Middlesbrough Council:- washing dirty linen in public

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Middlesbrough Council:- washing dirty linen in public

Post by BoroBot »

Middlesbrough Council:- washing dirty linen in public
Highly unlikely but if done oh what fun will be had
People, especially couples, who argue in front of others or involve others in their personal problems and crises, are said to be washing their dirty laundry in public; making public things that are best left private.
Middlesbrough Cllr's will find this dog bites back
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:53 pm
Rockliffe_Rover wrote:
For those struggling to find my blog, BoroBot has kindly provided a permanent link on MCN, on the thread called 'Northern Echo Forum;- Rockliffe Rover'.
Simply go to the MCN Forum 'Have Your Say', select the thread and the link is in the first post.
Thanks for that BB!

Spacebandit wrote
Excsue the question, MCN forum ?
Some Labour councillors in Middlesbrough last Friday at an impromptu meeting held on the second floor of the municipal buildings in a room formerly occupied by a former regeneration bigwig, borrowed for the duration of the meeting, were being cheered by triumphalist remarks by one of their number, a small fellow, claiming that they had finally succeeded in getting into a forums heirachy and had someone close to the owners and administration and would soon be able to identify and would be able to name "them" all, Middlesbrough does seem to be a tribalist clique filled place full of plastic intrigue. Think I'll stick to places not full of paranoid fellows who have read Tinker Tailor one too many times

Rockliffe_Rover wrote:
Sorry, Spacebandit.
Am I missing an essential piece of continuity between quoting me and your response?
I hope you don't think that I'm the deep cover agent in question!
2) Considering the state of our town, haven't they got more important things to be getting on with?!

Spacebandit wrote
I don't know who is who and am unsure of the forum in question.
My understanding is the glee expressed by those involved was audible outside of the room.
We are discussing Labour councillors here, of course there is nothing more pressing to them that utter trivia and petty point scoring, it is oxygen to them. The town can go to hell in a handbasket as far as they are concerned as long as they get to reveal or embarrass an "enemy". And it looks like they are celebrating a win, for what its worth to them.
They dont care about the town. They need to be gone

http://forum.thenorthernecho.co.uk/view ... c1f90cef6b
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