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Atos – DWP the Lourdes Cure – for all your ailments no matter how severe. Get the CURE attend one of the Atos miracle centres today without delay. Snake oil and spin a speciality. Taken with large dose of sugar to help the medicine go down.
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Dying to Find Jobs

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32 die a week after failing test for new incapacity benefit
By Nick Sommerlad on April 4, 2012 11:00 PM in Health
More than a thousand ­sickness benefit claimants died last year after being told to get a job, we can reveal.
We've highlighted worries about the controversial medical tests for people claiming Employment Support Allowance which are being used to slash the country's welfare bill.
The Government has boasted that more than half of new ­claimants are found "fit to work" - failing to mention that over 300,000 have appealed the decision and almost 40% have won.
Instead, employment minister Chris Grayling (below) says this ­"emphasises what a complete waste of human lives the current system has been".
http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigation ... ng-in.html
We've used the Freedom of Information Act to discover that, between January and August last year, 1,100 claimants died after they were put in the "work-related activity group".
This group - which accounted for 21% of all claimants at the last count - get a lower rate of benefit for one year and are expected to go out and find work.
This compares to 5,300 deaths of people who were put in the "support group" - which accounts for 22% of claimants - for the most unwell, who get the full, no-strings benefit of up to £99.85 a week.
We don't know how many people died after being found "fit to work", the third group, as that information was "not available".
But we have also found that 1,600 people died before their assessment had been completed.
This should take 13 weeks, while the claimant gets a reduced payment of up to £67.50 a week, but delays have led to claims the system is in "meltdown".
Mr Grayling admitted last month that 35,000 people are waiting longer than 13 weeks. Commenting on the deaths of ­claimants, a Department for Work and Pensions official said: "It is possible that the claimant had already closed their claim and then ­subsequently died, meaning that these figures may be ­overestimating the true picture."
Of course, they're bound to include some people who died of ­something completely unrelated to their benefit claim.
But there are plenty of tragic cases - such as that of David Groves (above) who died from a heart attack the night before taking his work ­capability assessment.
The 56-year-old, from Staveley, Derbyshire, worked for 40 years as a miner and telecoms engineer but stopped on doctors' orders after an earlier heart attack and a string of strokes. His widow Sandra said: "When Dave was called in for a medical, he felt like he was back to square one.
"He was in a terrible state by the day he died. It was the stress that killed him, I'm sure."
Stephen Hill, 53, of Duckmanton, Derbyshire, died of a heart attack in December, one month after being told he was "fit to work", even though he was waiting for major heart surgery.
Citizens Advice told us it has found "a number of cases" of people dying soon after being found fit for work.
"There seems to be a clear link between the cause of death and the condition they were suffering from that led to the claim," said Katie Lane, head of welfare policy.
"We have always supported the idea that people who could work and want to work should be helped to do that. But we are seeing a lot of seriously ill and disabled people being found fit for work.
"We have serious concerns about whether the test used to decide if people are fit for work is the right test."
The work capability assessments are carried out by private firm Atos, on a £100million a year contract.
The firm made a £42million profit in 2010 and paid boss Keith Wilman £800,000, a 22% pay rise on the previous year.
The response to our FOI request:
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 16 February 2012. You asked:
Can you please provide me with the number of ESA claimants who have died in 2011?
Can you please break down that number into the following categories:
• Those who are in the assessent phase
• Those who have been found fit to work
• Those who have been placed in the work related activity group
• Those who have been placed in the support group
• Those who have an appeal pending
The table below provides data on the numbers of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claimants where the Department holds information on a date of death being recorded in 2011 and whose latest Work Capability Assessment (WCA) date (or activity towards assessment) was before the end of August 2011, the latest data available.
In total, between January 2011 and August 2011, some 8,000 claims ended and a date of death was recorded within six weeks of the claim end. This represents about 1% of the total ESA caseload in May 2011 (the latest caseload data available). The table below shows the position of these claims when they were closed.
Those in the Support Group receive unconditional support due to the nature of their illness, which can include degenerative conditions, terminal illness and severe disability.
Note it is possible that the claimant had already closed their claim and then subsequently died, meaning that these figures may overestimate the true picture. Care should therefore be taken when interpreting these figures.
WCA Outcome at most recent assessment and number of claimants with a recorded date of death
Assessment not complete 1,600
Work Related Activity Group 1,100
Support Group 5,300
Total 8,000
All figures have been rounded to the nearest 100.
Data on the number of ESA claimants that have died following a fit for work decision is not available, as the Department does not hold information on a death if the person has already left benefit.
The Department does not hold information on the number of claimants who died whilst an appeal was in progress.
We then asked for:
The total Employment and Support Allowance caseload figures most comparable with the ones in the FOI request, eg Jan-Aug 2011, showing how many ESA claimants are put in support group, WRAG group, fit to work or claim ended.
Clarification on whether these figures are only new ESA claims or whether they include the transfer from Incapacity Benefit?
Clarification on the six-week cut off figure - why was that selected?
We were told:
As at August 2011 there were around 730,000 people receiving ESA. In the three quarters Jan-Sep 2011, 380,000 people left ESA. It is not possible to provide the further detail you request.
These figures only cover new ESA claims - claims from IB recipients are not included.
The six-week figure is used routinely within the department when looking at where people go after leaving benefits.
However, there are more figures on the outcome of Work Capability Assessments on the DWP website
here http://www.dwp.gov.uk/newsroom/press-re ... 8-12.shtml and here. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/newsroom/press-re ... 6-12.shtml
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

Post by BoroBot »

Tom Williams said:
Am I reading correctly?

Under the photograph of employment minister Chris Grayling you have the caption - "Here's another waste of human life."

April 5, 2012 5:43 AM
betsybpunce said:
this is a travesty & the fact that the DWP policy makers are aware of this & yet take no action or accountability is reprehensible. please make this government a 1 term wonder, before 1,000s die at their hands

April 5, 2012 12:41 PM
SteveJones said:
I've got a medical coming up and I'm dreading it, the whole thing is rigged. I consider this persecution of the disabled and unwell as premeditated murder.

April 5, 2012 12:54 PM
Beth said:
If these deaths were due to a hosptal mismanagement like Stoke, a rail or car smash, a roguie doctror like Harold Shipman, a mass murder there would quite rightly be public outrage followed by an enquiry..but because its people hidden away dying 1 by 1 no one screams except thier family and friends...

thank you for highlighting this and saying what so many of us campaigning and shouting out about the horrific treatment people are enduring. I expect saldy there are many many more who have died or taken their own life after being found fit for work. yesterday it made national news about the poor greek gentleman yet it never reaches the national news about our own deperate people.

April 5, 2012 12:57 PM
Anita Bellows said:
This is a great piece of journalism. Could it be possible to have the exact figures ? The total number of claimants, how many were put in each group, etc. Is there no way to follow the claimants who have been declared fit ? If they found a job etc. The time span ? What is really missing is a kind of register which gathers and records all this information, which is available but not volunteered by the government which does not want it to be analysed.
Great work.

April 5, 2012 1:16 PM
annana said:
I am so sad reading this, not because it came as such a shock, but because I expected it.As a disabled person I cannot stress enough just how horrific this assessment is.
Grayling, he is a soulless cretin

April 5, 2012 1:17 PM
andrew said:
I have been disabled 8 years i have no feeling in my hands, feet, lower legs, i need a stick to get about, unable to walk on uneven ground, struggle with stairs, inclines, fall over at least twice a week, go in hospital every 6 weeks for infusions which without i would be in a wheelchair, and i have to go on course now for work i have no problem with working i had my own business before i became ill, i have been seen in the past and told you are unfit to work so why am i suddenly fit to work again i have not magically got better.

April 5, 2012 1:31 PM
Anon said:
From the onset i have commented that forcing people off the welfare system would and does make them more unwell and indeed cost the welfare system making them better or back to a state of health as before. but of course Labour and now the Conservatives think this is the way to reduce costs, it may do sort of as people die but this IS supposed to be a welfare run country and saving lives is paramount. However all governments have their permanent secretaries advising them of so called savings no matter what. It's a pity any government does NOT live in the real world and make decisions that actually harm the citizens who may have voted for them!

April 5, 2012 2:36 PM
hannah said:
Pat’s Petition supports Paul Farmer of MIND 100% in walking away from the WCA/ESA review. This persecution of disabled people has to stop until it is made fit for purpose. Pat's Petition is asking for just such a pause. The petition is now number 11 out of 11,000 e-petitions. Support the charities in getting a Judicial Review. Add the link to Pat's Petition to all your posts and ask people to share and use the share button on the petition. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/20968

April 5, 2012 3:01 PM
giblets said:
Lies, damn lies and statistics:
The 21% who are relatively fit to work, 1,100 passed away.
A group that got given full care, representing 22%, 5,300 passed away.

If we base mortality rates on just the 300,000 who appealed (but far more are in the working group), the mortality rates based on the 34 weeks works out at 560 per 100,000.
The average mortality rate for the whole UK is 655 per 100,000.
Bearing in mind there are far more than the 300,000 people, the mortality rate in that group is much lower than the 'healthy populace (seeing the Dr probably helps!).

So the story is actually an average number of people died who were put in the working gorup.....

April 5, 2012 3:08 PM
Nick Sommerlad said:
Giblet, that "over 300,000" figure is for all appeals since 2009. Anita, I have added more detail on to the bottom of the story above.

April 5, 2012 3:16 PM
caron hirst said:
I have had my medical, 3 weeks ago, I have JHS/EDS3, it wont kill me but I am disabled, unable to get around alone, I am even struggling with my crutches, now to get about.
I filled out my form, and had my medical, very surreal. And yesturday I had a phone call from the young lady who will make THE decission wether I am entitled to ESA.
You have to score 15+ points, I scored 6 so therefore I am deemed fit to work, I asked how can that be, I have a deteriating health problem, things wont get any better, I will only get worse. She told me my disability is not being questioned, they know I have JHS/EDS3. She said its not your disability being questioned, its your capability. I said I wasnt capable of holding down a job, some days I cant get out of bed, I cant even cook anymore. She said it wasnt there problem, its the job centers problem to find me a job.
One of the questions was can you walk, because I said I could with the help of crutches, I am capable of work.
I explained that my shoulders, elbows and wrists are now suffering, coz of my crutches I need my wheelchair more, she said you can still move an empty box in a wheelchair.
One good thing she has said she will hold off making a decission if I can get my healthcare professions to write explaining that if I am forced into work I will suffer mentally and physically, and be back at square one of 13 years ago of not been able to get out of bed.
Hopefully what my doctor supplies will be in my favour, I know it will coz I see my GP every 2 weeks, I take high doess of morphine.
She said coz I can sit at a computer, I can work......I use facebook and emails. So if I am told I am capable of work........... the job center are then responsible to finding me work, if I cant work I get no money.
I cant even get on a bus anymore, I only go out when my daughter can takes me. I cant afford taxis, but have to use them for physio.
I am so stressed it makes my condition ten times worse, I dont sleep well anyway , I am laid on my sofa, for most of the day over last few weeks coz of this i dont function, m y doc and family are worried. But I wont let it kill me, but am worthless to them.
Sorry to ramble, am cross too
They should live in our shoes for a day, I said this to her she said" its not your disability being questioned , its your capability", WHAT WOULD SHE KNOW, SHE HAS HER HEALTH AND A GOOD PAID JOB

April 5, 2012 3:24 PM
Natz said:
I'm a support worker - I help people who are sick and disabled with claims for ESA.
I'm glad the writers of this article have obtained these figures under FOI - the truth needs to come out. I supported and knew one of those 1100 people to die while being in the 'work related activity group'. The ludicrous thing about this lovely lady was that her initial ESA claim resulted in her scoring zero points on the Work Capability Assessment and being found fit for work. I wasn't supporting her when she did her initial claim - she did the form and attended the medical with ATOS alone. I can't stress enough that people should try to get professional support to deal with the claim process, both the complex form and the medical - they line it with booby traps to fall into. However, advice agencies like CAB are stretched to bursting or depleted by savage funding cuts.
Anyway, I managed to get the lady onto ESA on appeal (took nearly 12 months to get a hearing, so long are the tribunal waiting lists...) but only in the WRAG, despite medical evidence that she was in what was potentially only a temporary remission from cancer (lymphoma)and she was still being regularly monitored for relapse by oncology. But being 'in temporary remission from cancer' doesn't score points, doesn't fit into the senseless inflexible inhumane tick box scoring system of ESA. Anyway she was in the WRAG when she died in May 2011. Her cancer came back hard and fast - at that point I could have obtained the official 'terminal' diagnosis from her doctors and got her into the Support Group but by that stage, she had days to live, not even weeks.
There has to be a better and fairer way to assess people as to whether they are fit for work or not. What we have now is a system that is utterly wrong and really evil. One that is based on a single motivation - money. Saving money is the government's aim and making it ATOS's.
I'm writing this because behind every statistic is a human being - these are not just numbers. Surely we cannot be living in a 21st century western 'developed' society where it's considered acceptable by government that there 'will be casualties' of government policies????

April 5, 2012 3:24 PM
kat said:
Everyone is getting cut off. The tories just wish that the sick and the poor would disappear. Not get better, not get more financially secure- just vanish off the planet. Utter disgrace. Everyone should appeal and get as much medical evidence they can. Strangely no medial evidence is required to give zero points to someone who has been claiming for years and whose condition has actually got worse. They tell you not to bother to appeal but that is rubbish. They have to keep paying a reduced rate of bebefits while the appeal process is going through. If you go to tribunal always request the tribunal face to face which has a much higher rate of success. good luck everyone and hopefully we will be rid of this dreadful government soon. Don't they realise the sick and the poor do have the vote? use it folks!!

April 5, 2012 3:40 PM
james said:
This and the Previous government are well aware of the devastating effects this heinous not fit for purpose E.S.A. Work Capability Assessment would have on the disabled, the vast majority who are the most vulnerable poverty stricken in society.
The only ones to fully profit from this is Atos Medical services and disingenuous work providers such as A4e. To all MP's from all party's who implemented these evil heinous disability welfare reforms culminating in the deaths of innocent disabled people.
Hang your Heads in absolute shame.

