Middlesbrough MP race

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Middlesbrough MP race

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Middlesbrough MP race: refereed by Ray Mallon :lol: ;) :o

Middlesbrough “Spoof” Labour Party picks its top choices for MP – if Ray "The Referee" http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... =135&t=759 Mallon agrees

Meanwhile Councillor Len “I don’t post on forums” http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... 1&start=10 http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... t=35#p3945 Junier said he believed the shortlist offered a wide range of to pick from.
“I think it is a good list. You have got men and women, people from Middlesbrough, people who aren’t from Middlesbrough and people from a range of different backgrounds.

Councillor Charles “the loony” http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... =114&t=615 http://middlesbrough-council.com/video/Charles2.wmv Rooney added – The Middlesbrough “Spoof” Labour Party candidates like Middlesbrough’s housing possess the experience of age - being at least 750 years old
Party picks its top choices in Middlesbrough MP race

THE battle to become Labour’s candidate for the vacant Middlesbrough seat will be decided tomorrow.
An initial shortlist of six candidates of those aiming to replace the late Sir Stuart Bell as the town’s MP was revealed by the party yesterday.
The date of the by-election has been confirmed as November 29, and whoever secures the Labour nomination will be hot favourite to land the parliamentary seat.

Among those fighting to stand for Labour are former Tees Valley Regeneration boss Joe Docherty and lawyer Andy McDonald.
But it emerged today that the shortlist may be cut from six to five. It is understood Rotherham councillor Mahroof Hussain may withdraw to focus on standing for the vacant Rotherham seat after the resignation of Denis McShane yesterday.

Middlesbrough has long been a Labour stronghold - with Sir Stuart Bell elected seven times, most recently in 2010 with a 45.9% share of the vote.
However, uncertainty remains over whether independent Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon will launch a bid for a Commons seat.
Mr Mallon, inset, said last week that he would assess those put forward by the major parties before making his decision.

At that stage he said: “I intend to analyse the candidates’ list and if high quality candidates exist then there would be no need for any intervention by me. However, if I feel that the candidates are not of the highest quality then I would give the public a choice by putting my own name forward.”

Mr Mallon declined to comment yesterday but his intervention in the race has sparked a spat with Labour’s Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland MP Tom Blenkinsop.

Mr Blenkinsop said Mr Mallon’s comments - made shortly after the death last month of Sir Stuart Bell - were “crass and disrespectful”.
Mr Mallon responded by saying it was his prerogative to comment on the election at any time he chooses.

The shortlist has provoked some criticism among Labour members in Middlesbrough, with complaints that not enough local people had made it to the final six.

One said: “The shortlist needs more candidates with a real feel for the issues affecting Middlesbrough, rather than a majority who are scratching around trying to come up with a link to the town.”

But Labour party member and Middlesbrough councillor Len Junier said he believed the shortlist offered a wide range of to pick from.
“I think it is a good list. You have got men and women, people from Middlesbrough, people who aren’t from Middlesbrough and people from a range of different backgrounds.

“It’s a difficult balance and it will be interesting to hear them on Sunday. I’ve not made my mind up yet, even at this late stage, and will make a decision after hearing everyone speak; that is the beauty of an event such as this.”

The Liberal Democrats have chosen George Selmer to stand in the election, while the Conservatives are yet to name their candidate.

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Re: Middlesbrough MP race

Post by BoroBot »

The comments about scratching around to find a link to the town tells me what most people have known for a long time - the choice will be Mbro solicitor Andy McDonald. Mr McDonald hosted a party in his home 48 hours after Ray Mallon was first elected - to celebrate Mallon's victory over Labour's own candidate - Sylvia Connolly - such is Mr McDoanld's loyalty to his party. Mr Mqallon and many Labour cllrs were present at the party. I do hope he tries to deny this !

Sadly,IMO,Such is the mentality of many voter's in this town, it's immaterial who gets nominated. It could be Dumb or Dumber as long as it has a red rosette on it,they will vote for it. To see many of these Labour Councillors backing the Independent Mayer,time and again,against their own party,shows where their allegiances really lie. Their pocket.

No doubt who ever is "chosen" will just romp in as the great boro electorate will be as usual make their very own uneducated vote.

Who the hell does Mallon think he is. He is going to assess the quality of the candidates and if he deems they aren't good enough he will put his own name forward. Talk about idolising yourself...what on earth gives this little upstart the idea that he is so good no-one else can hold a candle.
Look at his record to date:
Middlehaven - a major flop
Gresham - ripped the heart out of this area of the town with the loss of a large number of homes and a blighted community
Grove Hill - nothing does for years
Town centre dream - promised to turn it into a 24 hour cafe culture - a stupid pipedream if ever there was one
Council efficiency - not even able to hold the rates level with government subsity
He is a joke and if he stands I really hope he is absolutely annihilated - this would knock him off his own pedestal

Whoever is chosen for Labour, one thing we do know is that their principal loyalty will be to Brussels, that is where our laws are made.
The same goes for the Lib Dem candidate and the Conservative candidate.
I will vote for the first candidate who is firmly opposed to the European 'Union' and is committed to regaining independence for the UK as a free and sovereign nation again.

