Stuart Bell MP for Mbro??????

We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Smoggies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven?—Is he in hell? He's not in Middlesbrough, That demmed, elusive Pimpernel.
Due to unforeseen circumstances ALL contact to “The Scarlet Pimpernel” is suspended. In future constituents will need to apply direct to the “Middlesbrough Town Hall Prospective MP Barn Dancing Extravaganza” Ladies & Gentlemen please take your places for the next dance led by Ray Mallon – Musical Chairs. All participants left without a chair or good enough spin story of why they should be elected MP for Middlesbrough will be removed from the floor. Let the dancing on the ice of spin begin…
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Re: Stuart Bell MP for Mbro??????

Post by BoroBot »

11:26 AM on June 24, 2011
Obviously not interested in "local issues" and is too busy with the national picture.
Another dinosaur who needs getting rid of, Ian swales and Tom Blenkinsopp actually bother their a**es to go and knock on doors to ask what your personal issues are they are the new breed of MP who see it as an honour to make difference to local people and im sure they have time for both local and national pictures.

11:37 AM on June 24, 2011
What sort of representation is that!? The people of Middlesbrough have only themselves to blame for voting the trougher in. HA!

11:46 AM on June 24, 2011
Probably to busy writing for Le Figaro !
And you Labour voting muppets in Middlesbrough will still vote him back in at the next election. FOOLS.

11:50 AM on June 24, 2011
For the love of everything you hold dear - please use your vote responsibly. Please do NOT consider putting a tick on ANY of the 3 main parties. You don't need broken promises on certain referendums - you have the power every 4 years to CHANGE all of those priorities. For our and your country's future put a tick for a smaller party BNP, UKIP, Green, Independents - But stop this once and for all 3 corrupt traitors keeping power. Look at this mans face - Sir Bell. And see the complete distain he has for the people he represents. We need a learning curve people, before it's too late.

12:01 PM on June 24, 2011
WHo does he think he is !! He was voted in by people in this area to represent our local interests he should backtrack on this and be preapared to speak out on current international , national and most of LOCAL that peole of this area are asking him.
Before I get comments about my email I know some people didnt vote for him but hes in and we cant do anything about him at present.
I have had dealings with him in the past and I can honestly say he did a GREAT job for me and my Family.

12:20 PM on June 24, 2011
His probably too busy filling in his Expenses claim!!!!!!

12:27 PM on June 24, 2011
Should anyone be surprised! Just typical of his lack of respect for the voters and the Evening Gazette. He has not held a surgery for over 14 years and yet the voters of Middlesbrough are still stupid enough to vote for him.

12:35 PM on June 24, 2011

12:40 PM on June 24, 2011
Why are people so surprised? I doubt Sir Bell could point to Middlesbrough on a map!!!
Of course he doesn't want to get involved with a debate on local matter - what on earth would he answer!?!?!
I'm sure he'll be ringing up the Gazette in the build up to the next election, remember Sir Bell you have to dial +44 first when outside of the UK

12:45 PM on June 24, 2011
Shame on you Labour voters who can't see past the 'anyone but the Tories' .
How people who voted for this man can look at themselves in the mirror is beyond me.
The man wasn't interested when he had a Labour Government so this is no surprise now we have a Tory led one.
Middlesbrough has got the MP it deserves.

12:47 PM on June 24, 2011
He's a disgrace.
The worst MP Middlesbrough has ever had and there's a lot of competition for that title.

12:49 PM on June 24, 2011
Surprised this man is still able to walk. He is constantly shooting himself in the foot

12:52 PM on June 24, 2011
So what's new - this is the way he has treated us residents from day one. The peope of Middlsbrough only have themselves to blame - they put him where he is - time after time and paid him a small fortune at the same time out of their own taxes. Well done.

12:54 PM on June 24, 2011
further support from the fantastic labour which has done so much for our area, SERIOUSLY who keeps voting for them!? captain cookie has it in a nut-shell, STOP VOTING FOR THE "BIG 3" in my view the only option is UKIP, Nigel Farage is already voted in by everybody for a Member of Eurpean Parliment because he is free speaking, hard hitting true Englishman! listen to any of his views and if you have any patriotic feeling and all be it, common sense you will vote for them!!!
watch this video of Nigel asking 'Mr.Van.Rumpoy of Belgium' who was appointed not elected! who decides all of the major decisions for the EU...Who are you!? nobodys ever heard of you!?
search nigel farage on the tube, 2nd video down
UKIP's manifesto includes...
Oppose votes for prisoners, Require all visitors to exhibit adequate health insurance at the port of entry, Provide free parking at all hospitals, Tax foreign lorries using British roads, Cut councillors' allowances and expenses
but best of all...Leave the EU

1:06 PM on June 24, 2011
This is terrible and the MP needs to be reminded that he SERVES the people of Middlesbrough and not London or Europe. He is not accountable to the Gazette but he is to the people of Middlesbrough! I would suggest that he has lost touch with the people of Teesside and should maybe spend more time supporting local issues as does the Darlington MP who actually responds to questions and comments even on Facebook!

