Middlesbrough: things can only get better?

Assassinate the Mayor? It’s those internet ‘obsessives’ again! July 22, 2012 by rocklifferover
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Middlesbrough: things can only get better?

Post by BoroBot »

Fascinate Ray Mallon - spoof - news or obsessives?
In Cleveland there is a case of a policeman blowing the whistle on a senior officer who cheated to avoid a penalty for speeding. Things could be changing. Against that we have to say that Sir John Hoddenott who was orchestrating the changes which were likely to lead to the dissolution of the Police Complaints Authority and similar counterproductive organisations died in suspicious circumstances in a hotel room in Middlesborough which is in the Cleveland Police area. Sir John was investigating serious corruption in the Cleveland police and costly investigations, which had preceded his visit.
The former Chief Constable of Hampshire Police Sir John Hoddinott was discovered dead in a hotel room by a colleague today.
The retired officer was appointed in May to investigate Operation Lancet, a £7 million inquiry into alleged wrong-doing by Cleveland police officers.
A Cleveland police spokesman said that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding Sir John's death, which happened in a Middlesbrough hotel.
Sir John was chief constable of Hampshire constabulary for 11 years from September 1988, retiring in September 1999.
A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said he was a third generation Hampshire police officer as his father and grandfather both served in the force.
The Chief Constable of Hampshire Paul Kernaghan said: "Sir John's death has come as a shock to me personally and to everyone associated with Hampshire Constabulary.
"Sir John was above all a husband and father but he was also an outstanding police officer. It would be fair comment to describe him as a giant professionally.
"As Chief Constable of Hampshire and president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, Sir John scaled all the professional heights and was recognised as the outstanding officer of his time.
"He retired in 1999 but continued his commitment to public service both as a Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire and as a senior member of various government reviews.
"It says much for the man and his values that even whilst in retirement he was still ready and able to undertake work on behalf of the community.
"He will be missed. My thoughts and those of the entire force are with Lady Hoddinott and his girls."
A pupil of Barton Peveril Grammar School, Eastleigh, Hants, Sir John joined the Metropolitan Police as a cadet in 1969.
In 1981 he was appointed officer in charge of the CID at West End Central, and in June that year he became assistant chief constable (operations) with Surrey police.
He became deputy chief constable in Hampshire in September 1983.
He was president of the Association of Chief Police Officers in 1994-5.
Sir John lived at Otterbourne, near Winchester, with his wife Avril. They had two daughters.
Sir John, 56, was in Middlesbrough to hold preliminary meetings and arrived late last night at the Thistle Hotel.
When he failed to attend breakfast, his colleague, former head of Hampshire CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Keith Ackerman, went to his room and found the officer dead in bed.
Cleveland Police Chief Constable Barry Shaw, said today: "Sir John was a highly regarded chief police officer who had a distinguished and outstanding police career.
"He will be sadly missed within the police service.
"Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his widow and two daughters."
Former Home Secretary Jack Straw ordered an enquiry into Operation Lancet, one of Britain's longest and most expensive police investigations which examined allegations against members of Middlesbrough CID and it's chief, Detective Superintendent Ray Mallon.
Last year the Crown Prosecution Service decided there were no criminal charges to answer, but Mr Mallon was to face disciplinary charges. He tended his resignation to the force on Friday. Chairman of Cleveland Police Authority, Councillor Ken Walker, expressed his shock and offered his sympathy to Mr Hoddinott's family.
He said: "We shall clearly have to have urgent discussions with the Home Office about the future of the review, but obviously at this stage our thoughts are with the family."
Mr Walker said Sir John's review of Lancet was to be used as a case study by the Home Office to shape government proposals for a new police complaints system.

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