Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

Taken from 'MailOnline' (August 5th 2012)...

Documentary claims Jimmy Savile sexually abused teenage girls, including one aged 13, during the Seventies
A new television documentary will claim Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused teenage girls while at the height of his fame in the Seventies.
The programme, based on research by a former Surrey police officer, includes interviews with women, now in their 40s and 50s, who will claim they were subjected to abuse by the veteran presenter.
The documentary is being developed by ITV Studios, which also produces shows for rival broadcasters. Senior sources at ITV say they have made no decision on whether to broadcast the film – which one programme insider said would ‘shock the nation’.
The alleged victims have been tracked down by Mark Williams-Thomas, a former detective constable with Surrey Police who is now a successful TV presenter specialising in child protection issues.
The insider said some of the women, one of whom was just 13 at the time of the alleged abuse, were terrified of Savile for decades afterwards.
He said: ‘Jimmy Savile was predatory in that he used his hit shows as a vehicle to get to those young girls.
‘All of those who have been interviewed for the documentary were under the age of consent at the time of the abuse. The youngest one was just 13 years old.’
The insider said the documentary also included testimony from people who worked with the Jim’ll Fix It star, while a production source says at least one of the women taking part has waived her right to anonymity so she can talk openly about the abuse.
It is still uncertain if any broadcaster will buy the rights or screen the show.
Mr Williams-Thomas has collaborated with the commercial broadcaster on several recent productions. In 2009, he fronted the acclaimed documentary, To Catch A Paedophile, which involved him confronting a former Catholic priest who admitted on camera to trying to groom a child over the internet.

Savile, who never married, raised millions of pounds for charity during his lifetime and the allegations will shock his huge army of fans. But it is not the first time Savile, who also fronted the Clunk Click road safety campaign, has been linked to allegations of child sex abuse.

In 2007, Surrey Police launched an investigation after complaints that the star had abused pupils at the now-defunct Duncroft Approved School for Girls in the Seventies.
Savile was a regular visitor to the school and is alleged to have taken girls on visits to BBC Television Centre in return for sexual favours. He is also alleged to have made advances on them while taking them for drives in the countryside.
The police investigation was dropped after a Crown Prosecution Service lawyer who was reviewing the investigation advised that no further action be taken.
In January, it emerged that BBC2’s Newsnight programme had launched its own investigation into the same allegations, shortly after the star’s death at the age of 84 in October 2011.
Reporters from the flagship news show are believed to have interviewed three former pupils from the school.
One woman is said to have waived her right to anonymity so she could talk about her ordeal on Newsnight. A subsequent decision by the BBC not to broadcast the report led to allegations of a cover-up, but a spokesman insisted the story was dropped for editorial reasons.
A spokesman for Surrey Police said: ‘In 2007, Surrey Police received a historic allegation of indecent assault which is alleged to have occurred at a children’s home in Staines during the Seventies.
‘The allegation was investigated by police but no further action was taken against any individual.’
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/a...-in ... nties.html
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

“Did Jim fix it for you?”

No Labour Mp Keith Vaz fixed it for Labour MP Keith Vaz

Vaz’s 'extreme’ mortgage bill was seven times higher than pay
Keith Vaz was making 'extreme' payments for mortgages totalling up to £26,500 a month, more than seven times higher than his income as a back-bench MP, according to a secret police report into the former minister’s finances.
Scotland Yard detectives allegedly found that the former Europe minister had “in total seven or eight mortgages” between 1996 and 2001, with four loans running concurrently at one point.
In October 2008, Mr Vaz was alleged to have made mortgage payments totalling £26,500. At the time he was a back-bench MP on £45,066 a year and his wife ran a small firm of solicitors.
Parliamentary rules demand that MPs publicly declare any properties that are not used for “the personal residential purposes” of a politician or their spouse. They are also supposed to declare properties they inhabit that are generating “substantial income”.
During the period scrutinised by the Metropolitan Police, Mr Vaz does not appear to have made declarations that he was renting out properties or investing in houses.
The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards is now under pressure to reopen an investigation into Mr Vaz’s finances that began a decade ago.
A source close to the initial investigations said it had been “frustrated” by a “Labour-dominated committee who wanted to do everything they could not to find against him”. “They frustrated any rigorous investigation and thereby undermined the system,” said the source.
The source also expressed concern over Mr Vaz’s current position as chairman of the home affairs select committee, saying it was “odd” for someone who is holding the police to account to be under suspicion themselves.
The Daily Telegraph disclosed that a Metropolitan Police investigation into Mr Vaz discovered that he apparently held hundreds of thousands of pounds in a series of bank accounts. Its report alleged that the funds were “of a suspicious nature”.
Over a six-year period, almost £500,000 was apparently deposited into the MP’s accounts in addition to his salary between 1997 and 2001. This included large amounts of cash, £28,959 in 1998 and £10,319 in 1999. The cash payments made it difficult for detectives to establish the source of the funds.
A copy of a briefing note on the investigation, seen by this newspaper, also raises questions over mortgage payments being made by Mr Vaz. “A number of these payments seem extreme,” the police report noted.
According to the report, Mr Vaz had four separate mortgage accounts in February 1998 and “in total seven or eight mortgages” elsewhere between 1996 and 2001. In October 1998, he apparently spent £28,500 on mortgages, followed by more than £10,000 in the subsequent two months.
Mr Vaz said: “All the properties I own are in the register. All properties and rent received has been declared.”
Andrew Bridgen, a Tory MP, urged John Lyon, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, to carry out an inquiry, “as a matter of urgency.” He also called for Mr Vaz to stand down as committee chairman. “It’s clear that Mr Vaz has had and does have complex financial arrangements. A full parliamentary inquiry should allow him to explain what happened,” he said.
“Mr Vaz may have got away with refusing to answer questions 10 years ago, but since the expenses scandal, that is not acceptable.”
Mr Vaz was investigated by the parliamentary commissioner for standards between 2000 and 2001 after it was alleged that he may have benefited from money paid by a solicitor and the billionaire Hinduja brothers in their attempts to secure British passports.
The minister was forced to resign and was suspended from Parliament for seeking to frustrate the investigation by refusing to provide financial information. Mr Vaz was cleared of the central allegation of receiving illicit funds.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politic ... n-pay.html
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

Déjà vu - Mallon’s marauders "fixed it for Mallon's marauders" simples aint it ;)
Cleveland Police Authority said Mr Price would no longer face a separate misconduct hearing in respect of 18 other matters as he is no longer a police officer and "cannot be subject to the police disciplinary process". http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-19840069
what involvement did CopOutinger have ????


Everything's Dandy in Middlesbrough
my helpers including Ray “banana man” Mallon will be on hand to assist me in my own and my masters New Visions for Cleveland Police.
Ray’s expertise in Visions, crime deflection, true justice avoidance and blaming others will be a boon
when I and Middlesbrough Labour Party gain control of Cleveland Police Farce.
(The Kingdom of Cleveland Labour Party no association with the National Labour Party)
My first duty as Cleveland Police Commissar will be to sack the bastards who gave me a parking ticket in Hartlepool.

http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... =135&t=748

Cleveland Police chief constable Sean Price sacked
Mr Price was "found to have lied to the Independent Police Complaints Commission about his involvement in a recruitment matter and found to have instructed a member of staff to lie to the IPCC".

Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -31972088/

11:40 AM on 5/10/2012
Wonder what his pay-out and pension pot will be..

11:48 AM on 5/10/2012
will we ever get to know.........

11:50 AM on 5/10/2012
Anyone else think Sean "it wasnt me guv, honest" Price is starting to sound like the little scrotes he spent his career chasing ?
Does he really not undertsand the difference between Gross misconduct under the terms of an employment contract and a criminal offence ?
Good riddance to him, hopefully the cost of the investigation will be met in part from his pension pot

12:10 PM on 5/10/2012
I wonder if he's handed his £50,000 company car back yet?
Are the other officers on police bail still using their free company cars? All paid for by the public.
Will the ex chief be going on holiday to Amercia with the ex chairman McLuckie again? Whats the payoff/pension pot I wonder?
Whats the story on him covering up for his new wife (she's a chief inspector with Cleveland Police) after she was stopped for drink driving?
What do the councillors who worked with Price & McLuckie have to say on the verdict??

12:15 PM on 5/10/2012
The top brass had a mention of their liking for extra presents in the book by PC North. First published in 2009.
Could the fictional place in the book called Smoggy really be Cleveland? Only thing that was missing was the parmo's.
"The Life & Times of Sleepy Hollow" by PC North.
I heard Price had his own copy ;)
You couldnt make it up ;)

1:21 PM on 5/10/2012
I don't think he will get his pension until he reaches 67. Can anybody confirm that? He is now toxic goods. What needs looking at is how many of these big bosses retired as senior officers on a nice fat pension and then started doing the exact same job for Steria the next day.It is so corrupt! What is this about a cover up for Drink Driving. I thought it was drunk and disorderly. As regards jobs for boys, although I disagree with helping relatives etc it is endemic in all professions from dock workers to MP's

1:30 PM on 5/10/2012
Also the big thing about neighbourhood policing. All he did was reinvent the wheel. In the 80's it was known as local beat officers.

1:37 PM on 5/10/2012
As a recent forcibly retired officer of 30 years this gives me some satisfaction as to what I, and other officers and Cleveland Police staff will surely feel towards this man, his co-accused, and other members of the executive team.
In addition to the misconduct and criminal conduct investigations we have lost sight of the almighty farce that is the outsourcing of staff and back office functions to Steria.
Policing is about delivering a service to the public and not a money making exercise which is why Steria were so keen to become involved and hopefully attract contracts with other Forces/Police Authorities.
The people of Cleveland deserve a better service than that which they are now receiving.
Promises of no redundancies and a better or equivalent service are farcical.
Thankfully Steria have been caught out suffering monthly losses on the contract to the tune of 1m pounds and in a marriage that neither wishes to absolve because of the financial penalties.
Similar to the G4S Olympics farce this company should not be touched with a barge pole by any public body to deliver services.
The sad part is that Cleveland could have avoided this if only they had heeded the experiences of the PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) who kicked them into touch some time ago.

