otherwise), delivery and performance of the Transfer Agreement (including all ancillary agreements detailed in the Schedules thereto) to be made between Erimus Housing Limited (the “Company”) and the Council, and any other agreement, document, transfer and deed to be entered into thereunder or in connection therewith;
ii. That the execution, delivery and performance of the transfer, subject to receipt of the consent of the Deputy Prime Minister (in his capacity as First Secretary of State at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) pursuant to Sections 32-34 and 43 of the Housing Act 1985 for the disposal of any non-housing related assets;
iii. That the execution, delivery and performance of Deeds of Warranty to be given to the funders or to any security trustee for the funders and the Company;
iv. That the Chief Executive after consultation with the Executive Members for Resources and Housing, be authorised to agree any final financial issues which must be settled before completion of the transfer.
v. That the Chief Executive after consultation with the Executive Members for Resources and Housing, be authorised to resolve any outstanding matter which might need to be dealt with before completion of the transfer, including agreement of the final terms of all documentation.
vi. That the Chief Executive be authorised to resolve any outstanding matters relating to the amendment of the Service Middlesbrough PPP Agreement with HBS.
vii. That the Director of Legal and Democratic Services be required to give an opinion to the funders in the form set out in Appendix 1 attached to the submitted report.
The decisions were considered as urgent as the report was being submitted to full Council on 15th September in order to meet the ODPM’s deadline for formal application for consent to transfer on 17th September 2005.
8. Mortgage Interest Rate 2004/2005
Executive Meeting 31st August 2004
The report set the Local Average Interest Rate for the six months commencing 1st October 2004.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive to take the following urgent recommendations:
That Council approve
i. That the Local Average Interest Rate for the period 1st October 2004 – 31st March 2005 be set at 7.85%.
ii. That this rate be used for all Housing Mortgages for this period.
The decisions were considered urgent as the deadline was dictated by statutory obligation in line with the Housing Act 1985.
9. Housing Stock Transfer – Financial Changes
Individual Executive Decision 19th October 2004 – Executive member for Transport plus Housing
The report sought approval to the implementation of financial adjustments relating to Housing Stock Transfer.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive Member for Transport plus Housing to take the following urgent decision:-
That the changes to the financial arrangements, as part of the overall negotiations required to complete the Housing Stock Transfer, be approved.
The decision was considered urgent due to the tight deadlines of the Housing Stock Transfer, the transfer date was the 15th November 2004.
10. Proposed Option to Purchase Agreement, Empire Theatre, Corporation Road, Middlesbrough
Executive Meeting 26th October 2004
The report recommended that the Council entered a formal option agreement concerning the potential purchase of the Empire Theatre to provide the time to consider in detail the capital and revenue cost implications of purchase, conversion and operation of the building for live performance.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive to take the following urgent decision:-
That the Chief Executive be authorised to negotiate the appropriate terms including the fee to obtain a formal option for 12 months to enable reports to be prepared on the detailed costs of acquisition, conversion and operation of the Empire Theatre, Corporation Road, Middlesbrough as performance space.
The decision was considered urgent as there was a need to secure a formal position with the current building owner to avoid the property being more extensively marketed.
11. Erimus – Centre North East Lease
Individual Executive Decision 2nd November, Executive Member for Resources
The report sought approval for the Council to provide funding for the rent falling due before stock transfer for offices at Centre North East to be occupied by Erimus Housing and, in the eventuality of the transfer of housing stock to Erimus not proceeding, take an assignment of the lease of those premises.
The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, Cllr Mike Carr gave permission for the Executive Member for Resources to take the following urgent decisions:-
i. That payment be guaranteed on behalf of Erimus of all rental and other charges falling due under the lease of its proposed accommodation in the Centre North East for the period from commencement of the lease (scheduled for 1 November 2004) to conclusion of the transfer of the Council’s Housing stock to Erimus (scheduled for 15th November 2004).
