Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Cllr Steve Bloundelle, as chairman of Middlesbrough Council, spoke out against the ‘internet bloggers, the critics, the letter-writers to the Gazette, who he claims fuel the flames of the arsonist that torched the vehicles of two Labour councillors. In a blatant attack on the freedom of speech and on democracy, he insisted that the full force of the ‘Law’ should be brought down on such people. Dated: June 20th 2012.
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Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”

Ray Mallon big fish in the small pond of Middlesbrough couldn’t wouldn’t and didn’t cut it in the big pond of life
Mallon on the attack as North East enterprise plans unravel
In an astonishingly-worded statement, Middlesbrough's Mayor Ray Mallon has accused the Northern Business Forum of being 'Fifth Columnists' , http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teess ... -27404533/ attempting to wreck the plans for a Tees Valley LEP.
• Mallon doesn't like this change of direction because he sees himself being sidelined.
Mallon wanted to be a fish in a small pond.
Complete with budget. He thought he would be able to browbeat all those around him.
The very idea of having a big organization, complete with people prepared to have independent ideas frightens him.
This spat is all about Mallon. He feels slighted. Good.

As far as I am concerned the elected government of the day should govern.
The moment they subcontract government to others then you lose accountability.
They will simply blame those they subcontracted to.
What is the point of government if they don't govern?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/richardmoss/ ... north.html
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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”
Middlesbrough councillor Sajaad Khan is running for the Labour ticket, along with his council colleague Barry Coppinger, who sat on the police authority for eight years.

The area’s two independent elected mayors could both be contenders. Stuart Drummond, mayor of Hartlepool, told me a few weeks ago that he hadn’t even thought about it yet. A spokesman for Ray Mallon, the mayor of Middlesbrough (and a former police inspector) said it was 50-50 whether he’d stand. Under the rules either man could carry on being mayor as well as serve as elected police commissioner.
http://uselectionatlas.org/FORUM/index. ... msg3232871
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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Ray Mallon: in perspective?

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!
June 25, 2012 by rocklifferover
The above phrase was bandied about by Mayor Mallon more than once during his Wednesday Night Rant last week. It rang a bell with me, so I decided to look into its origins. Online resource ‘The Phrase Finder’ throws up some very interesting facts about Mayor Mallons latest sound-bite.
http://bettermiddlesbrough.wordpress.co ... ry-afraid/
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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Ray Mallon: in perspective?

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”



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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Ray Mallon: in perspective?

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”
Members of Redcar and Cleveland Council are being urged to make clear their opposition to ‘confusing, conflicting and costly’ proposals to change the way policing is run…and to urge local MPs to vote against them.

A motion to be discussed at Thursday’s meeting of the full Council attacks the plans for the introduction of directly-elected Police and Crime Commissioners, especially at a time when the Government is cutting its funding to the police by 20 per cent or more over the coming four years.

The motion, proposed by the Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Councillor Dave McLuckie, and seconded by Council Leader George Dunning, points out that the proposed Commissioners will have a reported salary of £122,000, elections will cost £50million every four years, with costs of administering the new system totalling £80million a year.

Under the Government proposals, as well as creating the Commissioners, there will be Crime and Policing Panels, including councillors and co-opted members.

The motion challenges the claims from Home Secretary Theresa May that these expensive and complex proposals ‘will replace bureaucratic accountability with democratic accountability’ when one Police and Crime Commissioner is elected and responsible to nearly half a million people across the whole Cleveland area and will also be responsible for producing an Annual Police and Crime Plan, an Annual report for and to local people, various other national strategic reports and policies, as well as budget, accounting and precept responsibilities.’

Said Councillor McLuckie, “This is yet another example where the Government is rushing headlong into a massive shake-up which might have superficial political appeal, but makes no sense at all, especially at a time when we face unprecedented cutbacks in police spending.

“I cannot believe that any elected representative, whether a local councillor or member of Parliament, would want to see millions of pounds being spent on actually adding to bureaucracy rather than it going where it really matters—on front-line policing.

Added Cllr Dunning, “It will be especially interesting to see whether Liberal Democrat members are prepared to stand up in defence of both their constituents and their own Election manifesto—which actually argued for strengthening rather than abolishing police authorities—or whether this will be yet another example of them bowing to an ill-considered and deeply damaging Conservative policy.”


For more information contact :

Cllr Dave McLuckie 07736 086714

Cllr George Dunning 07825 228005
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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Ray Mallon: in perspective?

“be afraid, be very afraid” Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”

direct and swift action will be taken against these terrorists (“so-called community-type activists”)
who could not articulate viable alternatives in Beechwood ward Middlesbrough

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwWi7pkARkA ***** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VvakElYqvQ
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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by MESCARED »

PICKED THIS UP ON MY TRAVELS.....though I am not the author thus I cannot give credit to the originator.


Esteemed councillors and members of the
public, I the Great Chief Inspector Clouseau ............ THIS SPACE HAD A PHOTO OF
have called this extraordinary meeting to
reveal to you what my grey cells have ............ DETECTIVE INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU
uncovered. First of all of course I have to say
that it is that little pompous puffed up braggart ............ PHOTO HERE BUT I CAN,T PRINT IT
Hercule Poirot who, on his own admission has
“the little grey cells”. I, the great Chief
Inspector Clouseau have large grey cells and
it is these cells, unique to me that have
enabled me to unravel a plot so cunning, so ............ THE DETECTIVE INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU
devilish that it would destroy democracy as we
know and practice it in Middlesbrough and
replace it with something even more sinister.

I have prepared a speech which will be the
minutes of this meeting and I will make
another speech which will transfix you in
admiration, for my abilities as a great orator ............ PHOTO HERE BUT I CAN,T PRINT IT
are well known. I just open my mouth and it
pours out. Writing the minutes of the meeting
before it has been held has the advantage that
it enables one or two of my useful idiots on the
council to reveal the depths of the dastardly

plot to replace democracy with something more sinister, something so sinister that even I, the great Clouseau dare
not reveal to you what it is. Using my formidable powers of reasoning and armed with the shining shield of truth I
not only uncovered the plot but also the identity of the plotters. Although to you the plot was invisible, hidden away
with extreme cunning from the public gaze, to the acute brain of the great Clouseau combined with great wisdom
acquired through experience it was transparent.

Where do you put something if you want to hide it? Where everybody can see it. So, armed with this knowledge
Clouseau turned to the letters page of the Evening Gazette. And there it was. Invisible to everybody except the
great Clouseau, the whole dastardly plot in the form of letters. Not only did Clouseau read the letters, I analysed
them, studying them for every subtle nuance, and then, using the vision, for which Clouseau is renowned, worked
out the identity of the writers of the letters. By the simple act of reading the letters to the end, I found their names.
The fools, they had reckoned without the great Clouseau, and now I had the identities of the “political obsessive’s”,
the tiny gang that had set fire to two Labour councillors’ cars and who prefer the petrol bomb to the ballot box. How
do I know they are the guilty ones? Because to the great Clouseau it is obvious. Councillors, I can understand if
you are afraid, but do not fear. The great Clouseau is here to protect you. My message to the “political
obsessive’s”, these terrorists who in the dead of night write letters to the Evening Gazette – be afraid – be very

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Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Post by MESCARED »



Maybe that is a better result. Yours truly.... political obsessive :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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