Stuart Bell: fiddling facts - again

We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Smoggies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven?—Is he in hell? He's not in Middlesbrough, That demmed, elusive Pimpernel.
Due to unforeseen circumstances ALL contact to “The Scarlet Pimpernel” is suspended. In future constituents will need to apply direct to the “Middlesbrough Town Hall Prospective MP Barn Dancing Extravaganza” Ladies & Gentlemen please take your places for the next dance led by Ray Mallon – Musical Chairs. All participants left without a chair or good enough spin story of why they should be elected MP for Middlesbrough will be removed from the floor. Let the dancing on the ice of spin begin…
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Stuart Bell: fiddling facts - again

Post by BoroBot »

many many times local people have tried contacting Stuart Bell: response = ziltch zero contact from the MP for Middlesbrough
Sir Stuart said the Gazette had never said it left messages on the answer phone but it was picked up by other media with one headline claiming that the local MP had not returned 100 calls.
last week Stuart Bell claimed he lived in boro full time since 1981 - now it's only 3 times a week ;)
what the people would like to know is -

which week ---- did Stuart Bell stay in Middlesbrough for 3 days ;)

"I live in my constituency and have lived here for 30 years. I spend three days a week here and am able to see constituents who have a real need to see me quickly by appointment.
MP Sir Stuart Bell setting the record straight
by Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette
Sep 23 2011
MIDDLESBROUGH MP Sir Stuart Bell intends to continue to be the town’s MP until the next General Election.
And he says he doubts if there are many MPs who spend more time in their constituency than he does.
Sir Stuart was giving a detailed response to recent Evening Gazette articles over his performance as Middlesbrough’s MP.
Among the issues dealt with by the MP were:
The Gazette made 100 calls to Sir Stuart’s published telephone number during weekday office hours in May, June and July, as reported inset, and no person ever answered.
Sir Stuart said 159 outside calls were received by his Parliamentary office in May, there were 471 in June and 168 in July.
The House of Commons telephone system provided that if the number was engaged a call was automatically passed to answer phone. An engaged tone did not ring.
“There is constant heavy traffic on our telephone lines and thus many calls pass to answer phone. The paradox is the busier the office the more likely a constituent is to be invited to leave his name and number on the answer phone.”
Sir Stuart said the Gazette had never said it left messages on the answer phone but it was picked up by other media with one headline claiming that the local MP had not returned 100 calls.
He said a second telephone number was used in the office to communicate on behalf of constituents with Government departments and local agencies.
“Many calls are intricate and a great deal of time is spent on these. It is common sense that being busy on one line does not enable one to answer calls on another - hence the request to leave a name and number which, of course, constituents willingly do,” said the MP.
On the issue of surgeries Sir Stuart said he had made it plain through several General Elections that he did not have open surgeries.
He had been attacked twice, which was an unpleasant enough experience, and he was aware such attacks endangered assistants with him as well as other constituents at the surgery.
One MP attacked with a samurai sword was badly wounded but his assistant was killed. An MP was killed in his surgery in Northern Ireland and an MP was recently stabbed and a person was charged with attempted murder.
“However the reasons I do not have surgeries is not fear of my own safety but that they are not productive.
"I live in my constituency and have lived here for 30 years. I spend three days a week here and am able to see constituents who have a real need to see me quickly by appointment.
"Constituents with problems have no difficulty in getting hold of me either by telephone or email and there is a constant inter-relationship between me as the MP and the constituent.
“There are three full-time case workers employed, in addition to my own involvement.”
Sir Stuart said the fact he had regularly been attacked by opponents at General Elections for not having open surgeries had not prevented his constituents voting him back in on six occasions.
“I am now on my seventh mandate and will fulfil that mandate in accordance with the vote of the electorate.
Sir Stuart said he had not faced any Labour Party probe.
He had written to Ed Milliband, the Labour Party leader, following the party’s statement that Mr Miliband and the party expected the highest standards from Labour representatives and it was totally unacceptable if the public could not reach their MP.
Sir Stuart said he immediately wrote to Ed Miliband saying: “It is, of course, entirely inaccurate to state that I am not available to my constituents. I meet my constituents by appointment and we have a staff of three available to respond to any queries or requests.
"I fully endorse your office statement that Labour MPs should be available at all times and I can confirm that in my 28 years as MP for Middlesbrough this has been the case and will continue to be so.”
He said he had been happy to talk to Labour Chief Whip, Rosie Winterton, and “put straight the entirely erroneous stories that were now appearing in the national media”.