1:06 PM on June 24, 2011
I would be very surprised if Bell stood for election next time. Even the options for boundary changes dont help him. And this suggests he just isn't interested. Appalling really.

1:06 PM on June 24, 2011
I can see the "swamp gas rising" here in Redcar
At least the voters of Redcar had the good sense to rid ourselves of a vile,arrogant and sciolistic individual

1:19 PM on June 24, 2011
The man is a disgrace and clearly holds the area in absolute contempt. I would have voted for Gordon Brown at the last election, however I could not and did not vote for Stuart Bell. Despite the havoc they have caused I would rather vote for a Lib Dem again at the next election, than Bell.

1:23 PM on June 24, 2011
Sorry people of Middlesbrough (& I am one of them but not in his constituency) you get what you deserve. He has not been interested in the area for years and years - enjoys the "gravey train" and all the trappings that go with it.
Has for you, the people who voted for him , he does not give a damn. So stop voting for him!

1:27 PM on June 24, 2011
What an absolute disgrace this man is, he is the local MP for this area and appears not to give a damn, I don't know how he has the nerve, he should walk away from the job he so obviously cares nothing about,. A disgrace to Middlesbrough!!

1:30 PM on June 24, 2011
to be honest, him and hs party have took this area for granted over the last few decades and his responce smacks of being comfortable knowing that whatever he does the teesside public will always vote for him. if this constituency was a marginal where there was a real chance that any of the other two would get elected you could bet your morgage he would be interested in this .

1:30 PM on June 24, 2011
Hopefully this movie will be another nail in Bells coffin
Toryboy the movie
28 June • 17:00
Cine World
Marton Road
*Free admittance*
Against all the odds, BAFTA nominated film-maker and Labour voter John Walsh becomes a Conservative Candidate for a seat in a Labour heartland during the British 2010 General Election Campaign. What he uncovers is a place where intimidation and neglect have scarred a town that politics has forgotten. He goes on a quest to find the local absentee Labour Member of Parliament. Using his insights as a candidate and animation techniques, ToryBoy is a political satire that cuts to the heart of the current British anger over politicians who have exploited a system for years. Working with news footage, animation and film from the campaign shot over a year, ToryBoy is a unique insight into the political culture of one of the world’s oldest democracies.

1:37 PM on June 24, 2011
The Liebour representative who has served the town for 27 years, would someone like to remind about the landmark achievements for his constituents during this period, because nothing immediately comes to mind

1:54 PM on June 24, 2011
Not that I wish to speak up for this absolute disgrace of a politician, but he's attitude towards the electorate has been well known for a long time. His only interest is in profiteering from his position, his best ally in the house was the only speaker to be forced from office in 300 years, and he cannot spend time on writing for the gazette but can find time to claim for a rememberance wreath..
and you voted for him! I suspect the majority of the ward will continue to vote for him as well.
I guess you get the representation you deserve.

2:08 PM on June 24, 2011
The man is a disgrace and an insult to the hard-working people of Middlesbrough.
Party of the Working Man? Another gravy-train multi-millionaire taking Teesside for a ride.
The movie Tory Boy, which is all about Bell, his 'people' and their methods, is showing at Cineworld at 5pm, Tuesday 28th. If the blinkered, Labour-voting sheep of Middlesbrough want to know more about the man that they put their 'X' against, then they should go and see it. They'll never vote Labour again and then, maybe, Middlesbrough can move forward!

2:19 PM on June 24, 2011
It appears to me as a combination of arrogance and senility mixed with a little forgetfulness of how he became to to hold such an office by virtue of the very people who put him there and he does wish to acknowledge .Shame on your Sir - this absurd reaction will re-visit you and have a very negative outcome . Should you wish to forget ,this colossal faux pas - be in no doubt that none of the other parties will allow this matter to drop when election time comes round..

2:27 PM on June 24, 2011
In fairness to Mr Bell,when he was asked by the Evening Gazette his response was "Where the hell is Middlesbrough"?

2:28 PM on June 24, 2011
What an overblown egotistical arrogant prat !! He has had a very lucrative career out of portraying himself as a man of the common people but has really led a double life.He gives nothing to Middlesbrough and yet people voted for him time and doubt this will be his last term of office and then he can cosy down with his real alumni in the House of lords and flit across to his little French bolt hole to write his erotic novels or whatever he does.

