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Executive Housing

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:06 am
by BoroBot
Longridge Wood / Grey Towers / Hemlington earmarked for executive housing
do we now know the reason why?
didn't Middlesbrough Council import Somalian families into BORO?
are these families demanding Executive Housing in Middlesbrough at £8,000 a month?
how many are claiming benefits like those in the following news article?

Sayida Khaliif, wife of Saeed Khaliif, at the £2m house she shares with members of her Somalian family
Somali asylum seeker Saeed Khaliif was given a £2million home in one of the country’s most exclusive neighbourhoods at the taxpayer’s expense.
The 49-year-old was granted housing benefits of almost £8,000 a month to live in the six- bedroom property with his wife Sayida and children.
The unemployed couple demanded to be moved to West Hampstead, north-west London, after deciding their home in the Midlands was inadequate.
The payments, revealed last year, are among the largest ever given in housing benefit.
Their new home has a 90ft garden and has been recently refurbished, with an en suite master bedroom and modern kitchen.
It is minutes from West Hampstead Underground station and the neighbourhood is home to comedian Stephen Fry.
It is understood Mr Khaliif has up to eight children and lives on benefits. He has not worked since arriving here three years ago.
Read more: ... z1jzisvhGX
The foreigners being paid £2billion in benefits a year including 371,000 on the dole (and 5,000 claiming £42m in illegal handouts)
• DWP fraud probe after 5,000 illegal immigrants claim £42m in handouts to which they are not entitled
• 371,000 foreign nationals on out-of-work benefits
• 6% of all benefit claimants are foreigners, study finds
By Tim Shipman
Last updated at 9:08 AM on 20th January 2012 ... -year.html

