Bent Middlesbrough Council?

Cllr Steve Bloundelle, as chairman of Middlesbrough Council, spoke out against the ‘internet bloggers, the critics, the letter-writers to the Gazette, who he claims fuel the flames of the arsonist that torched the vehicles of two Labour councillors. In a blatant attack on the freedom of speech and on democracy, he insisted that the full force of the ‘Law’ should be brought down on such people. Dated: June 20th 2012.
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Bent Middlesbrough Council?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Bent Middlesbrough Borough Councillors Falsify Minutes of Official Meeting.
July 8, 2012 by rocklifferover

It has been brought to my attention that, during Wednesdays Full Council meeting, the last for two months, as our council cant bring themselves to get together for 90 minutes during the whole of August, the customary reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, (the one where Mayor Mallon called community activists ‘terrorists’ and ‘obsessives’, and councillor Bloundelle called for the Press to be gagged, the Gazette letters page to be vetted and for forums and blogs such as this to be closed down) was omitted. This denied anyone the opportunity to question the contents of the minutes of said meeting.

Now, someone has told me that the minutes of that meeting consist solely of a ‘not verbatim’ copy of Mayor Mallons speech. While this was the reason for the meeting to be called, it certainly wasn’t the whole of the meeting.

Apparently, the bit where representatives of other groups and parties within the council expressed their condolences to the two Labour councillors whose property had been attacked, has been omitted.

Apparently, the bit where Mayor Mallon went ‘off-script’ and ranted that he ‘knew’ who the perpetrators of these attacks were and that the ‘Generals’ would be shaking in their boots, etc. has been omitted.

Apparently, the bit where the chair of the council, councillor Steve Bloundelle, spoke from his position as chair in a biased and partisan manner, has been omitted.

And, apparently, the bit where he called for the Press to be gagged, the letters page of the Gazette to be vetted and the closure / silencing of internet forums and blogs that criticise the council has been omitted.

Now, given cllr Bloundelles biased outburst, he also looked directly at one of the vilified ‘letter-writers’ who had raised his hand requesting the right of reply and ignored him, thereby refusing his right of reply and again acting in a partisan manner, from the chair. The combination of these two acts shows beyond doubt that cllr Bloundelle is not able to conduct himself impartially in the role of Chair of the Council. Impartiality is the prime requisite for the role. As such, he is not fit for purpose and should have the decency to stand down. Instead, we get this white-washed version of events spewed forth as the official minutes, thereby rendering any call for Bloundelles removal from role as unfounded.

Let’s be clear on this. The minutes of the Extraordinary Full Council meeting held on Wednesday 20th of June 2012 have NOT been ratified by the full council as a true account of the meeting. They have NOT been presented to the full council for ratification. This, again, must call into question cllr Bloundelles position as Chair of the Council, as it is HIS responsibility to ensure that protocol IS adhered to at all times. He is now abusing that responsibility by flouting protocol, in order to remove from the record his own failure to remain impartial.

Councillor Bloundelles credibility as Chair of the Council is now tarnished beyond doubt and he should, for once, act as protocol demands and stand down from the role and responsibilities of Chairperson. ... l-meeting/
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