(ii) That in the event that the transfer of the Council’s housing stock to Erimus does not, for whatever reason, take place, an assignment of the lease of the premises would be accepted forthwith for the remaining unexpired term of the lease on the same terms as to rent and other conditions as applicable to the lease to Erimus.
The decisions were considered urgent due to the tight deadlines of the Housing Stock Transfer.
12. It is recommended that Council note the decisions.
The following background papers were used in the preparation of this report:
i. A Constitution for Middlesbrough
ii. Report on Clairville Stadium
iii. Report on Education Schools Asset Management (Planned Capital Maintenance) Allocation
iv. Report on the Housing Stock Transfer – Final Approval to Transfer
v. Report on the Mortgage Interest Rate 2004/05
vi. Housing Stock Transfer – Financial Changes
vii. Report on the Proposed Option to Purchase Agreement, Empire Theatre, Corporation Road
viii. Report on Erimus – Centre North East Lease
AUTHOR: Diane Wallinger
TEL NO: 01642 729205
Address: PO Box 99a, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 2QQ Website: http://www.middlesbrough.gov.uk
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Re: Middlesbrough:- the field of dreams

Post by BoroBot »

A meeting of the Executive was held on 31 March 2009 at 1:00 pm in the Mandela Room, Town Hall, Middlesbrough.
Mayor, Ray Mallon (Chair); Councillors D Budd, M Carr,. B Coppinger, B Kerr (Deputy Mayor), C Rooney, J Rostron, Mrs B Thompson, P Thompson and N Walker.
Councillors C Hobson, R Lowes, P Purvis, P Sanderson, J McPartland, J McTigue and K Walker.
Councillors J Brunton
C Craig, P Corner, J Douglas, S Joscelyne, R Long, I Parker, J Richmond, K Robinson, G Rollings, N Sayer, P Slocombe and T White.
The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 3 March 2009 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
The minutes of the Grants to Voluntary Sector meeting held on 10 March 2009 and the Minutes of the Tees Valley Unlimited Executive Board held on 26 November 2009 were submitted for information.
Name of Members Type of Interest Item/Nature of Interest
No items.
No items
The Director of Finance and Head of Corporate performance submitted the Annual Audit and Inspection letter – March 2008 on behalf of the external Auditors.
The submitted report explained that the audit and inspection letter received in March 2009 included key messages in relation to Middlesbrough Council’s performance, accounts and governance. In particular, it provided details relating to the Council’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) 2008 score including the Use of Resources judgements and the Council’s financial management. The annual letter also identified further actions that needed to be taken by the Council.
C. Craig from Deloittes and P Corner from the Audit Commission presented the letter to the Executive.
The Mayor asked for his and the Executive thanks to be recorded to the Chief Executive and to officers for the results achieved.
That the contents of the report and the letter be noted.
The decision was supported by the following reason:
Consideration of the letter by Members was required as it was the responsibility of the Council to ensure that proper arrangements were in place for the conduct of its business and that it safeguarded and properly accounted for public money. The Overview and Scrutiny Board and Audit Committee would also consider the letter.
The Director of Children, Families and Learning submitted a report that sought Executive approval to commence consultation on an alternative option for Trinity Catholic College. This included a change in location from the St. David’s site to the Newlands site and a change from a mainly refurbished scheme to 80% new build.
In 2006 an options appraisal process was followed to identify the best solution, across the secondary schools estate in Middlesbrough, for the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. During the options appraisal process, a new building for the new Roman Catholic school (Trinity Catholic College) was identified as the preferred option. To ensure the schemes were affordable and deliverable it was agreed to use the refurbished building on the St David’s site.
In December 2008, an additional detailed survey relating to St David’s site became available, stating that staying with the current scheme may not be best value for money. It identified that a predominantly new-build solution would be possible on Newlands site within the funding available and subject to additional Carbon Reduction funding.
