Middlesbrough Localism

Following the outcome of the Police and Crime Commissioner election held last week, Councillor Coppinger has now resigned from his position as Executive Member for Social Care. Councillor Coppinger will continue in his role as Councillor for Pallister Ward until further notice.
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Middlesbrough Localism

Post by Spanish-Inquisition »


As described in the now declassified 1970 Foreign Office document (FCO 30/1048)
Localism was designed to make us believe we still had some democratic control while our government planned to 'blur the lines of power between Westminster and Brussels over a thirty year period
The idea being that by the time we woke up to the complete loss of sovereignty
it would all be too late hence the push for local police chiefs mayors, etc
Cameron is just completing the task he was set out to do
The local officials Middlesbrough Council for example however believe they are each running their own little country

Read more

http://www.acasefortreason.org.uk/index ... co-30-1048
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... s-ago.html
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