Lies & propaganda set fire to a town

It is good to see that the people of Middlesbrough and this country are beginning to wake up. Lies and propaganda in order to perpetuate its existence, along with its juicy expenses, salaries and benefits (trips around the globe for conferences, anyone). ?
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Lies & propaganda set fire to a town

Post by BoroBot »

whilst on the subject of lies and propaganda:- another back to basics post from RockCliffeRover

Ray Mallon and the gang’s combustible flammable illuminations and fireworks which flared up in the town hall recently appears to have back-fired achieving only to light a back-flash of torch carrying enthusiasm causing greater controversy and shell shock over the abilities of the leadership of Middlesbrough to quench the flames of dissent. Surely the town hall alarm bells should be ringing out loud and clear by now.

The recent star shell outbursts in Middlesbrough Town Hall are thought to be the preamble of
Cllr Barry Coppinger’s Cleveland Police Commissioner election campaign.

In the words of Victor Meldrew – I don’t believe it – I just don’t bloody believe it -- In Middlesbrough it seems anything is possible
Shhhh!! We’re not supposed to criticise or question them!!
June 23, 2012 by rocklifferover
Cllr Steve Bloundelle, as chairman of Middlesbrough Council, spoke out against the ‘internet bloggers, the critics, the letter-writers to the Gazette, who he claims fuel the flames (pardon the pun) of the arsonist that torched the vehicles of two Labour councillors. In a blatant attack on the freedom of speech and on democracy, he insisted that the full force of the ‘Law’ should be brought down on such people (me, for instance!)
First of all, cllr Bloundelle, as chair of the council, is supposed to remain impartial at all times. Clearly he didn’t. Clearly, he isn’t. Therefore, cllr Bloundelle is no longer fit to serve as the Chairman of Middlesbrough Council. The fundamental, prime requisite for this role is impartiality and cllr Bloundelle has now spoken out against the opponents of the council. He can no longer be relied upon to show impartiality when chairing meetings, therefore it is impossible to assume that any debate chaired by him would be conducted in a fair and democratic manner. He should stand down from the role forthwith.
Moving on, his insistence that those who speak out against the actions and motives of both the council and its members are already starting to bear fruit.
Here’s a brand new forum / blog site set up to discuss the appointment of the new Cleveland Police Commissioner.
If anyone has any other links to forums and blogs that they’d like to see publicised here, send them as a ‘comment’ at the bottom of this post and I’ll be more than happy to oil the wheels of democratic debate and let everyone know about them.
While we’re on the subject of blogs that cllr Bloundelle would rather see shut down, I wonder if his impartiality would stretch to calling for this blog to be closed down! After all, if the article reproduced below isn’t an incitement to attack democracy, I dont know what is!
From the South Middlesbrough Labour Party blog:
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Now is the time to cause the real panic.
After Cams calamity last week the fuel for some ran dry- proof enough that Cam isn’t nor ever will be a son of Thatcher. Thatcher would never be so weak as to inform the public that 2000 hard working drivers could shut down the country.
Cams bunch of tied together misfits are weak, a coalition of power hungry desperados, but with a problem, none of the true members of their respective parties are behind their leaders.
Hard working people can grasp the horn and kill off this calamity of greed, by following the path that “Call me Dave” already told joe public what was going to happen.
A strike by not only the tanker drivers, but all professional drivers, for recognition that professional drivers have now become the slaves of capitalism without terms and conditions that befit a job that kills more of us every year than any other occupation.
A general transport strike that would include all large goods vehicles, buses, taxis and even white van drivers would do the whole country a favour. The Tories and Libs would be fighting to the death resulting in a vote of no confidence and either a minority Labour government or a coalition with a new leader of the Lib-dems in less than a month.
Unlike the current pain but no gain, this would be pain with gain.
Posted by Thelodger at 10:47 PM.
But, I suppose attacking democracy is OK, as long as it’s a democracy governed by your opponents.
I dont want to see the South Middlesbrough Labour Party blog closed down. I’m happy for people to express their opinions and for others to listen, hear and debate them. Unlike our increasingly soviet-style council, who believe that detractors should be silenced, while their own propaganda machine marches on. ... tion-them/
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Re: Lies & propaganda set fire to a town

Post by BoroBot »

2:20 PM on 21/6/2012
and what's come of this? the gazette today reported that councillors have been granted added security measures. lmao, just like I suggested would happen. this is a farce... those cars were burnt out with the express intention of getting more security... just like I suggested... so who did they pay to burn those cars or did they burn them by their own hands?

3:50 PM on 16/6/2012
I see the gazette censor has been clicking on my posts again. Is it so wrong to wonder if a politician,or politicians, can commit insurance fraud with their car or cars? Is it so wrong to wonder if these cars are burnt out in a false flag sense as part of an agenda? I tell you what is wrong, denying freedom of speech and right to question authority. Thanks gazette, we know what side you're on.

12:20 PM on 15/6/2012
My friend stood an an Independant had her windows and her car damaged. I believe that Councillor Mctigue has had not only her car set fire to but her windows put in twice. The Council put up CCTV and then took it down again. Why? . Now three other Councillors. If Ray Mallon as he says knows who the criminals are then he should make sure that the relevant Police action is taken as it would seem to me that the same criminal element are to blame for these vicious attacks.

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