In January 2009, the BSF Chief Officers’ Group discussed options for the development of Trinity Catholic College:
• part rebuild of the St. David’s site- this option would have required decant of students during the construction periods at considerable cost and would have taken the overall project outside the funding envelope allocated.
• new build co-located school on the Acklam Base site- the statutory notice relative to the ongoing school competition for Acklam Base did not state the possibility of a second school on the site with shared infrastructure. Therefore it was not a feasible option.
• mainly new build (80%) at the Newlands site- this option offered best value for money as very little, if any, funding would be spent on decant costs, instead funds would be used almost entirely on the new build. This also minimised the disruption to students during construction.
In light of the information it was agreed to consider the Newlands School site as the location for Trinity Catholic College and that the revised scheme should be predominantly (80%) new build.
That the consultation with all stakeholders to explore a change of scheme and site for Trinity Catholic College scheme be supported.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
By assisting progress in delivering the best option under BSF for Trinity Catholic College with the overall aim of transforming education.
The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that sought agreement to opening formal discussions with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to explore the possibility of securing an HCA funding contribution to a special delivery vehicle to accelerate the implementation of the Older Housing Vision.
The report stated that the Council announced its Strategy for Older Housing on 20 July 2005, setting out a 15 year vision for Middlesbrough’s older housing areas and a programme of investment across six neighbourhoods. The intervention included the clearance of almost 1,500 terraced properties in the Gresham/Middlehaven Wards and their replacement with a transformational development; details of the development were set out in the report. The report further outlined that since July 2005 considerable progress in delivering the Older Housing Vision had been made on a number of related issues, including:
• secured funding from Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the Regional Housing Board (RHB) for acquisitions and clearance;
• progressing successful acquisitions, based on a phased programme; and
• clearance of the first blocks in Union Street;
The report discussed the acquisitions progress in Greham/Middlehaven, the resources currently available to deliver the Older Housing Vision 2008-11 and the alternative approach of an Asset Backed Vehicle (ABV). Potential asset contributions to a delivery vehicle were explored and a number of the benefits of a delivery vehicle model were outlined.
That the opening of formal discussions with the HCA on taking forward an ABV for Gresham/Middlehaven, and in particular the possibility of levering additional funding for HCA be approved.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
To accelerate the delivery of the Older Housing Vision.
The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that updated the Executive on the negotiations with the preferred developer for the disposal of Site 44, Longridge, Coulby Newham and outlined a revised offer made in response to current market conditions. The report also sought direction for future steps.
The report stated that current market circumstances rates had dropped and many sites had come to a standstill. There were critical implications for the strategic regeneration of Middlesbrough, to prevent out migration, achieve a stable population and meet Government housing and planning targets. Measures needed to be taken to help to maintain building activity, working with house builders to explore options that enabled sites, de-risk development and reduce upfront costs. The revised offer from Yuill Homes made a proposition that sought to address these issues, details of the offer were outlined in the report.
The Council’s current five-year capital programme was significantly dependant upon a major capital receipt from the disposal of site 44. The programme assumed a receipt of £5.125 million, without it, the programme would have needed to be severely curtailed. Yuill had submitted a revised proposal to enable them to buy the site form the Council, based on two assumptions:
a) the base land price of £5,191,000; and,
b) phased development of the site with the affordable housing units to be built first.
It was highlighted that there were three options available to the Council:
• option 1: approve the revised offer as a basis for further discussion with the current approved developer.
• option 2: remarket the site immediately
• option 3: Do nothing
The financial and legal implications for each option were discussed.
1. That the revised offer from Yuill Homes be rejected, for the reasons outlined at paragraphs 13-15; and,
2. Site 44 be subject to a further procurement exercise in accordance with normal procurement procedures.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
To enable progress on development of the site
The Director of Social Care submitted a report that sought approval to implement the recommendations of the review of Older Peoples’ Day care accommodation.
The report stated that it had been recognised that the facilities provided in Newport Neighbourhood Centre, which hosted Newport Day Centre for Older People were inadequate for the requirements of the service, particularly as a result of increasing dependency levels of service users accessing the service and a resultant increase in the number of wheelchair users attending the centre.