Cllr Len Junier should hang his head in shame - its not what he wants but the what the people he represents want.
The process has been clearly been manipulated to keep the GMB and Mallon happy. Hence only two front runners.
Of the two front runners, only Joe D has the reputation worthy of nomination. Andy Mac, in the Labour Party's own words, is closely associated with the Mayor, to say the least, and as such is not worthy of the nomination. Indeed, some ask whether he (and several others) should even be in the Party.
As for the four other names. I am sure they are all talented and able people. But MP for Middlesbrough? One calls the town a city. Another person can't even spell Middlesbrough, one offers to hold a surgery "every month" (wow) and it seems another is already potentially withdrawing from the process before the selection meeting has even started!!!!!!!
Finally, I was born in Whinney Banks. Brough up in Grove Hill. In a working class family. Marton Grove Primary, Bertram Ramsey. Teesside Poly, Then Teesside Uni. Worked in the town, including for Middlesbrough Council fighting ASB. Joined the party nearly 30 year ago. And I wasn't even "long-listed"!!!! Am I embarrassed? Personally, no. But by a process that is more about political correctness than talent or ability (at best) or a fraudulent charade (at worst) and therefore an insult to the residents of Middlesbrough, yes.
I am confident at the end of the day Joe D will be a great candidate and a worthy MP for the town. But I ask that, in future, the Party refrains from treating the town like its fiefdom and that members do the right thing and clean up politics in the town from the delusional nepotism to openness and honesty.

If Gary Glitter became the Labour candidate people of Middlesbrough would still vote Labour such has been the blinkered attitude about voting Labour on Teesside since Adam was courting Eve.
The only only positive is that no party is setting the world alight so I reckon my dog has a reasonable chance of winning the next election as much as anyone.

Middlesbrough people have to send a message to the Coalition and the closet Tories who put comments on here. That message is you are not wanted in this town. Everyone has the right to stand for Labour as members but I certainly would have been much happier with more local candidates. There are enough experienced and knowledgable members in and around Boro to have had at least three of the six on the list. Its disappointing.

Who the heck this Mayor thinks he is..... God almighty does not even come second on his personal list. of which he obvious deems he is head and shoulders above the others, that is if he deems them good enough to meet his personal standards, whatever THEY may be????
He controls the exec through their fear of losing two thirds of their income!
Those that supported him against the official selected Labour candidate at the Mayoral Elections, should not even be in the party according to Labour Party Rule Chapter 2 Para 4, yet one in particular Andy McDonald has his name on the official list! (He had a party at his house for the Mayor when he won!) against Sylvia Connolly. (Official Lab Candidate)
A serious dose of looking at how this Rotten Borough is run is long overdue.
The bag of worms are beginning to spill out and if our local paper had any bottle, it would be running front page leaders exposing just what is going on in this town, and informing its readers in order they make a more educated choice when they place their 'X'.

My bet is these comments or the majority will vanish pretty soon!

This highlights the problem of parties and parliament as over 400 seats are already spoken for before any eloection takes place.At their lowest points between since world war II Labour have never had less than 209 and the Conservatives never less than 165.Thus nearly 400 seats are fiefdoms of the main political parties.
Both parties have seats that could be won by a ficticious character - say Batman or Superman.
Perhaps some seats are already occupied by characters such as these!

This town needs an MP that is locally sourced & not a politically correct external candidate with no experience in the real world. There is a need for a radical clean up of the misfits running this town. We have a police force with a sullied reputation governed by incompetents. Our rates are being spent on mindless, worthless projects without it seems a sound business case or guaranteed benefit. What happened to the £750K given to Mallon's mate the property developer. Where is the evidence that it has delivered a return!
A strong individual that promises change is what is needed, someone that has the strength of character to resist some of the current political incumbents.

This bi election is exposing the unsavoury politics of this town . Labour members supporting a mayor who praises the coalition. Why dotheydo this because he puts them on his exec and gives them £12k . They then keep their mouths zipped and bow down to him. Even though they are breaking party rules , Andy McDonald mp candidate has colluded with them , actually instrumental in getting Mallon elected in the first place. Disobeying party rules to,suit themselves. He has no loyalty to the party. Why should we be loyal to him when he has conned the people for ten yrs. don't forget Coppinger lab PCC candidate is part of the same gang. Neither of them have supported their own mayoral candidate , what type of party deserves immoral,people like that in responsible positions. Use your vote responsibly tomorrow , do what's best for the town and that certainly is not to vote McDonald. If we want manure we can get it from a farm thanks . We need a respectable candidate

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Re: Middlesbrough MP race

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