Riots in Tottenham

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Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

Police are on the streets of Tottenham, north London, where overnight riots saw petrol bombs thrown at officers and patrol cars and buildings set alight.
Eight injured police officers were taken in hospital, at least one of them with head injuries.
The unrest began after a protest over the fatal shooting by police of 29-year-old Mark Duggan on Thursday.
About 300 people gathered outside the police station on the High Road after demonstrators demanded "justice".
Riot blaze: North London in flames as police cars, bus and shops burn over police shooting of 'gangster' Eight police officers hurt in clashes being treated in hospital
Scotland Yard still dealing with 'isolated pockets of crime' this morning
Mob of 500 people protest about death of father-of-four Mark Duggan who was shot by officers
100 riot police on the streets as Tottenham burns
Fears that violence was fanned by Twitter as picture of burning police car was re-tweeted more than 100 times
Shop looted and youths storm McDonald's and start cooking their own food
Mail on Sunday photographers beaten and mugged by masked thugs
By Ian Gallagher and Steve Farrell
Last updated at 8:31 AM on 7th August 2011
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Tottenham riot: eight police in hospital as night of violence follows fatal shooting
Eight police officers have been taken to hospital after riots broke out in Tottenham, north London, two days after a man was shot dead by police.
Two police cars were set alight at the start of the disturbances
By Michael Howie
7:36AM BST 07 Aug 2011
Patrol cars, a double-decker bus and shops were set alight after a crowd of more than 300 people clashed with officers near Tottenham police station.
Missiles, including Molotov cocktails, fireworks, rocks and fire extinguishers, were thrown at the police. Scotland Yard said at least one of the officers had suffered head injuries.
Trouble flared after members of the community took to the streets on Saturday night to demand "justice", after Mark Duggan, 29, was shot dead on Thursday.
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

Young looters were accused of an opportunistic ‘Supermarket Sweep’ motivated by nothing other than greed.
Dozens were filmed as they disappeared into the night with their arms laden with plasma TVs, laptops and sports clothes.
Claims that rampant lawlessness was motivated by the death of Mark Duggan at the hands of police was quickly exposed as a lie.
Some of those involved in attacks on stores in Enfield, Tottenham and Oxford Circus were barely old enough to be arrested.
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Left-wing politicians have cynically sought to make political capital out of the riots, blaming government cuts for the orgy of violence.
Labour MPs and activists lined up to make excuses for the thugs, spouting claims that disadvantaged youth had no option but to smash up high streets. Chris Williamson, Labour MP for Derby North, suggested the Government’s austerity drive was to blame.
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Left-wing cynics are behind most if not all of today's troubles - except they are very good at distancing themselves when the spotlight starts to shine. The left have been building their army for 2 years now (ever since the writing was on the wall for old/new labour) and the right wing better up its game some 1000% because the left are outmaneouvering you everywhere ( they have nothing else to do and plenty to gain). This is nothing to do with a shooting of a criminal gang member and all to do with bringing down the Coalition Government. Everyone can see that.
- L. G., Berkshire, 08/8/2011 23:04
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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So, will this deter the rioters?
Young offenders taken on all-expenses trip to Alton Towers as part of 'supervision programme'
9th August 2011
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Oh! What a lovely war:
Liam Fox and his lucky aides direct the conflict in Libya from a Spanish hotel - at the taxpayer's expense
Read more: ... z1UYVRale1
Dont they realise there is a war going on in the streets of our major cities.
Get the troops deployed on our streets with water cannons and rubber bullets and baton charges.
- hobo, wakefield, 09/8/2011 15:52
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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UK Closed
Keep away from Britain!
Governments around world warn citizens to avoid riot-hit UK
Germans warned to exercise 'special caution'
Latvians told to get health and life insurance
Sweden, Denmark and Finland also issue safety advice
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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Forced to strip naked in the street: Shocking scenes as rioters steal clothes and rifle through bags as people make their way home
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters
By Max Hastings
10th August 2011
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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Twitter refuses to close accounts of rioters to protect their 'freedom of expression'
By Chris Greenwood and Tim Shipman
10th August 2011
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Experts at the GCHQ listening station in Cheltenham have joined forces with Scotland Yard to hunt down hundreds of criminals suspected of masterminding some of the worst looting.
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

We will use water cannons on them:
At last Cameron orders police to come down hard on the looters (some aged as young as NINE)
Officers will have 24 hours' notice to roll out powerful water cannons on yobs
U-turn on 'softly softly' approach earlier this week as police finally vow to come down hard on offenders
Ed Miliband heckled and called 'Dave' on Manchester visit
Three men killed in Birmingham as hit-and-run prompts triple murder investigation
Serious disorder in Manchester, but also unrest in Wolverhampton, West Bromwich and Salford
Violence in Liverpool, Leicester and Nottingham where police station is fire-bombed by gang
Police investigating reports that shots have been fired at police officer in Birmingham
16,000 officers on London's streets keep the capital calm
109 arrests in West Midlands, 110 in Manchester and Salford, 50 across Merseyside and 19 in Bristol
768 people arrested in London since Saturday and 167 charged. 81 are arrested overnight
Liam Gallagher's Manchester boutique smashed and ransacked
eBay and Gumtree will help police to identify stolen goods being sold online Read more: ... z1UdrnerVK

And Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg was heckled in Birmingham, where a number of passers-by shouted 'go home' while he was visiting affected areas. Read more: ... z1UdwTu538
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

British sense of humour still going strong
Remember how Cockneys dealt with East End of London bombing during WW11

Sky news latest…. Police to use water cannon
They’re also adding a little Persil… apparently it stops the colours from running

They’ve just arrested a black man in Liverpool
riding a moped with a 50” telly on the front
When Police questioned him……
He claimed it was his sat nav!!
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

another silly post?
who are "the some"?
some cats like kiti kat
9 out 10 said yes
57% of a 143 questioned agreed brand A is better than brand B
"There's a body of very angry young people out there -- young people who have been marginalised systematically within society for decades," education expert Professor Gus John told AFP. "I think to a large extent, it's an outpouring of pent-up anger against the police, but also total frustration with their situation as people who see no future for themselves." Some however rejected arguments that social conditions played a role and simply demanded a swift crackdown on the perpetrators.
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

duel standards?
Petrol Station rules = no naked flames or mobile phones
Playing ball games in the street = not allowed
held nightly it appears are Baseball & Cricket events

it will all come out in the wash so long as the colours dont run ;)
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

Tariq Hussain, 48, watched the attack unfold and warned that the community would take revenge for the killing.
The shopowner, who is a close family friend of Mr Jahan’s, said:
‘The car hit all three of them up and sent them up like tennis balls.
Other Asian people pelted the car with bricks and it drove off.
(time sequence needed re: “pelted the car with bricks”)
‘People want to act, but the police won’t let us.
We want justice and if anyone comes here tonight, they will be asking for trouble.’
Another man said: ‘There will be race riots if the police don’t sort this out quickly.’
He accused largely African-Caribbean looting gangs of targeting Asian-owned businesses,
easier targets compared with the city centre which was full of police.

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Re: Riots in Tottenham

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Legacy of a society that believes in nothing
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

RoboCop is far toooooooooo busy saving Middlesbrough from tree huggers to be bothered by Mr Cameron & Co ;)
Mallon thinks the worst people in Middlesbrough society are home owners wishing to be left in peace
and lovers of green spaces wishing for some green space to be left intact
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Re: Riots in Tottenham

Post by BoroBot »

a super big dose of laxatives is needed in Mbro :lol: :lol: ;)
to be rid of you mall on shites
Unfortunately we only ever applied that to police corruption, not crime in general.
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