April 5, 2012 4:26 PM
Anita Bellows said:
Thanks Nick for this additional information.
My maths are not always good, but working on your numbers, the mortality rate in the population at large is 6.5 deaths per 1000 (6.5/1000) and on the basis of 8000 claims during 6 months, the mortality rate is 137 deaths per 1000 (137/1000) in the population put after an Atos assessment in a work related activity group. It is a staggering figure.

April 5, 2012 4:29 PM
Jared said:
Funny how there are so many comments on a story slating the government's benefits system in a column that declares itself to be about fighting scams and bad business practice. Perhaps you could branch out into covering celebrity gossip next, P&S? I'm sure those articles would have even more comments.

April 5, 2012 5:17 PM
TeeferTiger said:
I finally won my ESA appeal in March after being told last May that I was fit for work. I got the letter last Thursday confirming they were putting me into the WRAG and the amount I would be receiving.

2 days later I got another letter telling me that, as I'd been on the ESA WRAG for 365 days, my benefits would now cease on 30th April. WHAT?!

2 months of this past year of benefits I was still employed and on the lower rate. I had a medical with ATOS through my employer and they deemed me not fit for work (THEY told ME!) and recommended ill health retirement. 2 days later I had an assessment with ATOS for the DWP and they declared me fit for work. A further 9 months of the 365 days was spent waiting for the appeal tribunal, still on the lower rate and not in the WRAG or receiving any kind of support.

When I finally get some good news and the stress relieved a little, they pull the rug out from under my feet again. I know there's no shame in being on benefits, but I certainly wouldn't choose to be if I was well enough to work! Just because I can sit in a chair and put a pen in my pocket, it does not make me fit for work. Besides, who would want to employ a person who will potentially be off sick (a lot!) when there are plenty of healthy people looking for similar vacancies?

April 5, 2012 5:24 PM
Eva said:
Thank you guys for this excellent article - we are waiting for so long to see someone who has somethings between his legs to speak up for the disabled and mentally ill. Please continue the pressure, there is a lot more questions to be answered - like the number of actual suicides. You are our hope now to shut this ATOS system down forever if proven that their so called "doctors" ignore their oath to FIRST DO NO HARM. This could be an international scandal - a country killing its weaker people intenttionally/ knowingly. It is pure eugenics - nothing to do with savings. If we can not work and pay them money, we are of no use for them and therefore disposable. Somebody has to hold them accountable for crime against humanity. Where are the Human Rights lawyers to take them down to the UN, like the great Scottish doctors and nurses did?
Again, a big thank you for your great work - please continue, you give us great hope to see the truth WE know, is getting out to reach others.

April 5, 2012 5:25 PM
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

Post by BoroBot »

http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=0# ... 16&bih=544
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies #esa #wrb #nogobritain
It all sounded such a positive idea; reform Incapacity Benefit by introducing Employment Support Allowance to ensure those who are too sick or disabled to ever work receive life long financial support, those who could do some work with the right support get that support, and those who've been 'gaming' the system get kicked off the benefit. What's not to like about that? Those in need of protection get it, those in need of support to work receive it and the 'drains on society' drain jobseekers allowance instead of sickness benefit so hard working tax payers can rest easy knowing their money is going to the right place. It's such a lovely idea that its impossible to argue against. It's why welfare campaigners have had such an uphill struggle to explain to the public that the "I don't mean people like you" they always exclude from benefit scrounging justifications are actually almost all "people like me" and not the amorphous drain on society type that everyone knows exists...until you actually ask them to name just one person they know and head scratching ensues.

Support for the genuinely sick or disabled is so entrenched in British thinking that it doesn't get questioned until people are in that position themselves and discover that at the time they are most vulnerable those nice little bungalows and free cars they thought would be there to enablee the practicalities of life never really existed. It's why slashing welfare can be done on the premise that it won't affect 'people like me', because until you don't know any better you'd assume people like me are getting all they need to support their ill health or disability.

We've had 18 years of laws the government insist make Britain accessible to disabled people, laws now being used to justify removing financial benefits designed to help us pay for those access needs. Laws which have seen great progress but that are so poorly enforced that a Baroness found herself needing to crawl off a train dragging her wheelchair and a famous yachtsman told he could not travel on a train because "those things will damage the floors".

Against that background of promises to always protect the most vulnerable its proved impossible to explain to the public that the welfare cuts are disproportionately falling upon sick and disabled people. Impossible to demonstrate that this was in fact a giant exercise in simply redefining what to be sick or disabled means, whilst the media floundered around struggling to understand the different names of benefits, what they are for, let alone what losing that support might mean. As campaigners, we always knew what that would mean was being unable to alert the public to the long term human consequences of this until after the changes became law and enough time had passed to collect evidence of what happens to people.

That evidence is still at best patchy, and will gradually emerge over the next 18 months as the tribunal service struggle to process soaring number of appeals against denial of benefit. It will continue to be obscured by the confusion between responsibility caused by outsourcing the medical testing part of the system to a private company not known for their competency, leaving the final decision with an administrative employee of the Department of Work and Pensions and the appeals process by another arm of the civil service. A private company who have failed to provide adequate access to examination centres, failed to inject any humanity into their working processes, frequently failed to acheive the required standards for those working processes but been astonishingly successful in obscuring the true heart of this problem, the deliberate redefinition of sickness and disability designed by the Department of Work and Pensions.

Because, really that's the key to this issue. And slowly, but surely now the evidence will start to emerge that these cuts are very much targeted upon 'people like me', people like the mum with a fractured spine who's lost her adapted mobility car, the mum who used to be a nurse, but now recovering from breast cancer complicated by severe osteoporosis declared fit for work, or the 1100 people who died last year after being found fit for some work and put in the Work Related Activity Group. That's the same group of people now receiving letters to inform them the benefit they believed they'd paid for all their working lives is now being time limited retrospectively if their partner earns more than £7500 a year. These ARE people like me, and when life brings the events we all most instinctively fear they will also be people like you.

So as the government continue to tell their sweet little lies, remember that one day "people like you" will become "people like me", the people you so wanted to believe were somehow so different from you they could be excised from conscience with clever words and promises to protect.
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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Re: Atos Health Care/postggj Taking Them To Court
Hi Kelcou, gg, Ruby et al
Kelcou, you say ATOS don't understand.
With respect to all, will everyone please understand, that, ATOS DO UNDERSTAND! THEY ARE NOT THICK!!
The reason why they are passing so many people as fit for work, when clearly those many people are NOT fit for work (Although I suppose everyone IS fit for work! BUT for how many hours, days etc before they collapse or are in excruciating agony) is NOT BECAUSE THEY DONT UNDERSTAND!
It is because it is ATOS'S mission to get as many people as possible off benefits, by hook or by "crook"! (Nice double' entandre' re "crook").
As I have said elsewhere, if we had only a head, with no limbs or torso, ATOS would say we are fit to work as a bowling ball in a ten pin bowling alley!!!
Re the litigation, has anyone found any info re cases being taken further after the BBC documentary in 2006 which showed medical reports being falsified, resulting in claimants being taken off benefit.
Good luck to all!
http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/fo ... ourt/page2
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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From: Pat Smith
29 December 2011
Dear Cabinet Office,
REMPLOY is apparently owned by the DWP and the DWP has access to
all REMPLOY's records?
The government subcontracted the health assessment testing for
DLA,IB (until it disappears) to ATOS (a private French company) ,
who also runs the I.T infrastructure of the DWP and carry out
health screening and assessments on all Brtish Civil Servants?
Apparently Gordon Brown arranged the award of the contract and
David Cameron continues to allow this?
I would like to know how true the above is please. Please can you
set out exactly how this happened, who took the decisions, and what
the current situation is re: who owns or controls who, and how
private are people's records when they approach the DWP to claim
disability / sickness benefits?
I would like to know exactly what ATOS owns or controls in the UK?
DWP? Remploy?
Who else? How far does ATOS control go in the DWP?
Or what PARTS / aspects of the DWP / Remploy or other
What does ATOS control / own in France or other countries?
I would like to see any related documents.
Does the French government pay ATOS millions to likewise abuse
French citizens' basic rights?
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Pat Smith.
From: Pat Smith
30 December 2011
Dear Cabinet Office,
Who is ATOS ultimately answerable to?
Who wrote the instructions?
What instructions is ATOS obeying?
What is the true ultimate aim of UK Government policy / whoever is
responsible, re sickness benefits?
Saying "work is good for you", when someone is sick, e.g.: has
cancer, is utterly meaningless and cruel.

(It smacks of "work makes you free".)

Has the approach of Central Government / ATOS / DWP towards the
sick, vulnerable, and disabled in the UK been approved by the
European Parliament's Human Rights committee / or similar body?
Is the French Government and European Parliament aware of what ATOS
is doing to UK sick and disabled and vulnerable citizens? Do they
I would like to see all relevant documents please.
Who can UK citizens appeal to when it's own government is not
listening to them, and continues to undermine / withdraw vital
support / harm it's own people?
Yours faithfully,
Pat Smith.
Cabinet Office
16 January 2012
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Dear Pat Smith
Please see attached reply to your request.
FOI Team
Knowledge and Information Management (CSG)
Room 1.35 |Admiralty Arch |London SW1A 2WH
Tel: 0207 276 0601
Email: [Cabinet Office request email]

http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/a ... s_who_or_w
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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Atos doctors could be struck off

Twelve medics at the disability assessment centre are under investigation by the GMC over allegations of improper conduct

Twelve doctors employed by the firm that is paid £100m a year to assess people claiming disability benefit are under investigation by the General Medical Council over allegations of improper conduct. The doctors, who work for Atos Healthcare, a French-owned company recently criticised by MPs for its practices, face being struck off if they are found not to have put the care of patients first.

The Observer has found that seven of the doctors have been under investigation for more than seven months. The other five were placed under investigation this year following complaints about their conduct.

It is understood that the majority of allegations concern the treatment of vulnerable people when the government's controversial "work capability assessments" were carried out, but the GMC refused to comment on individual cases. The development will add to fears over the pace and radical agenda behind the government's welfare-to-work policy, which led to protests in Westminster in May by thousands of disabled people. It will also raise concerns about ministers' commitment to Atos Healthcare, which was recently granted a three-year extension on its contract.

The government has repeatedly publicised figures showing that the "vast majority" of claimants for employment support allowance (ESA), which has replaced incapacity benefit, are fit for work. But four out of 10 of those who appealed the decision by Atos - whose parent company is run by a former French finance minister, Thierry Breton - to deny them benefits are successful on appeal, a process that costs the taxpayer £50m a year.

Last month Atos, whose staff assess around 11,000 benefit claimants a week, was savaged by the cross-party work and pensions select committee after it found that many people had "not received the level of service from Atos which they can reasonably expect".

MPs further claimed that a combination of the company's conduct and the test itself had prompted "fear and anxiety among vulnerable people".

One GP who attended an Atos recruitment fair told the Observer she feared doctors could become "agents of the state" who were deprofessionalised by involvement in a system that did not make patient care its first concern.

Campaigners for the disabled seized upon the development, claiming the government needed to go back to the drawing board. Richard Hawkes, chief executive of the charity Scope, said: "If the government wants to get disabled people off benefits and into work then it needs to get its assessment right. The test should be the first step on the road to employment. But disabled people's confidence in the work capability assessment is extremely low – and today's news will send it to rock bottom.

"The test is massively flawed. Now it appears that it is being carried out by a large number of doctors who are under serious investigation."

Neil Bateman, a solicitor who handles ESA appeals, said on two occasions his clients had been successful because, among other reasons, the doctor assessing them had qualified in Romania and registered with the GMC but had not been licensed to practise in Britain.

Citizens Advice told the Observer it was compiling a dossier showing the problems being faced by those assessed by Atos staff, who can be nurses or physiotherapists in cases where there are no potential neurological disorders. It said it regularly found inaccuracies in many of the medical reports featured in ESA appeal papers that could affect people's chances of receiving benefits. It also found a lack of consideration for those being assessed.

A spokesman said a barrister who was unable to practise because of cancer and lymphoma had described the assessment as being like an "interrogation" led by a computer. The assessor moved the client's legs, which caused her great pain, even though the client had warned that this would happen. In another case a claimant with learning difficulties who went for an assessment was found fit for work because he had found his way to the assessment centre on his own.

When asked about this by Citizens Advice, he reluctantly explained that he had got up very early, taken the bus to the town centre, and then kept asking passersby for directions. He couldn't follow their instructions, so he would show the letter, walk in the direction they pointed, then ask again until he arrived.

Two doctors employed by Atos have already been taken by the GMC to an independent panel for adjudication on their fitness to practise. Dr Alexandros Mallios, who it was claimed had not carried out a proper examination of his patient during an assessment, was cleared by the panel last October. Dr Usen Samuel Ikidde, who qualified in Nigeria, was given a formal warning in January, to lay on his records for five years, after he was found to have worked for Atos while on sick leave from an accident and emergency department.

An Atos spokesman said: "Atos Healthcare is committed to providing a high-quality, professional service and requires these standards of all its employees. While we cannot comment on individual cases, any complaint made about an employee is taken extremely seriously.

"In addition to our own rigorous internal investigations we will co-operate with any external investigation to ensure all facts are properly established and the appropriate action taken."

The Labour government introduced work capability assessments in 2008 when it replaced incapacity benefit and income support for new claimants with employment and support allowance. The government has accelerated the changes and started retesting all 1.5 million incapacity benefit claimants to see whether they are eligible for the new benefit.

A GMC spokesman said: "We can and do take action to remove or restrict a doctor's right to practise if there have been serious failures to meet our standards."

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011 ... disability
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei - WORK WILL SET YOU FREE

ATOS - DWP http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/dwp

New disability test 'is a complete mess', says expert
Welfare reform expert Professor Paul Gregg says a rushed roll out of the work capability assessment will cause more anguish
Amelia Gentleman
Tuesday 22 February 2011 17.51 GMT
Chris Grayling, the employment minister, acknowledged the problems with the test, but insisted that reforms would go ahead.

