The Len Junier Show

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Deckard »

Thomas D wrote:Newspapers often reproduce leaked e-mails themselves.

Labour in opposition before 97, and the Brown one especially, were very happy to use leaks to further their own agenda.

But New Labour don't like leaks that show them for what they are

Leaks to labours advantage = Good
Leaks against Labours interest = the actions of Evil fascists and bigots who want to eat poor black peoples babies for brunch.

new Labour have slid down the socialist path to becoming a communist party in all but name - they're too gutless to call themselves what they really are, spies on the lamp-posts, spies in the wires, urging people to spy in family and neighbour and providing phone numbers, mixing fascism and communism into a new bastardised version of big brother, new labour made the people of this country the most watched and spied on on the planet - we even outstrip North Korea, China and Iran for the levl of spying we subject our citizenry to, and in the country the hotspot is Middlesbrough -the most watched town - even featuring in a movie thanks to this dubious distinction.

A spying regime that would make the Stasi weep with envy
But all regimes that pracytice spying to such levels need assistance, they need their Pravdas
The BBC is the national media arm of the Labour Party
Locally its the EG

Middlesbrough is practically a totalitarian mini state, the media in question don't have to be asked or told, they too share the ideology

I'kk use Wiki
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (where ordinary citizens have less significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct most if not all aspects of public and private life).

Totalitarian regimes or movements stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism.
Rotten boroughs abound and elections are a joke
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Rockliffe_Rover »

It does make you wonder just what they are watching for.

Is it the petty criminals that live on some of the estates, particularly in West Middlesbrough?

We have a high proportion of Asian communities in Middlesbrough, could it be a terrorist based paranoia?

We have a high number of Eastern EU immigrants. These types have a reputation as being responsible for a vast array of organised crimes. Is it them that are being watched?

Or are MBC sticking to type and watching us all out of self-serving interests? They just dont want anyone finding out what they're up to, so they watch everyone in the style of 'The Prisoner', just to perpetuate the status quo...?
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Deckard »

Rockliffe_Rover wrote:It does make you wonder just what they are watching for.

Is it the petty criminals that live on some of the estates, particularly in West Middlesbrough?

We have a high proportion of Asian communities in Middlesbrough, could it be a terrorist based paranoia?

We have a high number of Eastern EU immigrants. These types have a reputation as being responsible for a vast array of organised crimes. Is it them that are being watched?

Or are MBC sticking to type and watching us all out of self-serving interests? They just dont want anyone finding out what they're up to, so they watch everyone in the style of 'The Prisoner', just to perpetuate the status quo...?

At the bottom of a street near me appeared a shiny new graffiti

a large glyph with polish writing

Partly it was football graffiti - but the attached glyph, a little digging showed its a polish gang sign.
Want to by drugs in Lodz - this gang control it

and someone sprayed that "logo" at the bottom of my street.

Its been cleaned off now - but the message is out about who now controls the drug trade where I live

Thats the thing about being in the Northern quarter of a superstate when you cannot control who has access to your own country
We are a canton now, with a parish council and nothing more - another facet of New Labours shining legacy

Strange the Len didn't mention that in his mini write up of the town, wonder if it features in his pole - pun intended :D
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by isthatso »

Councillor Len Junier has joined the northern echo,and is not a happy bunny. :lol:
Cllr Len Junier

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Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:09 pm
Post subject:


Just for the record - The individual on this site naming themselves as "Len Junier" and posting as such is NOT Councillor Len Junier of Middlesbrough Council. I DO NOT as a rule for my own reasons sign up and or make use of public forums such as these although I am aware of the numerous allegations that I do here and within the EG forums where those with their own agenda choose to target me, such is local politics and very much par for the course. I do however keep a watching brief as could be expected of local forums etc. and for no other reason than to create clarity here I have signed up simply to advise the good readers and users of this forum that any views expressed by the aformentioned on here are not and cannot be attributed to myself. It is my intention to seek advice as to any further action that will be required regarding statements that may or may not be attributed to myself. Councillor Len Junier Labour Councillor for the North Ormesby & Brambles Farm Ward Middlesbrough.
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by DoNowt »

I find this post interesting from the same site
Counillor Junier can I ask that you keep us all informed on this site of the outcome of yours and the newsper's investgations as to who has done this? I hope you wll of course be taking legal action.
Just for the record though, now that we are speakin to th MAN - do you agree with the statements made by he "other" Len Junier?
the questions I would ask is
what legal action could be taken
if action was commenced by the poster now claiming to be a Middlesbrough Cllr does their own post on the Northern Echo Forum now stand to condemn them if the defendant issues orders for full disclosure of IT Logs from Middlesbrough Council Trinity Mirror and Northern Echo and any other Forum the poster now claiming to be a Middlesbrough Cllr may have posted.
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Quantum »

