Myplace: to Pee?

Middlesbrough Town Hall: Competition - Spot the Most Expenses Claimed – you’ve got to be in it to win it – Join Now. Cuts in services but no cuts for Councillors or Managers
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Myplace: to Pee?

Post by BoroBot »

Is Cllr Bob Brady helping out with transport costs? :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
Film & sound equipment? - Try Grovehill oh dear yes it disappeared
Radio Station equipment? - Try Gresham oh dear yes it disappeared
Youth Clubs? oh dear - Try Joe Waltons & the plethara of facilities earmarked for demolition in those nasty Tory? Cuts
On the bright side -
St Hilda’s will be provided with toilet facilities giving Middlesbrough two places to pee - Myplace & MIMA

On completion of town centre grassing over - porta loo's will be supplied - the hat trick completed :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
Middlesbrough Council can then claim to be truly taking the piss outa the people
2:34 PM on 1/3/2012
mmm,now let me think youth club for 150,kids how many live over the border .er non .er get the bus,from were,easterside grove hill pally park,get a life,what not another white elephant,
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The Future is bright - the Future is orange - or should that be Mbro Labour Party Red? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Future is bright as Myplace opens its doors
by Sandy McKenzie, Evening Gazette Mar 1 2012
AN HISTORIC Middlesbrough building has been converted to provide a 21st Century facility for the borough’s young people.
Youngsters have helped to plan and design the £4.3m Myplace centre - which has been created in the Custom House in St Hilda’s.
It will first open its doors on Monday and there will be an increase in activity at the centre over the coming few weeks.
But it comes as a raft of other public buildings in the borough face the axe after council budget cuts.
The listed building dates back to 1837 and its redevelopment was paid for through cash allocated by the previous Government.
Middlesbrough Myplace is one of 63 such centres across the country - they are also in the pipeline in Stockton, Redcar and Cleveland and Hartlepool.
Its range of facilities include:
:: Accommodation for various organisations providing support on issues including teenage pregnancy, drink and alcohol, and careers and training;
:: A youth club for up to 150 people;
:: A cafe and alcohol-free disco nights planned using state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems. The cafe will be staffed by young people - with the aim of developing it as a young persons’ business;
:: A theatre space with modern lighting equipment created in the part of the building which - 150 years ago - was used as Middlesbrough Council’s chamber;
:: A sensory room for use by young people with disabilities and for therapeutic treatments;
:: Film and recording studios and equipment which could enable the creation of a radio station;
:: An amphitheatre and allotments just outside the centre.
The project director Wendy Kelly said it is now three years since officials started to work with young people on the project - and that they had been faithful to the agreed bid.
“Now we just want to hear the noise of young people in the building, making use of it and benefitting from it,” she added.
Ms Kelly said young people would continue to be involved in running and developing the centre.
And she pointed out that the words spelled out in the entrance to the new facility - For Young People, By Young People - were the idea of Jess Hendrickson, 18, who helped to shape the project.
Mike Carr, inset, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive councillor for children, families and learning, said the project had kept a major part of Middlesbrough’s history in use.
“It is an investment in Middlesbrough’s young people and it takes youth services and facilities into the 21st Century,” he added.
“Lots of different agencies are involved and this project is exciting and different. We hope it will take things forward in a different and better way.”
Project officer Jade Taylor said the centre was ideal for groups such as the theatre group Company TSU.
“It is an ideal facility and we are really lucky to have it,” she added.
Last month, the Gazette described several library and community buildings face demolition as Middlesbrough Council works to meet spending cuts of about £50m over four years.
Among buildings set to be bulldozed are the Grove Hill and Kader youth and community centres. However, the authority is offering some buildings up to be taken over by community groups.
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