The Newport Day Centre operated within the Newport Neighbourhood centre, located within the Gresham area and the future of the building was unknown at the time. It was not considered feasible to invest to update the facility with the potential uncertainty.
There was a feasibility study undertaken to explore the possibility of Newport Day Centre moving to North Ormesby Day. The advantages of amalgamating the two-day centres were discussed; details of which were outlined in the report.
That the amalgamation of Newport Day Centre with North Ormesby Day Centre be approved.
The decision were supported by the following reasons:
• the Newport Day centre did not meet DDA requirements
• North Ormseby Day Centre would be improved to ensure it met DDA requirement;
• the quality of service available for older people who attend the day services at the present time and in the future would improve; and,
• an efficiency saving of £90,509 per annum would be provided.
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Re: Middlesbrough:- the field of dreams

Post by BoroBot »

A meeting of the Executive was held on 3 March 2009 at 1:00 pm in the Mandela Room, Town Hall, Middlesbrough.
Mayor, Ray Mallon (Chair); Councillors D Budd, M Carr,. B Coppinger, B Kerr (Deputy Mayor), C Rooney, J Rostron,and N Walker.
Councillors J Cole, C Hobson, R Lowes, J Macpartland, H Pearson and P Purvis.
Councillors J Brunton, J Cole and P Purvis
C Breheny, S Cartlidge, J Douglas, P Clark, S Joscelyne, R Long, I Parker,J Richmond, G Rollings, N Sayer, P Slocombe, and E Williamson.
Councillor P Thompson and Mrs B Thompson
The minutes of the Executive meeting held on 3 February 2009 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
The minutes of the Executive (Special) meeting held on 24 February were taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Name of Members Type of Interest Item/Nature of Interest
Councillors J Brunton,
M Carr,
N Walker, and
H Pearson
Personal, Non Prejudicial
Review of Community and Youth Centers,
Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion
Acklam Hall-preferred Developer
No items.
The Director of Social Care submitted a report that considered the final report of the Social Services and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel regarding Improving The Levels of Employment for People with Learning Disabilities.
The Scrutiny Panel as part of the agreed scrutiny procedures had its final report on Improving Levels of Employment for People with Learning Disabilities approved by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
Councillor Peter Purvis, Chair of the Scrutiny Panel presented the Panel’s report to the Executive.
That the service response be approved.
The decision was supported by the following reason:
The Executive needed to take a decision on the Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations in light of the service response and consideration of this matter by the Corporate Management Team.
The Directors of Regeneration and Children, Families and Learning submitted a report that considered the final report of the Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel regarding Community Centres.
The Scrutiny Panel as part of the agreed scrutiny procedures had its final report on Community Centres approved by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.
Councillor John Cole, Chair of the Scrutiny Panel produced the panel’s report to the Executive.
That the service response be approved.
The decision was supported by the following reason:
The Executive needed to take a decision on the Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations in light of the service response and consideration of this matter by the Corporate Management Team.
The Director of Children, Families and Learning submitted a report that informed the Executive of the outcome of the Joint Area Review of Children’s Services carried out in March/April 2009 and on actions taken as a result of the review.
The report also informed the Executive on the outcome of the Annual Performance Assessment and actions to be taken as a result.
Ofsted had undertaken a Joint Area Review (JAR) of every local authority area in the three year period from September 2005 to December 2008 under provisions of the Children’s Act 2004. JARs investigated services in relation to safeguarding, looked after children and children/young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. It was outlined that in Middlesbrough, the JAR investigates services for those not in education, employment or training (NEET) and for substance misuse.
The Annual Performance Assessment’s were carried out under the Education and Inspections Act 2006. The report stated that Ofsted awards an annual performance rating that was used for the children and young people’s block in the Audit Commission’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment. In 2008, the grades were awarded for the;
• contribution the Council made in improving outcomes for children and young people;
• contribution the Council made towards the five Every Child Matters outcomes; and,
• Council capacity to further improve of the service.