On particular cases reported by the Evening Gazette Sir Stuart said that Phil Carey, of the Kensington Friendly Collecting Society - who the Evening Gazette reported as saying that he had written to the MP and left telephone messages without success asking for assistance over concerns on new Government legislation - said the matter was already being handled by another MP in the area (Tom Blenkinsop).
“Since the matter had been well handled by one MP in the area it did not require a second to go over the same ground.
“It may be I should have written to Phil to tell him,” said Sir Stuart.
On the issue of his non attendance at a hustings meeting during the last General Election campaign Sir Stuart said he declined the invitation to attend because as the sitting MP he did not offer a public platform to his electoral opponents. He had declined every offer of a hustings since 1983.
“As a matter of politeness I pointed out I had a meeting in London of the Church Commissioners that day and my records show I attended two meetings on April 22 and 29 as part of my constitutional duties as Second Church estates Commissioner,” he said.
On George O’Neill, the assistant to former Stockton North MP Frank Cook, saying his office had to deal with calls from Middlesbrough residents who had tried to reach Sir Stuart without success Sir Stuart said there was a protocol that one MP did not handle the constituent matters of another. Where there was a query it was passed over to the MP in writing or by telephone.
“In all the years I have known George O’Neill - and I saw him regularly at Middlesbrough home matches - he never raised this issue or said that any of my constituents had been in touch. Had he done so they would have been promptly dealt with.
Regarding a constituency office Sir Stuart said he had had one in the town since becoming an MP.
It was in his home and had cost the taxpayer nothing other than a telephone and facsimile and photocopy and computer expenses.
On the subject of his website Sir Stuart said he would be happy to rectify the website to reflect the 14% unemployment in Middlesbrough and to add about the work done by himself, Middlesbrough’s mayor and Nick Brown, when Minister for the North-east, to bring a call centre and 500 jobs to the town against stiff Welsh opposition.
He would also add his role with others to bring an Enterprise Zone, and with it hundreds of jobs, to Teesside.
On the Evening Gazette’s invitation to local MPs to answer questions Sir Stuart said he declined to answer questions through the columns of the Evening Gazette on the grounds that questions were put to him constantly and directly by constituents on all the major matters of our time.
He says he answered 60 within two days on phone hacking and News International and over a similar period 50 questions on the NHS.
“I have indicated I am prepared to write an article every five weeks, along with the other local MPs, on both local and national issues and would invite the Gazette to take this up in the interests of its readers,” said Sir Stuart.
Regarding criticism that he does not stand up on the floor of the Commons and refer to Middlesbrough he said that last time he did so was when he waved a copy of Vision - produced by the Gazette and its sister newspaper The Journal - and was promptly reprimanded by the Deputy Speaker for a breach of Parliamentarty protocol.
“The editor of the Evening Gazette, however, was so pleased he sent a copy of Hansard to the newspaper’s proprietors in London.
“I would prefer to work behind the scenes with Government departments and other agencies and the Mayor of Middlesbrough - as in the case of Enterprise Zones and in the lock-out of Teesside workers on a Hull building site.”
On the proposed constituency boundary changes Sir Stuart said the configuration of Teesside seats would not be finally known until 2013.
“Having been elected for five years through to 2015 it is my full intention to fulfil the mandate of my constituents and to complete my term of office. I shall continue to serve my constituents in the Borough and to play a part on the national scene as an MP is expected to do.
“I have lived among my constituents for the past 30 years and know and understand them. I doubt if there are many MPs who spend more time in their constituency than I do, spending three days a week, not only living but spending my Parlaimentary recess here but for short holidays,” said Sir Stuart.
He said a myth had been carefully cultivated that he lived in Paris, notwithstanding that he had lived in Middlesbrough for 30 years.
None of the allegations about the MP living in Paris were reported in the Evening Gazette.
“I lived and worked in Paris from 1961 through to 1977, when I returned home to enter politics. I lived in Newcastle from 1977 through to 1981 when my wife and I moved to Middlesbrough.
“We have no home or abode in France - our only home is our constituency home. Our London apartment is rented.”
Sir Stuart concluded by saying there were major problems ahead for the Borough.
The council was committed to 20% cuts over the next four years to fulfil the orders of central Government with redundancies likely to go beyond voluntary to compulsory, with services closing down, with an NHS, a police service and a fire brigade that needed defending, and with Middlesbrough seeking city status.
“I do not propose to be distracted from these major matters of our time. The interests of my constituents should continue to be defended,” added the MP.

