Evening Gazette Forum:- defunct? mk11

Middlesbrough News to Post Your Views Discuss local and national topics everyone’s reading it from Teesside, London, Paris & Thorntree. Stories Mbro Gazette won’t publish are here at Middlesbrough Council News Forum including boro entertainment music sport read along with borobot and team. Demolish the spin from within MBC give it a wind and take the plunge join Middlesbrough Council News Forum.
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Evening Gazette Forum:- defunct? mk11

Post by BoroBot »

Evening Gazette Forum mk11:-
defunct deleted redacted rid of the embarrassing moments killed dead gone blasted into eternity faint memories?
Nope it’s all here again again and again –
for those who missed the Evening Gazette Forum the first time round snippets will appear here again and again:–
posts made here are for copied / snap shots / saved posts & threads
those not direct from Evening Gazette Forum database copies (in abundance)
any posts made here that do not come direct from defunct EG Forum will be deleted
start your own thread to answer please
ALL POSTS were copied direct from the EG & are not fabricated / made up / invented
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