Re: Executive Housing

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:17 am
by BoroBot
Middlesbrough Executive Housing
and there's more......
370,000 migrants on the dole
By Robert Winnett, Political Editor
10:00PM GMT 19 Jan 2012
More than 370,000 migrants who were admitted to Britain to work, study or go on holiday are now claiming out-of-work benefits, according to official figures compiled for the first time.
The migrants, who can claim unemployment, housing and incapacity benefit, are costing taxpayers billions of pounds a year.
In other countries, many would have had to return home after their visas expired or their employment ended.
The figures are likely to reopen the debate over the generosity of the welfare system amid growing concerns that the country has become a destination for “benefit tourists”.
In an article for today’s Daily Telegraph, Chris Grayling, the employment minister, and Damian Green, the immigration minister, say that the large number of migrants now claiming benefits has been increased by the “organisational chaos” of Britain’s immigration system.
Read more:-
Labour didn’t care who landed in Britain ... itain.html
“It should never have been allowed to happen and Labour should be embarrassed by what it left behind,” they add.
“We’re determined to sort things out. Firstly by building an immigration system that is properly controlled and which people can have confidence in. And secondly by building a new generation of data systems that will ensure that no one can come to Britain and claim benefits to which they are not entitled.”
In the past, the nationality of benefit claimants has not been recorded. Ministers ordered a comparison of records held by the UK Border Agency, Department for Work and Pensions and HM Revenue and Customs.
The analysis found there were 371,000 foreign-born claimants for out-of-work benefits, out of a total 5.5 million recipients. Of these, 258,000 were from outside the European Economic Area.
Officials used data from applications for National Insurance cards, which require people to declare whether they are foreign nationals. Just over half have subsequently become British citizens.
People from outside the European Union can legally come to Britain to work, study or visit with a visa. If they stay for a certain period of time, marry or have children they can apply to remain permanently — after which they become eligible for state handouts. Asylum seekers can also be eligible for benefits.
European nationals actively looking for work can claim unemployment benefit. However, those from some eastern European nations can only claim after 12 months on a registration scheme.
In the majority of cases, ministers found that the migrants claiming benefits were eligible for the money. In a small sample group, details from a quarter of claimants could not be verified, while 2 per cent of them were suspected of making fraudulent claims.
Mr Grayling and Mr Green write: “We’ll be investigating the records of all
those people claiming benefits to make sure they are entitled to what they are receiving.
“We’ve already identified some with serious question marks over both their right to benefits and their immigration status. Investigators are calling to see them.”
It currently takes about three months to stop benefits in these cases and ministers are drawing up plans to allow the handouts to be stopped immediately.
The analysis found that the highest number of migrants on benefits originally came from Pakistan, Somalia and India. Bangladesh, Iraq and Iran also featured prominently. European countries among the top 20 for claimants include Poland, Ireland, France and Italy.
The figures will lead to a debate over whether people who had previously paid tax should be given priority for benefits.
Mr Grayling and Mr Green write: “The integrity of our benefits system is crucial to the reputation of our welfare state — to whether taxpayers feel that they are getting a fair deal.
“There’s a natural instinct that says that no one from other countries should receive benefits at all. But if someone works and pays taxes here, it’s not unreasonable that we should help out if they fall on hard times.”
They add that the system has to be fair and stop people receiving money to which there are not entitled.
The Department for Work and Pensions has not made any estimate as to the total cost of the benefits claimed by the immigrants. Nor does the research cover those receiving the state pension, child benefit or other handouts.
Jobseekers’ Allowance is currently paid at up to £67.50 a week. Incapacity benefit is worth up to £94.25 a week. Housing benefits are typically more generous although the Government is planning to introduce a “benefit cap” to prevent any household from claiming a total of more than £26,000 annually.
Mr Grayling also disclosed last year that the Government was poised to take legal action against the EU to stop more foreigners being able to claim benefits in this country under controversial “reciprocal arrangements”.
David Cameron has pledged to bring non-EU immigration “under control” and a target to reduce those moving to Britain into the “tens of thousands” annually is one of his main policies.
The Conservatives accuse Labour of having let immigration spiral out of control with hundreds of thousands of people, including many from eastern Europe, settling in this country.
Apart from their impact on the welfare system, ministers are also concerned about the number of jobs being taken by immigrants.
Other official figures show that up to 90 percent of new jobs created in Britain over the past decade have gone to foreign -born workers while levels of unemployment have risen.
The Government believes that improving the education and training of Britons, particularly young people, is the key to ensuring that they can compete for jobs. ... efits.html
The dishonesty of the liberal/left, epitomised by the BBC reports on this story, is breathtaking. What they are saying is that the majority of these claimants have now become British citizens so they are entitled to these benefits. So the literally millions of foreign born nationals who've been allowed to come to this country through a virtually open door immigration policy over
the last two decades, have, within a few short years, been able to access the UK's cradle to the grave welfare services. Not just the benefits system but the NHS, education and every other public support service too. And that is perfectly okay!
talk about Cut Backs being needed locally and national

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Re: Executive Housing

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:32 am
by BoroBot
The foreigners being paid £2billion in benefits a year including 371,000 on the dole (and 5,000 claiming £42m in illegal handouts)
• DWP fraud probe after 5,000 illegal immigrants claim £42m in handouts to which they are not entitled
• 371,000 foreign nationals on out-of-work benefits
6% of all benefit claimants are foreigners, study finds
By Tim Shipman
Last updated at 9:08 AM on 20th January 2012 ... -year.html
what are the percentages of UK born pensioners etc listed by age group
who struggle on basic benefits living in "commoners" housing not mansions

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Re: Executive Housing

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:55 pm
by BoroBot
The foreigners being paid £2billion in benefits a year including 371,000 on the dole (and 5,000 claiming £42m in illegal handouts)
• DWP fraud probe after 5,000 illegal immigrants claim £42m in handouts to which they are not entitled
• 371,000 foreign nationals on out-of-work benefits
• 6% of all benefit claimants are foreigners, study finds
By Tim Shipman
Last updated at 4:31 PM on 20th January 2012
Read more: ... z1k29335fn
Notice it is the first ever investigation of this kind.
- Joan McTigue, Middlesbrough Cleveland, 19/1/2012 22:59
Read more: ... z1k28sfBR5
What about the English scroungers that claim, just as bad if not worse. Fair play to the foreigners, our scroungers can't even be bothered to get off their arse let alone go to another country to scrounge!
- Rob Villa, Islington London, 20/1/2012 9:35
Read more: ... z1k29mlVVt
:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)