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Re: Stuart Bell: fiddling facts - again

Post by BoroBot »

Sir Stuart Bell MP for Middlesbrough :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
“Having been elected for five years through to 2015 it is my full intention to fulfil the mandate of my constituents and to complete my term of office. I shall continue to serve my constituents in the Borough and to play a part on the national scene as an MP is expected to do.
“I have lived among my constituents for the past 30 years and know and understand them. I doubt if there are many MPs who spend more time in their constituency than I do, spending three days a week, not only living but spending my Parlaimentary recess here but for short holidays,” said Sir Stuart.
He said a myth had been carefully cultivated that he lived in Paris, notwithstanding that he had lived in Middlesbrough for 30 years.
None of the allegations about the MP living in Paris were reported in the Evening Gazette.
“I lived and worked in Paris from 1961 through to 1977, when I returned home to enter politics. I lived in Newcastle from 1977 through to 1981 when my wife and I moved to Middlesbrough.
“We have no home or abode in France - our only home is our constituency home. Our London apartment is rented.”
“I do not propose to be distracted from these major matters of our time. The interests of my constituents should continue to be defended,” added the MP.
the people of Middlesbrough
11:38 AM on September 23, 2011
Just watch how the Gazette leave him alone now - now he's caved in and gave them the puff piece they were always after.

11:46 AM on September 23, 2011
So why is he suddenly in our faces now? Visits to North Ormesby and Thorntree - with the press in tow of course. First visit to the Battle of Britan parade for many years etc etc. Where is his support from local Labour cllrs?

11:49 AM on September 23, 2011
The only reason he is on his 7th Mandate is because the people here in this town haven't got it. It was labour that sold all our gold reserves for next to nowt. It was labour that sent us to an illegal war in Iraq. It was labour that spent spent and spent and left the country with a massive debt, that we are all now saddled with. But oh no Labour will get in always here because its what we do here in Boro. Great thinking, all misguided, no wonder he doesnt need to open his surgery, he knows he has a job for all long as he wants it.
Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:59 AM on September 23, 2011
Its Pathetic lots of photos with pensioners now, but wha tabout all those years of abscence Mr Bell? where have you been? Ray Mallon was right when he called you the ' missing link' all those years ago, lots of visits to Middlesbrough now but you can,t change the past you have treat the people of Middlesbrough with utter contempt.

12:16 PM on September 23, 2011
too little far too late in my view Stuart.
where were you during the last 12 years when the area needed you??
where were you when the blast furnace shut down? (not strictly your area but still a blow to the north east)
where were you when the Sea Dragon Project got stopped and taken abroad?
Where were you when the call centres starting moving abroad?
should i go on??
I'll tell you where you were ... NOT HERE !! If you gave a monkeys about this area at all, we would have been sick of the sight of you! As it stands, i bet most people in middlesbrough couldnt point at your picture and say who you are ... THATS how often you visit!
But dont worry, we will remember your abscence during the hard times, when the next election comes .... remember, we are not just Middlesbrough residents, we are VOTERS !!!!

12:17 PM on September 23, 2011
this is a man who has made a fantastic living by joining the labour party.he knew all the years he has been a labour MP he was sure of a job for life in middlesbrough. the people of middlesbrough who vote Labour know nothing else ! he does not have to do anything except put his name on the ballot sheet and BINGO he's elected.

12:25 PM on September 23, 2011
The arrogance of the man,it says it all really. Many people have tried unsuccessfully to contact him over the years. I have watched the Toryboy movie and like the Gazette,numerous attempts to contact him failed. This man has no shame IMO and is now,because of the publicity,showing his face all of a sudden.
It's the red rosette that gets this man in time after time,not the man himself.

12:32 PM on September 23, 2011
So that's more photo ops and pieces in the Gazette in the last few few than for several years put together? He skiifully avoids a few questions though.
How many constituents has he met in these fabled "appointments" in this parliament?
How does he justify £35,000 a year to his wife as an office manager when he does not maintain an office?
How many days a year does he spend in france? (notice i did not ask if he owns property which he always answers with)
And I would be interested to know how he justifies using a tax payer funded website to help sell his unassociated literary works which make him and the publishers (which he also part owns) a profit.
Weasel words from an utter politician so far.
But rest assured the party faithful will re-elect the next troughing thief as long as they have that red rosette on!