1:46 PM on 5/10/2012
I would like to stress this is not a complaint about rank and file police officers and police staff rather the numbers now left to do the job as a result of outsourcing and changes imposed by the executive team

1:49 PM on 5/10/2012
The Boro jester will not be laughing now except all the way to the bank. Him and his new Mrs will be needing their family allowance. He could of course be a house husband that is if her in doors still has a job. Now of course we have the Hartlepool monkey in charge of the Police Authority slagging him off. How the mighty have fallen. Who next? Lots of sleepless nights for some! As Clouseau states "you could not make it up"

1:56 PM on 5/10/2012
is there anything left in this dreadful town that is not corrupt

1:58 PM on 5/10/2012
is there anything left in this dreadful town that is not corrupt

2:27 PM on 5/10/2012
'Sacked' should mean that he forfeits any bonus, benefit, outstanding contractual payment or pension rights he earned while in the role at Cleveland Police. If it doesn't, then Police Authorities, the government and the Police Federation need to come to some form of agreement regarding the future appointment to such roles to include penalties if they transgress the rules, thereby building in a 'good behaviour' bond.

2:29 PM on 5/10/2012
HOW MUCH???????????????????

3:01 PM on 5/10/2012
And all because he did a 'jobs' favour for his then Authority Chairman McLuckie … and persuaded a staff to lie for him …
The conclusion that a further misconduct hearing for Mr Price relating to ELEVEN other matters in respect of gross misconduct will now no longer take place. I wonder too … does that also mean that no such action will be taken against any others including the ex Authority Chairman JUST BECAUSE they and / or he resigned with days of the explosive investigation and cannot therefore be subject to a disciplinary process ... What comes next I wonder ?

3:19 PM on 5/10/2012
What comes next? Who knows, but what should come next is a thorough public examination of the Cleveland Police Authority whose record in overseeing dishonour brought upon the Cleveland force is lamentable, and they still want Council Tax payers to pay for a new Cleveland Police HQ!
Merge Cleveland Police with Durham and lets save some money and at the same time weed out the rotten apples in the Cleveland Police barrel.

3:57 PM on 5/10/2012
He now has the has the required convictions to enter the political arena to run for Mayor or Police Crime Comissioner.

4:23 PM on 5/10/2012
Some outstanding questions remain, why did it take so long to get to this point after McLuckie's daughter was actually employed. Cleveland Police must have a job selection process which was clearly circumvented. Hence, a number of staff must have been aware that an unfair & improper process had taken place. Why didn't they speak up at the time? If Price persuaded his PA to lie, why did she & why was a further witness statement required to state the truth? Drummond is wrong to say that was brave, its actually what we should expect from anyone working in a police force.This speaks volumes about the culture in that organisation. If Price is untrustworthy how can any of his statements be relied upon. This lot including the CPA brought in Steria on a promise of a 10 year job guarantee which was pulled within 2 years not to mention £50M cash savings then supposed to be £70M. The written submission to a committee of the House of Commons by Steria clearly mentions the 'unpalatable truth' of job losses in such contracts. A service contract like that can only be profitable if it is done with fewer people, clearly it is not saving cash so was there another reason for the 'outsourcing'. Interestingly senior police officers have taken lucrative posts with Steria yet there is a large redeployment pool in Steria. Perhaps Price may now decide to stand as Police & Crime Commissioner after all we have an ex policeman as our Mayor who left Cleveland Police after admitting to a host of disciplinary offences! The other solution might be another ex member of the CPA that presided over this mess! As said by others, you couldn't make it up! I'm looking forward to a Panorama or Dispatches programme in the near future. At least if that happens we might see this saga properly exposed, we deserve better than this shambles. Roll on Sacristy !

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Déjà vu - Mallon's marauders "fixed it for Mallon's marauders"

Mallon’s marauders cashed in whilst home owners cashed out

Demolition cash allocated wrongly - court

CASH allocated by the Government to Teesside councils for the demolition of homes in regeneration areas was done unlawfully.
Middlesbrough, Stockton and Redcar and Cleveland councils were among 13 councils which shared £35.5m in grants for housing renewal areas earlier this year.
But in an action in the High Court lawyers for SAVE - Save Britain’s Heritage - insisted the cash had been paid in direct contravention of the then housing minister Grant Shapps’ promises to Parliament.
The grants included:
:: £2.3m to Middlesbrough Council, which proposed more than 230 demolitions;

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11:46 AM on 24/9/2012
How can any council decline to comment on something as important this??

12:14 PM on 24/9/2012
"Middlesbrough and Stockton councils declined to comment on the proceedings..."....also known as...."Guilty as charged gov.....slip the cuffs on but be gentle as I bruise easily"

1:50 PM on 24/9/2012
Another mess up by a cabinet and council. They are totally incompetant even the senior officers who are on over 148k per year plus bonus ,but do not worry the council tax payer will foot the bill again just add it to the 175 million this labour lead administration has put us in debt .It is time the Redcar and cleveland tax payers woke up to all this .

6:43 PM on 24/9/2012
As a private homeowner directly affected by this I hope something is done
We did NOT want to move been in the house 1 month short of 25 years & mortagage completion to being forced to purchase a new home with a 22 year M over us again + £25+k owning to Stockton Borough council " lifetime mortagage hanging over our heads
to find this money was for regeneration not demolition both ANGERS me & breaks my heart but does NOT suprise me
THEY should NOT be allowed to get away scotch free I think all the people forced to sell up for much less than market value etc have their life time mortgages written off also any monies taken from councilor pay cuts not the TAX PAYERS

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Cleveland Police Authority’s functions

Cleveland Police Authority past and present “fixed it for Cleveland Police Authority Members”

Mr Coppoutinger the candidate for Cleveland Police Commissar “trying to fix it for Mr Coppoutinger”

From CPA website

The CPA's primary responsibilities are:

To secure an efficient and effective police service on behalf of the local

To ensure that there is continuous improvement in the delivery of the police
service and to produce an Annual Best Value Performance Plan

To consult with the local community about policing needs and priorities

After consultation on priorities we set the budget and the local precept for
the following year.
Continuing to blag along as normal seemingly the most corrupt Police Force in the UK

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Jimmy Savile's toxic legacy
The investigation into the DJ’s alleged sexual abuse has unearthed a culture where celebrities exploited their power with impunity – and other names are cropping up