Ambiguous Post requiring dissection

Just for the record - The individual on this site naming themselves as "Len Junier" and posting as such is NOT Councillor Len Junier of Middlesbrough Council. I DO NOT as a rule for my own reasons sign up and or make use of public forums such as these although I am aware of the numerous allegations that I do here and within the EG forums where those with their own agenda choose to target me, such is local politics and very much par for the course. I do however keep a watching brief as could be expected of local forums etc. and for no other reason than to create clarity here I have signed up simply to advise the good readers and users of this forum that any views expressed by the aformentioned on here are not and cannot be attributed to myself. It is my intention to seek advice as to any further action that will be required regarding statements that may or may not be attributed to myself. Councillor Len Junier Labour Councillor for the North Ormesby & Brambles Farm Ward Middlesbrough.
I DO NOT as a rule for my own reasons sign up and or make use of public forums such as these
I do not as a rule
what does that statement mean?
I do however keep a watching brief as could be expected of local forums etc.
I do however keep a watching brief as could be expected of local forums
what does this statement mean?

Would in light of the above statement if the Poster is who they claim to be answer the following ;-

Have you ever after being elected a Cllr posted on public forums?
if so which user names have you used and on which forums?
do you find the contents of the post in the name of Len Junior offensive or degrading?
Middlesbrough is it a good place to live and why?

Please regard this as a request in the public interest for the above poster claiming to be Cllr Len Junior to answer
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Quantum »

Ambiguous Post requiring dissection

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:03 pm
Post subject: Cllr Len Junier
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Cllr Len Junier
I do not and have never carried out any of my Council business on anonymous forums nor do I now intend to start. It is my view that to carry out honest debate it is useful firstly to have some idea who it is that you are talking to and, where possible, to have some idea of their agenda or position. I will however for further clarity put right a misdirection, one of many, that one or two on another forum and now on this one seem intent on carrying on. There is an untruth out there that my "wife" took part in a recent Panorma show? I do not actually have a "wife" and my partner certainly did not take any part in the programme at all. I am happy to say that I manage to keep my family away from the political side of my life as much as possible, of course they do on occasions see attempts to embarrass or discredit me online or in letter form and that does affect them, particularly my daughter, however apart from a rather nasty occasion when my partner and my daughter had to deal with an abusive and drunken BNP Parliamentary candidate and his cohort at my front gate acting in a threatening manner we have managed to keep private and council matters seperate.
I am very available within my ward and my town as I hold regular weekly surgeries and actually sometimes twice a week, I chair my local Community Council and attend the C Council in the other half of my ward, I chair a local neighbourhood management group (STEM), I am local School Governor, am on the board of a local credit union development board as well as the board of a local social enterprise, I sit on the management committees of 3 local community centres as well as being available on the LA email system and Twitter. I chair 1 committee and am vice chair of another within the Town Hall and sit on a further 2 committees, I chair the communication & engagement sub group of the towns "Childrens Trust" and am the current "Young Persons Champion" for Middlesbrough taking me to Schools & Colleges across the town. I hope that this brings to a close at least some of the misdirection out there and to answer another query I have indeed already taken advice and will be pursuing that further.
I do not and have never carried out any of my Council business on anonymous forums nor do I now intend to start.
what does that statement mean?
I will however for further clarity put right a misdirection
what does that statement mean?

In light of the above statement if the Poster is who they claim to be answer the following ;-

Have you ever after being elected a Cllr posted on public forums?
if so which user names have you used and on which forums?
do you find the contents of the post in the name of Len Junior offensive or degrading?
Middlesbrough is it a good place to live and why?

Please regard this as a request in the public interest for the above poster claiming to be Cllr Len Junior to answer
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »

Hi DoNowt/Quantum,

Like everything else so far, comments of which are always full of contradictions, much the same as to his abusive, lying etc supporters(?) etc on the EG forum! :roll: :roll:
I was given to understand, as opposed to a comment on another forum, it was Purvis's wife who was on the show. Panorama. :)

She was the one I recall, who when asked if Sean Price was worth the amount he was paid each year said - he should be paid that each week. She also said that Thorntree had problems in the past but not now. The programme covered not just B Farm but Thorntree too. And Thorntree has its problems does it not?

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Quantum »

Ambiguous Post requiring dissection
I will however for further clarity put right a misdirection, one of many, that one or two on another forum and now on this one seem intent on carrying on. There is an untruth out there that my "wife" took part in a recent Panorma show?
clarification is sought on exactly who is misdirecting whom?
when and where was it claimed Cllr Len Junior's wife spoke out on Panorama?

AHSOT1 wrote:Hi DoNowt/Quantum,

Like everything else so far, comments of which are always full of contradictions, much the same as to his abusive, lying etc supporters(?) etc on the EG forum! :roll: :roll:
I was given to understand, as opposed to a comment on another forum, it was Purvis's wife who was on the show. Panorama. :)

She was the one I recall, who when asked if Sean Price was worth the amount he was paid each year said - he should be paid that each week. She also said that Thorntree had problems in the past but not now. The programme covered not just B Farm but Thorntree too. And Thorntree has its problems does it not?