One of the architects of the new sickness benefit system has warned it would be a mistake to start introducing it nationwide from the end of this month because of serious ongoing problems with the medical test designed to assess whether claimants are genuinely sick or disabled.
"The test is badly malfunctioning. The current assessment is a complete mess," Professor Paul Gregg, an economist and welfare reform expert, said.
During the preliminary roll-out of the test, people with terminal cancer, multiple sclerosis and serious mental illnesses have been found fit to work.
Since early 2009, more than 240,000 cases contesting the result of the health tests have been accepted for tribunal hearings and, of the cases they hear, judges overturn about 40% of test findings.
Over the next three years, 1.5 million people claiming incapacity benefit will undergo a work capability assessment (WCA) to determine whether they are eligible for a replacement benefit, employment support allowance (ESA).
The new test is much tougher than the previous one and in pilots 30% fewer people have been found unfit for work and 70% fewer people have been found eligible for the full-rate, unconditional support benefit; in both cases claimants have been shifted to a lower benefit. The reform is expected to save the government £1bn over five years.
The system has been in place for new claimants since 2008, but will be expanded to retest existing claimants from the end of this month.
An independent review of the test in November last year read more http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010 ... est-review found serious flaws in the way it was functioning and called for major improvements.
Although the government has promised to implement these recommendations before people begin to be retested, at a rate of 11,000 a week, some politicians, charity workers and academics think the roll-out is going ahead too fast.
Gregg, who helped design the new ESA, recommends a further trial before it is introduced nationally.
"In the first trial, the system did not work. We need to trial the new, proposed, reformed system to check and prove that it works and avoids the serious stress and misclassification of people that we have already seen, before we start implementing it on a large and vulnerable population," he said. "The test so far has caused a huge amount of anguish to the people who have gone through it. We need to have something that is working accurately before we apply it nationally.
"We shouldn't roll this out until we have something that is working."
Stephen Timms, the shadow employment secretary, is also anxious about the speed with which it is being implemented. "In principle, this is the right thing to do," he said. "My worry is that this exercise is being rushed. We know that there are some changes that need to be made to the WCA. There are risks with the roll-out. I think that the government is in a rush with the welfare reform."
Chris Grayling, the employment minister, acknowledged that there had been problems with the test, but said reforms were being introduced and would be in place in time. "I see this as a constant process of refinement and improvement," he said.
• The headline of this article was corrected on Wednesday 23 February 2011. It previously said Paul Gregg designed the welfare test. In fact he designed a different part of the employment support allowance.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011 ... plete-mess
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Re: Dying to Find Jobs

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DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei - WORK WILL SET YOU FREE

ATOS - DWP http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/dwp

Incapacity benefit tests face overhaul after damning report
Claimants feel unfairly treated by 'impersonal and mechanistic' tests, says independent review
Randeep Ramesh, social affairs editor
Tuesday 23 November 2010 18.28 GMT
Chris Grayling, the work and pensions minister, accepted the report's conclusions and said the government would implement them in full.
The government has signalled an overhaul of its controversial medical tests to decide whether the seriously ill and disabled can claim long-term sickness benefits after an independent review found they were "impersonal, mechanistic and lacked empathy", leaving many claimants feeling unjustly treated and distressed.
The review, conducted by the academic Malcolm Harrington, an occupational health specialist, looked at whether the 'working capability assessment' was a fair system amid mounting evidence that people with serious illnesses are being judged fit for work when they are not. The tests, first introduced in October 2008, have been expanded to the extent that 53,000 people are assessed a month for 'employment and support allowance' – which pays £65 a week. This group will be joined next April by another 41,000 incapacity benefit recipients every month.
Harrington found that the assessments, run by a French multinational, Atos Origin, which received £54m from the coalition government for the contract, failed people with mental illnesses and long-term disabilities. One form which claimants needed to complete ran to 28 pages and almost half "found the questionnaire difficult or impossible to complete". Another problem was that people were characterised by "descriptors" within a computer system that relied on questions apparently unrelated to work. In one instance people were asked whether they had "loaded a dishwasher or washing machine" that day.
"It does not bother to ask whether the claimant has a dishwasher or washing machine. That is the danger with computer systems and drop-down menus," said Harrington. "We want to rely much more on healthcare professionals and assessments." He pointed out that 40% of those found fit for work by the system appealed and won – and added that 40% of people who went in front of a judge did so with "additional medical information". Harrington called for a radical overhaul, with jobcentre staff having to take into account health records, the Atos assessments and an individual's own testimony before making a decision about whether someone on sickness benefits should be forced back into work. At present staff rarely dissented from Atos's verdict, he said, and "a lack of procedural justice can lead people to feel embittered and for some this can lead to psychological distress with affects on physical and mental health".
The report also recommends the appointment of lay "champions" to guide claimants through the process, and detailed explanations of why a benefit has been refused. Many working with the poor and vulnerable welcomed the report, saying it was a long overdue recognition of the system's problems. Citizens Advice said its surveys showed a 41% increase in complaints from claimants in the past year alone.
The government said it accepted Harrington's conclusions and would implement them in full. The work and pensions minister Chris Grayling said: "There were no targets or goals to get people off benefits. This is meant to be a fair process … we are dealing with claimants who we have had very little contact with."
However, Harrington did criticise the government for failing to implement a key recommendation quickly enough: that of a "personalised summary of assessments in plain English" to be produced by Atos. The government could only promise that ministers "explored the feasibility of providing a summary" by the end of 2011. Given the planned expansion in the scheme next year, Harrington said, this "was just not good enough".
Charities said the "review pinpoints what is wrong with the system". Matthew Lester of the Papworth Trust, a disability charity, said the main concern now was how quickly the government would implement the report's main findings. "Even if they get the main points implemented by April that will mean another 250,000 people being assessed by a system that we already know is unfair."

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010 ... est-review
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DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei - WORK WILL SET YOU FREE



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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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DWP ESA Medical Examinations - Advice for patients undergoing the DWP ESA Atos Healthcare medical examination or assessment.
ESA Medical Examination - Tort of Negligence
The tort of negligence is a wrongful act against an individual. Liability can be based on a breach of statutory duty. The motive of the defendant is generally irrelevant.

There is statutory and case law that suggests that DWP, and through them Atos Healthcare, has a duty of care to patients subject to the actions defined by the Welfare Reform Act 2007.

An ESA application form is expected to be written by the patient or their carer both unlikely to be medical experts. In completing this form it is important, if appropriate, to ask the assessor to check with the GP and or consultants who have access to the patient's full NHS medical history. Where subjective opinion is asked, emphasise that as a patient this is a best guess.

When you first complete the ESA form, you should provide a cover letter requesting the name of the "qualified" healthcare professional who will review the information that you have provided. You need to know who is responsible for deciding whether a face to face meeting is necessary. You can inform the DWP that you may wish to independently check with the GMC that the individual is qualified.

You should insist that the "qualified" healthcare professional provides you in writing the medical reasons why they feel a face to face meeting is essential. You can inform the DWP that you may wish to independently check with the GMC that the medical reasons are consistent with medical best practice.

Where appropriate, you should stress to the DWP that in order for a valid assessment to be made a "qualified" healthcare professional should contact your GP and or Consultants.

If you think you are entitled to the allowance you should stress that the DWP should pay the allowance immediately and not wait for the DWP to find out the name of the "qualified" healthcare professional.

It is likely you will be harassed by the Atos Healthcare appointments clerks. You should politely but firmly inform them that you are waiting for the DWP to provide you with the information you have requested. You can email Atos Healthcare Customer Relations (customer-relations@atoshealthcare.com). Keep copies of all correspondence. Never use the phone as you need to create a paper trail that could be used in the High Court.
The state has a duty of care to the dying, the sick, the disabled and their carers. The DWP is the customer of Atos Healthcare. People undertaking medical examinations are claimants or patients not customers. It appears that individuals within the DWP are reluctant to enforce the Contract between the DWP and Atos Origin. In my case Atos provided three separate unsound medical assessments to the DWP. As far as is known they have not as yet refunded the UK taxpayers for their unsound medical assessments.
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has released statistics in respect of ESA medical examinations. The figures seem to suggest out of 189,800 assessed, 130,500 were found fit for work.
It is difficult to imagine how an Atos Healthcare medical examination is able to assess the capabilities of those with primary brain tumours, progressive cancers undergoing therapies, mental illnesses, addictions and musclo-skeletal disorders.

The statistics are unclear on the medical conditions of those denied allowances. The National Autistic Society in October 2009 revealed that 100,000 people with Autism out of 300,000 are living with no job and no allowances. The effect on patients and their carers who have been denied allowances does not appear in the statistics.
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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My case and the failures of Atos Healthcare
I have published here the true account of my dealings to date with Atos Healthcare. You may conclude that Atos Healthcare has been negligent, neglectful and incompetent. It has been months and there is no end in sight, I hope that you will take the time to read through each letter and reply. Remember I am fortunate in that I have periods of sufficient strength that I can cope with these tasks. At times I feel like I am a modern day Sisyphus. Most patients and their carers are too ill or tired and are forced to give up the quest.

If you feel strongly, please write to or email your MP to raise your concerns with the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. (MP email addresses: http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/)

New to ESA
When you first complete the ESA form, you should provide a cover letter requesting the name of the "qualified" healthcare professional who will review the information that you have provided. You need to know who is responsible for deciding whether a face to face meeting is necessary. You can inform the DWP that you may wish to independently check with the GMC that the individual is qualified.

You should insist that the "qualified" healthcare professional provides you in writing the medical reasons why they feel a face to face meeting is essential. You can inform the DWP that you may wish to independently check with the GMC that the medical reasons are consistent with medical best practice.

Where appropriate, you should stress to the DWP that in order for a valid assessment to be made the "qualified" healthcare professional should contact your GP and or Consultants for details. Remember you are a patient or claimant or War Pensioner. You are not a customer or client. You are not medically qualified to diagnose or assess yourself.

If you think you are entitled to the allowance you should insist that the DWP should pay the allowance immediately and not wait for the DWP to find out the name of the "qualified" healthcare professional.

It is likely you will be harassed by the Atos Healthcare appointments clerks. You should politely but firmly inform them that you are waiting for the DWP to provide you with the information you have requested. You can email Atos Healthcare Customer Relations (customer-relations@atoshealthcare.com). Keep copies of all correspondence. Never use the phone as you need to create a paper trail that could be used in the High Court.

Et In Arcadia Ego
Out of nowhere I was stuck down, revived by emergency services, admitted to hospital and then after ten days discharged. This was the first time that I had ever been seriously ill. I take debilitating medicine to tackle symptoms but the primary brain tumour has to be monitored to see how quickly it is growing. For most of my waking time it feels like I am walking around in an old fashioned diving suit complete with lead weights. This might be fine under water or for a few minutes on land, but day after day, week after week, month after month with no end in sight. It can try the patience of the most level minded and stable. All my case notes are documented in my patient history. All diligently recorded by GPs and Consultants along with XRays, CT Scans and MRI Scans. The Atos Healthcare medical practitioners involved in my case ignored and continue to ignore my medical history.

There was an initial phone call from the DWP which said not to worry. I thought at the time the comment was odd. I was terminally ill. If one must be pedantic, the Secretary for Health in a written Parliamentary answer said adults with my condition had a 12.3% chance of living five years. This is worse than the previous period when 12.6% were expected to live five years. I prefer plain English which is around 87% of adults with my condition will be dead in five years.

It is no use getting upset. You close things down. You apologise to those you have upset over the years. You sort out your Probate. If you have any energy left, which is problematic, you try and do helpful things for those less fortunate than yourself. Epicurus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus) has a lot to answer for.

Rats. Recently I had another fit and had to use again the brilliant services of the NHS ambulance and hospital emergency treatment. I am getting weaker so do not know how long I can continue with this. Hopefully there is enough here for others to use and they may be able to get the system changed for the better.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Form
The ESA form appears. I threw it away. The nice lady from the DWP had said not to worry.

A replacement copy of the ESA form appeared with a threatening letter. When seriously ill, it is difficult to comprehend threatening letters from the state. It is a shock. A few motoring offences (£10 fine by letter) in thirty years is not a good preparation. It is easy to believe all state benefits such as access to the NHS e.g. GP, Consultants, hospitals and medicines are being taken away. As it turned out the only threat is to a piffling few quid.

Then after persistent research, true horror stories begin to surface. Patients and their carers are expected to live on a pittance and for the tiny subsistence they are given, they are expected to go through bureaucratic, legal and medical circus hoops in an ever tightening, increasingly frenetic danse macabre. To many the brown envelope has become a tangible fifth horseman of the apocalypse.

I may have misunderstood the situation. It seems to me that the state manages information very well. Little knowledge of the abuse by state organisations to the dying, the sick, the disabled and their carers airs in the popular media channels. Every negative story is countered by an escort of positive stories.

Eventually, after much self questioning, I decided, while I had strength and remained able, I would treat the DWP and their contractors as I would with any loss adjustor i.e. weasels who would do anything to avoid paying anything out. I have paid 30 years tax and NI. I assumed the word "insurance" meant something. I assumed the state could be trusted. I was wrong; caveat some excellent and honourable MPs, Lords and others.

I decided, where possible, to communicate in written form and publish extracts so that others can learn from my experience.

I am stoical to accept the decisions of a state which may decide that due to my condition I am of no further use and is not willing to provide me with assistance. It is the hypocrisy of a state to claim to provide assistance and then deny assistance by subterfuge that upsets me. Yes I am old fashioned, I believe in the honour code and I believe the state has a duty to all. People look after each other because it is right to do so. As an engineer I try and take a problem solving pragmatic approach.

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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The forum will be moving soon to -


It is a well established fact that the DWP Personal Capability Assessment is difficult to pass. This is because the DWP and ATOS Origin have conspired against the sick and disabled and have deliberately designed to assessment to benefit the DWP and not, as it is reported to to help the claimant back to work. This biased assessment is little more than an official method of denying you benefits you may be legally entitled to. There is an appeals procedure, however it is a very long and drawn out process which can take up to a year to resolve so be prepared for a siege. Based upon evidence and case studies provided by P.C.A. veterans I have put together a check list you may wish to run through before you go to your appointment.