When Vera McAlpine is buried on Wednesday, having died last week at the age of 90, the friends and relatives attending the service will cast their minds back to another death in the family 41 years ago. And as they gather, they will inevitably wonder why Vera went to her grave never having seen justice done over the death of her daughter.
Clair McAlpine, a dancer on Top of the Pops, was just 15 when she took her own life by swallowing two bottles of sleeping pills on March 29, 1971. Vera had discovered her daughter’s body lying on the floor of her bedroom at their home in Watford in Hertfordshire.
Beside the corpse were the empty bottles and Clair’s red diary; a diary that contained disturbing claims written in the girl’s own hand that suggest she may have been a victim of Sir Jimmy Savile’s alleged sexual predatory instincts.
Savile, almost a year after his own death at the age of 84, now stands accused by more than 40 women of rape or sexual assault. Most of his victims were at the time of the alleged offences still teenagers; young, impressionable girls whom Savile groomed and preyed upon. When he passed away last year, Savile’s death was mourned by a nation.
Thousands lined the route as his coffin was driven though his home town of Leeds. In life, he had been a national treasure, one of Britain’s most famous broadcasters, who had raised upwards of £40 million for charity. In death, his life and times are being properly investigated and make uncomfortable reading. There are serious questions over the role played by the BBC in possibly covering up his alleged offences and even in aiding and abetting them. The culture of the times suggests famous men like Savile and others, such as the pop star Gary Glitter and the record producer Jonathan King – in King’s case he abused boys – could allow them to prey on children and, despite the rumours and innuendo, get away with it for years.
The Metropolitan Police have launched a formal inquiry following the string of allegations being made by victims too afraid to come forward when Savile was alive. Other broadcasters may become embroiled in the scandal. It emerged yesterday that another BBC employee, who is alleged to have procured girls for Savile and others, is himself being accused of rape. Gary Glitter, the pop singer, convicted in Britain of possession of child pornography and jailed in Vietnam for child sex abuse, is said to be a member of the same child sex ring.
The Sunday Telegraph has heard tapes, passed to the police, which suggest Savile is molesting young girls as he records items for his radio programme Savile’s Travels, first broadcast in 1968. In one, a young girl can be heard screaming as Savile tells her: “Watch how I operate,” before adding: “I better play a record with the other hand.” In a second recording, a girl can be heard pleading: “Get off… Get off my backside.”
The contents of the tapes, discovered in a sound archive in Finland and dating back to 1975, should have been known to executives and producers working on the show at the time.
Yesterday, Liz Kershaw, a former Radio 1 disc jockey, said in a BBC interview that the station was imbued with a “culture I have never encountered before” when she began working there in the 1980s. She told the Today programme on Radio 4 that “there was one presenter who routinely groped me”, and added: “I would be sitting in the studio with my headphones on, my back to the studio door, live on air, and couldn’t hear a thing except what was in my headphones, the music playing or my own voice, and then I’d find these wandering hands up my jumper, fondling my breasts. I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t even exclaim because I was broadcasting to the nation. When I complained to somebody, they were incredulous and said: 'Don’t you like it, are you a lesbian?’ ”
Questions will now be asked about whether Clair McAlpine was a victim, too. She danced on Top of the Pops under the stage name Samantha Claire, although she was just 15 and living at home, having not long left school. The BBC didn’t seem to mind that she was so young. Neither was age apparently a barrier for Savile who, back in 1971, at the time of Clair’s death, was 44.
When she died, Scotland Yard scrutinised her diary but seemingly concluded Clair was a fantasist. She had named DJs who, she claimed, had “used” her. One of the DJs had taken her to his house for the night and given her a pill which made her feel like she was “floating on a cloud”. Another had invited her back to his “sumptuously furnished” residence. The diary will now likely be of great interest to the authorities, although its current whereabouts are not clear.
She wrote in her final entry, the contents of which were read out at her inquest in 1971: “Well, I’ve got some of mummy’s old pills. I am not sure what they are, so I am going to eat all those and some bread to keep it down. Bet they don’t bloody work. I know it’s awful, and I’m being very selfish. God bless XXX.”
At the time of the death, Vera McAlpine had given an interview to newspapers in which she had expressed concern and revealed some of the diary’s details. “I’d been worried about her for some time,” she said. “She was mad about the pop scene and always talking about disc jockeys and pop stars she met and how wonderful they all were. She simply idolised them.
“I was very disturbed by other references in the diary, which mentioned many names. Some of the passages were so shocking that I would rather not repeat them. But the police know what they said.”
Jenni Bale, a BBC studio manager at the time, and who knew Savile, is in no doubt that the DJ abused Clair. “I believe Clair lost her life all those years ago because of what was done to her,” she said. She contacted police last week to ask them to look at the case again.
Clair’s first cousin, Ray Calcutt, 52, told The Sunday Telegraph he had only vague memories of her. He was 11 at the time she took her own life.
But on Wednesday he will attend Vera’s funeral as Savile’s carefully constructed public image as a charity worker and do-gooder is being disassembled by a slew of women, now grown-up, who claim they were molested by him – and worse – so many years ago.
“Vera just died. We are burying her on Wednesday,” Mr Calcutt said. “My aunt never saw justice done. I am sure at the funeral it [Clair’s suicide] will be brought up. It wasn’t properly investigated at the time. There are a lot of nervous people out there from that era.”
The rush to open up old wounds was prompted by an ITV documentary broadcast last Wednesday, in which five women came forward to say they had been sexually assaulted or raped by Savile at a variety of locations, including at the BBC and at Duncroft Approved School for Girls in Surrey, where Savile had helped raised money and was a regular visitor. Their stories, told separately, are depressingly similar, suggesting collusion is unlikely. They tell of Savile, at one time a wrestler and with powerful upper-body strength, imposing his will and using his celebrity status to grope and rape young girls. One victim said she became convinced he wore his trademark tracksuit to simply make it easier for him to pull his trousers down before intercourse.
Since that documentary, many more women have come forward. The BBC and schools were not necessarily his only domain. Julie Thornton, now 80, claims she was in another hospital bed when she saw Savile abuse a teenage girl recovering from a brain operation at Leeds General Infirmary, another of the institutions that for years lauded the star, and where Savile worked as a volunteer porter. Another woman from North Yorkshire said she too was touched inappropriately by Savile in a lift at the hospital after undergoing spinal surgery there in 1973.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said yesterday it was following events closely but had no record of official complaints. The same is true of the BBC. In an email to staff on Friday, George Entwistle, the director general, described the allegations as “deeply upsetting” and expressed his determination to “leave no stone unturned in our efforts to support the police”.
But the truth is – despite many people seemingly knowing about Savile’s behaviour – no official record of it exists at the BBC. “We have already carried out a thorough search of our written records,” wrote Entwistle. “Crucially and regrettably, it appears no complaints were made at the time – and we have found nothing at this stage to suggest any known wrongdoing was ignored by management. Our checks are ongoing, and if we do find anything relevant, we will give it straight to the police.”
Prime Minister David Cameron, asked by The Sunday Telegraph in an interview this weekend, said the BBC was doing the right thing in opening up its files and helping the police fully. “We have to let those processes take their course,” said Mr Cameron, “They’re very disturbing… I mean I haven’t read all of them, but just some of the stories are extremely disturbing and they need answers.”
One senior BBC presenter at the time said: “I always thought he was a horrible man, quite frankly. We all knew he was up to something – we just didn’t know what.” Liz Kershaw, brought in in the late 1980s to replace the old guard of the likes of Savile, said the rumours of his sick behaviour still abounded – as did the culture.
“I was one of the new breed that came in immediately after that, so I didn’t meet him until 1997 when I went to his Leeds home to interview him, and I must say I found him rather sinister,” she told the Today programme.
“But the rumours were there, the jokes were there. It was an open secret, and with all the piety about him when he died last year, I was rather sickened and I thought: 'Why don’t people say what he was really like’?
“Around Radio 1, everyone joked about Jimmy Savile and young girls. The main jokes were about his adventures on the Radio 1 Roadshow, where they went around the country. It was massive then.
“It was rather like The X Factor going round the country then. Can you imagine X Factor judges rounding up the contestants and asking for sexual favours after the show? I don’t think so.”
Others from that era include Chris Denning, a DJ who started out like Savile on Radio Luxembourg and moved on to the BBC, where he was one of the original Radio 1 DJs, and who has a number of convictions for child sex offences. Denning, 71, was first convicted for gross indecency in 1974, jailed in 1985 and then in 1988 for sexual assaults on children. He is in jail in Slovakia for producing child pornography.
Even national treasures like John Peel, who died eight years ago, may now come under scrutiny. As a young man, he worked in Texas as a local radio station DJ and admits taking advantage of the young girls queuing up outside his studio to offer him sexual favours. “All they wanted me to do was to abuse them sexually which, of course, I was only happy to do,” he once recalled. One of the teenagers was a girl called Shirley Anne Milburn. Peel was 26 and Shirley Anne just 15 when they married in Texas in 1965. The couple came back to London, but the marriage faltered as Peel’s career took off. They divorced in 1973 and Shirley Anne returned home, committing suicide some years later.
During the 1970s, Peel would write a column in Sounds magazine in which he kept up a running joke that he preferred his fans to dress as schoolgirls. To illustrate the point, he dressed in a schoolgirl uniform for a magazine photoshoot.
After Jonathan King’s conviction in 2001, intense speculation followed that Savile would be next. “There were several high-profile male celebrities whose names cropped up as a result of the King inquiry and Savile’s was included in the list of those under suspicion,” a police source told The Sunday Telegraph. “This related to the abuse of under-16s. He was looked into but at the time the suspicions were never proved. There was no firm evidence to link him with any criminal activity.”
Savile escaped punishment in his lifetime; evaded the justice now being sought by his victims. His legacy will be a string of inquiries and a lot of older men worried what those might turn up.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... egacy.html
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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A SERVING Cleveland police officer has been sacked for sexually touching a woman who was under arrest.

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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“Did Jim Fix it for you”
Just who did Jim fix it for?
This photo and subsequent claims have been around for years so “who’s fixing it for whom?”

Savile pictured at the Jersey House of Horrors: Paedophile DJ is surrounded by children at care home where 192 'suffered abuse'
• The Jim'll Fix It star is pictured in the grounds of Haut de la Garenne, with about 30 children of a variety of ages
• Former head of the Jersey child abuse investigation said there was 'no reason to doubt' that Savile indecently assaulted girls at the home
• It came under intense scrutiny in 2008 after allegations of historic child abuse at the home
By Emily Allen
PUBLISHED: 14:38, 16 October 2012
A photo has emerged which shows paedophile Jimmy Savile surrounded by children at a Jersey care home where 192 youngsters allegedly suffered abuse.
The Jim'll Fix It star is pictured in the grounds of Haut de la Garenne, posing comfortably on the grass with about 30 children of a variety of ages
The Jersey home came under intense scrutiny in 2008 after police took statements from 192 alleged victims of historic child abuse at the home.


Savile has always denied he was a regular visitor at the home and when The Sun published this photograph in 2008 his lawyers tried to put a block on it, the newspaper said.
The photo is believed to have been taken in the late 1960s.
Last week, the former head of the Jersey child abuse investigation Lenny Harper said there was 'no reason to doubt' that Savile indecently assaulted girls there.
Harper, the Jersey police detective who led a three-year probe, said that Savile's name came up in the initial police inquiry four years ago.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z29WkzOgvo
Convicted abusers ran the Haut de la Garrenne, now we know Jimmy Savile visited there too.
Like minded individuals flocking together.
Perhaps there is some truth to the rumors that the Haute de la Garrene was some sort of paedophile brothel,
loaning out children to other paedophiles
- suffolk36, Bury St Edmunds, 16/10/2012 16:52
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z29WnrGrzl
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Did Jim fix it for you?
not exactly but it looks like "Uncle Dick" did fix it at the BBC....
BBC covered up a second 'national treasure' child abuser known as Uncle Dick, claims veteran reporter John Simpson
• Veteran reporter exposes another BBC cover-up of a second paedophile
• 'Radio presenter would take children into BBC toilets and abuse them after winning competition to meet him'
• 'If parents complained, Director General's office would write back saying he was a much-loved figure'
• 'Abuser was so famous he gave tours to the Queen'
• Harriet Harman reiterated calls for independent inquiry
By Larisa Brown
PUBLISHED: 10:11, 17 October 2012 | UPDATED: 15:39, 17 October 2012
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z29amNoieQ
The radio presenter he claims abused children was one of the BBC's biggest names
from the 1920s until his death in 1967.

