Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:35 pm
Middlesbrough Ray Mallon's Bulldozer Kingdom
THE latest phase of demolition work in Grove Hill is under way.
Work has been carried out this week on pulling down four homes in Keith Road.
Last week four other houses in Keith Road and two in Sunnyside Avenue were demolished as part of a regeneration process.
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12:02 PM on January 25, 2012
It's all very well to say hundreds of houses will "eventually" be built there while Erimus are demolishing perfectly decent sold houses while over 6,000 are on their waiting list.
12:36 PM on January 25, 2012
why demolish perfectly good houses,refurbished at great expense not to long ago,
The houses are not a problem ,its the people in them,Nobody will want to live there until ALL the rubbish has been removed, but where to ,to blight another area
12:48 PM on January 25, 2012
Are the the Council and Erimus really that naive? It's common knowledge to most people that the robust houses that were only built in the 1930s are not the problem. It's always been about the minority of bad tenants,who have been allowed over the years,for it to be a no go area. They have dispersed these people all over Middlesbrough,to infest other estates. Would it not have been more feasible when they moved these people out,and moved decent folk into the existing properties,instead of spending untold millions of pounds in rebuilding? Or is it against their human rights to be move scum out,to let decent tenants in?So demolish and rebuild is a way round this. The same has happened in Whinney banks. Crazy goings on IMO.
12:58 PM on January 25, 2012
we took my grandkids around the area in december to show them where their great great grandparents lived. i was shocked at the state of the place and the looks and stares of people standing on corners. my memories of rosecroft avenue will never be the same!
12:58 PM on January 25, 2012
this is the madness of MBC. house scumbags then move them out. destroy the good houses. build new houses eventually put a few more scum families in to destroy them. this is the merry-go-round of the MBC. !
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