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Mayor Ray Mallon's clarity call

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:18 pm
by BoroBot
MIDDLESBROUGH Mayor Ray Mallon has requested answers to 14 questions
Middlesbrough people have been asking Ray Mallon the same question for years
why did you plead guilty to 14 charges then state you've done no wrong and dont tell lies
Mayor Ray Mallon's clarity call in police probe
by Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette Aug 17 2011
MIDDLESBROUGH Mayor Ray Mallon has requested answers to 14 questions concerning the ongoing investigation into policing on Teesside.
The move came as it was revealed the inquiry is costing £100,000 a month - and that the Home Office has been asked to help to meet the costs.
In a further development, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) announced it is to investigate the conduct of Cleveland Chief Constable Sean Price and Deputy Chief Derek Bonnard following their arrest over corruption claims.
Former Cleveland Police officer Mr Mallon - who was himself suspended for five years in the 1990s during Operation Lancet when he was a detective superintendent - put his questions to Cleveland Police Authority (CPA) chairman Peter Race.
It follows the launch of a criminal probe into a number of people with current or past associations with the authority.
Councillor Dave McLuckie has stood down as police authority chairman. He maintains that he has done nothing wrong.
The Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable were recently arrested and released on police bail. They have been suspended by the police authority.
The Mayor’s questions, detailed last night at an extraordinary meeting of Middlesbrough Council, cover issues such as the inquiry costs, scope and timescale.
And he told the Gazette: “Both Sean Price and Derek Bonnard are innocent until proven guilty.
“We should acknowledge the wonderful work they have done over the years in making Cleveland Police one of the country’s best forces.

“Assistant Chief Constables Dave Pickard and Sean White will lead the force extremely well in the coming months.
“For the time being, the force will continue to perform to a high level but it is vital an interim Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable are appointed.
“I do believe the investigation is focussed and within parameters and that leads me to conclude that the investigation should be completed within nine months.”
Councillor Barry Coppinger, a Middlesbrough Council member on CPA, said Mr Race was getting fortnightly updates on the investigation and added the inquiry cost was running at around £100,000 per month.
The money would not come from front-line policing, he said, and bids for extra cash were being made to the Home Office.
Former police authority member Coucillor Hazel Pearson said it had had a chairman in Dave McLuckie who was second to none and that she had the utmost confidence in Mr Price and Mr Bonnard.
After the meeting, Peter Race told the Gazette that Mr Mallon and Mr Coppinger had “truly reflected the mood of the public”, adding he would be providing answers to the Mayor’s questions. He added that “comments made about costs have not been wasted on me.”
Meanwhile, the IPCC has confirmed it is to work alongside Warwickshire Police on the ongoing criminal investigation to see if there are any grounds for action against Mr Price and Mr Bonnard over potential misconduct.
The IPCC is already conducting an entirely separate investigation into Mr Price over allegations he helped to find a job for a junior member of staff.
Mr Price has strongly denied any wrongdoing.
IPCC Commissioner Nicholas Long said: “Allegations of corruption within a police force have a significant impact on public confidence and must be investigated thoroughly.”

THE 14 questions being posed by Mr Mallon are:
When was the investigation into the ex-chairman of the Police Authority, Councillor Dave McLuckie, instigated?
Who assumed responsibility of Senior Investigating Officer of that investigation in the first instance?
Who appointed the original Senior Investigation Officer?
What were the original terms of reference of the original investigation, who agreed them and what date were they agreed?
When did Warwickshire’s Chief Constable assume the responsibility of Senior Investigating Officer?
Who appointed Warwickshire’s Chief Constable as Senior Investigating Officer?
When was the investigation into Cleveland’s Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable instigated?
Has the Term of Reference or parameters of the investigation been reviewed and subsequently changed since the original Term of Reference or parameters of the investigation were agreed?
How many police officers and civilian members of staff are engaged in the investigative process as a whole?
Have the number of police officers and civilian members of staff increased over the past months and, if so, by how many?
Can you provide a financial breakdown for each month of the investigation so far, in terms of salaries, overtime and other expenses?
What is the financial cost of the investigation as a whole to date?
What mechanisms are in place for Warwickshire’s Chief Constable to brief the police authority chairman and members as to the progress of the investigative process as a whole?
Does the authority intend to appoint an interim Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable, due to the absence of the current Chief Constable and Deputy Chief Constable which would create stronger management resilience?

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