Inspector Clouseau of Middlesbrough

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Inspector Clouseau of Middlesbrough

Post by BoroBot »

what a Coppoutinger Cllr Coppinger left residents in Gresham in the lurch
shocked at the scale of opposition to MBC Executive demolition plan
Cop-out-inger Coppinger moved wards we wonder why?
Bordering on the criminally insane. Crooked Copp for Commissioner?
March 2, 2012 by rocklifferover ... missioner/
Middlesbrough councillor Barry Coppinger declares interest in commissioner role
by Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette Mar 2 2012
BARRY Coppinger has become the first person to publicly declare an interest in becoming Cleveland’s first police commissioner.
The Middlesbrough councillor has thrown his hat in the ring and announced he is seeking to be Labour’s candidate.
He will now go into an internal process which will ultimately select the party’s choice for the November 15 election.
The 56-year-old, who lives in Linthorpe, said he had decided to seek the nomination after much deliberation and discussion.
“I believe it is vital Labour has a credible, locally-based candidate with the experience and track record to, firstly, win the election campaign and then work with the chief constable and the force,” he said.
“(The candidate must also work with) local authorities, the rest of the criminal justice system, other partners and - above all - local people to ensure we build on the progress made in recent years in driving down crime and anti-social behaviour and making people feel safer on their streets and in their homes.”
Cleveland’s police commissioner will replace the existing Cleveland Police Authority (CPA) and will be handed control over running the force.
As well as having the power to hire and fire chief constables, the commissioner will take control of the force’s budget of around £124m.
The Pallister ward councillor was first elected 27 years ago and has served as a CPA member.
He is currently Middlesbrough’s Executive councillor for social care but has served as Executive member for community protection, chairman of a crime and disorder reduction partnership and chairman of the Cleveland Joint Emergency Planning Committee.
He has also been involved in developing projects including Community Justice, the roll-out of alley gates and Neighbourhood Policing community awards scheme.
He will base his campaign around five priorities:
:: Retaining and developing neighbourhood policing;
:: Delivering a better deal for victims and witnesses;
:: Diverting people from offending through rehabilitation;
Ensuring better links between agencies to make the best use of resources, and
Valuing those who deliver community safety services and encouraging good community and industrial relations.
The Conservative Party is currently in the process of compiling a list of potential candidates.
It is unlikely the Lib Dems will be submitting a candidate as they oppose the commissioner move.
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Re: Inspector Clouseau of Middlesbrough

Post by BoroBot »

Inspector Clouseau of Middlesbrough Cllr Coppoutinger expert in Social Care –

his own :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Enquiries should be made into Coppoutinger’s involvement with Care / Nursing Home ownership prior to and whilst serving "Executive Member for Social Care" - We think you’re in for a surprise - not :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Voice of the people condemn the notion of the motion put forward by Inspector Clouseau of Middlesbrough from the Evening Middlesbrough Council Labour Party News aka Evening Gazette the peoples (if you support Labour) news paper

12:17 PM on 2/3/2012
He could have and should have done all of this when he was on the Police Authority for so many years and claiming nigh on an extra £10,000 a year for his place.

12:28 PM on 2/3/2012
This is going to be a disaster. We dont need this role, but if it is to be imposed upon us the candidate must be a non political figure otherwise all we will get is political interference with the Police. We already have an element of that with the current Police Committee but the new role will bring total power over the Chief Constable{Whoever that is} Labour will take control of the Police. No political party should have that power.

12:40 PM on 2/3/2012
No political party representative should be allowed to be in this post, especially Liebour and councillors, these people have made enough money out of the tax payers in Middlesbrough, to have one of these leeches as a commisioner is immoral, they can only see the pound notes in their eyes, any candidates must be outside the political spectrum.

1:52 PM on 2/3/2012
Anybody who has previously served on the Cleveland police authority should not stand.
The Cleveland force needs a fresh set of eyes and ears to sort this mess out, not someone who until recently stood on the panel next to McLuckie.
The new commissionaire should not be a political candidate who's loyalty is with a certain party.
Dont all these council executives get too much money for their coffee meetings as it is?

2:13 PM on 2/3/2012
This post will be another money pit, the commissioner will be on at least 70 to 80 thousand a year. The post will no doubt create a deputy on 40 or 50 grand. If you think the Police Committee will cease to be, think again because the role requires a group of councillors from the four authorities to form a panel. Nothing will change but it will cost a whole lot more than the current crop of numpties. The only thing you can put your money on is that all the usual suspects will have their noses in the trough.

2:36 PM on 2/3/2012
This comment is hidden because you have chosen to ignore Terry1965.
It is the tory party creating these posts - not Labour - but if democratic elections are carried out then Labour members have as much right to stand as anyone else.

3:12 PM on 2/3/2012
Not a good idea ... As he was involved with Cleveland Police Authority when the serious fraud and corruption practices were discovered, this particular Labour councillor has NO qualifications and is unlikely to want to look after the best interests of the large majority of residents who vote for Conservatives, Lib-Dems or any other 'party' … HE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR SUCH A JOB AS POLICE COMMISSIONER in my opinion.

3:27 PM on 2/3/2012
So many jobs, so little time.
Is it his name that makes him so keen to tell the police how to do their jobs?
I assume the good mr coppinger will be giving his services for free.

3:56 PM on 2/3/2012
Heaven help us!!! This man said he would sort out fly tipping in alleys and made the front page of the gazette. Just a joke that was and now he wants to 'sort out' the police. Do we get a vote. Sorry but the wrong man for the job as I think we need someone who really cares about community!!

