Northern Echo's of Barry Coppinger

BARRY Coppinger has become the first person to publicly declare an interest in becoming Cleveland’s first police commissioner. The Middlesbrough councillor has thrown his hat in the ring and announced he is seeking to be Labour’s candidate. He will now go into an internal process which will ultimately select the party’s choice for the November 15 election. The 56-year-old, who lives in Linthorpe, said he had decided to seek the nomination after much deliberation and discussion. Dated March 2012
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Northern Echo's of Barry Coppinger

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Northern Echo’s of Barry Coppinger
Barry Coppinger has a nerve to even think of throwing his hat in the ring for the Police Commissioners post.
This is the man who when the Government made it known we were to have police commissioners, immediately publicly condemned the very idea.
A few months later he resigned his position on the Cleveland Police Authority citing pressures of work, he stated he had first consulted with Mayor Mallon before resigning, he is a member of Mayor Mallons cabinet although it was the Middlesbrough Labour Group who appointed him to the Cleveland Police Authority.
If he secures the Police Commissioners position what role will Mayor Mallon an ex policeman have?
Will Cllr Coppinger resign from his other roles before he stands, Middlesbrough Councillor, Member of the Mayors Cabinet, Labour group advisor for the Redcar and Cleveland Labour Group.
Many people seem to think the Police Commissioners post would be better suited to a non party political person, although it would be advantageous to have political ability, Hartlepool Mayor also Cleveland Police Authority Chair Stuart Drummond seems to fit the bill, he seems to be doing a good job, I hope he puts his name forward.
D.L. Mbro

TOSHA2 Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:35 pm
Coppinger claimed he had to stand down from the CPA for health reasons, how will he cope with a high powered Police Commissioners role????
Or was that an excuse, because he couldn't throw his hat in the ring if he was on the CPA, will his fiull time job at RBC interefere with his aspirations??

TOSHA2 Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:13 pm
Ever heard of miracle cures? Also Mallon as his consultant at his bedside
Disqualifying conditions. Coppinger will have discussed this with George Dunning.
If he is selected to be the Labour candidate he will resign his RBC job, but with the proviso that if he is not elected he will be re-instated.
Remember how Mallon pleaded innocent to all charges at the Lancet inquiry then pleaded guilty to all the same charges when the chief constable charged him under the police disciplinary code in order to get out of the police and stand for Mayor.
This was an admission by Mallon that he will lie when it suits his purpose, but that is a different matter.
But it does demonstrate that they are totally unscrupulous when it comes to serving their own interests.

TOSHA2 Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:21 pm
Workload and health reasons given for resignation from the CPA...... my arris.
He knew he was going for the Police Commisioners job, the stuff was just an excuse..........
Because as a member of the CPA and his full time position both excludes him from application.
If his health and workload was too much for the CPA, what then his health and workload taking on the Police Commissioners job!!!!

From Gazette November 16 2011
Councillor quits police authority LEADING Middlesbrough councillor Barry Coppinger has stepped down as a member of Cleveland Police Authority.
Cllr Coppinger says he is standing down for workload and health reasons. < < < < <
Cllr Coppinger, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive councillor for social care, has served on the police authority for eight years.
He is a councillor for the Pallister Ward and also has a full-time job.
Cllr Coppinger said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my eight years with the police authority and hope I have been able to make a contribution.
"At this difficult time for the council I have found my councillor duties increasingly demanding and felt that I needed to reduce my responsibilities.”
Cllr Coppinger discussed the change fully with Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon and they both decided it was the right decision for all concerned.
Peter Race, chairman of the Cleveland Police Authority, said: “I am sure I speak for the whole authority when I say that we all recognise Barry Coppinger's unstinting commitment to his duties with the police authority and the council - and respect his reasons for now deciding to stand down from the police authority.”
Mr Race said that throughout his time on the authority Cllr Coppinger had fully supported its determination to put resources where they really mattered - into front-line policing and protecting local people and communities.
“He has made a real contribution to the remarkable progress which has seen the Cleveland force become one of the most successful in the country.”
A new representative for the police authority will be put forward in due course.
Cllr Barry Coppinger has served on the police authority for eight years.

