Home Truths

Middlesbrough News to Post Your Views Discuss local and national topics everyone’s reading it from Teesside, London, Paris & Thorntree. Stories Mbro Gazette won’t publish are here at Middlesbrough Council News Forum including boro entertainment music sport read along with borobot and team. Demolish the spin from within MBC give it a wind and take the plunge join Middlesbrough Council News Forum.
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Home Truths

Post by BoroBot »

Deckard was NOT Watchman. Ridsdale WAS. Strange how Deckard never even mentioned that name. Hes lying thru his teeth. Watchman always wrote something next to his name in every PM to those he was frendly with. Deckard shoud know what it is if hes kosher.
DoNowt was/is Ridsdale:- allegedly
I often look in on the MCN forum much as I would look in on any obsessive 1 trick pony outfit, purely to see how the truly barking see us in the real world. Its quite funny really that they have the cheek to call it a "news" forum when most of it if not all is based on hearsay or untruths. The whole mess is Tosha and his conspiracy theorists, thrown off the EG forum for lies and abuse so he sets up his own. Anyone who dares to appear of the "left" variety is roundly attacked by the Tosha mob and ridiculed or simply banned. Their obsession knows no bounds, all whistle in the wind types hiding out of touch of reality.
To be pitied maybe ? Certainly not to be taken seriously - Watch how long it takes them to "label" me !!
why not join and debate?
http://forum.thenorthernecho.co.uk/view ... c055dec3bd
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Re: Home Truths

Post by BoroBot »

I've just been visiting a local forum. Actually, I thought I was clicking on to a forum belonging to Middlesbrough council. As the name of the forum is Middlesbrough Council News I guess I can be forgiven for that.
This is a forum unlike any other in that it only allows one point of view. If moaning about Labour and Middlesbrough Council is your bag you'll fit in nicely, but take a contrary view and you'll be out on your ear. Don't expect anything approaching fairness from the moderators; you won't get it. Their bias is on show for everyone to see and they contrive a way to ban anyone who disagrees. No matter how polite or fair you try to be, you'll be accused of trying to disrupt the threads. All the posters who were making fair points about the shortcomings of the moderators have disappeared.
They came up with the useful idea of having an open forum where people could air their views. The locked it down two days later. Too many opposing views.
They had an open 'whistleblowers' thread which turned out to be nothing more than a daft rumour mill about Mallon and the council. They've locked that down too because people began to post different views.
The people behind the site have been accused of trying to gather info thru IPs. Not sure if this is true or not but it's probably wise to think twice before signing up. If you want to see how not to run a forum and to see one die a slow and painful death, this is the place to be.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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