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Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:30 pm
by BoroBot
Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum do YOU follow this forum what do YOU think who controls the Gazette Forum

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:08 pm
Hi BoroBot,

It always appears that when anyone posts a negative comment as to Labour or Middlesbrough Council, there apeears a stream of anons, who start a slagging match off. I also think Middlesbrough Council have quite some influence on this forum.


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 12:39 am
by Deckard
Well lets see

Start of Jack Nicholson Impression

MBC's online botsquad couldn't handle the truth

End of Jack Nicholson impression

So a series of people were invited to the forum to "Deal with" me, and to "take you on" as one of them blurted out ,
it didn't work they were pretty inneffectual.

So after several months of failing to deal with me, you see no-one who lives in Middlesbrough could so they virtual bussed in a bunch of idiots from places such as Brighton, by their own admissions not from Middlesbrough, never lived in Middlesbrough and with no connection to the place :lol: :lol: except that they wanted to protect it from being attacked :lol: :lol: , it was hilarity and an utter and abject failure. When discussing some aspects of policy, especially those that the EG does not report, or does not report for perhaps a week or so until the party line is handed out, demolitions for instance, - they were completely lost, so blind insult was the best the great debaters could manage.

So a moderator changed the rules solid permanent rules to make the forum better-

One insult and you're out

So I sat back and waited, did not post - it took a day for the invited useful idots to breach the new carved in stone T&C.

So I reported them


The new carved in stone T&C was changed to "three strikes and you're out"

I didn't post, I sat back and waited for the insult tally to climb

Within a day the three useful idiots racked up three or more instances each of an insult, inseperate threads - when you didn;t post they just revissit old threads and bumped them back to the top - it was idiotically simple

I reported them

Next day they were still there breaking the new super solid rules with gay abandon so I PM'd the moderator who introduced the rules and asked why her new rules, two sets of new rules were not, as promised, being rigidly enforced

I received no reply to that e-mail as I was banned

Over the next few weeks the invited botsquad slowly fizzled away

then the forum was gone and immediately was "reborn" in its current form

Nothing has chnaged at the EG forum

Labour councillors abound.

Its moderation is biased - like true communists the Labour robotniks fire off asides at its bias which they claim is against them, is script, just like big boys used to do with pravda only the Middlesbrough politburo is less subtle :lol: :lol:

But one truth remains - support the local communists and el presidente and you can say and do anything you like on that forum.
Don't and you are marked and sooner or later you will be removed

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:58 pm
Hi Magpie,
There may be councillors but there is at least one MP and if that MP is outed he will come down like a sack of potatoes. Over the years he has written some disgusting posts. He is quiet at the moment probably plotting what he is to do next to certain people.

I know little about Middlesbrough Council but I do know some of the councillors. I will continue to call in and read your posts.
On the EG forum, there is certainly Councillors posting, and some very abusive and lying posts are made by same.

I'm going to repost all e mails copied and sent to me by several councillors and others into this forum, and hopefully, as long as they are factual and substaiated (of which I can) I think possibly they will remain. (Hopefully) as I don't think MBC and Cabal wield any influence on this forum.

Basis of a new thread, and I will post every and all e mails of which are passed to me, in and into the public domain!


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:21 pm
by alexander
Just heard about this on the grape vine from a friend and wanted to wish the management good luck - whoever they are. Posted on Gazette site long tme ago but stopped - it was nothing more than a free for all. For what it's worth, I think it's high time we knew more about what goes on behind the doors of OUR Town Hall and got to know where OUR money was being spent and by WHOM. As long as the Forum is not spoiled by any anti-political brigade. Politics gets in the way of common sense in my opinion and I am all for common sense.

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:05 pm
Hi Alexander,

I'll be repeating all the e mails I hold, and some!

as long as this forum will allow! :)


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:53 pm
Hi Dragonfly,

From EG forum,
Some MPs are C*** and it does not matter where they live. Some councillors are C*** and it does matter where they live, who they know, what they stand for and most importantly who they work for. As I read this forum I think what a load of rubbish we have in our midst. When it comes down to local people we do not want MEN from London, Halifax and even Middlesbrough representing us in our area as these people are there for the use of the party, to do exactly what the party wants with no thought whatsoever for the feelings or needs of the residents.
Parachuted in, to toe the party line!

In public they play one game, in private they play their own game. in the HOC, they vote as they are told...just like the MBC Cabal!