An assessment sheet and contact form can be found on this blog on the assessing ATOS page and in the useful templates section on our sister forum dwpexamination.myfreeforum.org

On receiving communication to attend from ATOS contact your local authority welfare rights officer or CAB IMMEDIATELY for assistance in completing the ESA 85 or IB50 form.

It is imperative you read these three Manuals to understand the ESA WCA with a view to gaining enough points to pass.
You must be aware ATOS HEALTHCARE will use any excuse to deny you benefit.
Google ESA WCA Descriptors click on ESA work capability descriptors.
Google LiMA V3 technical manual med IBPW001e
Google ESA Handbook 1 Finalmed-esahb-01
Use the wording in the descriptors to explain your condition

Be prepared to make extensive notes including name of caller etc of any calls to or from the DWP or ATOS after receiving the form. Record these if possible

When completing the form make sure you stick to facts you can prove, do not embellish your symptoms, be precise in your use of medical terms.

Make a full copy of the ESA85 or IB50 form BEFORE YOU POST IT.

Do not include any copies medical reports or additional information as this will be ignored by the ATOS HCP, this information should be handed in by appointment to the Decision Maker when you start the appeals process.

Make arrangements to be accompanied on the day of the examination, make arrangements for a stand in, in case your first choice can not go on the day.

Make a list of any medication you are taking.

Make an accurate list (times and dates) of any Doctors appointments, specialists appointments Hospital visits, doctors visits, hospitalisation in relation to your claim etc

Always attend accompanied

Record your arrival time

Record waiting time

Record time examination starts

Do not be afraid to decline physical movements if they would cause you pain.

Record HCP name

Record HCP Title & or qualifications

Get your companion to make notes during the examination.

Record time examination ends

Record the time you leave

Check the credentials of your HCP with the BMA

Call your local JC+ within 24 Hours requesting a copy of the HCP report.

Do not take any further action until you have the Decision Makers report.

If you have been passed fit for work you must act immediately to appeal, you have one month from the date of the letter to do so.

The appeals process requires you to appeal directly to the Decision Maker first, be prepared to wait this can take a while.

Whilst waiting:-

Make a F.O.I. request for any information ATOS Origin hold on you

Make a FOI request for a copy of the video footage of you entering and leaving the building.

Make a FOI request for any audio recordings ATOS may have made during the time of your visit (even if they are for training purposes).
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Have You had the Atos “Medical” Assessment? Record Your Experience. Take the AFTER ATOS “Customer” Feedback Survey.

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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ATOS Miracles - ATOS curing the sick and disabled.

http://www.facebook.com/pages/ATOS-Mira ... 4897425986
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Well enough to work
Posted on February 2, 2011 by margaret mccartney
I am finding, often, a distinct lack of co-operation when it comes to polite and basic questions being asked of companies who are contracted to provide services to the Government. I wanted to know about Atos recruitment, audit and training; they didn’t want to talk. Atos are but one such company; other problems have been companies providing outsourcing healthcare services to immigration removal centres. They were not willing to talk.
ESA veteran on February 13, 2011 at 8:21 pm said:
It would be understandable to believe that all complaints come from disgruntled claimants who had failed to obtain the necessary points to be awarded benefit.
However in my case I actually passed,unfortunately there are people, who have much worse illnesses than I,who fail.
In all honesty the Atos HCP could perform the assessment without the claimant being present,the answers to the questions are mechanically acquired from the computer and the HCP manually manipulates them to what they perceive to be the nearest fit.
When a claimant receives a copy of the Medical Report more often than not they do not recognise it as their own interview.
I believe it is time the Medical profession decided if they wished to be a party to this corruption.
The time is always right to do what is right, morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.
Please make your choice now before more serious calamity’s happen,many people are contemplating suicide because of the injustice of the system.
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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These are the key points that I think are the problem.

1.That Atos staff and Lima system do not adequately assess whether patients fit the descriptors as set by government, instead asking their own questions to fit their tick boxes then trying to make the answers fit the legislation set out by government. (Found at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2011/228/made)
2.That Atos as a private contractor is not accountable in the same was as gov, e.g. FOI requests
3.That the whole concept of assessing patients as fit for work or not is flawed, this cannot be tested in a 45 minute session as Atos does not draw on medical history, variation from day to day, etc.
4.Atos judge a person’s ability to walk, stand, concentrate, communicate etc on what they look like in one 45 minute session which can be very different from other times.
5.In making the decision Atos ignore impact of work on state of health and they don’t account for the health impact of doing many things in sequence to work, just ability to do any one of those things in isolation!
6.Asking trick questions to catch people out.
7.Having “Medical Centres” that are not fully accessible, including centres with no lifts, no disabled car parking bays, or sometimes no parking at all, and unsuitable chairs in their waiting rooms.
8.Frequently keeping patients waiting hours for their appointment, and observing them in the waiting room for behaviour that might mark them as liars.
9.Having assessments carried out by staff other than fully qualified doctors.

I would particularly like to know why Atos do not ask the questions as set out by legislation, instead asking their own random questions, including trick questions to catch people out. For example, “Do you watch Eastenders?” if answered with yes is taken as proof of ability to set in one place for an hour, and to concentrate fully. “Do you have any pets?” is used to determine that the patient is capable of feeding, cleaning and caring for the pet and therefore themselves. “How did you get here?” is another trick, since it can be taken as proof of being fully able to use public transport, when in fact the journey might have caused considerable deterioration in health for the patient but was undertaken out of fear of losing benefits.

This list is just what I can think of in a few minutes, I am sure there are other problems too.

http://www.latentexistence.me.uk/atos-w ... mpaigning/
I took my neighbour and he was only in for about 30 minutes, as soon as we got in the security guard gave him a pen which he dropped but the assessor marked him down as being able to hold a pen,That was an atrocious lie. I went on line to GMC and lodged a complaint that the doctor was not morally qualified and should be struck off.
here is a good tip for you.i know its not always possible, but when ever you go for an assessment.
take some one you know with you as a witness, and even better if your witness is a professional person , like a clerk or something ( or at least some one dressed smartly). the doctors are less likly to try and pull any stunts or try to trick you. i only ever went once on my own, and boy did i meet the bitch from hell.
she pulled every dirty trick in the book to fail me. in the end i stopped the interview, and reported her. i got a written apology from ATOS, and a rushed appointment to see a better doctor.
Don't LET THEM LEAD YOU ON. if they say" can you bend down" if you can, and it would later cause pain say " NO it will cause me pain" don't be a hero and suffer to please them.
you wont get marked against you if you "cant" bend.
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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After chasing up this request for a copy of the lima software, as used by ATOS for DWP medical assessments, we have received a reply (we were told it had already been emailed to us, but there is no record of any previous copy of the email)
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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The whole ESA, WCA, DWP, JCPlus, Atos Healthcare debacle. You couldn't make it up! As with other parts of the public sector, you don't know what really goes on until you see it first hand.
http://tia-junior.blogspot.co.uk/2012/0 ... onnel.html
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Saturday, 17 March 2012
A reasoned and coherent way forward - stage 1
The Tory Government is simply doing what Tory Governments do – no surprises there.

If the intention is to unseat them at the next election, the first thing to consider is what would come next, but that’s a thought for another day. Just be careful what you wish for.

There needs to be a plan, which I think starts with unravelling all of the spurious claims they are making and exposing their policies for what they are. Personally, I believe the step by step, logical approach will be more productive than “Nazi bastard” vilification. Whilst this usefully winds up some emotion, it is at risk of alienating the very large proportion of people who are prepared to be sympathetic if than can see the issues in a clear and honest light.

The view of disability that causes greatest upset is the one that regards it as just another form of unemployment, or perhaps more accurately, under-employment. This is clearly part of the Government’s thinking. It suggests that there is an absolute formula that can differentiate between those that can work and those that cannot. It has been allowed to drift and all they are doing now is resetting it to where it should be. They imply that this new level can be independently and scientifically determined, so their approach is unchallengeable.

This of course is not true. The cut-off is part of one’s dogma – religious, political, whatever. The Coalition believes that the bar should be set considerably lower (so fewer are allowed past it) which is their ‘prerogative’, but let’s not lie about its basis. One way or another, it has formulated an estimate of how many people need to be moved from one side of the line to the other.

Closely linked to this is the “Arbeit Macht Frei” philosophy, so not only is working good for society, it is good for you individually too – it will broaden your outlook, enhance your self-esteem, and improve your health and probably your longevity too. It will do this both directly and indirectly through you being financially better off. It is a little vague on how all the wealth created is distributed, but at least everyone gets some.

With such a strong belief in the work panacea, not surprising that one would accept a fair degree of collateral damage as undoubtedly the ends justifies the means. The horrendous fit-for-work errors that crop up frequently are not personal, nor particularly deliberate: they are just seen as part of the price one has to pay. The points to get across therefore are firstly that this is not the case and secondly if it were, this price is too high. The current process is flawed on two counts:
1. It produces too many errors
2. It produces far too many extreme errors
The consequences of both are massively compounded by a very long and convoluted remedial process that has no feedback loop to generate at least some progressive improvement.

They claim their approach is based on need rather than financially driven (bottom up, not top down), but this is splitting hairs if they continually redefine “need” to fit a financial target, which is precisely what we have now. Cleverly, if WCAs are not producing the required ratios, they manipulate WCA content to make sure they do. Proof is through the descriptor changes made in March 2011

The complementary side of this is of course is the nature of work itself – not how much of it is available, but what characteristics it has. Quite obviously, if you move the bar downwards, you need to re-specify what work is so that it can accommodate people with what is now a wider range of abilities. The Government in effect argues that it has already done this and is now just catching up by modifying descriptors accordingly.

This claim is based on the way in which employers of all types have positively responded to equality legislation over the years, to the point where in the typical workplace, disabled employees are no longer at any disadvantage when compared to fully able employees. This is not just about wheelchair access, but literally every aspect of every work environment.

This is the argument DWP used to substantiate its descriptor changes in March 2011. It argued that the changes were legitimised by clear scientific and impartial evidence which is simply untrue. The report on which they mostly rely was indeed commissioned by DWP. However, its results are far from conclusive and in places diametrically opposed to the Government’s proposition. Also and somewhat absurdly, the report includes a disclaimer whereby DWP points out that it does not necessarily agree with the authors. I can only assume that when they quote evidence to support their strategy, they hope that nobody will ever check it out.

It is also worth considering causes and effects as they are often wrongly assigned. The Government regularly falls back on the proportion of claimants initially found FFW following a WCA. If they lump together FFW + WRAG, they can quote proportions of around 70%. This, they say justifies the process they have set up. What they conveniently forget however is that this is precisely what they have designed the process to do, so it is rather a self-fulfilling prophesy. In fact, one could argue that given this, the results are actually quite disappointing from the Tory viewpoint – ONLY 75%, when they would like it to achieve something higher.

One final general point and that is over the meaning of “independence”, which in reality is often very hard to achieve. Most commonly it requires features such as:

· not controlled by another
· free from the authority, control, or domination of somebody or something else, especially not controlled by another state or organization
· able to self-govern
· Financially independent, not forced to rely on another for money or support.

The prevailing view from most quarters, campaigners included is that much hangs on the infamous Professor Harrington – if they were only to implement all of his recommendations properly, everything would be ok. NO IT WOULD NOT and this is why.

One of the biggest issues has been around decision making errors, subsequently corrected. Logically therefore right-first-time decision rates would be an important KPI to monitor. DWP has not, does not and will not however be using it. Nor will they declare a target that they are aiming for. This is just politicians for you – keeping the water muddy, but where is Malcolm setting the target and insisting they meet it sooner rather than later – all conspicuous by its absence.

Secondly, how independent is Malcolm? Just run through the tests above and make up your own mind. He has done little more since involvement began than “urge patience”. He has also said:
“My take on things is that [the Department for Work and Pensions] DWP and [Jobcentre Plus] JCP (in collaboration with Atos where appropriate) are energetically implementing all of my recommendations.” and
“In some cases I believe the JCP staff responsible have actually improved on what I had proposed in light of practical experience. I see real progress and am even more confident of improvements than I was in my interim report to the Minister in May. “

I would simply ask
· What evidence does he have to support any of this? A few examples would be really helpful.
· Does anyone who has had repeat dealings with WCA/Atos over the past three years agree that things have changed very much for the better?
It is ironic to say the least that the venerable professor wants to “collect robust evidence about what is and isn’t working, moving, where possible, away from anecdotal reports.”, when DWP does exactly the opposite.

If you go back to Professor Harrington’s first report in 2010, there are other things conspicuous by their absence, notably a comprehensive PDD (Project Definition Document). This is very much standard management practice and can be constructively applied in almost any ‘change’ situation to define the scope of the work, its boundaries, its objectives, success criteria, assumptions, inclusions, exclusions etc. It then provides the key reference point for subsequent work for the duration of the project and I would say it is impossible to manage well without one. There were some general terms of reference at the outset, but all rather vague – unprofessional or deliberate – who knows? There was no well-reasoned argument for example that explained why NHS services had been excluded from consideration. Nothing of this nature has appeared since and his subsequent work just follows the same path.

So we need to reconsider Professor Harrington’s so-called independent role in all of this and if there is a conspiracy, judge if he is part of it.

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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ESA Appeal to DWP - from a poor WCA by Atos
ESA Decision - Appeal

This letter is intended both as an appeal and a complaint about the way the decision was handled.

The comments below are largely a result of a telephone conversation with your Mr Wrong on 27th October 2011.

