Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Creating a betterMiddlesbrough. “The Labour Party called to see you today to talk about how we can build a better North Ormesby and Brambles Farm Len Junier. Labour Councillor, North Ormesby and Brambles Farm Ward.”
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Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »

Northern Echo Forum
In response to guys like sosco and moderator mikel, I have set up my own wordpress blog, called bettermiddlesbrough in order to avoid causing further offence and disruption here.
Hopefully the Echo mods will allow this thread / post to remain as 'roadsign' on the information super-highway, so that those who wish to find me can do so.
If not, dont have a problem with it being removed. It has been made with the best of intentions.
RR ... 8/welcome/
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Re: Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »

Welcome to BetterMiddlesbrough, Rockliffe_Rovers’ blog;- ... 8/welcome/
another place to share opinions, hopefully without the usual bickering.
Well done RR
The Northern Echo - your say forum:-
bickering apparently allowed so if you wish to post tripe do it there ... 9d49d0f24a
for example
Since only 2 people have posted so far, one being abusive which you have allowed to remain - presumably because the abuse was at Joan Mctigue can I suggest you need to advertise this blog a little further afield? Also, it might help readers start the ball rolling if you were to let folk know some of your own ideas for removng Labour's control in M'bro (which you appear to be pssionate about) and how to remove Stuart Bell - again, something which you have insisted is the thing to do. I may have got it wrong of course, you may be beavering away behind the scenes trying to do just this so if you are, can we have some details please - some readers may wish to join you. It is much more constructive to do something rather than to simply just talk about it - don't you agree?
statement please from Rockcliffe_Rover explaining what he does if anything re; Middlesbrough Town Hall & failure

the above post appears to blame RR for ALL wrong doings in Middlesbrough
claim might be the better phrase the poster appears to be badgering RR -
the question is:- does the poster have any ideas plans or notions of their own
BoroBot was maybe mistakenly under the impression the ailments boro suffer
are a direct reaction to failed policies driven by Mayor Ray Mallon & Middlesbrough Executive
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Re: Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »
Ground Rules
While this blog isn’t intended to become a ‘forum’ per se, all comments will be read and vetted before being posted. In order for your comment to be considered for ‘publication’ on the blog, there will be a few basic rules that you must adhere to.
1) From Monday 22/8/11, no post will be considered for inclusion on the blog if it isn’t accompanied by a full name and the area in which you live. If you want to post anonymous nastiness about people, there are plenty of other forums for you to do it in, such as the Northern Echo and, if they’ll have you, MCN. Already, at least one suspected Middlesbrough councillor has sent a comment, thinking that he would be anonymous and there’s also another ‘anonymous’ councillor over on the Echo site banging on about it.
It’s simple. If you have something to say, at least have the courage of your convictions to put your name to it!
2) This blog is meant to be a positive force for change in Middlesbrough. I think that people are already aware of the problems that the town faces, so from 22/8/11, comments targeting particular individuals or political groups will not be added to the blog. I think at this stage, everyone knows who is responsible for the problems that Middlesbrough faces. What we need to do is look for ways to put them right, rather than just grizzle about ‘who did what’. Let’s look optimistically forward to the future, not bitterly back at the past.
3) If you want to send a comment that is just a message of support and is not for general publication, please mark the top of your message ‘PRIVATE – NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ and this will be respected at all times. Messages come with details of the email address of the sender. All ‘NFP’ (NOT FOR PUBLICATION) comments will be responded to via email.
4) If the blog owner (that’s me!) feels that a comment makes pertinent points but breaches the above ground rules, then the comment may still be published in an edited format, except where comments are clearly marked as PRIVATE. This will be done in order to address the pertinent comments whilst removing anything people may find personal or inflammatory. I will endeavour to ensure that any editing does not change the meaning of the original comment. i.e., I wont make it look like you are saying something completely at odds to your original comment! By sending a comment, you accept that it may be edited before publication.
5) Finally, and most importantly, let’s hear your ideas and views on how we can ‘mobilise Middlesbrough’ and get them to realise that if Middlesbrough is to be turned around, they need to re-engage with politics and think about who they are voting for, instead of the same old ‘I vote for X because my Dad did’. I’m just one lad and I don’t want this campaign to be just me, because it’s about empowering the people of Middlesbrough to choose a better future for the town. As such, I need as much help and support and as many ideas as I can get to drive the campaign forwards, so don’t be shy!
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Re: Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »

