Middlesbrough: Executive Corruption?

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Middlesbrough: Executive Corruption?

Post by BoroBot »

Six executive houses set for Ladgate Lane in Middlesbrough
Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette
Dec 24 2011

OUTLINE planning consent for a development of six executive homes on land previously earmarked as green wedge in Middlesbrough has been granted.
In the 1990s two applications for housing developments on the site to the west of Netherby House in Ladgate Lane were refused.
But the planning committee was told in a report by planning officers although consent had been refused in the past the policy position had now changed.
It said: “Greater weight should be attributed to Government advice that sustainable development should be treated favourably where a five-year housing supply cannot be demonstrated.
“The proposed development would not negatively impact on the amenity of neighbouring occupiers or affect highway network.
“The housing would increase the level of high-quality, large family homes in the town which has been identified as an aim to prevent population decline.”
Councillor Brenda Thompson, pictured, chairman of the Middlesbrough Municipal Golf Centre consultative group, said generally the group supported the application but wanted discussions on certain matters including that any construction traffic should not park in the access road.
Steve Hesmondhalgh, planning consultant, for the applicant Hamid Shan, said: “On sites like this we can deliver small-scale executive housing schemes which reduces pressure for housing in the open countryside.”
He said a compound would be created on the site and it would include parking for construction traffic.
Councillor John Hobson said it was wrong to chip away at the green wedge.
He said: “Applications for housing on this site have been turned down twice before and nothing has changed.”
But Councillor Frances McIntyre said: “These are luxury homes and we are terribly short of that type of house in the borough. It is a small site and I can’t see these luxury homes on that site would be problematic It is a really good scheme.”

12:12 PM on December 24, 2011
More green belt down the swanny. Eeekch!

2:07 PM on December 24, 2011
I am told that the applicant was at Mallon's side during the civic reception for Miss Lilly. Why was he invited and by whom I wonder?

2:08 PM on December 24, 2011
It is not in Cllr McIntyre's interests to go against this - they may take her chair away from her and the thousands extra that go with it.

3:10 PM on December 24, 2011
When all this green belt land is gone and all that is left is brownfield closer to Middlesbrough centre, and the towns problems are still with this, what will government advice be then?roll over and die I suspect

3:59 PM on December 24, 2011
As per usual this stinks of Mallom and his cronies. Gazette should be acting on our behalf, I feel let down constantly by our local media "When are you going to do something about corruption on Teesside"

4:34 PM on December 24, 2011
I reckon this should be probed, and quickly.

5:06 PM on December 24, 2011
So it's Ok then if they are LUXURY homes? Mr Smith from the council estate gets turned down for permission to build a wall but this gets the go ahead. 2 farms recently disappear on the trunk road and building starts, generating revenue and council tax. I wonder why they get the permiision and not Joe public?

6:53 PM on December 24, 2011
Planning Duh and the answer is EASY.
Demolition Committees with special responsibilities for the removal of green spaces and trees.
Towns looking like doughnuts, smash the middles out of them and build outwards.

7:01 PM on December 24, 2011
All of these developments taken singularly appear to not have an impact on the infrastructure, but, the cumulative effect, is looking quite disasterous.
In towns on Teesside, there are masses of brownfield sites that could be developed, large scale or small scale, the developers don't want to know.
It not about what is good for the town, it is about the bottom line on the balance sheets, and the planning (sic) committees allow it to happen.

Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... z1hW9OcRs4
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