Uncle Dick......... we presume???
Derek Ivor Breashur McCulloch OBE (18 November 1897 – 1 June 1967) was a BBC Radio presenter and producer, who is best remembered as "Uncle Mac" in Children's Favourites and Children's Hour and for playing 'Larry the Lamb' in Toytown.
He was born in Plymouth in 1897 of Scottish parents. The First World War interrupted his education and he enlisted in 1915 in the Public Schools Battalion of the 16th Middlesex Regiment at the age of 17. He served until 1921, with the infantry, where he was commissioned into the Green Howards, and in the Royal Flying Corps as an Equipment Officer, including a spell on HMS Valiant. He was seriously wounded at the Battle of the Somme (1916) and lay in 'no-man's land' for three days and nights in a shell-hole 20 yards from the German lines. While lying badly injured but still twitching, he was found by the German Red Cross and was deliberately shot through the head to end his suffering. (This is the account told by the man himself to Trevor Hill, a colleague on BBC Children's Hour.) However, he survived.
After the army he worked for Central Argentine Railways but his health deteriorated and he returned home to have a bullet removed from a lung; the lung was later removed. He also lost his left leg in a road traffic accident in 1938 when, travelling on a London Greenline bus he stood up ready to alight when a pedestrian crossed in front, causing the driver to brake sharply, catapulting McCulloch the length of the vehicle. As a result of his multiple injuries, he was in constant pain and had fifty operations.
He joined the BBC in 1926 as an announcer. His health problems and his microphone style meant that he was sidelined to miscellaneous activities such as commenting on sports events, compering variety shows and Children's Hour. He was the commentator on the first radio broadcast of the FA Cup Final in 1927. After a further breakdown in health he was made second in command on Children's Hour in 1931 and was given full charge of Children's Hour in 1933. This programme included many talks, plays, music and drama serials. He regarded his department as a microcosm of all broadcasting.
In the tradition of Lord Reith, McCulloch stated his policy as: "Nothing but the best is good enough for children...our wish is to stimulate their imaginations, direct their reading, encourage their various interests, widen their outlook and inculcate the Christian virtues of love of God and their neighbours".[1]
Noted for his sometimes sharp tongue with colleagues he was no subservient vassal to authority. When a meeting of BBC staff in the last days of Savoy Hill was being briefed on the forthcoming move to the new Broadcasting House they were told that in the new building staff earning more than a thousand pounds a year would have a separate lavatory. 'But’, intervened Mac, ‘you have forgotten something’. ‘What’s that?’ ‘We will still all have to use the same sewers’.
In 1939 the audience for Children's Hour reached 4 million. His sign-off line "Goodnight children, everywhere", became more poignant after the evacuation of many children from their homes at the start of the Second World War.
Children's Favourites
He resigned from the BBC in 1950 because of his health problems. However he became the Children's Editor for the News Chronicle and he continued broadcasting, but now did not have to run a department. He presented a much-loved music request programme for children, Children's Favourites on Saturday mornings, from 1954. As television replaced radio as children's main evening entertainment, the audience for Children's Hour fell to 24,000 and the programme was dropped in 1964, despite protests and questions in Parliament, but Children's Favourites continued to be highly popular, and McCulloch presented it until 1965. He had a strong aversion to pop music, though he had to play some, but his taste introduced children to the light classics. Children's Favourites continued after McCulloch's retirement and the programme metamorphosed into the equally successful Junior Choice, hosted mainly by Ed Stewart, when the BBC Light Programme was replaced by Radios 1 and 2 in 1967.
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Middlesbrough "Did Jim fix it for you?"
Jimmy Savile was a regular DJ at

The Hippodrome Theatre, Wilson Street, Middlesbrough
Later - The Astoria Ballroom / The Venue / Wonderland Bingo Club / Showboat Social Club / Chicago Rock Cafe
The Hippodrome Theatre was built in 1908 for Middlesbrough Theatres, Limited, who also ran the Theatre Royal for a while.
The Theatre was designed by the architect G. F. Ward of Birmingham and cost £20,000 to construct and fit out.
The Proscenium of the new Theatre was 40 foot wide with a stage depth of 30 foot, and the auditorium which consisted of stalls, boxes, and two circles was capable of accommodating some 2,800 people.

The Theatre opened on the 17th of August 1908 with a Variety show including Arthur Prince, Florrie Ford, and Jock White.
In 1910 Cine Variety was established, but by 1913 the Theatre was being used mainly as a Cinema with only the occasional Variety show.
The Theatre was bought by Denman-Gaumont in 1928 and the auditorium was reconstructed in the Art Deco style, however, the Hippodrome name was retained as there was another Gaumont Cinema in the town by this time, namely the former Grand Opera House.
Cinema and occasional Variety continued until the Theatre was closed on the 1st of December 1956 when the building was converted into a Ballroom known as the Astoria Ballroom.

In 1968 the Theatre was converted into a Social Club called the Showboat Social Club and later into a Bingo Club called Wonderland Bingo which ceased operations in 1987. In 1991 the building was furthur altered, this time into a Nightclub called the Venue.
The Theatre's interior has been altered so much since it was first built that G. F. Ward would not recognise it as his Theatre today but the exterior remains much as it was when first built, although a flyover now runs directly in front of the building obscuring some of its detail.
Despite all this the Hippodrome is a Grade II Listed building even though it was in use as a Chicago Rock Cafe, whilst the former stage is now in use as a Nightclub and Bar.
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

Larry the Lamb and friends "fixing it at the BBC"

BoroBot wrote:Did Jim fix it for you?
not exactly but it looks like "Uncle Dick" did fix it at the BBC....
BBC covered up a second 'national treasure' child abuser known as Uncle Dick, claims veteran reporter John Simpson
• Veteran reporter exposes another BBC cover-up of a second paedophile
• 'Radio presenter would take children into BBC toilets and abuse them after winning competition to meet him'
• 'If parents complained, Director General's office would write back saying he was a much-loved figure'
• 'Abuser was so famous he gave tours to the Queen'
• Harriet Harman reiterated calls for independent inquiry
By Larisa Brown
PUBLISHED: 10:11, 17 October 2012 | UPDATED: 15:39, 17 October 2012
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z29amNoieQ
The radio presenter he claims abused children was one of the BBC's biggest names
from the 1920s until his death in 1967.

Uncle Dick......... we presume???
Derek Ivor Breashur McCulloch OBE (18 November 1897 – 1 June 1967) was a BBC Radio presenter and producer, who is best remembered as "Uncle Mac" in Children's Favourites and Children's Hour and for playing 'Larry the Lamb' in Toytown..................

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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BBC Jimmy Savile legacy…

Larry The Lamb - The Extraordinary Affair Of Ernest The Policeman

Ernest the policeman finds Larry & Dennis late at night 'looking for fairies'...


Strange how “what goes around comes around”


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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

BBC Jimmy Savile legacy “what goes around comes around”
“Who did Jim fix IT for?” more strangely who was “Uncle Mac” fixing it for?
Uncle Mac explained -- http://middlesbrough-council.com/forum/ ... =753#p4741
Both it seems had friends in high places…..


