“My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

THERE has been - for some time - a concentrated effort to challenge democracy in Middlesbrough - "and replace it with something much more sinister". So says Mayor Ray Mallon, who last night spoke out at a special meeting of Middlesbrough Council prompted by a series of attacks on elected members. Former detective Mr Mallon said he had also arrived at a judgement as to who is likely to become the target of future criminal action. Dated: June 20th 2012.
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“My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »

Cleveland Police Commissioner Election Campaign is under way.

The front man appears to be Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon.
During a heated meeting at Middlesbrough Town Hall (June 20 2012)
veiled and not so veiled threats loomed along with stories of doom & gloom mixed with the message -

“be afraid, be very afraid”

Democracy died a little more in Middlesbrough during that meeting.
Those who question the leadership at Middlesbrough Town Hall are now deemed "terrorists".
Constituents who wish for nothing more than a "Better Middlesbrough" are being called "terrorists" by Ray Mallon led Middlesbrough Council.

Has the "TERROR" in Middlesbrough started?

Calls resounded around the chamber stating the Evening Gazette should stop publishing readers (dissidents) letters.


Talk about balance:
Residents of Middlesbrough are beginning to wonder should members of MBC begin a course of collective group therapy?.

Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon

“My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Mr Mallon added said politics was about influencing and persuading one another, a complex interaction of many people across the town from all walks of life. “There will always be some agreement and disagreement but, when major decisions are taken, the democratic voting rights of elected representatives will prevail,” he added. He referred to “so-called community-type activists” who had been scathing about many councillors in the Council Chamber. “Such individuals had personal agendas towards some of you, both individually and collectively,” he added. “Many of these people could only criticise and could not articulate viable alternatives. “It appeared to me they did not want change in so far as the town was concerned.”
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Re: “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Post by MESCARED »

I WONDER IF Mr Mallon has been genning up on his literary failings.

http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/be%2 ... fraid.html

I think,this phrase originated in the 1986 horror film The Fly, starring Jeff Goldblum (as Seth Brundle) and Geena Davis (as Veronica Quaife). The shortened expression 'be very afraid' was already in use in the USA prior to 1986; for example, it was used in the television series All My Children in 1970.
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Re: “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Post by MESCARED »

Re: Ray Mallon: in perspective?

Postby MESCARED » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:21 pm
PICKED THIS UP ON MY TRAVELS.....though I am not the author thus I cannot give credit to the originator.


Esteemed councillors and members of the
public, I the Great Chief Inspector Clouseau ............ THIS SPACE HAD A PHOTO OF
have called this extraordinary meeting to
reveal to you what my grey cells have ............ DETECTIVE INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU
uncovered. First of all of course I have to say
that it is that little pompous puffed up braggart ............ PHOTO HERE BUT I CAN,T PRINT IT
Hercule Poirot who, on his own admission has
“the little grey cells”. I, the great Chief
Inspector Clouseau have large grey cells and
it is these cells, unique to me that have
enabled me to unravel a plot so cunning, so ............ THE DETECTIVE INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU
devilish that it would destroy democracy as we
know and practice it in Middlesbrough and
replace it with something even more sinister.

I have prepared a speech which will be the
minutes of this meeting and I will make
another speech which will transfix you in
admiration, for my abilities as a great orator ............ PHOTO HERE BUT I CAN,T PRINT IT
are well known. I just open my mouth and it
pours out. Writing the minutes of the meeting
before it has been held has the advantage that
it enables one or two of my useful idiots on the
council to reveal the depths of the dastardly

plot to replace democracy with something more sinister, something so sinister that even I, the great Clouseau dare
not reveal to you what it is. Using my formidable powers of reasoning and armed with the shining shield of truth I
not only uncovered the plot but also the identity of the plotters. Although to you the plot was invisible, hidden away
with extreme cunning from the public gaze, to the acute brain of the great Clouseau combined with great wisdom
acquired through experience it was transparent.

Where do you put something if you want to hide it? Where everybody can see it. So, armed with this knowledge
Clouseau turned to the letters page of the Evening Gazette. And there it was. Invisible to everybody except the
great Clouseau, the whole dastardly plot in the form of letters. Not only did Clouseau read the letters, I analysed
them, studying them for every subtle nuance, and then, using the vision, for which Clouseau is renowned, worked
out the identity of the writers of the letters. By the simple act of reading the letters to the end, I found their names.
The fools, they had reckoned without the great Clouseau, and now I had the identities of the “political obsessive’s”,
the tiny gang that had set fire to two Labour councillors’ cars and who prefer the petrol bomb to the ballot box. How
do I know they are the guilty ones? Because to the great Clouseau it is obvious. Councillors, I can understand if
you are afraid, but do not fear. The great Clouseau is here to protect you. My message to the “political
obsessive’s”, these terrorists who in the dead of night write letters to the Evening Gazette – be afraid – be very

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Re: “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Post by MESCARED »

NOW I HAVE................

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Re: “My message to them is - Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Post by MESCARED »

We have a Labour Party candidate for Police Commissioner who supported Ray Mallon against that of Labours official candidate in 2002 and has been supportive ever since, against Labour Party Rules, mind he was not the only Labour member to do so in Middlesbrough.

Chapter 2 rule 4 a, States anyone who supports a non Labour member, shall be expelled from the party.

A candidate who ignores the rules of his own party.
I wonder what other rules he will chooses to ignore.
What could be more serious than helping to defeat your own party's official candidate.
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