1. ESA214 states “To be entitled to Employment and Support Allowance, claimants must be found to have limited capability for work which means that their current health condition or disability restricts their ability to work”.
You scored me zero points, which is the lowest score possible and a score that would be given to, for example, a professional athlete. You therefore think that my ability to work is completely unrestricted, which is simply not the case.
2. ESA214 states Decision Makers (DMs) must consider ALL of the information available and mine did not, having completely ignored my letter of complaint to Atos dated 8th October. The only reason for the delay from my WCA on 23rd September was the time it took to get a copy of the ESA85 to confirm my suspicions. Note that it was so poorly conducted that I raised the complaint before knowing the ESA decision. The complaint explains that some information I provided was omitted from the ESA85, so that could not have been considered by the DWP decision maker either.
ESA214 confirms that information from a doctor is relevant, but Mr Wrong said it is irrelevant and was not considered. The Atos HCP also brushed it aside on the same basis.
3. A DWP DM is charged with validating the quality of the ESA85 and referring it back to Atos if it is in any way unsatisfactory. Mine was and even with my letter of complaint to assist no action was taken. My belief is that the DM looked at the Atos summary and did no more than convert it to points, which is a serious dereliction of duty.
4. Mr Wrong said that he agreed with no points for Activity 1 on the basis that I could mobilise over 200m in a self-propelled wheelchair, even though none of the NHS team involved with my condition has ever suggested a wheelchair would be beneficial to my recovery. In fact, my orthopaedic surgeon has advised precisely the opposite.
This was not mentioned during my WCA although the Atos HCP included a statement on the ESA85. The only discussion about my upper body capability was in the context of light domestic activities. I did not raise this matter in my complaint to Atos as I did not at the time appreciate its relevance.
I am still considered to be recovering from the major surgery I had in 2010 and have yet to reach the point where no further improvement is likely. It would be fundamentally wrong and inhibit my recovery to rely on a wheelchair at this point. I have attached a copy of an X-ray to demonstrate the point.
I do not believe or accept that this is the correct or intended interpretation of this activity and it is therefore a completely spurious basis on which to make a decision. You are effectively saying that my capability to work is improved by being in a wheelchair over not being in a wheelchair. The decision is clearly unsound.
5. Mr Wrong said that the conclusion that if in a wheelchair I could self-propel at least 200m was based on the fact that I can drive a car for 10 minutes. He admitted that this “assumption” is not based on any evidence or included in any of the WCA/ESA manuals and guides, but something him and some, but not all, DMs would use. When I pointed out the problems subjectivity and inconsistency cause to claimants, Mr Wrong indicated that both are inevitable as the decision making process is very subjective.
The assessment must consider repeatability (within reasonable timescales), discomfort and exhaustion. When I asked where these featured, Mr Wrong was unable to answer – because they had not been.
In the absence of any foundation for any of these assumptions, they can only be treated as irrelevant and any decision relying on them must be wrong.
6. Mr Wrong was unable to explain the obvious inconsistency in basing my potential mobility on being in a wheelchair and then ignoring it when it came to negotiating 2 steps.
7. In other correspondence from DWP I have been assured that DMs assemble all the relevant information they can to ensure their decision is objective, informed and balanced. This specifically includes routine research on the worldwide web. Mr Wrong confirmed that in this case no information other than that on the ESA50 & ESA85 was considered, including the fit-note from my GP. Contrary to what I have been told previously, Mr Wrong did not regard any of this additional information as relevant. The missing/inaccurate information included in my complaint to Atos obviously has a bearing here.
The DM has clearly NOT fulfilled their responsibilities to consider all the information available.
8. When discussing Activity 2, Mr Wrong acknowledged that just from the information that was available, 9 points would be more accurate than zero, but it was academic as the total would still be less than 15 and the ESA decision would remain the same. DMs are required to calculate points accurately and have no authority to wrongly assign them regardless of totals or any other circumstances.
9. ESA214 states that DMs and Atos HCPs are required to explain fully any conclusions they draw and decisions they make that are contradictory to the information on the ESA50. Both the HCP & DM have failed to do this.
10. Neither the Atos HCP nor the DM considered the variability I described with my condition. How this should have been dealt with is covered by my letter to Atos. I emphasised to the HCP that this is the most significant aspect of my condition, but she has failed to convey the relevance in her report.
11. Neither the Atos HCP nor the DM considered the levels of pain and stress I described at the WCA. I explained to the Atos HCP that I take the highest dosage possible to the point where the side effects become more serious than the pain itself.
12. Your letter informing me of the decision to stop paying ESA from 5th October arrived on 27th October, so the decision was retrospective by 3 weeks. This is your fault not mine and I do not believe you should attempt to claim any payments back.

Finally, I have shown below an extract from your “Our Service Standards “booklet with further details of my complaint inserted in blue.


Our responsibilities to you
We want to give you the best service we can. When you contact us, we want you to be happy with the advice we give you and the way we treat you.
Right treatment
We aim to treat all our customers in the same way. We will:
• be friendly, fair and helpful
• treat you with respect
• behave professionally

I do not believe you have done any of this – certainly when you first told me my ESA had been stopped 3 weeks retrospectively. Clearly such a decision was going to have a marked impact on my life, but all you saw fit to do was send me a rather bland letter with no explanation whatsoever. II had to call you to find out what was going on.
When we contact you
You can choose how we contact you – by phone or in writing. But to keep your personal details secure, we don’t include your personal details in replies we send by e-mail.
You have ALWAYS refused to use email despite my requests.
When we write to you
We aim for all letters to:
• be typed, clear and easy to read
• tell you if there is anything you need to do, and
• give you contact details, like a person’s name and direct phone number.
When I asked for a name for correspondence, I was reluctantly provided with just a surname, not even an initial on the basis it is not mandatory. Whether it is or not, this attitude is hardly compatible with a commitment to openness, honesty, help, support and customer service.

Right result
We aim to give you accurate information and the right advice to help you:
• find a suitable job
• get each of the benefits you’re entitled to
• understand the conditions of receiving your benefit, such as attending interviews or looking for work
• understand our decisions
• decide what to do, and
• access other support you may need, such as help to develop new skills or help with childcare or travel costs.

The way you informed me of the decision may have been “accurate”, but it was hardly considerate or complete. At no stage did you indicate that consigning me to a wheelchair was a potential outcome or that this formed the basis of your decision – no straightforward and honest person would read this possibility into the descriptor definition, which I am sure is meant to be interpreted in relation to what is normal for an individual.

Being confined to a wheelchair is not only contrary to my medical advice, it obviously represents a massive change to my lifestyle, beginning with how I get one. I have had no help from you over the other support I will now inevitably need.

So all in all, a pretty poor performance against the standards you say you are committed to. It has never once felt like DWP has been trying to help me – totally the opposite in treating me as if I have not been honest and not once offering any benefit of the doubt.

Yours faithfully

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Here are some of the questions you may be asked during your medical interrogation ’examination’.

Mental Health

Completion of tasks

Can he or she answer the telephone and reliably take a message?

When referring to ‘telephone’ the ‘Doctor’ will deduce you have and can operate a mobile phone, which you use for texting, chatting, making arrangements and for emergencies. the term ‘Mobile phone’ will not actually be used. That you can and do answer the phone when it rings, your motor and memory functions are normal and that you are not depressed among many other possible ‘stock answers’ he is allowed to use in his / her report. Apparently, answering yes or no to any of the questions you are asked gives the alleged ‘Doctor’ the freedom to be creative in their answer.

How do they know you have one?
Does he or she sit for hours doing nothing?

From this question the alleged ‘Doctor’ will assume you can sit comfortably for longer than the period you have stated on your IB50, incidentally, if you stand up at regular intervals during your examination due to the discomfort you are feeling, he reports this as being able to stand for (and he times you here) for however long without discomfort. You can not win. He /she will also link this with travelling to the examination, either driving, being driven, bus etc despite the fact that you will have stopped several times during your journey due to the discomfort you were feeling during the trip. All from answering yes or no to this question?

Can he or she concentrate to read a magazine article or follow a radio or television programme?

They are still looking to trip you up here if you have said you cant sit for long periods, despite the fact that you lie in bed to read, watch TV or listen to the radio! They also deduce that you can read, which means to them you can manage your own finances, bills etc, letters, and mail in general, that your eye sight and concentration levels are excellent and in one email I received last night, that you can operate a computer without difficulty? Where on earth does it mention finances, computers or concentration in the question?

Can he or she use a telephone book or other directory to find a number?

Please note, a telephone directory can be heavier than a carton of milk, its another method of covert assessment, curiously as well as proving you can read it also includes the use of computers, management of finances, and the mobile phone again? Be careful and specific when you answer these questions yes or no can be dangerous. Personally I don’t read at all now, and have not done so for years, and when I need a number from the phone book I ask my partner to look it up as I find I usually end up straining to see the small print in the directory.

Heavier than a pint of milk?
Does the mental condition prevent him or her from undertaking leisure activities previously enjoyed?

This one is a beauty, the alleged ‘Doctor’ is trying to trip you up again. If you say you are suffering from depression and yet still follow your local football team then this proves you are not depressed. If you say you sometimes get to the allotment to see to your pigeons, then you are fit enough to travel to work. These questions are geared to prove everything you have entered on your IB50 form is false and can be medically debunked by your own answer. I don’t know about you, but my disability prevents me from pursuing any of my previous hobbies, full stop.

Does he or she overlook or forget the risks posed by domestic appliances or other common hazards due to poor concentration?

This question disproves the following question (before you even answer it!) relating to serious accidents or to whether or not you can cook for yourself, from your answer the alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce that you have not had any ‘serious’ accidents lately (I wonder if this includes slips, trips or falls?) you can use a computer? you can drive without difficulty? have excellent concentration skills? can use a mobile phone, deal with you finances, correspondence, can read and write, do your own shopping?

Has agitation, confusion or forgetfulness resulted in any potentially dangerous accidents in the last 3 months?

From your answer the alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce that you have not had any ‘serious’ accidents lately including slips, trips or falls? you can use a computer? you can drive without difficulty? have excellent concentration skills? can use a mobile phone, computer, deal with you finances, correspondence, can read and write, do your own shopping? you have an excellent memory, your coordination and orientation are normal and you were not confused, agitated or forgetful during the ‘examination’?

Can his or her concentration only be sustained by prompting?

Again, this question is linked to the previous questions and is asked this far in to prove your concentration is good enough to continue answering questions under pressure? So anything you have said relating to poor concentration in your IB50 is immediately called into question?From this and previous answers the alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce that you can (yes you guessed it) use a computer? you can drive without difficulty? have excellent concentration skills? can use a mobile phone, deal with you finances, correspondence, can read and write, do your own shopping? you have an excellent memory, your coordination and orientation are normal and you were not confused, agitated or forgetful during the ‘examination’?

Daily living

Does he or she need encouragement to get up and dress?

Your Healthcare professional will comment that you have no difficulty getting in and out of bed and can dress yourself without difficulty. This means anything you have said relating to pain when moving is immediately called into question. This also means you are not depressed, can cope easily with everyday functions and can climb stairs curiously enough?

Does he or she need alcohol before midday?

This is to prove you have or do not have a drink /alcohol problem. Notice the use of the word NEED in the question. Everyone (including alcoholics) will rarely admit to NEEDING alcohol at all? Therefore, if you are in the unfortunate position of being an alcoholic, your own pride prevents you from answering honestly. Sad isn’t it?

Do you really NEED this?
Is he or she frequently distressed at some time of the day due to fluctuation of mood?

This question relates to mood swings, sudden changes in temperament. Your alleged ‘Doctor’ will say you did not suffer a mood swing during your examination which means you are not depressed, stressed, or suffer mood swings. Are we to assume then, as long as he /she does not witness you having a mood swing they can say you do not have them?

Does he or she care about his or her appearance and living conditions?

If you are relatively well dressed and appear to be clean during the examination the alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce that you are capable of dressing appropriately, caring for your self, have good living conditions, are not depressed, stressed and have good coordination. This is despite the fact you may have had help in washing, dressing and that your family or friends help you look after yourself and your home?

Do sleep problems interfere with his or her daytime activities?

Be careful when answering this question! as from your answer the alleged ‘Doctor’ will decide if you have sleep problems which affect your concentration, which in turn may debunk any answers given to previous questions relating to concentration. I refer you to questions 3, 6,7 and 8 previously asked in the Mental Health section.

Coping with pressure

Was mental stress a factor in making him or her stop work?

This question is used to debunk any information you put on your IB50 relating to stress as being the main reason or contributory reason you stopped working. The ‘Healthcare professional’ should say so here, if the main reason was anything else, this should also appear here. I.E. The main reason for leaving work was mental stress, physical health, depression etc.

Does he or she frequently feel scared or panicky for no obvious reason?

Unless you actually have a panic attack during your ‘examination’ the alleged ‘Doctor’ is at liberty to assume you do not have panic attacks and therefore anything you have entered onto your IB50 is utter lies. The usual comment is; Does not experience panic attacks, Appeared relaxed, Not anxious on examination

Panic attack
Does he or she avoid carrying out routine activities because he or she is convinced they will prove too tiring or stressful?

This question has already been asked in the mental health section and I refer you to question 5. The alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce the following from your answer. You have and can operate a mobile phone, which you use for texting, chatting, making arrangements and for emergencies. Can drive a car without significant difficulty, can deal with your own finances and correspondence effectively and are able to make long journeys without significant difficulty?

Is he or she able to cope with changes in daily routine?

This answer to this question has already been gleaned from the previous questions asked. Take a look at the questions in the two previous sections and tell me I am wrong, The alleged ‘Doctor’ arrived at the following opinion from my answers. Had an appropriate level of concern because of coming here today, normal concentration on examination, not anxious on examination, does not suffer panic attacks and oddly, has a mobile phone, which you use for texting, chatting, making arrangements and for emergencies.

Does he or she frequently find that there are so many things to do that he or she gives up because of fatigue, apathy or disinterest?

Its interesting to note that the answer to this question appeared to have already been gleaned from section 1 questions 1,3,4,5,6 and 7. Section 2 questions1,3 and 4. Section 3 Questions 1,2,3 and 4. You can see this clearly from the alleged ‘Doctors’ answers this question. Dont forget the question about your past hobbies in particular?

Is he or she scared or anxious that work would bring back or worsen their illness?

As with every one of the previous questions, when I was asked this question it was worded differently, the alleged ‘Doctor’ asked; “What would you do if “they” offered you a job now?”. I gave a positive answer by saying I was eager to return to work once I recovered from my ailment. The alleged ‘Doctor’ inserted the following stock answer. Feels very negative about being able to cope with work? What planet are these people on? What on earth will the decision maker conclude from that? Worse still, how can I defend this if I need to? The mind boggles.

Interaction with other people

Can he or she look after himself or herself without help from others?