TOSHA2 Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:54 pm
Hello, Hello, Reading Barry Coppingers email to all councillors, it seems that Mayor Mallon has made his choice of candidate for the post of PCC, so can we expect the Middlesbrough Labour Party to follow suit.
It seems strange when the Mayor tells us he does not know which party he is closest, he seems to have forgot he was elected as an Independent yet seems to support a labour party member.

Comment.... He hasn't great deal of choice seeing as he was supported by Labour members against their own candidate, pay back time.
I would have thought it would have been the Labour Party who were sending a representative to the Home Office meeting.
Likewise other political parties, surely the meeting was not for one political party. Why did the Mayor not ask Cllr Sajaad khan to attend who has also thrown his hat in the ring?
Barry informs us that at the meeting, ' Many shared a similar view,that it is vital that individuals come forward who are elected' for the PCC post.
Barry's memory is exceptionally short, was it not the politicians on the Cleveland Police Authority who oversaw the present crisis and he was part of that team until the work load or his health problem overtook him, or was it he knew that a member of the Police Authority could not stand for the PCC?

TOSHA2 Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:37 pm
Cllr Coppinger is critical of people suggesting there should be a 'non-political' figure appointed as Police Commissioner. Saying they are missing the point, I am afraid I am missing Cllr Coppingers point, he say's "The creation by the government of elected Police Commissioners has created political roles".
That may be so, it does not mean that a politician should fill the Commissioners role.
The present Cleveland Police Authority for many years has been managed by a majority of politicians, they cannot be proud of what they achieved,we had the criminal investigation Operation Lancet which cost over £7m, followed by a financial crisis, and the present disaster Operation Sacristy which is set to cost unknown millions£.
It happened under their watch when Cllr Coppinger was a member.
Cllr Coppinger you say you are 'seeking the Labour candidacy for Cleveland' it will be a high pressure job very demanding, it was only in November 2011 (E Gazette) that you resigned from the Cleveland Police Authority after first consulting Mayor Mallon who agreed with your decision.
At the time you cited pressure of work and health problems for your decision. I note also that it is a rule, that a member of the Cleveland Police Authority cannot stand for the position of Police Commissioner.
Dennis Lane

PB2 Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:17 am
Ah yes, the idiotic Operation Lancet, what a mess that was!
Let's not also forget the idiotic Operation Granite, concerning Cleveland Police's stitching up of PC Sultan Alam to get him jailed. If Cleveland Police even frame their own officers then surely it must make you wonder how many members of the public are in prison because of their corrupt withholding and/or falsifying of evidence?
Operation Sacristy, ha! ha! ha! Cleveland Police just can't help getting themselves involved in corruption scandals!
I wonder what the name for next year's corruption scandal will be? Perhaps we should send Cleveland Police our suggestions and let them choose their favourite name from our suggestions? ... 729bd8070c
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Re: Northern Echo's of Barry Coppinger

Post by MESCARED »

And now we have allegations of Nepotism, Mcluckouts family seeming to be helped or levered into a job.

I wonder how many on the CPA had any inkling of if it was taking or taken place.

Why did Coppout resign, oh sorry ill health and pressure of work, previously condemning the creation of Police Commissioner role, and then becoming almost the first one to throw his name into the ring. A sudden improvement in health, maybe engendered by the £ note numbers that go with the job. (Not forgetting his buddy Mallon)
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Re: Northern Echo's of Barry Coppinger

Post by MESCARED »

Ill Health....CPA...... more Bullshit!
He's took the PC position, resigned the exec bit, holding on to ward councillor, (well it really is an easy £6100), wonder if he has resigned his Redcar Job?

What happened to overwork and health problems???? Must on multivitamins.
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