Toytown was a BBC radio series for children, based around a set of puppets created by SG Hulme Beaman broadcast for Children's Hour which ran from 5-6pm on the Home Service.
There were also some short films made during the 1970s which were broadcast on ITV.
The series starred Larry the Lamb[5] ("I do my little be-e-est") the perpetually inquisitive ovine central character and his eternally clever canine sidekick, Dennis the Dachshund, a German sausage dog.
In each story a misunderstanding, often arising from a device created by the inventor, Mr. Inventor, occurs which involves the officious Ernest the Policeman the perpetually disgruntled Mr Grouser the Grocer and the narcissistic Mayor.
The pool of stories was re-used until the end of Children's Hour. Larry the Lamb was always played (at least when broadcast from London) by Derek McCulloch
Dennis at various times by Norman Shelley Ernest Jay and Preston Lockwood the Mayor by Franklyn Bellamy and Felix Felton Ernest the Policeman by Arthur Wynn, Peter Claughton and Stephen Jack and the Inventor usually by Ivan Samson.
Arthur Henry Ashford Wynn (22 January 1910 – 24 September 2001)
British civil servant, social researcher, and recruiter of Soviet spies.
Recruited by Edith Tudor-Hart in 1936, Wynn was the well known Soviet spy "Agent Scott" of the KGB.
Wynn created the less prominent Oxford spy ring, the University of Oxford counterpart to the infamous Cambridge Five.
Wynn was the son of a professor of medicine. Educated at Oundle School, he played rugby union.
Wynn read natural sciences and mathematics at Trinity College, University of Cambridge.
Wynn was in Germany when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor.
He resultantly married German communist Lieschen Ostrowski, to enable her to escape Nazi Germany.
He returned to England, dissolved his marriage, and moved to Oxford for further study.
While at the University of Oxford he joined the Clarendon Club, and met and married Peggy Moxon, a student and a fellow member of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
They married in 1938, and had four children (three sons and a daughter).
In the following year, Arthur and Peggy Wynn wrote a study of the financial connections of the Conservative establishment which they published as "Tory M.P."
It was published in the USA as "England's Money Lords"; the Winns published under the pseudonym 'Simon Haxey'.
Intending to specialise in trade union in partnership with Sir Stafford Cripps QC, Wynn studied law at Lincoln's Inn, and was called to the bar in 1939.
During World War II, Wynn worked as a technical specialist on secondment at A.C. Cossor, working on projects that include IFF radar and advanced navigational aids for RAF Bomber Command.
Moved by a series of appalling postwar coal mining disasters, he switched his attention to mining safety.
After the nationalisation of the coal industry in 1948, Wynn became director of mining safety research at the Ministry of Fuel and Power.
He was the National Coal Board's scientific member from 1955–65, and then a senior civil servant in Tony Benn's Ministry of Technology until his retirement in 1971.
Post retirement, with his wife he become a prominent medical researcher and social commentator, particularly in the area of nutrition.
Their papers were widely published and read, and used by many politicians to advance their own political agenda.
Through their publications, the Wynns struck up a friendship with Tory MP Peter Bottomley.
Tory leadership hopeful Keith Joseph based a 1975 speech on their published article for the Child Poverty Action Group examining the issue of poverty and single parenthood.
Joseph's interpretation of the article lost him the support of Margaret Thatcher, who decided to run for the leadership herself.
Arthur Wynn died in London in 2001.
Norman Shelley (16 February 1903 – 22 August 1980)
Churchill impersonation
A recurring rumour holds that some of Winston Churchill's most famous speeches to Parliament during World War II
were subsequently recorded for radio broadcast (the House of Commons not being at the time set up for location recording)
not by Churchill, but by Shelley impersonating Churchill.
The rumour has been promoted by David Irving to support his unflattering view of Churchill;
it is difficult to prove or disprove Irving's claims.
Analysis of voice patterns in 20 of Churchill's recorded speeches show that three made in May and June 1940 do not match those provably by him, although Churchill might have recorded them after his voice had changed.
Whether Shelley is the speaker and, if so, whether they were broadcast as allegedly by Churchill is unproven.
Shelley did record a performance of Churchill's "We shall fight on the beaches" speech, one of the three non-matching speeches
but that was several years after it was originally made and there is no record of its having been broadcast as genuine Churchill (or, indeed, at all).
He would, however, claim that he did once voice Churchill for an introduction to a wartime propaganda film for distribution overseas with Churchill’s permission.
The Prime Minister could not find time for the necessary visit to the studio.
(Churchill did re-record most of his speeches at Chartwell in 1949.
The EMI Engineer responsible has told the BECTU History Project that he used one of the then new BTR tape recorders
and Churchill usually did this in bed and so they have a more relaxed air than the original broadcast.
These are often what are heard when played today.)
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Jimmy Savile: Labour faces embarrassment over former child sex claims
Labour faces embarrassment over its calls for a wide-ranging inquiry into Jimmy Savile as senior party figures have previously called for the relaxation of child sex laws.
Harriet Harman, the Opposition deputy leader, said the allegations that the late TV and radio presenter abused dozens of young boys and girls had “cast a stain” on the BBC and other trusted institutions.
But at the time Savile was at the height of his fame, Miss Harman was calling for the relaxation of the law on child pornography.
She was a leading light in the pressure group now known as Liberty, which advocated the lowering of the age of consent to 14.
The organisation, then run by the Health Secretary under Tony Blair, Patricia Hewitt, even counted among its affiliates a number of extreme pro-paedophilia groups whose leaders were later jailed.
It means that any independent public inquiry into the culture that allowed Savile to abuse children for so long with impunity, could end up looking into the radical left-wing demands for the liberalisation of child sex laws that were made in the 1970s.
Tim Loughton, the former children’s minister, said “It is rather eyebrow-raising to see Harriet Harman’s newfound zeal for clamping down on sexual exploitation of children, given that she was decidedly dodgy on the subject when she was part of an organisation calling for the relaxation of these laws.
“What we are seeing now is the result of a culture of complacency which has allowed celebrities and others to cover up their crimes, and Harriet Harman must share some of the blame for not taking these matters much more seriously.”
As The Daily Telegraph first disclosed in 2009, in the 1970s the extreme end of the sexual liberation movement included groups who openly campaigned for the abolition of the age of consent. The Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation affiliated themselves to the National Council for Civil Liberties, now known as Liberty.
NCCL complained to the press watchdog about their treatment by tabloid newspapers and in one article admitted it had “plenty of contact” with PIE, and argued that children are harmed by having to go to police and courts after a “mutual relationship with an adult”.
In 1976 the NCCL submitted a response to the Government’s plans to reform sex laws that was dubbed a Lolita’s Charter as it claimed “childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in with an adult result in no identifiable damage”.
The organisation said that children as young as 14 should be able to consent to sex, to reduce the “harmful effects of the present laws”.
It went on to say it is “logical” for the age of consent to be abolished but “we fear” it would not be “politically possible”.
Miss Harman, then a newly qualified solicitor, joined the group as legal officer two years later.
In April 1978 she wrote the NCCL’s response to the Protection of Children Bill, which was put before Parliament in order to tighten the laws on child pornography by banning indecent images of under-16s.
It claimed that the new law could lead to “damaging and absurd prosecutions” and “increase censorship”.
She suggested that pornographic photographs or films of children should not be considered indecent unless it could be shown that the subject had suffered, and that prosecutors would have to prove harm rather than defendants having to justify themselves.
The NCCL's submission stated: “Although this harm may be of a somewhat speculative nature, where participation falls short of physical assault, it is none-the-less justifiable to restrain activities by photographer which involve placing children under the age of 14 (or, arguably, 16) in sexual situations.
“We suggest that the term 'indecent’ be qualified as follows: – A photograph or film shall not for this purpose be considered indecent (a) by reason only that the model is in a state of undress (whether complete or partial); (b) unless it is proved or is to be inferred from the photograph or film that the making of the photograph or film might reasonably be expected to have caused the model physical harm or pronounced psychological or emotional disorder.”
It added: “Our amendment places the onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the child was actually harmed.”
Miss Harman left NCCL in 1982 when she was elected MP for Camberwell and Peckham, by which time several members of PIE had been jailed for conspiracy to corrupt public morals.
A spokesman for Miss Harman said: “This allegation is an outrageous slur. Harriet has fought for child protection from sexual abuse over the last 30 years – any attempt to suggest otherwise is untrue and malicious.
“It is completely untrue that she supported the lowering of the age of consent to 14 – she supported equalising the age of homosexual consent to make it the same as the age of heterosexual consent which is 16.”

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... laims.html
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Did Jim fix it for Middlesbrough Chief Executive Officer?
Nope it was Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon who fixed it

When we hear & read Mallons rhetoric on budgets cuts next week take note HE has just awarded new CEO a £30,000 pay rise salary now £142,000.

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Barry #(Larry) & Friends

Election statement from Barry #(Larry) the Lamb Coppoutinger
Once elected I will invite old friends Charlie # (loony) to a star position as Dennis the Dachshund aided by Len the inventor #(Junier) Ernest #(RoboCop-out) as the Policeman and last but not least Dave #(Budd-non-the-wiser) as Mr Grouser the Grocer
We do enjoy our jollies at MBC


:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Dirty old man
Who is the mysterious ‘Uncle Dick’ named by John Simpson as another serial BBC child abuser? Surely in the interests of full disclosure he should tell us.
No such anonymity for former Steptoe star Wilfrid Brambell, accused of molesting boys in the early 1970s. Not that anyone will be especially surprised to learn about Brambell, who was nicked for cottaging as long ago as 1962.
You dirty old man.
It’s a bit late to do much about it, though. Brambell died in 1985 and remains dead, as does Jimmy Savile.
Meanwhile, investigations have now switched to what Andy Pandy, Teddy and Looby Loo got up to in their box in the Fifties.
Police also wish to question anyone who can provide them with information about Muffin the Mule.

Read more: http://www.coppinger4pcc.com/

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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God help Middlesbrough

looks like Ray Mallon is trying to fix it for non other than Ray Mallon

Middlesbrough mayor Ray Mallon may stand to become MP
• by Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette
• Oct 19 2012
Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32064533/
Condescending cods wallop from Ray Mallon:-
“I intend to analyse the candidates’ list and if high quality candidates exist then there would be no need for any intervention by me.
“However, if I feel that the candidates are not of the highest quality then I would give the public a choice by putting my own name forward."
in other words Ray Mallon doesn't have the BALLS to stand for election in Middlesbrough
what a weak kneed pussy he is.....
if Labour Central not Middlesbrough "spoof Labour" place a genuine candidate
such as - Blair Mr / Mrs / son or daughter or the like up - Mallon will shit bricks and NOT stand
oh what a pimp Mallon truly is - way outa of his depth and looked on as a joke figure by people outside of Middlesbrough

All comments at the Mallon Daily aka Middlesbrough Evening Gazette denigrating Ray Mallon will be struck off
Shame the last lazy for good for nothing Middlesbrough MP wasn’t STRUCK OFF long ago
Constituents might have found it easier to communicate with “Mr Invisible”… by ouija board…. NORMAL CHANNELS NEVER SEEMED TO WORK
Three knocks onto the table a ring of the Bell an echo from the past and you might be on a winner
To reach out to Ray Mallon something stronger will be needed…

Well there's a surprise
Score: 14

What a surprise! He'll be elected too - as everyone knows you could put a Labour rosette on a donkey and it would be elected MP in Middlesbrough!
Score: 6

Score: 13

What Ray really means is that if it looks like Labour might lose, he'll stand for election in order to dilute any anti-Labour vote. The last thing he wants is a non-Labour MP asking awkward questions about him and his Labour dominated council. Like why have they just took out a loan of £14.8 million on behalf of the Teesside taxpayers, in order to continue the destruction of Gresham?

Name withheld
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Score: 7

Name withheld
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Score: 1

Please don't

Name withheld
3:11 PM on 19/10/2012
Score: 10

And why has that last comment saying he was arrogant been removed? The Gazette won't aklow him to be criticised?


The Labour party has record of fitting dead ducks into the old Middlesbrough East and the preseent constituency. However if you examine Mr mallons record the devastation in Gresham, Grove Hill and Whinney banks, also the crazy suggestion of a cafe society in that riverside wind tunnel called Middlehaven all add upto a failure. In fact it is time that the people of the town woke up and realised that labour has done nothing for the area. Then we have further evidence of what happened when the council refused to cooperate with the TDC and so we got nothing except the football stadium. It is time for change and to give another party a chance to achieve something worthwhile for us. We do not want Ray mallon as MP and we do not need another labour Mp at all so come people wakr up and smell the air and change things.

"Mr Mallon today said he may put himself forward if he believes the right quality of candidates do not come forward"
Now where have we heard something similar to this before ? Oh yes. it was when Boro were looking for a new manager following McClaren's appointment with a brolly. Let us pray that Raymondo doesn't do a Gareth Southgate and drag the town further down than it already is.

I bet he doesn't! I'm not sure why he thinks he has the skills to judge the qualities in others. Perhaps he thinks that his disciplinary record with Cleveland police has been forgotten. Did he not admit to about 14 charges ! I think there's an ego issue here, there has too be better candidates than someone who embarrassed himself over the Boro taxi episode & his inappropriate comments about a council worker. I'm all for straight talking but that was uncalled for. His demolition strategy of Grove hIll & Gresham wasn't exactly clever either.

7:32 PM on 19/10/2012
i find mallons comments rather hypocritical to say the least. it appears that he is going see who puts up for the position for the Labour seat. rather strange for a Independant Mayor is it not. !!!!!!!!!!

as sir stuart was not a criminal,he did not plead guilty to anything to get his job,the people of this town made their choice,it may not have been the right choice,mallon could not lace sir stuarts boots,and his proposal to replace him would be an insult to this good mans name,he will definitely not be getting my vote,i would rather vote for simon cowells dog.

The sheer arrogance of the man is mind-blowing.

I dont know what all the fuss is about we havnt had a credible MP for years. Bring on the next donkey.