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by Quantum »

For clarification watch a clip from Panorama ... 010788.stm

will the poster claiming to be Cllr Len Junier on the Northern Echo Forum respond?
AHSOT1 wrote:Hi Quantum,
A poster on another forum (N. Echo) posted as to Juniers wife, I understand now that it was in error and poited out same to the poster.
The reference to the wife of Labour Clr Purvis, was in order to clarify for that poster the error.

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Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:44 pm
Post subject:

Hi Neddy,
For information.
Len Junier made his comments on Panorama, of which I have posted on elsewhere.
However another Councillors wife, Mrs Purvis was on the programme, maybe that is where your confusion occurred.
She was the one, who when asked if Sean Price (Cleveland Police) was worth the amount he was paid each year said - he should be paid that each week. She also said that Thorntree had problems in the past but not now.
The programme covered not just B Farm but Thorntree too. And Thorntree certainly has its problems still!
Like everything else so far, comments of which are always full of contradictions, much the same as to Clr Juniers abusive, lying etc supporters(?) etc on the EG forum!
Tosha ... d9d95472c4
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »

Hi DoNowt,

BTW try reading the kind of posts an ANON poured into the EG forum ... ps#p152488 ... ps#p152140 ... ps#p150328 ... em#p166554

Farmie was a very very close to events in Middlesbrough, offerring to arrange meetings with Local Police inspector, Councillors, Wardens and even the Stem group.

Now I wonder who this Anon poster on the ANON E.Gazette forum, is or was?? ;) ;) ;) :roll: :lol:

Theyve got ten lamps now.

Tosha Continued.
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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »

Hi DoNowt, Cont'd. ... em#p136798 ... mit=Search

This last link covers a series which for me made good reading, and offered many clues. ;) ;) :roll:

Limit is 4 Urls per, so needed to post again.

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »

Hi DoNowt,

See the EG process extends to the N. Echo forum,
Thread removed ..............MIDDLESBROUGH BEST PLACE TO LIVE!
Too late it was archived, as a good bet it would vanish.

This is my final post on here and any other anon forum. In my opinion IF ever one needed to show why cllrs should not carry out any business in anon forums such as this and the EG one, the posts following mine above indeed show just why. I will state once and for all I have NEVER posted onto anon forums (other than this one obviously) in my capacity as a cllr, I have on numerous occasions and on numerous forums posted in much the same way as any other citizen. Hope that clears up any confusion for those who felt the need to know. As for calling me a "liar" that will be dealt with in its own time in various ways and no I will not be posting said results on this or any forum, I will leave that to others. Respectfully yours Cllr Len Junier

Maybe it was pulled because a local councillor Len Junier was making veiled threats to another poster on that forum.
Especially as he misread the post, on which he claimed he was called a liar! :lol: :lol:

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »


From the N. Echo forum. Cllr Len Junier
Posts: 3 Joined: 07 Jan 2011

This is my final post on here and any other anon forum. In my opinion IF ever one needed to show why cllrs should not carry out any business in anon forums such as this and the EG one, the posts following mine above indeed show just why.

Translation. Only an opinion, maybe a Freudian version.

This is my final post on here and any other as an anon. In my opinion IF ever one needed to show why cllrs should not carry out any business as anons on forums such as this and the EG one, the posts following mine above indeed show just why.

Never heard of an ANON FORUM, only ANON posters.
Confusion as to ANON and Anons?
Possibly, the intention has been a little confused as to meaning.

Clarification required. Posters make your choice as to versions.

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by AHSOT1 »

From Middlesbrough best place to live.
MK 2 as the original was pulled.

What the hell, I'll post it here too.

Was it an Echo,
Did I read it right?
On forum Anon,
A biter did bite!

I know that I read it
It wasn’t just dreams,
Won’t do business,
On ANON forums it seems.

But said as an anon,
On others he posted,
But not as a councillor,
Or he might have got roasted.

Another read
To make certain what went on,
Archived for posterity,
Before it was gone.

It had to be seperated,
Or even annulled,
And just like the gazette,
The thread it was pulled.

Farmies anon. And HIAB too,
Also more, it seems more than a few,
Note how they posted more than abuse
As anon’ exactly, that’s what they do.

No matter or mind, more fun,
As April ‘n’ March precede the May,
And along with the card game,
The 5 lamps Trick will play.

In conclusion he stated,
In good time settle the debts,
As a councillor posted plainly,
Thinly disguised and veiled threats.

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by BoroBot »

The Len Junier Show is now on twitter!/FreeMbro
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Re: The Len Junier Show

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Re: The Len Junier Show

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Re: The Len Junier Show

Post by BoroBot »

the biggest twit...ter in boro is back :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)!/CllrlenJunier
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