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Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:34 am
by BoroBot
Customs House St Hilda's refurbishment:- it’s alleged due to neglect over the years costs have spiralled with some suggestion of prior works “being the cause of subsidence”
re:- Acklam Hall further information will be provided in due course

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:49 am
by BoroBot

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:49 am
by BoroBot

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:05 pm
by BoroBot

déjà vu:-
Acklam Hall & Grey Towers
both left to decay under the guardianship of Middlesbrough Council


Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:50 pm
by BoroBot
Middlesbrough:- two buildings demolished during "Listing Status" applications to English Heritage
Both theses application were in full swing unfortunately the swing of the demolition ball preceded a fair and full hearing….
Subsequent complaints directed at MBC fell on stony ground
The Odeon
St Luke’s Chapel
It’s alleged these applications to English Heritage directly led to the weekend swoop to demolish
The Cleveland Scientific Institute
(documents are available)
The above then raises the suggestion:-
Ray Mallon & MBC claims of being unaware are false
English Heritage on receiving any application for Listed Building Status first port of call is Planning Department of the Local Authority buildings are located in (again documents are available)
and readers must remember around this time MBC quietly bought and demolished Middlesbrough's first Police Station located at St Hilda's
Incidentally, I don't think the whole listing business is just down to councils. I may have read things wrongly and this is not my area of special knowledge but I have a feeling that anybody can ask EH to consider listing something.

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:39 pm
by BoroBot
Middlesbrough's first Police Station quietly demolished by Middlesbrough Council


St Luke's Chapel quietly demolished by Middlesbrough Council during English Heritage Listed Building Application


Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:56 pm
by BoroBot
Pictured above and below before MBC demolition


Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:22 pm
by BoroBot ... umlist.php ... &encType=1
Sandy McKenzie
THE CHAPEL at St Luke's Hospital
in Middlesbrough can be demolished, Middlesbrough Council's planning committee has decided.
Two years ago the committee gave outline planning consent for the demolition of St Luke's Hospital and the building of a new hospital.
A condition on the consent required the chapel to be retained.
However, the planning committee heard that it had not been possible to come up with a viable alternative use for the building.
Converting it to a conference centre was among the alternative uses considered but that would have cost pounds 470,000.
Councillor Garry Clark said the chapel had been standing empty for years.
"I hate to see old buildings go but I do not think this particular building is of great importance," he said.
Councillor Steve Bloundele said he was disappointed another old building was to be demolished. The committee agreed to remove the condition on the consent requiring the chapel to be retained.
smig6262 wrote:
AHSOT1 wrote:Hi Borobot,
Yep that's it, MBC made sure that any other use for it was unacceptable, even one for a community place, the excuse being it was unsuitable for certain other ethnic use due to its previous history as a church.
Need to start digging back a bit.
It was mentioned in the EG, am trying to track it down.
Hi Tosha,
How can that excuse be used?
The mosque on Princes Road is an ex-church as are the ones on Southfield Road and Waterloo Road.

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:43 pm
by BoroBot

Re: Joan Mctigue-Acklam Hall.-Spot on IMO.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:12 am
by BoroBot
The Director of Regeneration submitted a report that sought Executive approval for the selection of preferred a developer to progress disposal of the Acklam Hall site.
The reported outlined the history behind Acklam Hall and a plan showing the location of the site was attached as an appendix. It was acknowledged that Acklam Hall is of significant national importance and the only Grade 1 listed building in Middlesbrough.
The report stated that Acklam Hall and grounds were purchased by Middlesbrough Corporation in 1928 and since 1935 the Hall had been used for education purposes. The Hall, sixth Form buildings and open spaces to the West and South were transferred to Middlesbrough College in 1995.
The report also stated that in September 2008 Middlesbrough College relocated to a single flagship campus at Middlehaven. In April 2007, the Executive Member of Regeneration approved the disposal of the Council’s interests on the Acklam Hall Site through a marketing and disposal process undertaken jointly with the college. The marketing of the site was spilt into two stages; details of which were outlined in the report. The report also outlined the scoring attached to the schemes, the financial offer, the conditions of disposal and the next steps in taking the preferred scheme forward.
A resident spoke on the item at the meeting.
1. That Developer B as preferred developer be appointed and the next steps as set out in paragraphs 40 to 44 be approved.
2. That the commencement of a stakeholder consultation exercise be approved;
3. The Director of Regeneration be given delegated authority, following consultation with the Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development, to agree the refined scheme (following stakeholder consultation) and to sanction wider community consultation;
4. that the budget provision to cover the costs of the disposal for the financial year 2009/10 be agreed, and;
5. the following information be agreed to be reported back to the Executive at a later date:
i. the final agreed terms for the disposal of Council land;
ii. the capital receipt and how this will be apportioned between Middlesbrough College and the Council; and,
iii. the details of the final scheme
The decisions were supported by the following reason:
The purpose was to seek approval of the preferred Developer and to progress the disposal of Acklam Hall. This would enable the next stages of consultation, preparation of a detailed scheme and negotiation of disposal terms to be carried out. The objectives was to secure a long-term viable future for Acklam Hall, a Grade 1 Listed Building of national importance.
The Chair left the meeting at this point and the Deputy Mayor took the Chair for the rest of the meeting. ... 3930#p3930