Read More before comments are deleted http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -32064533/
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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NINE more suspects in the frame at BBC (including celebs): But you're not allowed to know if they've even been suspended
Nine serving BBC employees are under investigation for 'serious allegations' of sexual abuse following the sickening revelations
Some are being investigated by police while others have been reported to the corporation’s management.
By Paul Revoir and Sam Greenhill
PUBLISHED: 00:22, 24 October 2012 | UPDATED: 11:09, 24 October 2012
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z2AFTadIJU
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Senior political figure threatens to sue BBC over paedophile claims

A senior political figure has threatened to sue the BBC after claims that one of its flagship news programmes
planned to out him as a paedophile.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/ ... laims.html
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Newsnight claims 'leading Tory from Thatcher years was part of paedophile ring who raped boys at Welsh children's home'...
but BBC sparks new fury by failing to NAME 'shadowy' politician

• Alleged abuse victim Steven Messham told Newsnight he was raped more than a dozen times
• Editor of the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Iain Overton, had claimed on Twitter that Newsnight would name him
• The tweet prompted furious speculation online about the identity of the alleged paedophile, who is still alive
• But Newsnight said there was 'not enough evidence' to reveal the identity of the man it has accused

By Martin Robinson and Leon Watson PUBLISHED: 12:35, 2 November 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z2B8ANOF9H
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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Late screen legend Leonard Rossiter accused of performing a sex act as three BBC staff tried to rape 18-year-old TV extra

• Man claims Rising Damp star, who died in 1984, watched attack on him
• He said attempted rape happened at BBC Television Centre in west London
• Alleged victim brands BBC a 'cesspit of depravity' as he recalled assault
• It is the latest scandal to hit the Corporation following the mountain of claims made about Sir Jimmy Savile

By Leon Watson PUBLISHED: 01:51, 3 November 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z2B89wS5d9
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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

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William Hague – wasn’t he accused of batting for the other side? :arrow: Dracula custodian of the Blood Bank
Call for new investigation into north Wales abuse scandal
A man who was sexually abused as a child in care in Wales has called for a new investigation into the true scale of the abuse and who was involved.
Steve Meesham was one of hundreds of children abused in the 1970s and 80s - exploitation brought to light by the Waterhouse Inquiry Report in 2000.
But he told BBC Newsnight the inquiry uncovered just a fraction of the abuse.
He and another victim also told the BBC a leading Thatcher-era Conservative politician took part in the abuse.
Since the Jimmy Savile sex abuse allegations surfaced, politicians have been raising questions about other historic abuse cases.
During the 1970s and 1980s almost 40 children's homes in north Wales were the scene of horrific child abuse in which youngsters were raped and abused by the very people who were paid to look after them.
In the early 1990s, allegations of the abuse started to surface and in March 1994 Clwyd County Council commissioned an independent inquiry into claims of widespread abuse across north Wales.
Professor Jane Tunstill, who was on that inquiry panel told the BBC in 2000 that along with a "litany of abusive practices going on in the home on the part of the care staff" there were rumours that people outside the care system were also involved in the abuse.
'Shadowy figure'
However, the inquiry's report was never published and the copies were pulped to ensure that the local authority was able to maintain its insurance cover.
In the wake of this, and amid growing public pressure, in 1996 the-then Secretary of State for Wales, William Hague, ordered an inquiry into allegations of hundreds of cases of child abuse in care homes in former county council areas of Clwyd and Gwynedd between 1974 and 1990.
The tribunal, led by Sir Ronald Waterhouse, heard evidence from more than 650 people who had been in care from 1974 and took almost three years to publish its report.
Counsel for the inquiry mentioned the existence of a shadowy figure of high public standing, but said that there was no substantial evidence to support the allegations.
An investigation by BBC reporter Angus Stickler at the time of the report's publication revealed allegations of a much wider circle of abuse than that uncovered by the inquiry.
He uncovered allegations of widespread physical and sexual abuse of children not just by care system staff, but that children were being lent to paedophiles from all walks of life including businessmen, police, and a senior public figure in a paedophile ring stretching beyond the borders of north Wales, to Chester, London, Brighton and beyond.
One of the victims that Angus Stickler spoke to in 2000 was Mr Meesham, who described some of the abuse he suffered. Now, reporting for BBC Newsnight and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, he has re-interviewed Mr Meesham.
"In the home it was the standard abuse which was violent and sexual. Outside it was like you were sold, we were taken to the Crest Hotel in Wrexham, mainly on Sunday nights, where they would rent rooms," Mr Meesham recalled in this latest interview.
"One particular night that I always recall is when I was basically raped, tied down, and abused by nine different men."
He also stood by his claims then that his abusers included a leading Tory politician of the Thatcher era.
"You were taken by car, where basically you were sexually abused. Various things would happen, drink would be involved, it was basically rape. But it wasn't just him, there be other people involved as well," he said.
When asked how many times he was abused by the politician Mr Meesham said:
"Off my head I couldn't give an exact number as it goes back many years but certainly more than a dozen."
Faxed photograph
In his new interview, Mr Meesham also said that he had gone to the police in the late 1970s to report the abuse, but that he was not believed:
"I was called a liar. I was pinned up against a wall. I could still name to this day the police officer who had done it," he said.
"The police denied it and when they looked back, they finally admitted in the inquiry [that] statements were made. That's all they would say. They wouldn't say who was named in them. But they did admit I did make a statement of sexual abuse."
Mr Meesham also insisted that his statements to the police included allegations of sexual abuse against the politician.
In his original investigation Angus Stickler also spoke to another victim who claimed to have been abused by the politician, as well as others.
Newsnight/the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has been unable to track him down for this latest report. However, in 2000 he described how as a teenager he was abused by the politician:
"We went out for something to eat and he pulled over in a layby and then, hey presto, oral sex took place," the man - who wanted to remain anonymous - said.
He told Angus Stickler that at the time, in the early 1990s, he went to North Wales Police to report the abuse, showing them faxed photographs of the senior Tory politician.
However, he said that the two police officers he showed the photograph to dismissed his claims, saying that since the pictures were faxed they were not sufficiently reliable evidence and no further action was taken.
The Waterhouse inquiry, which cost £12m to stage, promised to leave no stone unturned in its endeavour to uncover abuse.
However, there have been complaints that the terms of reference were too narrow, restricting investigations to abuse taking place within the care system, not beyond it.
"I don't understand why on Earth we had an inquiry when we had to leave out 30% of the abusers," Mr Meesham said in his latest interview.
"And basically I was told to do that. I was told I couldn't go into detail about these people, I couldn't name them and they wouldn't question me on them."
Mr Meesham says he wants a new investigation into what happened:
"I would like a meeting now with David Cameron. He's made a statement, a sweeping statement that abused people need to be believed, we haven't been believed, we've been swept under the carpet.
"It's time he knew the truth. It's time a full investigation took place and until I can meet with him and get some reassurance I don't believe we will get anywhere."
Richard Scorer, a solicitor with Panone and Partners, who represented 30 victims at the Waterhouse inquiry, believes the original remit of the inquiry and attitudes at the time were at the heart of the problem:
"The terms of reference were an important restriction. It's also fair to say at that time, and we're going back to the mid to late 1990s here, at that time the idea that senior public figures; politicians; celebrities could be involved in child abuse was seen as a bit far-fetched," he told Newsnight/the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.
"We now know of course from recent revelations that it isn't far-fetched at all - and that's part of the reason why it's important that these allegations are looked at again," he added.

Anyone with information into these allegations - or who needs support on the issues raised in this article - can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk, or call their local police station by dialling 101.

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

Did Jim Fix It For YOU :arrow: Cover up :?:
David Cameron announces inquiries into 'dreadful' Tory child abuse claims
David Cameron has ordered an investigation that threatens to expose a senior Tory politician as a member of a child sex ring in North Wales.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politic ... laims.html
Meanwhile what is alleged to have been known in 1997
October 15th, 1997


Policemen, social workers and prominent public figures have been accused of belonging to a paedophile ring which indulged in a relentless campaign of physical and sexual abuse in children's homes in North Wales.

The names of the alleged members of the ring have been given by witnesses in public sessions of the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal, but they have been suppressed by the tribunal's chairman, Sir Ronald Waterhouse QC, who has threatened the media with High Court proceedings if they print them.

The Guardian today publishes for the first time detailed evidence about the alleged ring, which is said to have been based in Wrexham, and to have infiltrated local children's homes over a 20 year period.

Witnesses claim that members of the ring used their connections with police and social services to conceal their activities. All of the accused have denied the allegations.

Those named to the tribunal include:

A man who bears the same surname as a prominent Conservative supporter. Two witnesses have told the tribunal of a rich and powerful man who belonged to the alleged ring.

The son of an influential peer who admitted to police that he had been having sex with an under-age boy from one of the homes. Despite his admission, he was never prosecuted.

A powerful public official who has previously been cleared of abuse. Six witnesses have given separate accounts to the tribunal of his alleged rape of young boys. Another has reported him attending parties in Wrexham which were supplied with boys from a children's home.

Two social workers and two police officers, one of whom was accused of abuse on four separate occasions and exonerated each time, another of whom has since been jailed in another part of the country for gross indecency with a child.

More than a dozen other local men, including an executive with a local authority, a senior probation officer and a director of a major company.

All those named as members of the alleged ring have denied the charges, either in evidence to the tribunal or through their lawyers.

When the tribunal was established last year, it had been assumed that the press could report its proceedings, using the laws of privilege which allow them to name names from court cases and public hearings without fear of libel actions.

However, Sir Ronald then ruled that the media could not report the name of any living person who was accused or likely to be accused of abusing children in the North Wales homes unless they had previously been convicted of such an offence.

Since then he has extended his ruling twice: he has granted anonymity to one man who died 16 years ago and to another who has twice been convicted of sexually assaulting boys from a North Wales home.

Sir Ronald has argued that his ruling will encourage alleged paedophiles to come froward and give honest evidence without fear of retribution. Critics say this is unnecessary, since he has the power to compel witnesses to attend, and that those who have come forward have done so to deny the allegations and not to make a clean breast of their alleged offences.