12:39 PM on September 23, 2011
He wasn't known as the pimpernel for nothing. Mr Bell opened a Twitter account when all the publicity about him came out. Letting people know where he was appearing each day,with the media with him of course. One of his posts on twitter as he was traveling down Linthorpe road,was,when did they demolish Linthorpe surgery? Hello Mr Bell,you are supposed to live in Linthorpe,and the surgery has been rebuilt and reopened last year.
Suddenly his twitter account has been locked.
The man has no shame.

12:46 PM on September 23, 2011
I bet Mr Bell told the guy sitting nex to him, "pose with me and you'll get your picture in the paper!"

1:11 PM on September 23, 2011
Im glad he s not my mp, an embarresment to the labour party.

1:41 PM on September 23, 2011
Well thats that matter resolved then? Can we now see Middlesbrough becoming a state of the art town/city in the near future or has it all been left too late, no money left in the government One North East pot, Newcastle, Gateshead, Durham, Sunderland even Hartlepool beyond recognition, Middlesbrough not much further than it was in the sixties? so sombody has not been up to the job

2:26 PM on September 23, 2011
time to go, hes lined his own pockets for too long,
done nothing for middlesbrough thats why ray mallon is still mayor

2:53 PM on September 23, 2011
"Stuart Bell intends to continue to be the town’s MP until the next General Election".
So that's no representation for Middlesbrough until the next General Election then.

2:54 PM on September 23, 2011
I see he's had his photo taken with the only surviving constituent who can ever remember seeing him. They're getting rarer than Chelsea Pensioners.

3:02 PM on September 23, 2011
Is this the best he can come up with. He hasnt answered any of his constituants points raised during this debate. Nose back in the trough Stu.

3:14 PM on September 23, 2011
Nice of that old bloke to wear a nice suit and a red tie when he knew Stuart Bell was coming to see him
3:24 PM on September 23, 2011
Now we can see where his Labour supporter are - sitting at their computers voting our posts down !!

6:16 PM on September 23, 2011
Which one's Stuart Bell?

7:53 PM on September 23, 2011
I think its long time he went, MP's should be forced to quit when they reach retirement age, Middlesbrough needs someone younger with energy and fresh idea's

8:16 PM on September 23, 2011
The guy's delusional.
Out of touch, to go with the recent out of reach and out of sight.
If you have any decency left, go.
Go. Go now.

9:01 PM on September 23, 2011
you've been rumbled sir stuart. Quit while you are ahead.

7:14 AM on September 24, 2011
this guy has certainly damaged my faith in politics,i would rather have gadaffi than this di******head.

9:55 AM on September 24, 2011
if Bell has done nothing wrong then why the panic here and in Westminster. ToryBoy The Movie will sink Bell before 2015, I would put money on it. For those who have seen the full film, you will know Bell has a lot more to answer for:

11:29 AM on September 24, 2011
Saw the movie Tory Boy - wonder how many more windows his little party put his election leaflet on without permission? 2 of the crew were local magistrates Oliver Johnson & Teresa Higgins (both from Beechwood) Johnson was kickd out at the 2003 elections by Joan McTigue and Higgins was beaten at the polls in 2007 and 2011 by McTigue.

2:31 PM on September 24, 2011
The Hon Sir Stuart Bell, MP, knight of the realm, freeman of the City of London, chevalier of France's coveted Legion d'Honneur, did not get where he is today by listening to his constituents … lets hear from those who think he did ?
Saying that he doubts if there are many MPs who spend more time in their constituency than he does is in my view disrespectful and must be challenged. The extent to which 73 year old Mr Bell is being seen to have neglected Middlesbrough is way off any reasonable scale and his recent behaviour has been beyond satire … even for the Middlesbrough mother who said she was snubbed 40 times by Mr Bell and yet he still says he hasn’t let anyone down … so who’se a Tom Pepper and who does one believe ?

10:42 PM on September 24, 2011
Abe Lincoln got it wrong. You CAN fool all of the people all of the time.
Hello, Bell!
Hello Mallon!

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