Beware?You have already been asked this question in sections one and two, from this question your alleged ‘Doctor’ will deduce that you have a mobile phone and use it for texting, chatting, making arrangements and emergencies, can deal with your own finances and correspondence without difficulty, can use a computer and have normal intellectual functioning?

Does he or she get so upset by ordinary events that it results in disruptive behavioural problems?

Caution! this has already been assessed in question 3, Daily living section.

Easily upset?
Do mental problems impair his or her ability to communicate with other people?

Already assessed in question 1 section 1.Curiously, the alleged ‘Doctor’ deduced the following; Yes you guessed it, has a mobile phone and use it for texting, chatting, making arrangements and emergencies, Behaved normally, normal rapport?

Does he or she get irritated by things that would not have bothered him or her before becoming ill?

Beware! this has already been assessed at section 1 question 5, section 2 question 3 and section 3 question 3. The alleged ‘Doctor’ will comment on your present state of agitation, i.e Had a clam nature, He or she appeared agitated.

Does he or she prefer to sit alone six or more hours a day?

It didn’t seem to matter when I told the alleged ‘Doctor’ that I regularly spend long periods of time alone as my partner works alternating shifts, the stock answers entered were. Sees family every day, Behaved normally, not depressed on examination?

Is he or she too frightened to go out alone?

I was asked How I got to the examination centre? was I accompanied? did I drive there myself? The answers I gave to these questions (which were entirely supplementary, and not part of the official list of questions I have reproduced here) did not appear on my medical report, neither did I understand their significance until I saw the medical report. The stock answers included; Goes out alone, Does not experience panic attacks, Not anxious on examination, can drive a car without significant difficulty, Appeared relaxed, Able to make Long journeys without significant difficulty.

As you can see, it would be easy for anyone (let alone allegedly qualified and registered medical practitioners) to carry out one of these so called medical examinations. Which in the words of the DWP “Is different from a normal medical examination- it is not to diagnose or discuss treatment of your medical condition”. It is there to prove you do not have a medical condition It would also be just as easy for someone to abuse the system and either deliberately try to produce a report which would be sufficiently damming enough for the decision maker to stop payment of your benefits. Or equally to accept a bribe in return for a report which guarantees the decision maker would continue or increase your benefits. Please note; I am not suggesting for one minute that this has ever happened, simply, that it is possible.

I hope this helps to bring these people to book over the way we are being treated just because we made a legitimate claim to benefits we have paid for in advance. Like you, dear readers I want to see the thieving scum who cheat the benefits system prosecuted, but why should we all be treated as potential benefit fraudsters, forced into taking a ‘medical’ which is solely designed to make us look like we are not telling the truth?

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

Post by BoroBot »

http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studi ... 0Fraud.pdf.

The Billion Pound Welfare Reform Fraud: fit for work?
Debbie Jolly
Would you consider a person who became spontaneously unconscious once every five weeks fit for work?
Would you employ them?
Would you consider them fraudulent if they claimed that this condition was disabling?
In the March 2011 version of training guidelines for the Atos Work Capability Assessment two of these options are valid.
The Work Capability Assessment would rate such a person as fit for work and as a result a person who is neither sick ordisabled
The Work Capability Assessment is carried out for those migrating from Incapacity Benefit and for new claimants to Employment Support Allowance(ESA).
It was put in place by New Labour in 2008. It is administered by the French/Dutch Company Atos at a cost of 300 million.
Those going through thetest can be put into one of three groups.
ESA Support Group not required to undertake work-related activity –but will be reassessed continuously
ESA Work Related Activity Group, for those deemed fit for work with support and preparation. Limited to just 12 months before ESA is stopped, also may be subject to reassessment in the 12 month period.
Fit for Work not entitled to ESA but transferred to lower amount on Job seeker’s Allowance
One estimate claims that up to 500,000 people have been wrongly denied Incapacity status
In a 2011 February piece in the Guardian Amelia Gentlemen argues:
Since its preliminary rollout in 2008, people with terminal cancer have been found fit to work, people with mental health problems have complained their condition is not taken seriously, people with complex illnesses report that the tick-box system is not able to cope with the nuances of their problems.
Citizens Advice Scotland reported that under incapacity benefits 37% were found ‘fit for work’ under Work Capacity Assessment, the figure had soared to 66%
Between October 2010 and Spring 2014 those who receive Incapacity Benefit,Severe Disablement Allowance and Income Support paid on the grounds of illness or disability will be assessed for Employment and Support Allowance.
Pilots in Aberdeen and Burnley have raised more criticisms of the process adding to the raft of criticisms from the British Medical Association, the originator of the software that Atos uses, GPs, Citizens Advice Bureaus (CABs), Members of Parliament and disability organisations.
The Work Capability Assessment replaced the Personal Capability Assessment.
Yet, as long ago as 2006 the Green Paper:
A New Deal for Welfare: Empowering People to Work, stated ‘the current Personal Capability Assessment process (is) already recognised by the OECD as being one of the toughest in the world’.
Case studies have shown the inhumanity of a system based on government targets and the pain and misery of the increasing stringency of these tests. One example from the 2010 report from the Citizens Advice Bureau’s reporton ESA and testing procedures highlights the experiences that someone considered ‘fit for work’ by WCA might endure:A Yorkshire bureau saw a woman in her forties who was working full-time and was enthusiastically looking forward to starting a new job, when she became ill. At first it was thought she had a viral illness, but she was subsequently diagnosed with lupus erythematosus and transversemyelitis. She was in a great deal of pain in her muscles and joints and had extreme fatigue. At times her balance was affected and she could not walk without someone to support her. Sometimes she lost sensation in her legs, and on her worst days she could not walk at all. Any exertion such as walking 40 or 50 metres led to days in bed. She had had a bad reaction to some of the treatment and an ECG showed her heart muscle had been damaged. Her husband had to come home from work each lunchtime to help her. Her immune system was weakened, so she had to be careful when mixing with others. She claimed ESA but was given six points in the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) and found capable of work.
Her doctor supported her claim and she is currently appealing, but under Incapacity Benefit she would probably have been exempt and would have avoided this process
The WCA does not take into account GP assessments of an individual’s impairment or long term condition, this is ignored in favour of an, or average,15-45 minute set of questions administered through the LiMAS software developed by Atos.
LiMAS asks a set of questions for which the applicant can (but increasingly can’t) score up to 15 points which would put them in the ESA support group.
As GPs who may have known applicants for all of their lives with an understanding of the medical, social and emotional impacts are ignored, a new set of individuals come into play called ‘health careprofessionals’. These individuals are trained by Atos for four to 16 weeks to understand targets and the all powerful LiMAS software; they are given time limits for each assessment and told that the more people they get through the better.
They consist of physiotherapists, nurses and doctors usually with a general practice background or from overseas due to the notorious low pay of the multi- million pound profit Company Atos.
In 2008 The Department of Work and Pensions and Atos were severely criticised by Robert Martin the president of the appeals Tribunal Panel, a position now abolished:
Criticism was made of ATOS Health care medical practitioners who did not appear to pay sufficient attention to the appellant at the medical examination and who produced findings in medical reports based on observations that were inconsistent, or recorded in the medical report findings that were contradictory
In 2010 an independent review of the WCA tests by Professor Harrington concluded
There is strong evidence that the system can be impersonal and mechanistic, that the process lacks transparency and that a lack of communication between the various parties involved contributes to poordecision making and a high rate of appeals.” and that “evidence has consistently and regularly high lighted problems with each stage of the WCA process, which limit both the assessment’s fairness and effectiveness.
Prospect, the trade union who represents 135 Atos doctors, has stated that the target of seeing ten or more people a day is unrealistic and will lead to wrong assessments, especially in complex cases
Despite the overwhelming evidence that WCA was not working Atos were awarded a further contract by the Department of Work and Pensions in 2010..
Figures not Identified in the Media
The figures of those considered ‘fit for work’ by Atos testing systems regularly make headlines in newspapers such as the Daily Mail, the Express, and most recently the Guardian, but little investigative journalism has been exercised in examining this apparent miracle of ‘curing of the sick and ‘the disabled’, nor looking at process, outcomes or the ways that these figures are produced.
For example, newspapers do not tell us that there has been a 56% increase in ESA appeals with figures up from 25,700 in the second quarter of 2009/2010 to 52,000 in the same quarter of 2010/20117. Almost half of cases are overturned at appeal
Nor are we told that figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show that of those declared ‘fit for work’ by the WCA system, just 13% are in employment, 27% temporarily sick and 28% classed as permanently sick
Nor is the context of the claims ever provided, a representative survey carried out by Ipsos MORI and reported in Employment and Support Allowance: findings from a face to face Survey commissioned by the Department of Work Pensions found that nearly a third of those going through the ESA process were described as having ‘literacy problems’.
A further six per cent ‘problemsspeaking English’ and 11% had ‘numeracy problems’.
Twenty two percent were described as in one or more disadvantaged groups including those with mental health issues, ex-offenders, and those with perceived learning difficulties. .
The ‘fit for work’ myth does not convert into any form of reality.
An overwhelming 69% of those going through the WCA process had ‘multiple health conditions’.
Those in the support group and in the ‘fit for work’ group both had the same number of ‘health conditions’ at 31.
In all groups 81% of people were receiving medical treatment for their condition, with 38% waiting for treatment or additional treatment
These statistics do not present us with a set of fraudsters pretending to be sick ordisabled, nor a set of individuals who have been languishing on incapacitybenefits for years, in fact 71% of applicants to ESA were new claimants making their first ever claim
Newspaper headlines have also made much of the incomplete claims and those that ‘drop out’ of the testing system.
This rhetorical demonising does not examine the process of WCA claims nor take into account the medical treatment.
Where do these people go? Who knows Atos has no ‘follow through’ process in place to find out.
The first form that individuals will receive from Atos is an ESA50 form, of those surveyed almost half 46% said they found the form ‘difficult’ or that they were ‘unable to complete it’.
An initial point for non-completion, others could be knocked off the system if Job Centre Plus decide that they have missed an appointment, or not responded to a letter without ‘good reason’.
This would seem to complement the new punitive sanctions for universal credit and welfare reform first expressed in the Welfare Reform Bill.
The costs of tribunals, Atos contracts and the extra strain on the health service amount to a million pound fraud by successive governments.
This does not count the human anxiety, misery or stress of the test, nor the suicides that have resulted because of it.
Remarkably, Chris Grayling minister for employment (note minister for employment, not health or disability)
said the government was making “almost constant improvements” to the WCA, but that he was “always willing to talk to the charities”, not disability organisations run and controlled by disabled then.
He said “if we do something that does not prove to be the right thing, we will be happy to change it”
New Training Guidelines for Atos ‘Health Care Professionals’ 2011.
The new set of training guidelines proves that changes have been made. However, these changes make the WCA more not less stringent, maybe the percentages of those declared ‘fit for work’ did not satisfy the existing regime.
The recent Parliamentary Inquiry into the WCA and Atos identified that the new test would increase the percentages of those ‘fit for work’ by 5%.
The training guidelines for the work capability assessment have made anumber of changes which came into force in March 2011 to be incorporated into a revised Work Capability Assessment.
The text below is copied from the Department of Work and Pensions Training & Development Revised WCA Handbook ESA (LCW/LCWRA) Amendment Regulations 2011 version 2.
The introduction states:
This handbook has been written to support Health Care Professionals (HCPs) trained in the principles of Disability Analysis;
in their training and in performing medical assessments in relation to the Employment and Support Allowance Limited Capability for Work / Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCW/LCWRA) Amendment Regulations 2011.

The amendment regulations of 2011 may also be referred to as “The Revised Work Capability Assessment” (Revised WCA).
Page 9 amazingly states:
‘The analysis of the data established that the WCA (ESA regulations 2008) was accurately identifying a person’s capability for work’.
However, an internal review produced the following recommendations.
Text below is copied from pages 9-10 outlining the recommendations.
Sections inbold are my own ‘disability analysis’.
Lower Limb Function
In this area, it was felt that the 2008 activities did not accurately reflect the level of function required for the modern workplace. As a result “walking” has been changed to “mobilising” to reflect the functionality of wheelchair users. It was also felt that considering standing and sitting abilities as separate entities was not relevant in the modern workplace and the new activity relates to the ability to remain at a work station.
In the 2008 descriptors, bending and kneeling were considered, however the ability to bend or kneel are no longer considered critical in the modern workplace, so this activity has been removed.
If you cannot stand, have difficulty sitting or cannot walk its OK because you have the ability to ‘remain at a workstation’ how you get to this ‘workstation’ is another matter. ‘fit for work’
Upper Limb Function
The review group felt that unilateral upper limb restriction would not significantly impact on an individual’s ability to work and therefore all descriptors now relate to bilateral restriction.
As bilateral restriction is asignificant issue, the manual dexterity scores have been revised to reflect this issue.
If you cannot move your arms, or hands presumably to type at your workstation ‘fit for work’ if you have no function in your legs but can mobilize 50 metres ‘fit for work’
Sensory Function
In the 2008 regulations, the activities in this area reflected impairment.
Adaptation had not been taken into account in these areas.
The review group felt that an individual’s ability to adapt must be taken into account and therefore the activity of vision has changed to the concept of being able to safely navigate.
The activities of hearing and speech have been changed to the more functional concept of being able to receive communication and communicate with others.
If you are blind, deaf, Deaf or unable to speak you are ‘fit for work’ It’s about being able to safely navigate and receive communication and communicate with others, presumably with unavailable space age communication aids.
This made the assessment overly complex and thus the descriptors have been amended to reflect any loss of continence. The loss of dignity associated within continence has been reflected in the scoring of the descriptors.
Incontinence is too complex for the WCA but the loss of dignity is reflected in the new scoring: ‘fit for work’
Consciousness In this area,
it was felt that infrequent loss of consciousness would not substantially impact on a person’s ability to work and therefore only those experiencing weekly or monthly episodes of loss of consciousness will beawarded scoring descriptors. If you spontaneously lose consciousness once every five weeks: ‘fit for work’
Mental Function In understanding and focus, it was felt that the 2008 descriptors were complex and difficult to interpret. These have therefore been simplified. In the area of learning tasks, how an individual learns is no longer considered to be the crucial factor – it is their ability to learn that is considered.
In awareness of hazard the review group felt the important issue in the workplace was to assess the level of risk for the person and others.
The activity of personal action has been amended to reflect a person’s ability to prioritise and complete tasks.
In adapting to change, the highest descriptor reflects a total inability to cope with any change and is now a Support Group.
In getting about, it was considered that the familiarity of a place was more important in functiona lterms rather than the frequency of ability to get to places.
In the area of social interaction, the review group felt the previous descriptors were rather negative in their wording and the new descriptors relate to ability to engage in social contact an individual’s ability to behave in an appropriate manner with others.
Mental functioning is too complex for the WCA it’s no longer about learning simple tasks, but an ability to learn.
If you are familiar with aplace (?) this is considered more important than your ability to get to that place or any place with which you are unfamiliar with (?) ‘fit forwork’.
If you are unable to deal with social contact that’s OK as long as you behave in an appropriate manner with others: ‘fit for work’
The Decline of Welfare:
the rise of private profit Neither the PCA or the WCA were ever really centred on assessing peoples’fitness for work; they were always part of a mutual linking between successive Government’s will to cut social claims on the state, insurance companies such as the discredited Unum Provident (now renamed Unum Group) to ‘open up’new markets, and private companies such as Atos’ willingness to meet targets while increasing profit.
The entire process is likely to cost the hallowed taxpayer more than the original benefits bill did, the cost of Atos contracts, the cost of tribunals, and the cost of addition health care caused by the misery of the WCA add to the higher long term costs.
Yet, it’s all carried under the guise of state efficiency and the market economy.
The WCA is about exploiting aspects of the social model to develop a badly mutated individualistic ‘can do’ attitude merged with a culture of blame for‘can’t do’ aspects of bodies and minds in an increasingly disabling welfare reformist climate.
The WCA bears no reality to the every day aspects ofworking life or the complexity of impairment and long-term health issues. It is a publically sanctioned fraud that misrepresents and bastardises its claims to support people while simultaneously undermining the logic, and the economic and social realities of any reasonable employment criteria. In 2007 Rutherford argued:
Welfare reform exemplifies the transformation of the old style nationstate into a new kind of 'enabling' market state. Instead of providing social protection, the market state offers 'opportunities' and 'choice' to 'customers', who in return must shoulder a greater degree of responsibility for their individual predicament…
But the compact between the state and an individual whose life has been disrupted by disability or sickness is not an equal one…
The history of the British welfare system has always been one of grudging, paternalistic and sometimes punitive forms of social protection.
But even measured against its own limited ambitions, the future of welfare looks bleak
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Open Letter on Atos ‘Healthcare’ to the BMJ and RCN
27 September 2011