One lawyer who has been involved with the tribunal said he feared that the anonymity ruling was actively discouraging witnesses. "Newspaper readers may well have information of potential value to this tribunal. They may themselves have been the victims of abuse, or they may have worked with the alleged abusers. But if the press is not allowed to inform them of the names of those against whom allegations are made, they will not learn that their information is important. So they will not come forward."

The tribunal was ordered by the last Conservative Secretary of State for Wales, William Hague, after Clwyd county council decided not to publish the report of an independent inquiry into allegations of abuse in its children's homes. The tribunal, which has been hearing witnesses for eight months, is expected to continue to take evidence until January.

Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail, some years ago.

The magazine alleged that one of the men referred to is Lord McAlpine, at the time of the offences treasurer of the governing Conservative Party. Another regular participant in the activities at Bryn Clwyd was alleged by Scallywag to be Derek Laud, for years a leading mover and shaker in successive Conservative administrations.

Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of the boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher although never an MP, indeed he was pictured waving down to the crowds below from an upstairs window of 10 Downing Street as the Conservatives celebrated their 1987 election victory.

The former children connected with this empire of evil who died in mysterious circumstances may have been murdered by the British security services, the price of their silence their lives. Scallywag alleged that MI5 used to take foreign diplomats etc to the North Wales homes, give them boys to "play" with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.

From the Scallywag website:

Derek Laud, now standing for parliament, (against Bernie Grant in North London) ran a Pimlico PR agency called Ludgate Communications for a number of years which supplied young boys for selected parliamentarians from children's homes now being investigated in North Wales. He sometimes did this in cahoots with Ian Greer Associates which has since been scandalised because of the Neil Hamilton Affair and payment for questions on behalf of Al Fayed.

Ludgate Communications was at the very hub of our investigation into the "boys for questions" allegations. At his Pimlico flat, and selected addresses in Dolphin Square nearby, Laud threw paedophile parties and we have one sworn affidavit from a former boy (presently giving evidence in Wales) who claims he was seriously molested (among many others) by Lord McAlpine who was at the time the Tory party's clandestine fund raiser. It was alleged by this boy and others that Messrs Portillo and Lilley were also guests of Derek Laud. We are assured that this particular volcano is about to erupt, both in North Wales and elsewhere. Michael Portillo has always publicly disassociated himself from Derek Laud, yet here we find him not only acquainted but seemingly in the inner sanctum of private friends.
Posted by Jack at 23:30 No comments:
Over the last few years I have come across many stories about the paedophile activities of Lord Alistair McAlpine of the famous UK construction and road building family. I mention this in The Biggest Secret, and I am not the only one to indentify him far from it.

The British investigative magazine, Scallywag, has accused him several times of being involved in a paedophile ring (including his part in the child abuse scandal in North Wales) and also of masterminding the huge, multi-million pound money laundering operation behind the Tory party during the Thatcher years when he was her party treasurer.

Lord McAlpine is also active in Australia and further afield than just the United Kingdom.

I spoke to a member of a private investigative team working on the North Wales abuse story four years ago who said they had established that Lord McAlpine, a notorious paedophile to insiders, had been involved. They had spoken to some of those abused and they had named McAlpine.

An anonymous correspondent to a website also posted these allegations about McAlpine in October 1999 while the Waterhouse Inquiry into the North Wales abuse was still going on. Obviously I have no way of confirming the details at this time, except to say that it fits my own research very closely:

The above piece was written by David Icke.


(Former right hand man to M. Thatcher)

"This perverted, sick, twisted, SOB has been named time and time again in North Wales inquiries into child abuse, yet he still enjoys total freedom to abuse and kill young children (yes, that's right, kill children).

His sordid past is so depraved it beggars belief. There is a video tape hidden at the moment which shows him with two other child sexual abusers, torturing and raping young boys. The film was made in Wales. A very well known investigative programme was loaned a copy in order that the story could be revealed and the children could finally get some justice and some peace. What a pity the company decided not to run the story, even though one of the women who watched it admitted to having to leave the room to be sick after only a couple of minutes.

There is a lot more to the abuse side of this case, but as I am still investigating this I cannot reveal anymore at this time. However, I would like to know what happened to almost 20 million pounds of Conservative Party funds which I understand are still in an offshore account controlled by him and former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. I would also like to ask the former Prime Minister why she stood up for McAlpine when information was passed to her by the security services in relation to McAlpine, and it was only after a large amount of pressure was put on her that she removed him from his post before information leaked out.

For all that she may have been the best Prime Minister this country has had for a very long time, she has let every child in this country down so badly for the sake of the party and that she can never be forgiven.
Posted by Jack at 23:15 No comments:
Lord McAlpine

Former treasurer of the Conservative party.

He is known to the police in the UK and abroad, for sexually abusing young boys, including using a coffin to put the boy in, then simulates burying him by sprinkling gravel on the top of the coffin. The child is screaming with terror and will do whatever he is told due to being so scared of being put in the coffin again. This person is alleged to have murdered at least 2 boys and buried their bodies on his estate. This information from a police officer who was involved in investigating McAlpine, and he is certain that he has committed murder several times, but he is too well protected to get him.


It was recently revealed by Leo Abse - Cardiff lawyer, former long-time member of parliament, and often laughable "psychoanalyst of politicians" - that former House of Commons Speaker George Thomas was secretly gay. In itself this would be of little or no interest, but the information is not offered "in itself". Abse describes how he helped Thomas out of a few scrapes, apparently in battles against "blackmailers". He describes three sets of events that are especially interesting.The first is when he used his connections among Cardiff police officers and gangsters to threaten one young male with whom Thomas had dealt. Abse boasts of how he threatened that if the young male did not shut up, he would make sure that he would get him jailed for 10 years.The second is another young male, who Abse says he paid off in the sum of 800 pounds on Thomas's behalf, apparently so that the young male could emigrate to Australia. Abse says he doesn't know what happened to him.The third is the way in which Abse played a role in diverting attention from Thomas's role in the Jeremy Thorpe affair.

Jeremy Thorpe was a leader of the Liberal Party who used to pick up young males wherever he could, including many minors. The case of one of the minors with whom he dealt was in danger of blowing up into a British Watergate, and several journalists were investigating Thomas's role in covering up for Thorpe when he was a junior minister at the Home Office. Many journalists knew that the scandal was potentially much bigger than just a case of a gay party leader. Thorpe was later arrested and charged with arranging and paying for the murder of Norman Scott, a man with whom he had been associated and who was making some of the public revelations. Thorpe, himself a lawyer, was as guilty as hell, but managed to be found not guilty. Fortunately for Scott the operation was spooked and Scott was not murdered. With regard to the minor (who was not Norman Scott), Abse advised Thomas to put his brigadier secretary onto the case. Thomas's brigadier managed to mislead the journalists.

There are also connections through Cardiff and the Welsh 'State mafia' (including senior officials in the Wales-based quangos which tend to be run by a very small number of families, as well as their associates in London-based ministries) with the massive cover-up which has veiled the children's homes scandal in Wales. This too involved not only the long-term and organised sexual abuse of children, including by powerful figures such as Conservative industrialist Lord McAlpine, but also a number of murders. Some of the murders took place after the children had reached the age of majority and left the homes. Word got around who the diminutive upper-class abuser was who used to do the rounds of the homes, raping children, and then getting driven off in a chauffeur-driven limousine to his hotel. Across Wales and in places with large Welsh populations such as Bristol and Liverpool, the milieus of people who were once in children's homes, many of whom live extremely disadvantaged lives and have been in and out of homelessness and prison, the crimes of Lord McAlpine are well-known. It is also well-known that not only have many of his victims died since they left the homes in "suspicious circumstances", but also that several died in suspicious circumstances when they were in the homes. The latter were taken away around the time of Lord McAlpine's visits and never seen again.
Posted by Jack at 23:00 No comments:
Michael Colvin

Colvin was associated closely with several other Conservative 'people' on the right wing of the party including Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.

Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud (wikipedia/Derek Laud) (Cash for Knighthoods aka Cash for Rentboys).

Both Greer and Laud have links with South Africa - Greer now lives there and Laud is a frequent visitor.

In view of their links with Parliamentary corruption in the UK and extreme levels of alleged corruption in the 'new' South African multi-racial Government, it seems possible that both Greer and Laud may find the culture of South Africa politically highly amenable.

It is probably only a coincidence, but during a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in an area of the UK called Clwyd, both laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIP's including, allegedly, members of the UK Government.

During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse. Many people believe the fire was deliberately set. With the five young people from Clwyd who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived. She also was killed in the fire.

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home. He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.

There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, and of course Colvin lived in Hampshire, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems as in Clwyd to VIP's. The VIP's are said to have included top people in the law, commerce, and politics - across the party spectrum - at specially organised parties and other gatherings sometime on a one to one basis and sometimes at hotels where staff allegedly colluded with the exploitation of youngsters. The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned, although in the Hove instance it maybe that staff at the hotel colluded with the supply of youngsters and that 'meetings' took place elsewhere.

It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring, and ultimately to Laud and Lewis and their associates, who then, it has been alleged, introduce the boys to 'interested' VIP's.

Within the list of alleged collaborators in counties along the south coast with the supply of teenage boys for exploitation is a Social Services Director in one LA., an Assistant Director of Children's Social Services in another, chief executives in two others, several social workers and also a number of child protection workers. As well as a number of Councillors, including former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis who was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

In the 1990's Derek Laud had an address at East Cottage, Needs Ore Point (shown on electoral records). That is on the Estate of Lord Monatgue of Beuleigh who those of 'a certain age' will remember was convicted of molesting a boy scout back in the 1960's.

Colvin was associated with most of these people in one way or another.

Recent revelations involve the corruption of evidence by senior council officials in North Wales with regard to information supplied to the Waterhouse inquiry into allegations of VIP child abuse in Clwyd. It has been revealed that although in the inquiry allegations made by a number of young people were discredited because they had made allegations against social workers who records showed had not been employed where they said during the time they were in care in those homes, in fact, if allegations are true, a secretary in North Wales Council had been instructed to alter the official records of dates and where and when specific youngsters were in care. (Angus Stickler, BBC, gained some evidence about this). It was not therefore the youngsters who were lying, but the officials. More significantly, these tricks were played mainly on youngsters who had made allegations against care workers and against VIP's. With the allegations against the care workers discredited, obviously the allegations against VIP's fell by the wayside.

