Middlesbrough localism

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Middlesbrough localism

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Communities and Local Government Committee
Select Committee Announcement
House of Commons London SW1P 3JA
Tel 020 7219 4972/1353 Email clgcom@parliament.uk Website http://www.parliament.uk/clg
Media inquiries: Hannah Pearce 020 7219 8430/07917 488162 email pearcehm@parliament.uk
Friday 23 September 2011 For Immediate Release

Clive Betts MP warns ministers not to undermine localism

The Government Response to the Communities and Local Government Committee Third Report of Session 2010–11 intoLocalism (HC 547), published on 7 June 2011, has been published as a Command Paper (CM 8183).

Clive Betts MP, Chair of The Communities and Local Government Committee, has welcomed the publication today of DCLG’s response to the Committee’s report on Localism, but called on Minsters not to undermine decentralisation by intervening on local policy matters.

The committee report, which was published in June this year, pressed the Government to set out more clearly its policies and priorities on localism, and to address apparent tensions such as on the role of elected local authorities in decentralisation.

Mr Betts said, “I am pleased to see that the Committee’s inquiry has prompted the Government to bring some clarity to its intentions and principles regarding localism. The Open Public Services White Paper has in the meantime addressed some of the issues we raised, such as the vital role of local authorities and the need for mechanisms to protect the vulnerable.”

Mr Betts particularly welcomes the Government’s commitment to consider further recommendations for codifying the relationship between central and local government, and to consider including central Government services in the scope of the Community Right to Challenge.

“However, there are some aspects of the policy where I continue to disagree with the Government’s stance,” said Mr Betts. The Committee’s report called on Ministers to rein in their interventionist instincts, but the Government has defended the right of Ministers to express their opinions on decisions made by local authorities. Mr Betts commented, “It is unrealistic to maintain that pronouncements from Whitehall on local policy decisions unpalatable to Ministers do not undermine more positive developments, such as the removal of performance targets for councils.”

Mr Betts also expressed concern that there is no reference in the Government’s response to the progress report the Committee understood the Minister for Decentralisation would be preparing over the summer. “We accept that the Government prefers each Whitehall department to have flexibility in how it implements localism, but without some means to compare their actions to common goals it remains impossible to judge whether departments are merely paying lip service to decentralisation. I am sure the Committee will be interested in following this up.”

The CLG Committee looks forward to continuing the debate with Ministers, representatives of local government and others on the future direction and impact of the localism agenda. The Committee has already questioned the Secretary of State further on financial autonomy for councils and the Community Budgets project, and intends to continue its close interest in the progress of that initiative.


Committee Membership is as follows: Clive Betts (Chair, Lab), Heidi Alexander (Lab), Bob Blackman (Con), Simon Danczuk (Lab), Stephen Gilbert (Lib Dem), David Heyes (Lab), George Hollingbery (Con), James Morris (Con) Mark Pawsey, (Con) , Steve Rotheram (Lab), Heather Wheeler (Con).

Specific Committee Information: clgcom@parliament.uk 020 7219 1353 or 020 7219 4972
Media Information: Hannah Pearce, 020 7219 8430 or 07917 488162
Committee Website: http://www.parliament.uk/clg
Watch committees and parliamentary debates online: http://www.parliamentlive.tv
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