4:44 PM on 2/3/2012
If Labour put Coppinger forward as the Labour candidate for the role of commissioner what they are saying is you are our man. He will enforce all of Labours Policing Policies regardless of the views of the public. The Tory endorsed commissioner would do exactly the same. The role should be non pollitical. If Labour endorse Coppinger he will be the Police Commissioner because all the labour donkeys will vote for him because their Dads and Grandads and Great Grandads were Labour men. Look where thats got us in Middlesbrough. The role should not go to a Politician. There must be loads of potential candidates who have great credentials and qualifications from both the public and private sector.

4:44 PM on 2/3/2012
Lives in Linthorpe soon to buy a "Council House" in Wynyard. It does not matter which party are in government because the mindless morons who vote for this person are the ones to blame. Do the voters of Middlesbrough really realise how much of our hard earned money he is getting every week. I have worked since I was 15 years old and have never earned the money that he getting every week and for what. How many jobs does he want! He is useless and what did he do for £10k a year when he was on the Police Authority and how many hours a week did he "work" for that.

5:27 PM on 2/3/2012
Tery1965 - if one of your aims is to stop social injustice then answer me this? Is it just or unjust for so many labour cllrs who are in fact volunteers, to claim far more than many voters earn for a week's work? Is it fair that even their basic allowance is more that the state pension yet they see fot to claim 3 and 4 times that amount for a few hours work a week? Is it fair and just that the Labour cllr for Coulby works off-shore but claims £300 per week from us when he is not here?

6:30 PM on 2/3/2012
I think its appropriate in these austere times for the government to start creating public service jobs that are unpaid.
Then and only then will we see true commitment from
the candidates.....after all isn't that what the 'Big Society' is all about

7:28 PM on 2/3/2012
Let this position go to a political lakky, and Labour for example, in Middlesbrough will have this place stitched up and control not only MBC but the police too.
This position should be utterly non political, party members, councillors and etc should be automatically barred from standing.
Anyone standing should have no participation at any political level, even so, if Coppinger stood and won, he would be earning only marginally more than he gets now as a councillor and full time employee in Redcar Council.

7:40 PM on 2/3/2012
How can this be?
Labour are against this policy? They have been very vocal on it.
Not another greedy Labour hypocrite like Prescott?
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7:56 PM on 2/3/2012
Coppinger works full time for Labour on Redcar Council, picks up a nice salary, councillor collecting £6,100, add to that chairs and outside bodies, the bloke on a real good earner, imagine now, sitting in a comfy office, dancing to Labours tune running the cops, even Pravda couldn't make it up.
And that goes for any other politically motivated person.
This position should have no political connections whatsoever, independent and unbiased should be the operative word.

8:17 PM on 2/3/2012
BTW- will he be giving up any of his present 3 jobs - assistant to the labour group in Redcar (full time job) and Cleveland Council, ward cllrs for Pally Park and Mr Mallon's exec cllr for soical care? He has only recently given up his 4th job as the Labour cllr on the P Authority.
This position should be 100% non-political. It should be filled by a totally independent person, preferably someone who has not been a member of a political party for 10 years.
Labour has a stranglehold on this town - we don't want Labour to have a stranglehold on the police here as well surely?

10:33 PM on 2/3/2012
With these strong public comments/views, which i align to many, i may well stand for commissioner myself, mmmmm.
This would seem odd to many, but 25k p/a would reflect my qualifications to carry out such a role which would be nonetheless unrepentant.
Councillors need not apply, move over CPA your about to be boarded, surely not by a political figure though, who gets to vote again? is it public?

10:33 PM on 2/3/2012
den123 - I said Labour would vote my comment regarding Labour mafia down actually!! As for Tory cronies - I have none. As for you meandering - nobody is complaning - you keep on meandering if you feel the need.

11:16 PM on 2/3/2012
Barry Coppinger is of a rare breed. Born and bred in Middlesbrough, he's been a councillor for many years working extremely hard in any role he has undertaken.
The numpties commenting on this story obviously have no idea of the man. They just look at him as 'just another councillor' milking everything for it's worth. But here, you have a man with integrety and above all, HONESTY! Yes, he's always been a staunch labour supporter but in the days when people believed the \labour party were for the people and he has never deviated from that approach. So if a Commisioner is appointed, having this guy at the helm is certainly the best option in my view.

11:46 PM on 2/3/2012
Cleveland police needs a clean out that's obvious. Coppinger has been a member there for years. He is also connected with Mallon and sits on his exec, supporting mallons every move. Say no more , sorry coppinger you are damaged goods. you made your bed now lie in it

11:56 PM on 2/3/2012
I take it Mallon has been told not to bother runningDo not pass go go straight to jail lol. So a Mallon muppet comes forward. Asking for trouble another operation lancet will follow no doubt

1:18 AM on 3/3/2012
The post should go to an independant person not linked to any political party. Other wise they will be bringing politics into the police force. We need a person who is ready to act for the public,,one who doesnt think about lining their pockets , but one the public all want to get what they pay for. After all they are paid from the public purse,,and dont even ask the tax payer whos paying if we agree.

4:40 AM on 3/3/2012
Is this vacent position being advertised
What is the Criteria or profile
what are the roles and responsibilities
I would have thought this is a position for an impartial individual with no political affilations
A person with local knowledge with the acuman for a comprehensive comprehension of the multi cultural population of Middlesbrough in conjunction with present and pending future legislation
A person who would be self motivated to serve the community and not see it as an opportunity to empire building incurring a new financial and unneccesary cost

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