Dr Michael ChamberlainChairman, BMJ (British Medical Journal) Group Board

Andrea Spyropoulos, President,Royal College of Nursing

Dear Dr Chamberlain and Andrea Spyropoulos,

Re: Atos Healthcare and parent company Atos Origin

As sick and disabled people, carers and other concerned people, including professionals, we are writing to you to urge the Royal College of Nursing and BMJ Group to immediately end your relationship with Atos, including stopping any advertising of Atos jobs or Atos the company on your websites, and not having Atos at the RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair 13-14 September, or the BMJ recruitment fair 30 September to 1 October 2011 in London.

As you know, Atos currently has a £100m a year contract with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to carry out examinations for disability benefits.

We are outraged that Atos is profiting from denying those of us who are sick or disabled, the benefits we need to survive and maintain our level of health. In May, at the protest outside Atos headquarters, a number of people spoke about our experiences of the examination, being denied benefit and having to appeal to get it back. One woman testified that her brother, who had severe depression, committed suicide after being cut off. See:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/video ... igin-video

The media have exposed more of the dire consequences of Atos’ decisions. In February, the Daily Mirror highlighted the case of a Derbyshire man with a heart condition, found fit for work, who had to go through tribunal to appeal, then was awarded Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) but died of a heart attack the day before his next Atos exam was due.

A Channel 4 News report on 27 July 2011 acknowledged what thousands have been saying: it interviewed the heartbroken partner of a critically ill man whom Atos denied his entitlement on grounds that he was ‘fit for work’ – he died less than three months later. How many more people have died following such cruel and callous treatment? The coverage was prompted by a Parliamentary report from the Work and Pensions Committee of MPs, in which they criticised Atos. Atos the powerful multinational has taken vindictive action against disabled people and carers’ websites where it is criticised, getting sites closed down which isolated people rely on for support.

In August, the Guardian reported that 12 Atos doctors are under investigation by the General Medical Council for improper conduct. The article referred to numerous previous cases and investigations by other bodies.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011 ... disability

A nurse in Scotland was so shocked at Atos’s behaviour that she blew the whistle on them. She said that people with serious lung diseases were found fit for work as long as they could sit in front of a computer, and that parents who attend with their children are automatically found fit for work. And Atos is investigating staff, one a nurse, who used their Facebook pages to insult people as “parasitic wankers” and “down and outs”.

According to DWP figures, only 6% of those who have been assessed are placed in the Support Group of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) which exempts them from the work conditions now attached to benefit. (This 6% includes claimants whom the DWP has already exempted from the Atos examination because their condition is so serious.) http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/workinga ... 072010.pdf

The Royal College of Psychiatrists and many others have strongly criticised the devastating effect the Atos exam and cuts have had on patients. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/ ... tal-health

GP Margaret McCartney, writing in the BMJ, has questioned the ethics of doctors performing assessments without access to patients’ medical records, and the lack of specialist knowledge of physiotherapists and general nurses employed by Atos. (BMJ 2011; 342:d599. Full article attached.)

Since 1995, when medical assessments for incapacity benefit were privatised and taken out of public services, standards have steadily declined. But Atos has brought this to a new low. While none of the work tests deserve to be called a “medical” as they have no basis in patient welfare, since Atos started carrying out the ESA tests in 2008, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people with severe illness and disability being assessed as fit for work and denied benefits.

This has been clear for some time. In 2009, ‘Who’s Cheating Who?’, a BBC Scotland documentary, highlighted the plight of June Mitchell who applied for sickness benefit. When examined by Atos, she complained of breathlessness and feeling tired. She was scored zero points and found fit for work. She went back to her GP, was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and died shortly afterwards.

Doctors’ and nurses’ ethics are being corrupted by Atos’ offers of higher salaries and daytime reduced work hours. Some doctors have tried to argue that their duty to patients does not apply when assessing benefit claimants on behalf of Atos. But the General Medical Council has upheld that doctors are always bound by this duty whether seeing patients, employees (when assessing occupational health), benefit and insurance claimants, athletes, among others (see attached response from the Standards & Fitness to Practise Directorate).

As doctors and nurses are enticed into privatisation, and cases of criminal negligence and even murder in hospitals and care homes hit the headlines, patients and their loved ones are increasingly speaking out against the indifference and cruelty they face at the hands of those paid to protect them.

Claimants rightly fear that most Atos assessors are uncaring and prejudiced – they work to targets which have nothing to do with patients’ individual health needs or with the realities of the job market which sick and disabled people are being thrown into. The stress of the Atos examinations has hastened deaths and caused a number of people to commit suicide. For many others, it is exacerbating their already fragile health condition.

Atos kills. Medical professionals who lend it credibility give it a licence to kill. We call on the BMJ Group and RCN to end all association with Atos, and on doctors and nurses to defend patients and uphold our welfare.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Benefit Claimants Fightback: notowelfarecuts@yahoo.co.uk

Black Triangle: info@blacktrianglecampaign.org

Defend Welfare network

Disabled People Against Cuts: mail@dpac.uk.net

WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities: win@winvisible.org

And: (full list of signatories at 27 September 2011):

Niki Adams, Legal Action for Women

Peter Ambrose, Visiting Professor in Housing and Health, University of Brighton

Cristel Amiss, Black Women’s Rape Action Project

Dr Frank Arnold MB ChB

Arts Against Cuts

Kate Atherton, UK Uncut

Professor Peter Beresford OBE, Brunel University and Chair, Shaping Our Lives

Sue Bott, Director, National Centre for Independent Living

Brighton & Hove TUC Unemployed Workers Centre

Brighton Disabled People Against Cuts

Linda Burnip, Debbie Jolly, Eleanor Lisney, Disabled People Against Cuts (UK)

Sara Callaway, Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike

Julia Cameron, Islington Disabled People Against Cuts

Dr Stephen M Carty, GP, Edinburgh

Roderick Cobley, Chair, London Autistic Rights Movement (personal capacity)

Dr Jillian Creasy, GP, Green Party councillor for Central ward, Sheffield

Liz Crow, Roaring Girl Productions

Dr Paul A. Darke, Outside Centre

Rhian Davies, Chief Executive, Disability Wales (and Rhyan Berrigan, Tania Bhutto – member, Maggie Hayes – intern, Paul Swann – policy officer, Independent Living)

Nyami Enyako, Rehabilitation Officer with Visually Impaired People, Sensory Services, London Borough of Lambeth

Kirsten Forkert, University and College Union (personal capacity)

Mat Fraser, actor and writer

Glasgow Coalition of Resistance

Claire Glasman, WinVisible (women with visible and invisible disabilities)

Anat Greenstein, Research Institute of Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University

Helmut Heib, National Union of Teachers (personal capacity)

Dr Marion Hersh, University of Glasgow

Sarah Hitchings, Lewes Stop The Cuts

Cat Hobbs, Oxford Save Our Services

Islington Poverty Action Group

Michael Kalmanovitz, Payday men’s network

Michael Lavalette, National Convenor, Social Work Action Network

Jill Leigh, BA, CQSW., Dip Counselling.

Lesbian Bi Trans Queer in the Global Women’s Strike

Lewisham Anti-Cuts Alliance

Phil Lockwood, Information Co-ordinator & Webmaster, Black Triangle

London Coalition Against Poverty

Nina López, Global Women’s Strike

Adam Lotun, Disability Risk Management & Reasonable Adjustments, Consultant, Workplace Disability Adjustments

Marie Lynam, Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group

Nushra Mansuri, British Association of Social Workers

John McArdle, Black Triangle Anti-Defamation Campaign In Defence of Disability Rights

Gillian McDonald, RMN, NHS Lothian

John McDonnell MP

Denise McKenna, Mental Health Resistance Network

Ronan McNern, Queer Resistance

Cari Mitchell, English Collective of Prostitutes

Dan Morton, Social Work Action Network ( London )

Stella Mpaka, All African Women’s Group

Rev Paul Nicolson, Chair, Zacchaeus 2000 Trust

Notts Save Our Services

Notts Uncut

Nurses Against Atos

Andrew Osborne, Cambridgeshire Against the Cuts

Anna Owens, secretary, PCS Revenue & Customs branch committee

Redhill Coalition Against Cuts

Ian Sandeman, DLA Help Group

Bill Scott, Manager, Inclusion Scotland (personal capacity)

Dave Sherry, Secretary, UNITE Scottish Housing Branch

Dr Ron Singer, president, Medical Practitioners’ Union, the doctors’ section of UNITE

Dave Skull, South East London Mad Pride

Paul Smith, Victims of Atos Corruption & Register of Shame 2

Kim Sparrow, Single Mothers’ Self-Defence

Phil Stevens, Director, Wales Council for the Blind (representing over 63 separate visual impairment groups providing support and assistance to visually impaired people – including list below**)

Russell Stronach, co-Chair, Autistic Rights Movement UK

Peter Tatchell, Peter Tatchell Foundation

The Cuts Won’t Work

Pip Tindall, Brighton Benefits Campaign

Johnny Void, Benefit Claimants Fightback

Welfare Action Hackney

Vin West, Secretary, Arfon Access Group

Alan Wheatley, Green Party TU Group Disability Spokesperson

Alison Wilde, Bangor University

Rick Wilson, Community Lives Consortium, Wales (personal capacity)

Dr Sarah Woodin, University of Leeds (personal capacity)

Dr Felicity de Zulueta, Emeritus Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy at the SLaM NHS Foundation Trust and Hon. Senior Lecturer in Traumatic Studies at KCL

**Amman Valley Blind Society, Ammanford Blind Society, Bridgevis, Brynamman Blind Society, Carmarthen Area Blind Society, Carmarthenshire County Blind Society, Ceredigion Association for the Blind, Cwmamman Blind Society, In-Sight, Llandeilo Blind Society, Llandovery & District Blind Association, Llandybie Blind Society, Llanelli Blind Society, LOOK, Merthyr Tydfil Institute for the Blind, Monmouth Visually Impaired Club, Mynydd Mawr Blind Society, North Wales Welsh Cassette Service, Partially Sighted Society, Pembrokeshire Blind Society, Radnorshire Association for the Blind, Rhondda Blind Society, Rhuddlan Borough Talking Newspaper, South Wales Talking Magazine Association, Vision Support, Visual Impairment Breconshire, Visual Impairment West Glamorgan, Visually Impaired Merthyr Tydfil, Visually Impaired Children Taking Action

http://benefitclaimantsfightback.wordpr ... j-and-rcn/
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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ralphybough wrote: I smell a fight with the British Medical association brewing;

If ATOS does not believe the diagnosis of the claimant's Doctor then why are they not seeking a BMA review?! By challenging the doctor's diagnosis they are saying that the Doctor of the claimant is misleading, aka ; misdiagnosis aka malpractice.

We need to protect GP's and doctor clinical assessment of patients. If not then it will lead to an upsurge in patient deaths.

ATOS is not a crown agent, so why is it allowed to challenge GP's and do tors diagnosis? Is that even legal? And if not does this not meanb that GP's and doctors that legal recourse to sue ATOS and by association the HM Government?

The senior management of the DWP are purposely misinterpreting the law, in the case of the Social Security Act. The Social Security Act explicitly says that a person needs a certain amount of money to live on. ATOS cant overrule this since it is not a crown agent.

If senior DWP management seek to misrepresent the social Security Act then they are open to private prosecution in a court of law. Because they are not upholding government stature, and are taking recourse advice from political ministers seeking to destroy the social security act. Ministerial advice does not overule or ursurp government acts passed by previous government administations.

