one cut too far for boro

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one cut too far for boro

Post by BoroBot »

Definitely one CUT too far for Ray Mallon & Middlesbrough Executive / Council

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
MORE that £30,000 is set to be cut from allowances paid to councillors in Stockton.
Stockton Council was today set to consider a 4% overall cut in special responsibility allowances paid to councillors holding certain positions in the authority.
Council leader Councillor Bob Cook said: “We are examining all our budgets across the council to see where we can make savings, which is why I am personally moving this proposal to reduce expenses for councillors with special responsibilities.
“We have the potential to save £34,300 a year.”
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:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: one cut too far for boro

Post by BoroBot »

11:13 AM on January 19, 2012
The expenses racket by councillors is now rampant.
It is now treat as a wage, not a means to cover out of pocket expenses.
Why the disparity betwen local councils and the expenses levels, why is it different between councils.
Surely it costs no more in expenses in Redcar/Stockton/Middlesbrough/Hartlepool to be a councillor.
Middlesbrough councillors very quiet on the subject of "we are all in it together" as always they look after their own interests first and formost. Certainly cash wise.
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