Middlehaven first phase dead duck

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Middlehaven first phase dead duck

Post by BoroBot »

BioRegional Quintain to be wound up
Property developer behind environmentally sustainable schemes will halt work after Middlehaven first phase
Joey Gardiner
The Guardian, Friday 11 November 2011

The UK's highest-profile sustainable developer, BioRegional Quintain, is to be wound up after its parent company, the property developer Quintain, decided to focus on the London market.
BioRegional Quintain, originally set up as a joint venture by the influential environmental charity behind "One Planet Living" and Quintain in 2005, will finish the 80-home first phase of the Middlehaven scheme in Middlesbrough, and then wind itself up.
BioRegional Quintain's chief executive, Pete Halsall, told this week's Building magazine: "It is extremely sad but it is part of a wider decision of Quintain's board to focus on its core business. My understanding is that Quintain wants to be able to express sustainability in its developments in a different way."
Halsall confirmed that the venture would shut, with the loss of five jobs. It leaves the Homes and Communities Agency's (HCA) £200m, 750-home Middlehaven scheme without a residential developer for its later phases, raising fears for the project's green credentials.
BioRegional Quintain will also withdraw from the London Development Agency's prestigious One Gallions project in east London, where it was selected in 2007 with Crest Nicholson and Southern Housing Group to build a model 260-home environmentally sustainable development.
At its peak before the downturn, BioRegional had a £350m development pipeline on six sites. Its most successful scheme was the award-winning One Brighton joint venture with Crest Nicholson, which completed last year and included allotment spaces for residents to grow their own food on the roof of the development.
The joint venture was dedicated to the 10 principles espoused by BioRegional Quintain's "One Planet Living" philosophy, including the need for developments to be zero carbon and zero waste, to use local food, and promote residents' "health and happiness".
Wembley developer Quintain bought BioRegional's share in the joint venture last year. Halsall, who will leave the business, said the move did not mean that the kind of development promoted by BioRegional Quintain was a thing of the past, and that he would shortly be announcing a new venture dedicated to "deep green" developments. "There is still tremendous potential. Quintain has to focus on its primary portfolio right now but this kind of development is absolutely still the future."
The firm's demise was lamented by two Stirling prize-winning architects, both of whom have worked with the developer. Peckham Library architect Will Alsop, who was the master planner on Middlehaven, said: "It is very sad news. This was a company very committed to doing things in a more responsible way."
Peter Clegg, of Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects, which designed One Brighton, called the development a "great shame".
"It was a joint venture between some of the most conscientious sustainability thinkers of the past 10 years and one of the more significant developers, which had significant resources," he said.
David Curtis, HCA executive director, said: "While this is disappointing news, we remain firmly committed to Middlehaven. We are in discussions with BioRegional's parent company, Quintain Estates, to find the best way forward for their work at Middlehaven."
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011 ... NTCMP=SRCH
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Re: Middlehaven first phase dead duck

Post by BoroBot »

Evening Gazette:- late news........ as usual
Developer pulls out of Middlehaven scheme
by Sandy McKenzie, Evening GazetteNov 15 2011
Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... z1dnSmscbn
12:33 PM on November 15, 2011
CIAC it is a shame that the company had not pulled out before they built that "toytown" building. Just like Middlesbrough College building and mima the joke is on the sensible people of Middlesbrough who left to pick up the pieces and pay for them.
Read More http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... z1dnTIdM5B
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Re: Middlehaven first phase dead duck

Post by BoroBot »

Middlesbrough Middlehaven
Riversideone CIAC Community In A Cube
when imagination is allowed to run free.. spectacular things happen..
no doubt you will never have encountered anything quite like it, the ultimate in forward thinking, apart from Scotlands famous "living in a Shipping Container Complex" for anti social families some time back.. modern living in Middlesbrough is about to take shape at riversideone St Hilda's right before your eyes.. please see the preview below of the new Middlesbrough riversideone Community in a Cube.. CIAC..

http://middlesbrough-council.com/archiv ... Page1.aspx

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: Middlehaven first phase dead duck

Post by BoroBot »

on the grapevine...........

Erimus Housing ~ aka ~ "Cllr Bob the builder Brady & Co" bought the Middlehaven new build during construction
just before Quintain Bio went bust :lol:
insider dealing :?: using public money :?:
the tower block with a view over the chemical works the building with a "terrace house" for a roof :lol:
if this is correct (can anyone confirm this)
how does using a public purse organization to partially complete the
"Middlehaven Plan of living in a cube"
sit with government rules concerning using public funds to bail out a company in the private sector :?:

:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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