To sum up ATOS is breaking the law. and they have been illegally and purposely misled by the Westminster coalition. ATOS should seek legal advice quickly cause they are going to be taken to court.

We need a legal test case in a court of law to find out if removal of allowances contravenes the Social Security Act.

A plague on the house of ATOS shareholders everywhere.....

http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scott ... -23670919/
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Atos - how much grief can one company cause?
By Andrew Penman on April 11, 2012 11:01 PM in Health
We have had a heart-rending response to our revelation that at least 32 people
are dying each week despite them being ruled not sick enough in the medical test for the new incapacity benefit.

Employment and Support Allowance claimants died after a "work capability assessment" concluded that they were able to get a job and only entitled to a lower rate of benefit.

Among them was 36-year-old Martina Delaney from Bolton. In November the private firm Atos, on a £100million government contract, deemed her fit for work and her benefits were cut.

"She was so worried about losing her flat and she had to sell the family jewellery to pay for the gas and food and never even told us, it would have broken her heart," said her mother Elizabeth. "We found our beautiful girl in her bed on March 12.

"She suffered from high blood pressure, numerous allergies and long-term depression, there is no way she was fit for work."

Another shocking story came from Citizens Advice which told of a warehouse worker whose degenerative lung condition forced him to give up work.

"His weight had dropped to just seven stone, he had trouble breathing and walking," said a CAB spokeswoman.

"But in the medical test for Employment and Support Allowance he was awarded zero points and was told that he would be fit to return to work within three months. Before three months was up he died."

Then there was the woman of 50 with terminal cancer, who we've been asked not to name.

This lady got a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions saying that following her medical test she was found fit for work and was told by a "back to work adviser" to attend some gym sessions.

"There has got to be a better way to assess people as to whether they are fit for work or not," said Natasha, her support worker from a Midlands charity.

Atos - where the boss Keith Wilman gets £800,000 a year - has been widely slated for the quality of its medical assessment.

Just last week the company was condemned by the Advertising Standards Authority for claiming that it has got "1700+ healthcare professionals". Such is the arrogance of this firm that it didn't even bothering responding to the ASA, which is the kind of behaviour we usually see in fly-by-night conmen, not huge companies trusted by the government with such important matters as this.

http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/investigation ... n-one.html
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Exclusive leak: Atos forces doctors to sign Official Secrets Act

by Sunny Hundal

The company ATOS Healthcare – which is contracted by the Department for Work and Pensions to carry out medical assessments for welfare claimants – is gagging its doctors from speaking out by using the draconian Official Secrets Act, Liberal Conspiracy can reveal today.

A doctor, who currently works with the company and chose to stay anonymous, told us there was “no justification” to sign this kind of document.

He sent us documents that proved ATOS Healthcare forced doctors to sign the OSA, putting a blanket ban on whistle blowing.

He said it was a direct violation of General Medical Council’s Good Medical Practice guide.

ATOS Healthcare has come under increasing fire in the last few years for forcing disabled welfare claimants into ludicrous and difficult medical assessments.

The chair of the Work and Pensions select committee, Dame Anne Begg MP, criticised the company last July, saying: “There have been failings in the service Atos Healthcare has provided, which has often fallen short of what claimants can rightly expect.”

It has also used legal threats to silence online criticism from disability rights campaigners.

He said the demand for doctors to sign the OSA was recent and he hadn’t been asked to do so when he previously worked at the company.

In an interview, he estimated that the form was introduced late last year, after the company faced a barrage of criticism online.

Our source told us:

There is no scientific or medical basis for these assessments. But that is entirely a different matter.

There is no justification for a healthcare practitioner assessing a person suffering from back pain or depression to sign this kind of document.

Atos Healthcare is owned by Atos Origin, a French company. It has also been criticised for running tests in assesssment centres that do not have disabled access, even though a significant proportion of their visitors are disabled.

http://victimsofatoscorruption.wordpres ... 4/12/5612/
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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Dwp/SS comparison. Completely out of my experience of ESA itself and with no knowledge that sites like this existed I came to the same conclusion. The overarching idea is Arbeit Macht Frei. First the semantics…there are now no sick or incapacitated people in Britian..What does the phrase Employment and Support Allowance actually mean grammatically? Then a new field of medicine is created by politicians “disability assessment” or one could say “how to recognise sub-primes”. This politicised medicine is superior to medicine as we know it, in its own words it is not concerned with diagnosis or treatment but with ability to work. And by the magic of “computer says no” it can assess just that. If we define work as the expenditure of energy then every physical movement requires such expenditure and everyone who can move any part of their body can work, ergo everyone can work and Arbeit after all Macht Frei. Anyone who has had the “medical” knows that it consists of moving parts of your body and that is all. Then the process of detaching human responsibility from the system is enacted. The “doctor” bears no responsibility because he/she makes no decision. The behind the scenes decision-maker need only be able to add up to 15 because the points are covered by law and arbitrary points cannot be awarded. Points can arbitrarily be taken away. The final solution is the miracle that profit can be made out of sub-primes, the same miracle that led to the collapse in the world economy…this is its social equivalent. The sub-primes are sold off to Atos who clearly are making a profit. So sub-primes can produce profit AND simultaneously SAVE MONEY. A miracle indeed. But we live in the age of economic “miracles” do we not? When a country employs semantics in this way and treats its citizens as commodities to be sold to the private sector for private profit we are in a proto-fascist/nazi country. Except that only some of us live in this country..the incapacitated poor. No matter that we may have paid 40 years NI and tax before becoming incapacitiated, no matter that our incapacity may be genetic and stem from previous eras of wealth creation that required our forebears to sacrifice their physical health in atrocious working conditions. No, protofascism has no folk memory, what concerns it is the dirty scrounger it sees wherever it looks…except of course at its own level..a duck house is a necessity for a politician, a million pound bonus is a necessity for economic miracle workers. Enough. Our country is exceedingly morally sick. We hapless invalids for whatever reason are the only ones who actually experience HOW morally sick it is. I didn’t live in this morally sick country before 2009, I had no idea it existed but after a massive heart attack I woke up in it and since then it has tried to finish the job. Thank God for all your courage in founding such sites, we at least will be able to say we recognise proto-nazism and proto-fascism when it smiles sweetly at us and “treats” us as it ever treated sub-primes. That is off my chest and away from my heart, thank you so much for the space.

Comment by Liz — October 20, 2010 @ 3:15 pm

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

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the void
‘narking off the state since 2005
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Malicious, Unsubstantiated and Tasteless – the post that led to Atos attacking the Carerwatch forums
Posted on April 12, 2012 by johnny void | 25 Comments
Due to the annual festival to celebrate the murder of a hippy 2000 years ago, I’ve been a bit late with this. The Guardian recently featured a revealing film made by Jon Ronson about the attempts of disability denying filth Atos ‘Healthcare’ to censor any criticisms of them published on the internet.

Atos carry out the notorious Work Capability Assessment, a computer based test designed to strip benefits from sick and disabled people by declaring them not sick or disabled enough. A recent Daily Mirror investigation has revealed that 32 people are dying each week after being found ‘fit for work’ by the company.

Last year several websites were shut down after Atos issued legal threats to web hosting companies. One of those sites was the Carer Watch forum which was discussed in Ronson’s video. The Carer Watch forum was closed due to a link to this site which Atos claim in a statement featured a post which was malicious, unsubstantiated and tasteless. This site never received any communications from either Atos or wordpress.com where this blog is hosted.

There is no law which states global corporations can shut down and censor websites over content they consider to be tasteless. You cannot be malicious to a corporation. It is not a human being. As for unsubstantiated, well it’s reproduced below, decide for yourself.

Should Atos fancy an expensive, embarrassing and protracted McLibel style legal battle then do please get in touch.

(after Atos’ legal onslaught last year many websites openly defied their legal threats, with re-designing the Atos logo becoming an online sport)

Atos Macht Frei – Atos Origin Team Up With Gas Chamber Firm!

Atos Origin, the poverty pimps currently pocketing hundreds of millions harassing people who are claiming sickness or disability benefits have teamed up with manufacturers of the holocaust’s gas chambers Siemens.

Siemens will contribute its Siemens IT Solutions & Services for €850-million to Atos Origin and become a shareholder of Atos Origin with a 15% stake.

Siemens are most famous for their use of slave labour during the holocaust. Prisoners were utilised by Siemens to build the gas chambers in which they would eventually be murdered. Siemens ran factories at Ravensbrück and in the Auschwitz subcamp of Bobrek, whilst the company supplied electrical parts to other concentration camps.

Atos Origin should fit right in with these former eugenicists as they carry out their state funded program to strip both benefits and dignity from those in society deemed to be unproductive.

Some have criticised the use of nazi imagery by some disability and claimants activists recently. However the parallels between the current Government’s attitude to disability and the early days of the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany are increasingly hard to ignore. The above poster is directly based on Nazi propaganda at the time which attempted to use fears about the economy to stigmatise disabled people (the original poster can be viewed here along with many other examples).

The present day smear campaign against those with disabilities or illness is relentless. The right wing press spew out daily lies about benefit fraud and scroungers whilst Disability Minister Maria Miller has claimed the cost of disability benefits (and therefore presumably disabled people) is ‘unsustainable’.

As early as 1933 the Nazis passed a law passed ordering enforced sterilisation of the disabled and long term sick, something that today might be seen as many Daily Mail columnist’s greatest fantasy. Later came the infamous Aktion T4 euthanasia programme when hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities were murdered. The medical profession notoriously facilitated many of these deaths.

Atos Origin are currently recruiting healthcare workers and doctors across the UK. Plans to retest everyone on sickness benefits and apply similar tests to those currently claiming Disability Living Allowance will require a lot of doctors. GPs, consultants or other experts with an in depth knowledge of their patient’s condition will be ignored however. These health professionals are not trusted to make a decision on their patients ability to work (yet strangely are going to be trusted to control the NHS budget). Only Atos doctors, nurses and other unspecified ‘healthcare’ workers are involved in the decision, which is based on a short test and interview. With huge numbers of those denied benefits having them re-instated on appeal it appears that in a ‘target driven environment’ Atos doctors simply work to rule, regardless of the long cherished medical idiom of ‘first do no harm’.

Disability message boards and blogs have been inundated with people threatening suicide due to these plans. It is impossible to know how many suicides have happened already as a result of Atos Origin’s medical tests. Enforced euthanasia may not be the intention of this government’s policies, but in many cases it is likely to be the result.

In Nazi Germany the disabled and sick were seen as surplus to the task of building a mighty Reich. In Cameron’s Britain the disabled and sick are seen as surplus to the task of ‘bringing down the deficit’. What counted in Hitler’s day was whether you were a good soldier, industrialist, scientist or labourer. Under Fascism people were judged purely on their ability to contribute to the goal of German imperialism and genocidal savagery. Under capitalism we are judged purely on our ability to create wealth for those at the top. If you ain’t making the rich money, then they couldn’t care whether you live or die. Nazism it ain’t, we’re a long way from that. But if it takes being a little bit nazi to continue to line the pockets of the filthy rich, well then it takes being a little bit of nazi. Now fuck off and get back to work.

Poster design from http://gimphag.net/

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

Post by BoroBot »

http://mindinflux.wordpress.com/2010/10 ... ropaganda/

http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2011/08 ... r-support/

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... mage-video

The fine folk at Schnews have this to offer:


the void
‘narking off the state since 2005
Atos Macht Frei – That Censored Carer Watch Post Revealed
!Is Prison Company G4S Set To Take on Disability Testing?
→The Great Atos Rebrand – Update
Posted on August 27, 2011 by johnny void
The challenge to redesign the logo of poverty pimps
Atos is rolling along quite nicely with creative versions of the Atos logo cropping up all over the place.

Lots of sites are also now carrying rebranded
logos and copies of the piece which initially led Atos
to use dodgy legal threats to have the Carer Watch forums closed down.

Here’s a current list, apologies to anyone missed,
please put a link in the comments and we’ll keep it updated.



http://www.disinfo.com/2011/09/stop-ato ... g-the-web/

http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/201 ... -revealed/





http://janespoliticalramblings.wordpres ... d-fascism/

http://artsagainstcuts.wordpress.com/20 ... -you-free/

http://musingsfromtheden.wordpress.com/ ... -the-void/

http://libcom.org/forums/libcommunity/1 ... p-29082011

http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2011/0 ... -revealed/

http://www.dpac.uk.net/2011/08/atos-reb ... mpetition/

https://network23.org/grafittikill/2011 ... mpetition/




http://tim-theregency.blogspot.com/2011 ... -look.html

http://nothingiseverlost.wordpress.com/ ... a-website/




http://benefitclaimantsfightback.wordpr ... ensorship/

http://thefanaticonline.wordpress.com/2 ... ensorship/

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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

Post by BoroBot »

This week news leaked out about the government's plans on how the long term sick and disabled should be "helped" back into work:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/ ... nefit-cuts

Some long-term sick and disabled people face being forced to work unpaid for an unlimited amount of time
or have their cut under plans being drawn up by the Department for Work and Pensions

From the Guardian article which broke the story. It continues:
The new policy, outlined by DWP officials in meetings with disabilities groups,
is due to be announced after legal changes contained in clause 54 of the welfare reform bill
http://services.parliament.uk/bills/201 ... ments.html

http://thepotterblogger.blogspot.co.uk/ ... tesco.html
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Re: DWP & ATOS - Arbeit macht frei

Post by BoroBot »

Very clever of the Tories and their Libdem lickspittles, this. They're suggesting that those who appeal against being found fit for work should have their benefits suspended until their appeal is heard (an appeal they may well lose anyway). Due to the considerable numbers of sick and disabled people winning their appeals at Tribunal, they've got the idea that, rather than take a thorough look at why so many win on appeal in the first place (a vastly unfair and thoroughly dishonest system run by ATOS springs to mind) that they'll simply stack the deck further against claimants by wanting to cut off our money entirely while we challenge the original decision. http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/the-s ... eal-ruling

The new ethos of the DWP/ATOS/Condems towards the sick and disabled seems to be one of wanting to deliver as little as possible, take as long as possible to deliver the pittance that they actually come up with and starve people into submission if they try to make waves.

http://www.urban75.net/forums/threads/a ... ed.282955/
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