The 2008 APA for Middlesbrough was undertaken as a desk based exercise using the Council’s self-assessment and published indicators and the report of the JAR Inspection Team was attached to the report.
The Annual Performance Assessment 2008 letter was attached to the report together with actions taken against the recommendations.
1. That the outcome of the JAR and APA 2008 be noted.
2. That the action plan at appendix 3 for submission to the Secretary of State, Ofsted and HMCI be approved.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
To progress actions in priority areas and to meet the requirements of Ofsted guidance on Joint Area Reviews.
The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that proposed a further commissioning round for the Working Neighbourhood Fund (WNF).
The report stated that the Executive had approved various reports regarding WNF and to date, WNF had been utilised to:
• extend the previous Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) programme whilst a new WNF programme was put in place;
• support the new WNF programme; the first contracted round of which had almost been completed;
• support other priority projects which needed to be maintained for which other funding could not be found, and;
• support further interventions in support of priority National Indicators.
There was approximately £800K WNF funding available for further commissioning over 2009/10 and 2010/11. The Council would seek if possible to further supplement this with unspent grant from 2008/09 carried forward. The report further outlined the proposals for the WNF funding and the consultation set to take place in March regarding the proposals. It was noted that a report outlining the proposals would be presented to the Executive in April.
That consultation to develop a new commissioning round for WNF, with the focus on responding to the current economic downturn, take place
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
The Council needs to take whatever actions it can to support the Council’s economy during the recession, and residents who will be affected by it. The proposal would allow remaining WNF resources to be deployed for these purposes.
The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that sought to address growing concerns around the issue of personal debt and financial inclusion.
The report stated that in May 2008 the Government launched its Financial Inclusion Action Plan including a £130m package to support financial inclusion via a network of Financial Inclusion Champions. The initiative reflected concerns about those at risk of financial exclusion in disadvantaged communities. The current economic downturn had further highlighted the concerns; details of which were within the report.
The Council provided a range of support to residents facing hardship including money and debt advice, welfare rights service, and support to voluntary and community assistance.
Following the launch of the Action Plan, Erimus Housing was awarded the role of Financial Inclusion Champion for Middlesbrough.
The objectives of the Financial Inclusion Champion were to:
• help people mange their money day to day;
• increase access to and take-up of bank details;
• help people plan for the future and cope with financial pressure;
• increase awareness of third sector lenders;
• establish new third sector lending provision
• promote Government Saving Schemes (e.g. Child Trust Fund);
• monitor use of informal saving products;
• help people deal with financial distress;
• increase awareness of money advice services;
• promote take-up of preventative guidance;
• encourage partnerships between advice agencies and third sector lender and;
• work to combat illegal lending
1. that work with Erimus Housing and other relevant partners to develop a financial inclusion plan for Middlesbrough, as part of the Government’s Community Finance Initiative commence,
It was envisaged that Erimus Housing would lead this process as Community Finance Champion, but input to this will be made from the Council as required, including from Regeneration (Community Regeneration), Environment (Consumer Advice), and Health and Social Care for Adults (Welfare Rights Unit), via the Middlesbrough Advice Partnership.
2. That the impact of the recession, on the demand for advice services be identified as a key issue for the forthcoming WNF commissioning round.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
Financial exclusion is an important issue in Middlesbrough, exacerbated by the current recession. The recommendations would enable the Council to respond to local concerns and to put appropriate support mechanisms in place.

The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that sought Executive approval for the selection of preferred a developer to progress disposal of the Acklam Hall site.
The reported outlined the history behind Acklam Hall and a plan showing the location of the site was attached as an appendix. It was acknowledged that Acklam Hall is of significant national importance and the only Grade 1 listed building in Middlesbrough.