Remember Ashok, on the streets campaigning for the prevention of closing post offices... down there in the HOC... voted for getting rid!

When asked why,....... I'm only a backbencher and have to do as I am told!


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:52 am
by Deckard
AHSOT1 wrote:Hi Deckard,

Am I correct in saying this is the Deckard of old, who was a constant pain in the harrass of those I referred to as the usuals on the EG forum?

Lets Rock N Roll! ;) ;) :lol:


Yes it is, home for the hols visiting family.

Had a look on the EG forum, I notice the recently demoted is having a bit of a field day, changing usernmaes like a dervish on crack.

Noticed another thread where one sad comrade claimed serious illness, an attempt at sympathy that got nowhere - would be interesting to ask if its up for the job next May considering its illness.....not as bright as five lamps - any of 'em :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:22 pm
by DoNowt
I came over from the Gazette Forum I shall post in both if that's ok with the Admin / moderators here
I will be seeing life from from two worlds :lol:
here n there :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:05 pm
Hi DoNowt,

I was there... twice.... and they bulleted me twice. Mind I do have a penchant for posting unwanted and preferably FACTS (with evidence), they would prefer as to not be seen, however, currently, they have others, flouting their Terms and Conditions, even an ex moderator using privileged information in posts! Plus those who appear happy to post LIES, ABUSE and False Allegatons, they seem to take no issue with!
Problem is, they cannot stomach truth, though, and have no consistency as to who they apply such T & C to! Unless they are of the left leaning variety!

A simple recipe for ... downhill on a handcart approach!


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:25 pm
Hi DoNowt,

I came from the EG forum, as basically I was banned! Now for a second time! :o

No reason given, I fail also to grasp as to why, I made posts of which I have factual evidence, but obviously met with certain disapprovals!!! :roll: :lol:

Maybe it was because I was a boring bar steward with too many posts??? :lol: And here I am polluting this new forum.... I do sincerely hope not!

AS the EG forum now, will be dictated by those who were happy posting LIES, ABUSE AND FALSE ALLEGATIONS, and always without any kind of proof or etc, an ex moderator breaking all the forum rules in the book, (UNBANNED) says much about the direction it is going in.... maybe the EX ...EC posters are correct in their predictions! :roll: :roll:

Ah well, never mind, onward and upward! Best of luck to the forum promoters... and...... NOT AN ADVERT IN SIGHT! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:03 pm
Hi DoNowt,

Looking forward to 2011.

All have a super time....

and... Snake belt comment... is this it! :D


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:13 pm
by DoNowt
MBC could run ads here :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:54 am
by Thomas D
Not accusng you of that - I leave that to the EG Forum. There appears to be one or two "normal" posters on there but the rest of them in my opinion have something wrong with them - normal adults do not carry on like that. One or two have a bee in their bonnet about "bowen" and a former poster "tosha."

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:43 pm
by Magpie1
Some MBC members cannot handle debate and opposition. They feel threatened in case all their perks are taken away from them by the big bad independents. Keep going independents if they do not like it continue and give them the works. :P :P :P :P :P :oops: :oops:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:10 pm
by Thomas D
Magpie - is it me or do you think that Labour do not attack theTories or Lib Dems on Forums, as they attack the Independents? Why do you think this is?

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:57 pm
My opinion for what its worth, they are scared of them

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:29 am
Hello Omega1325 from the EG forum
Little birdie tells me you have posted quite a few pictures over there
worried about using smilies, because anyone who does, they say it is tosha :lol:
Roger Hargreaves wouldnt use the kind of pictures you do

Tosha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:41 pm
by Deckard
A little bird tells me that Stockton Councils IT department could very well have had something to say about the use of their network in an unauthorised and personal way.......

Their not too bright these Labourites :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:57 am
by Deckard
AHSOT1 wrote:Hi Deckard,

Wonder if the desk is illuminated by 5 lamps? ;) :lol:


Highly likely, :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems that blackberrys are all being changed for iphones... :lol: :lol:

They couldn't get less secure if they used a town crier :lol: :lol:

Interesting times ahead

Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:50 pm
Hi Deckard
A bit like wireless innit ;) ;) :lol: :lol:

Just go round collecting :lol: :lol:


Re: Middlesbrough Evening Gazette Forum

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:22 pm
A bit like wireless innit
I use some of next doors internet on my laptop