Middlesbrough: latest vision

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Middlesbrough: latest vision

Post by BoroBot »

the new vision for Middlesbrough is:
The Prime Minister did promise that he would “not be breaking my manifesto pledge”, which was to oppose the building of a third runway – during this Parliament, anyway. You can bet he’s got all his top ideas people working on a clever way round this.
“Prime Minister, I’ve got it! We build a third runway for Heathrow – but not actually at Heathrow. Instead we build it in, I don’t know, Barnsley or Middlesbrough or some other northern type place where Conservative voters don’t live.”
Today 05:09 PM
Sounds like a bit of banter in a gay bar.
Not that I've ever been in one.
I don't know whether I prefer it when these characters are swanning around the world on their holidays or when they are back pretending to work.
Much more dangerous for us when they're back in town.
As for Middlesbrough and the third runway.
The local council have demolished so much of the town in their search for, well, can't say what or how much they're looking for, that there is room for half a dozen runways.
And it's all flat land, just needs a few tons of tarmac and if you've ever seen the Boys from The Black Stuff you'll know that there are plenty of broths of lads encamped around here to do that job for a knockdown price, cash of course.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politic ... offee.html
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