The report stated that Acklam Hall and grounds were purchased by Middlesbrough Corporation in 1928 and since 1935 the Hall had been used for education purposes. The Hall, sixth Form buildings and open spaces to the West and South were transferred to Middlesbrough College in 1995.
The report also stated that in September 2008 Middlesbrough College relocated to a single flagship campus at Middlehaven. In April 2007, the Executive Member of Regeneration approved the disposal of the Council’s interests on the Acklam Hall Site through a marketing and disposal process undertaken jointly with the college. The marketing of the site was spilt into two stages; details of which were outlined in the report. The report also outlined the scoring attached to the schemes, the financial offer, the conditions of disposal and the next steps in taking the preferred scheme forward.
A resident spoke on the item at the meeting.
1. That Developer B as preferred developer be appointed and the next steps as set out in paragraphs 40 to 44 be approved.
2. That the commencement of a stakeholder consultation exercise be approved;
3. The Director of Regeneration be given delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, to agree the refined scheme (following stakeholder consultation) and to sanction wider community consultation;
4. that the budget provision to cover the costs of the disposal for the financial year 2009/10 be agreed, and;
5. the following information be agreed to be reported back to the Executive at a later date:
i. the final agreed terms for the disposal of Council land;
ii. the capital receipt and how this will be apportioned between Middlesbrough College and the Council; and,
iii. the details of the final scheme
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
The purpose was to seek approval of the preferred Developer and to progress the disposal of Acklam Hall. This would enable the next stages of consultation, preparation of a detailed scheme and negotiation of disposal terms to be carried out. The objectives was to secure a long-term viable future for Acklam Hall, a Grade 1 Listed Building of national importance.
The Chair left the meeting at this point and the Deputy Mayor took the Chair for the rest of the meeting.
The Director of Resources submitted a report to the Executive on an estimate of the Annual Projected Outturn for 2008/09 based on the third quarter review expenditure against the current year’s Revenue Budget.
On 7th March 2008, the Council set its revenue budget at £126.3m for 2008/09. A Council Tax increase of 4.9% for Middlesbrough was applied. In setting the 2008/09 budget, approximately £4.5 million of efficiency savings were identified. The Council further approved an extra £5.1 million for key service areas including:
• £0.8m for Children, Families and Learning;
• £3.4m for Social Care for older people and disadvantaged groups;
• £0.6m for investment in the Environment; and,
• £0.3m for new investments.
The projected outturn position for 2008/09 was a net budget pressure of (+£269,000); this represented a 0.2% pressure against the £126.3m 2008/2009 budget. Details of the projected outturn position was summarised in the report.
Details of the projected outturn positions for each service area were outlined in the report and giving information relation to grant funding carry forward requests.
1. That the contents of the report be noted.
2. The carry forwards requested in Appendix B subject to the Council’s overall financial position in 2008/2009 be approved, and
3. The virements requested in Appendix H be approved.
The decisions were supported by the following reasons:
1. to ensure that Middlesbrough Council reports in resource utilisation against approved budgets, and
2. implications upon the Medium Term Financial Plan are considered
The Director of Resources submitted a report that presented the Executive with an update on the Council’s Capital Programme (2008/2009 to 2012/2013) based on the third quarter review of capital expenditure and periodically when additional capital resources become available.
The report stated that the Capital Programme considered the estimated resources available to the Council together with the Council’s commitment against priorities on a rolling basis over a five year planning cycle. The programme was reviewed and monitored on a quarterly basis through the budget clinic process and annually through the prudential indicators review and periodically when additional capital resources became available.
In reviewing and monitoring the capital programme at quarter 3 the following issues were established for each capital project over the programme period; the report summarised the:
• changes in net expenditure;
• changes in gross expenditure;
• changes in capital resources;
• re-profiling of expenditure between financial years; and
• allocation of service block budgets.
That the contents of the report and the overall capital programme outlined in Appendix F, be approved.
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
To ensure that Middlesbrough Council reports on resources utilisation against approved capital budgets.
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