EU Fallout

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EU Fallout

Post by BoroBot »

Furious Greeks lampoon German 'overlords' as Nazis with picture of Merkel dressed as an SS guard
Street poster depicts German Chancellor wearing a swastika armband bearing the EU stars logo on the outside
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:06 AM on 28th October 2011


Greeks angry at the fate of the euro are comparing the German government with the Nazis who occupied the country in the Second World War.
Newspaper cartoons have presented modern-day German officials dressed in Nazi uniform,
and a street poster depicts Chancellor Angela Merkel dressed as an officer in Hitler’s regime accompanied with the words:
‘Public nuisance.’ She wears a swastika armband bearing the EU stars logo on the outside.

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Re: EU Fallout

Post by BoroBot »

It is extremely amusing to watch the hated EU die a day at a time. .
Let's hope the final bill for the funeral will be more affordable then the cost of keeping it alive for a few more months.
- Brian, Wellingborough., 28/10/2011 0:32
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Re: EU Fallout

Post by BoroBot »

Osborne vows to claw back powers as Europe heads towards a two-tier state
By James Chapman
Last updated at 12:08 AM on 28th October 2011


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Re: EU Fallout

Post by BoroBot »

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