There have also been allegations that this high level paedophile 'ring' has placed its own people into positions of statutory power over children in care, and investigation suggests these allegations may have substance.

The involvement of Derek Laud, who was educated in the remedial stream at a South London comprehensive school where it has been alleged he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults even while still at school, is significant. The psychopathic behaviour of Laud and Lewis that has caused significant comment from time to time may be far more dangerous than just eccentric.

It is worthy of note that people around Derek Laud who challenge him appear to suffer significant harm - or to die - with unusual frequency. Michael Colvin was an associate. Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis. The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in a fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care.

Colvin therefore, despite a fairly mundane Tory image, was aligned with some allegedly very nasty people indeed.

As a final comment, in the 1980's and 1990's, and some say currently, it appears that lobbyists such as Greer and Laud were supplying teenage boys to MP's and others in politics specifically with the aim of exerting political influence.

Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis, and all were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests. It has also been alleged that Portillo frequently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud. Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.

Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail.

All in all, Michael Colvin chose some odd and dangerous friends. Given the number of people linked with this group who have died or suffered harm in odd circumstances, some going back more than 20 years, perhaps Colvin's premature and dramatic demise should be considered as almost predictable. Those who mess with psychopaths should expect the unexpected. Or premature encounters with the inevitable."

Cause of fire that killed MP still a mystery
Posted by Jack at 22:45 No comments:
June 6, 1996, The Guardian, 'True scandal of the child abusers'.

From East Belfast's Kincora Boys' Home, via Leicestershire, Staffordshire and London, to the children's homes of Clwyd, we have witnessed 25 years of cover-up. Cover-up, not to protect the innocent but to protect the regularly named elements of the British establishment who surface whenever widespread evidence of child abuse is exposed.

From the public schools right through to the Catholic and Anglican churches, child abuse has been allowed a special place of sanctuary... Social workers, police, security services, local and national political figures remain the common factors in the fall-out from the [child abuse] inquiries...

In case after case the cycle is described - a child is 'taken into care', then abused in a home, handed on to an outside paedophile ring and out on to the rent-boy/prostitution circuit beyond, if they live that long... Journalists find themselves battling first with authority, then with the libel laws, to publish the truth about a vast web of abuse.


"The Times" - 31 October 1999: - from John Harlow, Social Affairs Editor - additional reporting Zoe Brennan and Simon Trump :-

"Paedophile inquiry ... Several public figures ... in a paedophile ring, including leading politicians, aristocrats and senior policemen" and - "Such is the sensitivity of the document that the only copy is due to be placed in a strong room at the Cabinet Office"


Jill Dando

Some people think that there could also be a connection between Jill Dando's murder and the care home scandals.

[GO "View" -"Page Source" for the clue in the 'HTML source code']

Posted by Jack at 22:30 No comments:
Stephen Milligan

It was alleged at the time by Scallywag magazine that Stephen Milligan was originally approached by the security services to attempt to dissuade a well-known footballer coming towards the end of his career from continuing to hawk his story of gay sex sessions with two then serving cabinet ministers around Fleet Street. Milligan was a well respected MP and part time journalist. Milligan allegedly approached the footballer who was not prepared to drop his attempts to sell the story. Milligan allegedly reported back to the security services who informed Milligan that unless the footballer did keep matters quiet he would be eliminated. Apparently there was more to the story than simply the gay sex aspect, the introduction of the footballer to the cabinet ministers was allegedly arranged by a third party who had very close links with an extremely powerful paedophile ring. The implication was that the cabinet ministers may also have been involved with the paedophile ring although this was not confirmed in the Scallywag report, however it was very clearly hinted at. It was allegedly decided by the security services that the potential damage to the British Constitution if the story got out was so great that it would not only bring down the government but could also destablise the entire concept of parliamentary democracy. The cabinet ministers involved were very high profile indeed and the alleged paedophile link, if revealed, would have had a catastrophic effect on not only public confidence in domestic government but would have had repercussions on the image of Britain right around the world. When Milligan realised that the threat to murder the footballer was in fact serious, he allegedly panicked. He had not realised that he was being dragged into something with such serious implications and, being an extremely moral and decent man, it wasn't something he was prepared to be involved with or to go along with. He allegedly made one more unsuccessful attempt to convince the footballer to back down, even warning the footballer that his life was in danger. The footballer didn't believe that this sort of thing could go on in modern day Britain and continued to attempt to sell the story, which no editor to that date had been brave enough to publish. Milligan was allegedly informed by the security services that, his efforts at dissuasion having failed, the footballer would be killed with his death being made to look like an accident. Milligan then allegedly threatened the security services that if anything happened, he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times. Shortly afterwards Stephen Milligan died, having apparently hanged himself and being found with a satsuma in his mouth. He had no previous history of kinky or unusual sexual practices whatsoever and, despite their utmost efforts to do so, the national press were unable to find any evidence whatsoever that he had anything other than an extremely conventional sex life. Indeed, it was generally reported that sex and sexuality appeared not to have played a significant part in his life at all. The footballer was allegedly approached directly after Milligan's death by the security services and, now realising that they had been prepared to kill a sitting MP to keep the story quiet, realised for the first time that his life was in danger. He allegedly accepted a sum of money in return for his silence.

Perceptions: Law or justice?

Senior criminal perverts recently caught in Britain were a paedophile English High Court judge, paedophile senior English diplomat, paedophile prison governor and paedophile elite school chaplain. The first two were caught by junior policemen and junior customs officers, in trawl operations out of reach of control by senior officers. The paedophile High Court judge walked out of court unpunished. - not even held in custody. His crimes were dismissed - by a fellow High Court judge. We speculate that the creation of the CPS has since protected elite paedophiles from prosecution. [Crown Prosecution Service staffed by LAWYERS, to oversee and limit police prosecutions]

Do we now see the elite - acting through senior judges - moving to shackle Customs officers - to protect VIP criminal perverts?

9 June 2000 - English judges demand that Customs officers be prevented from prosecuting paedophiles! "Perceptions" speculates that if the prosecution decision is left to CPS ( Crown Prosecution Service) ie. LAWYERS) - then paedophile diplomats and judges will be completely safe again. [The lawyers' in the CPS do not encourage the prosecution of judges - not even child-molesting judges]

From "The Independent" legal section - 9 June 2000 :- QUOTE "Yesterday the Attorney General, Lord Williams of Mostyn, ordered a review of the role of Customs and Excise." UNQUOTE

'Customs' Note :- OUTCOMES SHOW PAEDOPHILES ARE COMMON IN AUTHORITY ELITES: JUDGES, SENIOR LAWYERS, CHURCHMEN, STATE-SECURITY, POLITICIANS, POLICE & MAGISTRATES the only likely success in catching paedophiles is by way of international liaison & Customs operations. We believe this explains the ongoing conspiracy in legal, political and (some) media circles to discredit HM Customs and to deprive them of powers of investigation & prosecution.

UPDATE 2001/2 - several high profile trials on charges brought by HM Customs have mysteriously "collapsed" in court - thereby allowing judges to give Customs officers a bad name in Government circles (although probably the bad decisions were made by lawyers then blamed on Customs officers). [Government and parliament is heavily polluted with barristers and other legal types who, as a group are likely to share the predilections of certain judges]

" Perceptions" 'CPS' note :- Analysis of CPS outcomes show they choose to limit their sex-prosecutions to "disturbed" working-class offenders damaged by paedophile abuse by "authority": protected VIPs. Majority of possible prosecutions against primary offenders - elite paedophiles - are suppressed by CPS. Conclusion:- virulent & powerful paedophile organization is protected & kept alive in Britain by corruption at senior level within Home Office, judiciary & CPS.
Posted by Jack at 22:15 No comments:

A Webmaster's comments with regards to a case in Australia.

Again we, the human population of the Earth discover that someone who we have charged with the responsibility of caring for the welfare of our society and its members is a cohort of evil. Don't tell me that the right horrible Peter Liddy during his 25 years on the bench has never sat in judgement over defendants who knew perfectly well what Peter Liddy was and is. There should be an urgent review of all of the cases Liddy was involved with. There should also be an investigation into the other magistrates who sided with him in any cases involving paedophiles or in instances where the judgements were in any way suspicious. This in no way infers that all of the other magistrates are corrupt but the possibility exists that some are. Liddy's severe, but justified sentence suggests to me that he may have kept his mouth shut. He would inevitably know other paedophiles. Who are they? How many are there? Every effort must be made to locate them and remove them from society. When psychlogist, Dr Michele Elliott interviewed convicted paedophiles for a 1995 study she discovered that almost 25% of them admitted to abusing between 10 and 40 victims. Who else's innocence has the revolting Liddy's corrupt and beastly behaviour destroyed? What other monsters stalk our precious children, protected by these 'old boys' networks that have infiltrated so deeply into the legal system? Time and again victims report the names of prominent persons yet these perpetrators are still free. Many frequently appear on television programmes and in newspapers haunting their victims and thereby emphasising their sense of futility should they dare to seek protection or legal justice. Among them there is Lord McAlpine who was 'advised' to leave Western Australia and Arthur C Clarke who even though he admitted to his perverted passions was still knighted. It seems that there are so many 'sworded' paedophiles that perhaps we should consider replacing their titles with a separate dis-honour just for them, Shites of the kinder-Garter-n. At least then people would see these viperous chameleons' true colours.

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Re: Did Jim "fix it for you"?

Post by BoroBot »

Twitter claims identify politician in North Wales child abuse case
A Tory politician facing historic accusations of child abuse has been widely identified on the internet
despite having his name excluded from a BBC expose which brought the case to light.
One current public figure was among those posting messages mentioning him
and another identifying the man was reposted by other users more than 100 times.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/t ... -case.html
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