‘Tis the season to be… offski!
December 15, 2011 by rocklifferover
Resignations seem to be this seasons de riguer. This week has seen Peter Race resign from the chair of Cleveland Police Authority, over a ‘potential conflict of interest’. Looks like Sacristy has claimed another scalp. That’s not to say that Mr Race has done anything wrong. Indeed, he may well be saving himself from future scrutiny by acting now.
Over in sunny Redcar, Dr Tristan Learoyd ( I notice that he plays down his doctor title when he’s being all ‘Man of the Working Classes’) has resigned because he disagrees with th public service cuts, saying that he can’t be involved in something that would have such a negative affect on the community in which he grew up. Has he no concept of the ongoing devastation that the council of which he is part, controlled by the party that he represents, is responsible for? The wasteland where the swimming baths once stood. The boarded up shops, pubs and other business premises, the expensive white elephants that are the vertical pier and the hub – providing ‘art space’ for the people of Redcar and costing millions of taxpounds. My guess is, Dr Learoyd wants to disassociate himself with the cuts, in order to ensure that he is re-elected next time around. In the meantime, George Done-in uses it as an opportunity to lie to the electorate, blaming the Tories and Lib Dems for the cuts. Time for Redcar & Cleveland councillors to grow some balls and accept responsibility both for the waste they have overseen and the subsequent cuts, caused by years of Labours fiscal ineptitude.
As for Sacristy and the CPA, any guesses how many more will leave their posts both within the CPA and local councils before we find out who did what, to whom and how big the backhanders were? My moneys on another three – hear no, see no and speak no evil, but I have to admit, Peter Race was a bit of a curveball that I didnt expect.
In the meantime, the man now responsible for Cleveland Police is the deputy chair of the CPA Stuart Drummond, or as you may know him, H’Angus the Monkey. That’s a first for Cleveland Police, having a H’Angus in charge… ... be-offski/
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Re: Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »

2020 Vision. MBC, notable by their absence.
January 24, 2012 by rocklifferover
Last nights Gazette (Monday 23rd Jan) came complete with ’2020 Vision – A Blueprint for Teesside, a 32 page pullout heralding the start of ‘A major new Gazette campaign (which) fights for Teesside. All grand stuff. In the pullout, it highlights organisations looking to be part of the future for Teesside. Educational facilities like Teesside University and Middlesbrough College, development organisations like Tees Valley (its an estuary, knuckleheads!) Unlimited, numerous large businesses, such as SSI, PDPorts, Huntsman, Darlington Building Society, INEIS, Sembcorp and so on. Then there are more local outfits like Python Properties. And, of course, there are pieces on redevelopment from local authorities. Stockton gets a centre-spread, while Redcar and Cleveland gets a double-page. My only problem with the R&C offering is that it has Goerge Dunning plastered all over it. While he is leader of R&C council, his remit is for the Environment. It would be nice to see or hear from Sheelagh Clarke, whose remit includes Tourism Development and the Rural Development Program or Mark Hannon, cabinet member with the remit of Economic Development. From unwanted helter-skelters to dead whales, if it happens in Redcar & Cleveland, it seems that George Dunnings mug, grinning out from beneath his dodgy barnet, has to be attached to it.
Still, at least R&C and Stockton actually have made the effort. Not a single word from Middlesbrough Borough Council. From a council led by a mayor infamous for his ‘visions’ for the future of the town, it seems peculiar that ’2020 Vision’ has nothing from our towns leadership. On the face of it, Middlesbrough risks getting left behind by developments in neighbouring R&C and Stockton. While development in Stockton seems to be largely praised by the public – the Barrage, the Millenium Bridge and North Shore (although Billingham town centre remains the blemish on its record), much of the redevelopment in Redcar seems to attract criticism from many (myself included) for not taking into account its history as a seaside resort and the ensuing ‘concrete-ification’ of the Promenade. (Great idea to force visitors to use the tower, make the sea defences so high that it’s the only way to see the sea!)
However, love it or loathe it, both councils are taking steps to redevelop their towns. What has Middlesbrough got? A ‘free’ (running cost to the taxpayer £1.24 million per year) art gallery, which we were told would attract business and tens of thousands of tourists to the town.
On reflection, in a 32-page booklet that highlights the positive efforts of local and international businesses, development organisations and other local authorities, maybe it’s better that our visionary mayor and his nodding-dog executive committee keep schtum about their under-achievement.
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Re: Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe_Rover

Post by BoroBot »

bettermiddlesbrough – view page – cached page
Dont tell anyone, because we’re not supposed to talk about it, but rumour has it that a Teesside MP has had a Ryan Giggs-style gagging order imposed around a forthcoming trial. So, not only do we never see him, now we’ll not hear about what he’s been up to either. Wonder what it is that he’s going to such lengths to keep from the public, ‘cos I doubt he’s been having an affair with Imogen Thomas! view page

lurkingspider spider Has the odious Stuart Bell MP got a gagging injunction out? Anyone know for sure
14 hours ago Reply Retweet Favorite

cameron_brown_ Cameron Brown RT @GuidoFawkes: Has the odious Stuart Bell MP got a gagging injunction out? Anyone know for sure?
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ianrobhowell Ian Howell Has the odious Stuart Bell MP got a gagging injunction out? Anyone know for sure
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tomwheatcroft Tom Wheatcroft RT @GuidoFawkes: Has the odious Stuart Bell MP got a gagging injunction out? Anyone know for sure?
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toryboythemovie ToryBoy The Movie RT @GuidoFawkes: Has the odious Stuart Bell MP got a gagging injunction out? Anyone know for sure?
15 hours ago Reply Retweet Favorite

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:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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