2:52 PM on June 24, 2011
Disgacefull comments from a 73 year old man who should stand up and be counted by his local newspaper , it does not surprise me he does not want to give the Gazette local views he couldn't even be bothered to attend a local Hustings event last year before he got re-elected for another 4 years. it's not exactly hard work being a local MP based at the Houses of Parliament. most hard working normal people would be retired at his age

3:10 PM on June 24, 2011
What do the people of Middlesbrough expect, this is the man that, through his ineptitude, managed to gift Sunderland the Nissan car plant when they were set to come to Teesside. As for the electorate that voted him in, The Killers song "Human" correctly labels them "dancers".

3:18 PM on June 24, 2011
The blank replies to the questions asked of Bell printed in the Gazette are representative of what this mans answers to the questions would have been anyway.
What do you expect, he does nothing, knows nothing and has acheived nothing for Middlesbrough.
He is self serving parasite, claiming his huge wages and expenses and will continue to be voted in by Labour voting sheep

3:23 PM on June 24, 2011
Good people of Middlesbrough......when oh when are you going to wake up and see what this disgrace of a man Sir Stuart Bell has been up to all these years! You simply keep voting him in...why? His family have been on the Middlesbrough MP gravy train for years.
"Sir Stuarts wife, Lady Margaret, receives £35,000 a year as his office manager.
Sir Stuart said Lady Margaret had worked for him for 30 years.
She would be getting much more than she gets from me if she had continued in her teaching career.
We are in the business of serving the public and we have letters galore from grateful constituents. Lady Margaret understands the patch and the constituents and she does a sterling job.
I beg to differ Mr Bell as you clearly only see Middlesbrough and the good people of this town as a ‘meal ticket’ while you spend your time living in France! When was the last time this man actually visited Middlesbrough?

3:35 PM on June 24, 2011
Sir Stuart son Malcolm Bell was also on the Middlesbrough gravy train until he derailed himself whilst working for his father in 2002.
News article dated-Thursday, 7 March, 2002.
‘The son of a prominent Labour MP has been locked up for stealing more than £8,000 from other politicians.
Malcolm Bell, son of Middlesbrough MP Stuart Bell, was sentenced to 60 days in a young offenders' institution at a hearing at London's Bow Street Magistrates' Court.
Bell, 20, of Onslow Road, Richmond, Surrey, admitted stealing blank cheques and computer equipment during a seven-month period while working for his father as a House of Commons researcher.
He pleaded guilty to 11 charges of theft, attempted theft and obtaining money transfers by deception’

3:38 PM on June 24, 2011
At least his son back in 2002 had the decency to admit to theft and attempted theft! Yet here we are in 2011 and Sir Stuart Bell is still masquerading as the so called MP for Middlesbrough……..Time to wake up good people of Middlesbrough!!!!!!!

3:44 PM on June 24, 2011
Stuart Bell is a public servant who clearly despises the public he is meant to serve because they might ask a few awkward questions.

4:05 PM on June 24, 2011
What was his first response, "Where's Middlesbrough?"?

4:18 PM on June 24, 2011
wellwhat do u expect,all the idiots who vote labour cos dad did and grand dad did deserve all u get,can anybody say what he has done for boro,in 27 years,besides bleeding the systam,to buy property in france,scumbag,

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Re: Stuart Bell MP for Mbro??????

Post by BoroBot »

5:23 PM on June 24, 2011
....erm he's a MP. 'am I missing something?

5:52 PM on June 24, 2011
I congratulate the Gazette for this article and I hope they will now follow it up with an in depth investigation into the sheer indolence of this man. Forget the MPs expenses scandal this is a man who has for 5 terms received a salary to represent the people of Middlesbrough and has contributed nothing. His response to your request typifies the sheer contempt with which he holds this town and his constituents. I have written to Bell, emailed him, contacted his constituency and parliamentary office and have not received a reply!!! At the very least he should have acknowledged receipt of my letters and it is sheer rudeness not to return my calls. He is a complete joke and in these tough times when every job in this town is important we need an MP who will work his socks off for the people of Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough needs a Tom Blenkinsop and it needs one now and not when this coalition has run its course. Come on Gazette expose this man for what he is !!!!!!

6:34 PM on June 24, 2011
I`ve always been a suporter of Stuart Bell in the past but now I think it`s time he retired. He clearly does`nt care about the town anymore or show any respect to the good people who live here.

8:03 PM on June 24, 2011
he looks as if he should be in a nuursing home were he can be looked after, what a waste of space this so called politician is, make the most of it you wont get in again mate.

8:40 PM on June 24, 2011
how the hell did he get knighted.
he lives mostly in france and comes over for his expense form.
but boro labour will put him up for election and he will get in with a big majority.
stupid boro labour party!!

10:57 PM on June 24, 2011
Maybe the EG should have left a message on his french telephone number - or wherever it is he lives that is more important to him than this town and the blinkered sheep and robots wo voted for that. Labour through and through - and the local labourites wail insult about "southern tories" - at least they represent those who voted for then

11:15 PM on June 24, 2011
This man has long been a passenger and yet mallon gave him a civic reception to celebrate 25 years of doing nothing. Further to this I cannot understand why Tesside in the main votes Liebour. I recently had a correspondence with my MP and he did not answer one point that I asked about in his reply he wandered off in a ramble.
I ask what have Liebour governments ever achieved everyone since the last WW2 has left the country in a total mess.
As for M'bro council with it's none cooperation with TDC on political grounds stockton and Hartlepool received many rewards and we got a football stadium and that had nothing ot do with the council.
The people of this town need to wake up and smell the air.

11:48 PM on June 24, 2011
For those who want to see an end to Bell come to:
Cine World Middlesbrough
Marton Road TS1 2DY
Tuesday 28th June at 5.00pm at
*Free admittance*
This film lifts the lid on Bell's 30 years at the centre of a town he despises. word is he is already planning his speech retiring from politics to "spend more time with his second family"

1:38 AM on June 25, 2011
What an absolute disgrace this man is ! Showing pure and utter contempt for Middlesbrough and the media of Middlesbrough. This man refuses to meet his Constituents, refuses to answer legitimate questions in a free and uncensored press... who does he think he is ? Sir Stuart, please stand down, because you and all your Labour cronies are keeping Middlesbrough down and making us all a laughing stock.

1:45 AM on June 25, 2011
what a pompous out of touch prat he is. The Sun is a national newsparer sold in huge quantities on Teesside and to sugest no one buys it is ridiculous

7:09 AM on June 25, 2011
one would think with all of his fiddled expenses over the years,he would have at least had his teeth sorted.

10:23 AM on June 25, 2011
Arrogant, out of touch, invisible, a disgrace of an MP. I disagree with PR but this is the biggest argument for PR there could ever be. With all the plight this area has suffered over the last few years where have you been?

This man is currently un-accountable for his actions. If the Labour party has any teeth at all it would chew his backside for this. It has to be said that Mr Bell has been the most obvious by absence of any MP in the country. A proper shameful situation, MOVE OVER STUART LET SOMEONE WITH A PASSION FOR THE AREA DO A DECENT JOB OF REPRESENTATION.

10:50 AM on June 25, 2011
Zambi - Mallon actually did not give Bell a civic reception to celebrate his 25 years as an MP here - you did, because you the taxpayer footed the bill! You also footed the bill for the expensive fountain pen he was given and the expensive perfume for Lady Bell!

12:14 PM on June 25, 2011
You get what you vote for folks!

3:29 PM on June 25, 2011
Can the Gazette please ask the local Labour Party for a comment - and also ask Ed Miliband for his thoughts - and publish their responses. (I realise Bell does not have - nor need a constituency office.)
To quote Abe Lincoln "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." Hmm. Time for a re-write - as this clearly does not apply to Middlesbrough's Labour voters.
Well done everyone who voted for him - happy with your representative?
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Re: Stuart Bell MP for Mbro??????

Post by BoroBot »

Re: Sir Stuart Bell
by brandon_ross »
Free Cinema Entry “ToryBoy” the film tipped to force a By Election! Premiere Tue 28th June 5pm Cine World Middlesbrough Marton Rd.
“Don’t miss out on seeing the film that tells the true story of Sir Stuart Bell MP already tipped to force a By Election!”
Tuesday 28th June at 5.00-6.30pm + Q&A
Cine World Middlesbrough Marton Road TS1 2DY
Against all the odds, BAFTA nominated film-maker and Labour voter John Walsh becomes a Conservative Candidate for a seat in a Labour heartland during the British 2010 General Election Campaign. What he uncovers is a place where intimidation and neglect have scarred a town that politics has forgotten. He goes on a quest to find the local absentee Labour Member of Parliament. Using his insights as a candidate and animation techniques, ToryBoy is a political satire that cuts to the heart of the current British anger over politicians who have exploited a system for years. Working with news footage, animation and film from the campaign shot over a year, ToryBoy is a unique insight into the political culture of one of the world’s oldest democracies. (Documentary Feature 100mins)
Followed by Q&A
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